Global game evolution

Chapter 374 A weirdo in disguise—Let’s rock together (additional update)



In the dark and shadowy alley, there was sudden lightning and thunder, and strong winds, as if something big had happened.

The Candy Super Demonic woman who was approaching the alley paused, feeling a little strange.

"Weird, weird, what happened there? Why did it happen suddenly?"

She clutched the pistol tightly and headed toward the alley.

In the alley, the moment Chen Anlin put on the mask, the mask was like an octopus, clinging to his face.

In an instant, Chen Anlin felt full of strength.

Whoosh whoosh!

After spinning around in a circle, Chen Anlin smiled: "Wow, wow, this feels so good."

In an instant, Chen Anlin seemed to have changed into a different person. The wildness in his heart was released, and he showed an evil smile.

"Now, it's party time because I want to."

Chen Anlin took out his mobile phone and took several selfies of himself.

Then, under the illumination of the flashlight, he danced step by step out of the alley.

"Hey, there seems to be no music, so...Murek!"

His tape started to play like a spring.

"Every time I move, I'll fight again, every time I move, I'll fight again!"

"Let's rock together! Let's rock together!"

"Every time I move, I'll fight again, every time I move, I'll fight again!"

"Remember all the troubles and come together to rock together. Yesterday's joy will turn into tomorrow's melancholy. It is better to let us rock together to our heart's content now. Don't expect people who will never come back. Don't wait for things that cannot be realized."

Before walking out of the alley, Candy Chaozhan walked in.

As they walked, Candy Chaoshan murmured: "Why did Jigsaw sing a song? Are you so high?"

When she saw Chen Anlin, she was even more surprised: "Jigsaw! Why are you wearing a mask?"

Candy is awesome, although I have only met Chen Anlin once.

But he still recognized Chen Anlin from the outline of Chen Anlin's face.

"Hello, candy girl."

Like a gust of wind, Chen Anlin came behind Candy Chaozhan in the blink of an eye: "Are you here to find me?"

Candy is amazing: "Your speed..."

"Don't tell me, just kiss me."

After giving Candy a good kiss, Chen Anlin smiled and said, "Sorry, my kissing skills are average."

Candy is awesome: "…………"

Chen Anlin: "Hey, you still have a gun."

Candy Chaoshan's expression changed, he broke away from Chen Anlin and pointed his gun at Chen Anlin: "Jigsaw, don't get too close to me, today is the day you die!"


Chen Anlin's eyes were like springs, and they all stared out: "It's a gun, you actually hold a gun, it's so scary!"

There is no fear in this expression.

Candy's super angry voice: "Asshole, make you crazy, I will kill you."

"Bang bang bang!"

This woman was also decisive and shot directly.

At this second, Chen Anlin's body was like a gummy candy, moving left and right, dodging continuously.

All bullets were empty.

"What's going on?" Candy was confused. She found that Chen Anlin seemed to be different.

"Just a little bit, I can't fight, I can't fight!"

Chen Anlin made a face and walked over: "Shooting is not good, you should be punished."


He took out a whip from his pocket: "Show time!"


Bang bang bang bang......

After several consecutive whips, Candy Chaozhan was thrown into the trash can after a minute, having been whipped to waste.

Chen Anlin walked out of the alley calmly and saw I love doing housework in the car.

I love doing housework and was wondering why Candy Super hasn’t come back yet. At this time, she saw Chen Anlin coming out.

And he looks weird, not like an ordinary person at all.

"It's really weird."

I love doing housework and quickly started the car to leave.

"Auntie, auntie!"

Unexpectedly, in an instant, Chen Anlin had arrived in front of the car.

"Hey, let's see who it is, aunt, I love doing housework, aunt, is it you?"

I love doing housework: "..."

Chen Anlin: "Did you just come with Candy Chaozhan?"

I love doing housework: "Where is she?"

Chen Anlin: "Guess."

You guesstimate, looking at Chen Anlin's appearance, the ominous premonition that I love doing housework is getting stronger and stronger, and I should run away at this time.

