Global game evolution

Chapter 373 A weirdo in disguise—looking for the mask

Seeing that Chen Anlin was silent, the fat woman thought that Chen Anlin was timid, and she smiled even more proudly.

"Chen Lin, you can continue to work here with peace of mind. Don't worry, we are keeping your money for you. We won't give it to you now because we are afraid that you will spend it randomly."

The fat woman winked at her husband, trying to persuade Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin sneered. He changed his mind and said, "Okay, if you save it for me, then just keep it."

"Haha, okay, let's eat. After you finish eating, I'll get you some money in the evening."

The couple walked out.

As soon as they left, Chen Anlin started to think about it.

It is absolutely impossible for him to stay here. The plan for now is to leave here secretly.

As long as you find the place where Stanley is about to jump into the river and pick up the mask, all problems will be solved.

When he came to the door, he saw the couple in the store busy outside. Chen Anlin secretly locked the kitchen door.

Then he grabbed a grocery bag, took some food, and slipped out of the back door.

The back door is an alley, where there are several garbage dumps, dirty water flowing across it, and no one around.

After walking to the street, Chen Anlin thought about the specific location of the place where Stanley jumped into the river.

In my memory, the bridge was an iron bridge, spanning a large river.

There aren't many bridges like this in the city, so they're easy to find.

It was afternoon. Chen Anlin took a taxi and said, "Driver, are there any iron bridges recently?"

"Iron bridge?"

The driver glanced at Chen Anlin suspiciously, and after realizing that he was not well-dressed, asked: "You don't want to commit suicide, right? Young man, there is no difficulty in this world that cannot be overcome. Look at me, both parents are dead, and the child is There was a car accident, my wife died of illness, I drank and drank every day, and I was fine, wasn't it? You have to be strong."

Chen Anlin: "…………"

"Master driver, I think you misunderstood. I just want to ask."

"Get out of the car. I know you want to commit suicide. I won't stop you."

"What about this?"

Chen Anlin took out a few U.S. dollars.

This was the only money he had left, and he didn't believe the driver would refuse.


The allure of money is huge.

Seeing the money, the driver smiled: "It seems that you really can't think about it. Hey, whatever, you have to help people to the end. I will help you, but as promised, I am not doing it for the money."

As he spoke, the driver collected the money, started the car and drove away.

Sure enough, the charm of money is big.

About 20 minutes later, Chen Anlin had stopped by a river.

In front of us is the big iron bridge that appears in the movie.

Exactly the same.

In order not to make any mistakes, Chen Anlin also specifically asked the driver how many such bridges there are here.

"How many seats?"

The driver wanted to laugh after hearing this: "There is only one river here, of course it's just one river. I'll leave first. Young man, please be more open-minded. Although I have taken away the only money you have left, I see you have nowhere to go." , but you have to have confidence, believe me, as long as you work hard and persist, you will find out in the future, just get used to it."

Chen Anlin: "…………"

Thank you very much.


The car leaves.

Chen Anlin walked along the road towards the river.

In memory, the protagonist Stanley was standing on the bridge, looking at the sparkling lake, and suddenly saw the mask on the lakeside.


"How come there isn't?"

Chen Anlin searched around the lake, but found nothing.

"Isn't it here?"

Chen Anlin carefully identified it and confirmed that it was correct.

"Then there's only one possibility, the mask hasn't come yet."

He stretched out his hand and felt the water flowing on the lake.

The water flow was very fast, which further confirmed Chen Anlin's idea.

The mask must not have floated over yet.

"It seems we can only wait here."

Chen Anlin was not in a hurry. It was still daytime anyway, so he was going to find a station to look at the map and confirm the location.

On the Holy Land Abil's side, he and I love to do housework, and the three of them have arrived at a private house.

"Sir, what are we doing here?" I was puzzled because I love to do housework.

Along the way, Holy Land Abil obviously knew some strategies for this dungeon.

But as a member of the God Clan, how could he share this information with others?

So he just asked the two of them to follow and assist.

Of course, for my love of housework and sweets, they are not worried that Holy Abil will deal with them.

The reason is very simple. The Gods are proud. Their words are hard to follow, and they will try their best to fulfill their promises to others.

Otherwise, it would be reneging on one's word.

They feel that only villains can go back on their word and be cunning and cunning.

Because of knowing this, both women felt relieved.

Saint Abil said: "My brother gave me the guide. This place belongs to the gang leader Dorian."

"I see."

"Control Dorian later. As far as I know, Tina is also here. If you control Dorian, you will control Tina. Then you can use Tina to threaten Stanley."

"High, really high."

"Stop talking nonsense, you two, go to Stanley's bank now, be careful not to be discovered by him."

I love doing housework: "I understand."

Candy is awesome: "Sir, let's go then."

When they arrived, Holy Land Abil had already grabbed a car and money, which was enough for the two women to move.

The two women drove away.

Just now, Dorian had informed them of the location of the bank where Stanley worked, so it was easy to find them.

This is also the purpose of finding these two women this time, which is to follow Stanley.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Stanley was actually just a clerk at this time, but they all thought he was very powerful.