I love doing housework: "Sorry, I have to leave."

"Where to go? Together."

I love doing housework.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Anlin was already sitting in the passenger seat.

He didn't know where he took out the comb, and he was combing his hair in front of the reflector.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a hair on his head.


Chen Anlin whistled and said, "I love doing housework, auntie. Did you and Candy Chaoshan just want to kill me?"


"Well, I believe it. After all, aunt, you are so honest, right?"

I love doing housework: "Yes...yes."

Chen Anlin: "So, why are you here?"

I love doing housework beyond words.

"Didn't you hear it?" Chen Anlin pulled out a tweeter like a magic trick and shouted loudly: "Didn't you hear it?"

Bang bang bang bang…………

The sound is too loud.

All the car windows were shattered. My house-loving auntie’s head was buzzing from the shock, and she couldn’t recover for a long time.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

These are the last thoughts of my house-loving aunt.

When she came to her senses, she found that the car had been driven to the river at some point, and she and the car rushed into the river.


Chen Anlin, who came ashore, clapped his hands and looked at the time.

"I'm going to see Stanley. Stanley, I'm coming too."

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Anlin was very fast, his feet seemed to have turned into wheels, and he arrived downstairs at Stanley's house in a short while.

"Huh, here we are."

"But..." Chen Anlin touched his pocket. He just promised Stanley to pay his rent, but now he doesn't have a penny on him.

"Let's borrow some first."

After a while, Chen Anlin came to a remote neighborhood nearby.

This is the famous Sangui neighborhood.

No one dares to wander around on the street so late at night. The only ones who can wander around are the gangsters here.

"Even if you die, you need to love me!!"

Chen Anlin sang while walking, which quickly attracted the attention of many gangs.

"Mad, he's an Asian boy. He's singing here so late at night. He's deliberately provoking us."

A black man picked up a baseball bat and said coldly: "I happen to have no money, let's go get some money to spend."

"Okay, brother."

Several of the men around him laughed ferociously.

"I heard that Asians are very rich. This guy must have a lot of it."

"Hey, you're actually wearing a black mask. Do you want to scare people?"

Several people were talking and laughing, walking towards Chen Anlin with their hands in their pockets and hoods on their heads.

"Hai brother."

Several black people stood in front of Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin stopped and said in a weird tone: "Hey, my black brother, what do you want from me? Do you want to treat me to a meal? I'm just hungry."

"Are you stupid? Should we treat you to dinner?"

The black boss looked at his younger brothers.

The group of people all laughed in unison.

"I guess he drank too much. A few slaps will be enough for this guy."

"I think his shoes are very good. Hey, boy, take off your shoes."

In foreign countries, shoes are very expensive. Many robbers not only steal money, but even shoes. This is very frustrating.

"You're talking to me." Chen Anlin pointed at himself with an exaggerated expression.

"Why are you wearing a green mask at night?"

"That's you, are you playing the Hulk?"

Chen Anlin smiled: "What about the Hulk? That's okay, then I'll become one!"

The next second, Chen Anlin's body suddenly grew bigger.

"Hey, brothers." Chen Anlin turned around. He had turned into a Hulk more than three meters tall. This scene shocked a group of gangsters.



"Don't run, we haven't had enough fun yet."

Chen Anlin jumped over and stopped in front of a group of people. Then he threw it hard with his back hand, and immediately hit everyone in the group.

"Look, we can still have fun."

Chen Anlin picked up the most ferocious gangster he had just shouted, stepped on the other man, and shouted: "Okay, now you should give me money, hurry up."

"Yes Yes."

Now, no one dares to say 'no', but a few people are hurriedly taking money.

With so many people adding up to a lot of money, Chen Anlin was very satisfied.

"Okay, you guys just lie down like this and count to 100 before you get up."


After saying that, Chen Anlin left instantly.

Back downstairs at Stanley's house.

At this moment, a feeling of fatigue came over me.

This feeling is as if the strength is too much and you need to rest.

Chen Anlin took off his mask and struggled to break free.


The mask was finally taken off.

Chen Anlin stood downstairs with a look of disbelief on his face.

Just after putting on the mask, a surging power was clearly awakened in his body, and then he became different.

He became excited and fearless, and he even felt like he had magic and could conjure many things out of thin air.

Just like the comb and the huge horn just now, they were just conjured out of thin air.

"It feels so strange. Is this the devil's mask?"

Chen Anlin observed the mask, feeling faintly excited.

After putting on this mask, he really becomes stronger.

But there is one bad thing, that is, his personality has changed drastically and he likes to play pranks.

Thinking of the scene where he suddenly sang just now, Chen Anlin was speechless.

This is obviously not my style, but I did it by mistake.

When I went upstairs, I saw the old landlady standing at the door of Stanley's house and yelling: "Don't wait, do you think your friend will really get money for you? Save it, now I want you to move out immediately."

"It's so late, how about moving tomorrow?"

"Now, immediately, immediately!"

Stanley: "..."

Poor Stanley, he was really honest and was bullied into this by his landlord.

Chen Anlin walked over and shouted, "I'm coming."

"Chen Lin, you are really here." Stanley was shocked and ran over and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back."

"It's okay, we're all friends."

Chen Anlin smiled and gave the money to Stanley.

The landlord who got the money was very satisfied and said, "Well, Stanley, it seems you have made a good friend. Now that you have money, you can continue to live there."

Twisting his waist, the landlord went back to the house.


Stanley breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly: "Thank you, friend, thanks to you. Come into the house."

Entering Stanley's house, a dog rushed over and looked at Chen Anlin curiously.

The dog also made a splash in the movie, donning a green mask and transforming into Super Dog.

After entering the room, Stanley sat on the edge of the bed lifelessly, looked around and spread his hands: "Chen Lin, look, I have nothing but my dog."

Chen Anlin: "Do you want to change your destiny?"

Stanley shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Unless God comes, I'm afraid my fate cannot be changed."

Chen Anlin: "What about this? Let me introduce my old friend, Franklin!"

Stanley took out a large pile of big bills, and was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "This is your money."

Chen Anlin: "Yes, it is indeed my money, but as long as you do one thing for me, it will all be yours. Not only that, one million, and then I will give you one million."

According to Chen Anlin's knowledge, there should be a group of gangsters robbing the bank tomorrow night.

He could have taken advantage of them to rob the bank and take the money away suddenly.

Chen Anlin: "With money, you can do whatever you want."

Stanley: "What am I going to do?"

"Just hide. You only need to hide for 5 days. I will arrange for you to stay in a hotel during these days."


Stanley wanted to speak, but Chen Anlin stopped him: "You may think I'm lying to you, but let's be honest, how about I give you one million tomorrow?"

Stanley: "Why?"

Chen Anlin smiled: "I am a rich second generation, and I want to change the life of a poor person, that's all."


In Stanley's mind, Chen Anlin's behavior seemed like a lunatic.

But he likes it!

One million, how many people will never earn this amount in their lifetime.

And he can get it by staying comfortably in a hotel for 5 days.

However, just in case, Stanley said: "You won't ask me to do anything else. I can explain that I will not do bad things."

Chen Anlin: "Of course not, I won't even bother you these days."

Stanley: "That's okay."

"Okay, let's go now."

"So fast?"



After working until midnight, Chen Anlin opened a hotel for Stanley and stayed there.

As for going to work the next day, do you still need to go to work if you have a million dollars?

The next night, Chen Anlin went out to get money for Stanley.

Just like in the movie, a group of gangsters came to rob the bank where Stanley worked.

Two cars came, and a group of men in black broke into the bank with submachine guns.

"Hurry up, the security system here has been destroyed, but just in case, you must take the money away quickly."

"Yes, BOSS."

A group of people moved quickly and entered the vault after subduing the security guards.

They have been to this place countless times and are very familiar with the security inside.