Saint Abil walked straight towards the house.

As the main villain, Dorian, the underworld leader is currently planning to rob a bank with a group of his men.

Next to Dorian, stood a stunning beauty, the heroine Tina.

"Tina, you did a good job today and successfully observed the bank branch. However, the bank clerk seemed to be quite interested in you today."

Dorian half-smiled.

"You're talking about Stanley, right?"

"Oh, you still remember his name, it's really extraordinary."

Tina's face was expressionless: "His name was written on his desk, so I know."

"Well, that's it."

Tina said: "What, are you jealous? Don't you like me seeing other men?"

"Nonsense, you are mine, you know? Mine! I don't want you to be abducted by others."

Tina's face was gloomy. In fact, she wanted to leave here and leave Dorian, the madman.

However, Dorian would not make it easy for her, so after thinking about it, she could only stay here, and she wanted to find a chance to leave.


Just then, Saint Abil walked into the house.

"It's quite lively."

Saint Abil smiled.

"Boy, this is not the place you should be, get out of here right now."

A younger brother came up and said coldly.

Santi Abil was disdainful: "I hate people calling me brat."

"court death!"

The younger brother goes up and punches me.

However, the younger brother, who was obviously strong and strong, had his arm twisted in the lightning and flint, and was immediately kicked away by Saint Abil.

The next second, he came to Dorian and lifted Dorian up with one hand.

"Don't...don't, let me go." Dorian begged for mercy in fear.

Holy Land Abil said calmly: "I am the God in heaven. This time I come here to give you an opportunity to be loyal to God. Do you know?"

His terrifying power frightened everyone present.

There was no way, the strength was too great. I never expected that this stranger was so strong. He could lift someone up with one hand. This was not something ordinary people could do.

"God..." Dorian was a little confused.

Saint Abil ignored him and continued: "I know you want to rob the bank, but there is a devil there. If you meet him, you will only die."

"Can you put me down first?"

After hearing what Holy Land Abil said, Dorian became a little convinced.

After all, this stranger is not only powerful and has powers that ordinary people don't have, but he also directly knows the secret of their plan to rob the bank.

Saint Abil put Dorian down and said calmly: "Next, you all follow my instructions. I only need to deal with Stanley. As for the money in the bank, you can take whatever you want."


Holy Land Abil looked at him coldly, "Gods never lie."

"Yes, we understand."


At night.

Chen Anlin returned to the lake again.

He checked around the area in the afternoon and couldn't find the mask.

Fortunately, he went to the convenience store and checked the map. There was indeed a large iron bridge here.

"As long as you stay here, everything will be fine."

In the evening, Chen Anlin sat on the bridge pier bored, eating food brought from the restaurant.

At this time, Stanley, the hero of the movie, drove his classic car to a big hotel.

He wanted to create an encounter with Tina.

Unfortunately, the car was too worn out.

As soon as they arrived, people laughed at the shabby car.

In great embarrassment, Stanley drove away in embarrassment.

"Oh, what a bad luck."

On the way, Stanley kept sighing.

He hated himself for being incompetent and for having no money and power.

Otherwise, he will definitely be able to catch Tina.

"It's all your fault!"

Stanley slapped the steering wheel hard.

In his opinion, it was all his fault that this classic car had embarrassed him. Otherwise, how could he be so embarrassed?

The car had already reached the big iron bridge at this time, but at this moment, the car made a "boom, boom, boom" sound and stalled.

Chen Anlin had been keeping watch. Stanley's classic car was easy to spot and he recognized it at once.

"Hahaha, it's coming, it's coming!"

Chen Anlin was very excited. He had to get the mask before Stanley got it.

"He's off the bus now and will be standing on the edge of the bridge in a state of extreme depression."

"So, the mask should be here by now, right?"

Chen Anlin looked carefully towards the lake, and sure enough, he noticed something was wrong not far away.

In the river, a pile of hay floated vaguely, and there seemed to be a mask on the hay pile.

Green mask!

Chen Anlin's eyes lit up.

Then the pile of hay got stuck on a pile of rocks and stopped drifting.

"finally come."

I've been waiting for so long just for this mask.

Chen Anlin immediately jumped into the lake and swam towards the mask.

Swim over to the mask and retrieve the green mask from the haystack.

At the moment of contact, Chen Anlin felt the cold touch coming from the mask.

A strange feeling spread throughout his body instantly.

"It feels so comfortable, this is the mysterious mask."

Chen Anlin smiled, but did not put on the mask immediately.


At this time, the sound of someone jumping into the river came from behind. Chen Anlin turned around, a little confused, but he didn't expect Stanley to jump down.

"Are you OK?"

Judging from the situation, Stanley did not jump down because he wanted to commit suicide. He saw Chen Anlin in the river and thought he was going to commit suicide.

Chen Anlin's eyes flickered.

There are two tasks this time.

Defeating Stanley and the gangster Dorian respectively.

Needless to say, Dorian is easy to solve.

And Stanley without the mask is actually easy to solve.

So the question is, even if I defeat him, what will I do if Abil and others from the Holy Land find him afterwards?

Stanley can't deal with them.

"Why don't we deal with Stanley directly?"

Think about it.

Chen Anlin shook his head.

He also needs to find Dorian and others, so if he keeps Stanley, it will be easier to find those people.

Moreover, Stanley, the protagonist, is a good old man and very pitiful. He cannot bear to kill such a person.

"Looks like I'm going to go with Stanley."

Chen Anlin thought about it, and there were two benefits to being with him.

First, Stanley will not be found by Saint Abil and others, so that he can ensure that only he gets an 8-star rating.

Second, following Stanley can meet the villain Dorian, which is very convenient.

Based on this, Chen Anlin quickly made a decision.

"I'm fine." Chen Anlin greeted Stanley: "I felt a little unhappy, so I came down to swim."

Stanley was speechless and said: "What a coincidence, I'm not happy too, can you tell me?"

"Well, I didn't have a good job and had no money, but I fell in love with a girl. In order to chase her, I went to her house, but because the car I drove was too shabby, her family laughed at me."

What Chen Anlin said is actually Stanley's story.

What he said actually resonated with Stanley.

Sure enough, Stanley thought of himself. Wasn't what he encountered exactly the same as Chen Anlin?

"Brother, don't be sad. You can't solve any problems by committing suicide like this."

"you're right."

"Let's go upstairs. I'll take you back. Where do you live?"

The two were chatting. While waiting for the insurance company to tow the car, Chen Anlin noticed a car parked not far away and had been parked for a while.

This caught Chen Anlin's attention.

It seems that he is being followed.

Chen Anlin felt like a mirror in his mind. This person was following Stanley, and it must be the group of people from Holy Land Abil.

Smiling inwardly, Chen Anlin clenched his fists.

Now that he has obtained the green mask, these people are just clowns and not worth mentioning.

After a while, the tow truck came.

Chen Anlin took a trailer and came to the city center with Stanley.

"This is my home, Mr. Chen Anlin, goodbye." Stanley got out of the car and said hello with a smile.

did not expect.

Chen Anlin also got out of the car: "What a coincidence, I live near here too."

Stanley was surprised: "What a coincidence."

"Yes." Chen Anlin casually pointed not far away: "I live there, where are you?"

"This is upstairs." Stanley said awkwardly, "It's rented."

"Stanley, you are finally back." At this time, a fat blond woman rushed out of the building: "I have been looking for you for a long time today. When will the rent be paid?"

As soon as Stanley saw the woman, he immediately became scared: "I...I will do it as soon as possible."

"As soon as possible, how many days have it been?"

Chen Anlin walked over and said, "I will pay his rent."

"Huh?" The woman was stunned: "You give it?"

"I'm his friend. Just wait for me for an hour and I'll give you the money later."

An hour was not long. The woman nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you."

After she left, Stanley frowned and said, "Chen Lin, are you really helping me?"

"Of course, then I will send you the money later?"

"I'll pay you back."

Stanley looked excited.

While they were chatting, a car had already stopped not far behind them.

"Ha! This jigsaw is quite capable. It actually got closer to Stanley before us."

Talking is Candy Awesome.

She and I had been driving together for a while, watching Chen Anlin get into Stanley's car.

"This man is really not simple. He actually dared to get into Stanley's car."

"Isn't he afraid that Stanley will be bad for him?"

"Who knows, it's so weird anyway."

How would they know, if they didn't know the plot, that Stanley was actually a good old man and that his transformation came from that mask.

Unfortunately, these people all thought Stanley was an evil weirdo.

"Stanley is upstairs. In order to prevent Jigsaw from causing trouble, let's deal with him in advance."

Candy Awesome Offer.

I love doing housework to concentrate.

Originally, she was not willing to go against Jigsaw. This was her sixth sense.

She always feels that a person who can get two 8-star reviews in a row is not simple.

She was worried that she would kick the iron plate, so she hesitated: "He didn't provoke us either, so why don't we just forget it?"

"Are you scared?" Guangdong Chaozhan curled his lips and picked up a pistol in the car.

When they robbed the car, they found a gun in the car. With this gun, it was just a matter of one shot to deal with Jigsaw.

"Hey, Jigsaw is here."

I Love Doing Housework stared at Chen Anlin as he walked towards the alley next to him.

Guangdong Chaozhan smiled: "They probably found us and ran away. I'll go over now."

"I think we should take a long-term approach, little sister, listen to Auntie and don't cause trouble."

"Auntie, you are old. Now that I have solved the jigsaw, Lord Abil of the Holy Land will be very happy."

I love doing housework and sighed: "But..."

"Stop it, Auntie, I know you are timid, so just let me go by myself, and you can stay here with peace of mind."

Before I could finish my words, Candy Chaozhan got out of the car alone with a pistol and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

In the alley.

Chen Anlin took out the green mask.

There seemed to be magic power on the mask. The moment I saw the mask, I felt a strong urge to put it on.

‘Put it on… put it on… put it on…’

A voice floated in my mind.


Suddenly, Chen Anlin came to his senses, "This mask is very tempting."

Fortunately, he knew the plot and there was no danger in wearing the mask.

Holding the mask, Chen Anlin put it on.

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