In just 8 minutes, the group rushed out of the bank pushing a trolley and carrying several sacks of cash.

Just when they reached the door, a group of people were stunned.

A green-faced man wearing a black top hat leaned on one leg at the door: "Hello, friends, I heard that you are taking my money?"

"What the hell, kill me!"

Everyone got their guns, raised their guns and shot.

"No, I haven't even said my lines yet."

Seeing dozens of bullets flying towards him, Chen Anlin's body was spinning in place like a tornado.

After a while, the gunfire stopped.

Chen Anlin stopped circling, then smiled at everyone, his mouth wide open, and his mouth was full of bullets.

The robbers looked at each other in shock at this scene.

"what's the situation."

"Da da da da..."

The bullets poured out and hit the legs of this group of people accurately.


A group of people fell to the ground, their legs were bleeding, and they seemed unable to walk.

"Thank you for your money, bye, a little bit..."

Making a face, Chen Anlin left instantly.


A few minutes later, the police arrived belatedly and were stunned by what they saw.

"Why did they all fall down?"

"It's probably because of internal strife. It's really giving us an advantage."

A group of police officers are very excited, they like to encounter gang fights.

On the building not far away, the gang leader Dorian put down his binoculars with a solemn expression.

"Damn it, who is this guy in the green mask?"

He saw everything about the scene just now. The man wearing the mask was invulnerable, and so many bullets hit him, but he was still okay.

There is only one possibility!

He thought of the demon Abil in the Holy Land had spoken about.

"This man is the devil!"

Immediately, Dorian called Saint Abil: "I saw that demon."

at this time.

Saint Abil was enjoying a massage from a beautiful woman in Dorian's house. When she heard the word "devil", Saint Abil kicked the woman away.

"Oh? Where are you?"

Dorian told him the address, and Saint Abil frowned: "The devil went to rob a bank?"

There was no such line in the dungeon guide, which made him wonder, how could such a dignified devil run to rob a bank? Are you kidding me?

Saint Abil: "Did you read that correctly?"

Dorian: "Absolutely not. He wears a green mask, is invulnerable, moves quickly, and his feet look like wheels when he runs..."

Holy Land Abil: "Can you follow him?"

Dorian: "No, he ran too fast, and all my men were caught by the police."

"Useless things." Holy Land Abil said bluntly.

Dorian frowned and cursed secretly that I can't even deal with you, so you want me, a mortal, to deal with you?

If you weren't a god, I would have killed you long ago.

"Let's do this for now."

After hanging up the phone unceremoniously, Abil began to think.

The demon showed up early, strange but still under control.

He glanced at Tina beside him. With Tina in hand, Stanley would come over sooner or later.

Tomorrow, if Tina is asked to sing in the hotel, I don’t believe that Stanley will not show up.

Also, be careful with that jigsaw.

This guy might be targeting Dorian, and he can't let Dorian be killed by Jigsaw for no reason.

"The only one who can kill Dorian is me."

Twisting his head, Saint Abil took a big sip of wine.


After Chen Anlin returned, he gave the money to Stanley, which made Stanley completely relieved.

According to Stanley, Chen Anlin also knew the hotel where Tina was staying, where Tina often performed.

"Now that I have money, I can go after her in five days."

Stanley was immersed in his own happiness.

Chen Anlin shook his head and sighed, what a silly boy.

One day passed.

That evening, a banquet was held at the Bailey Hotel.

Many people came.

Those who can come here are dignitaries and high-class people.

Tina has been singing on stage for a long time, and her graceful figure has attracted many people's attention.

Dorian was in the audience at the moment, frowning. He was wondering, why did Holy Land Abil let him stay here?

At this time, there was a commotion at the door of the hotel.

"Oh my gosh, such a long Lincoln sedan."

As exclamations came one after another, a super extended Lincoln sedan slowly stopped in front of the hotel.

Wanzi was updated today

Next, I will try to add more updates every day. I will worry about whoever doesn’t let me add more updates.

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