Global game evolution

Chapter 388 Ye Fan’s anger (please subscribe)

"Brother Li, I have some big coconuts here. Can I exchange them with you?"

At this time, someone was chatting privately.

Nowadays, what Chen Anlin needs is food diversification.

Although there are fish and water, it would be better if there is fruit or something.

Immediately, Chen Anlin responded: "What else is there besides coconut?"

The girl named Huang Qiuxia responded: "I was at the beach. In addition to coconuts, I caught crabs, a big lobster, some snails, and then coconuts."

Here, players can exchange items with each other.

After the negotiation is completed, your items will be stored in the system space. After both parties see the items, click to confirm.

Click on both sides and the items will be exchanged.

Chen Anlin responded: "You don't have any branches there, just thicker ones."

There should be long branches on the beach, so Chen Anlin asked questions.

The girl responded: "Yes, yes. In addition to coconut trees, there is a small forest behind me with many tree trunks. How many meters do you need?"

Chen Anlin: "The longer the better, at least 5 meters."

A five-meter long pole should be able to support a fishing boat.

Huang Qiuxia: "Yes, but I'm not strong enough. I'm afraid it will take a long time."

Chen Anlin: "As long as you get it for me, I can exchange the torch for you if you lose your popularity in the future."

Huang Qiuxia: "Okay, what food do you need here? To be honest, there are quite a lot of seafood, but I'm just not hungry."

Chen Anlin: "I'm not short of food for the time being, so just get me some tree trunks."

Huang Qiuxia: "Okay."

After closing the chat with Huang Qiuxia, Chen Anlin found that many people had sent messages.

Sure enough, it was exactly what Chen Anlin thought.

As the system announced his matter, many people discussed the matter of Flame.

Chen Anlin remembered that at the beginning of the game, many people had no flames.

At that time, after the protagonist Ye Fan acquired the fire skill, he made a lot of money by trading torches and was very happy.

Unfortunately, these benefits all belong to him.

Following Ye Fan's approach in the novel, Chen Anlin started trading torches with others.

"Li Shen, I have three loaves of bread here."

"Okay, bring me a piece of wood. I'll light the wood and then trade it over."



"Li Shen, I have a big bird here, do you want it?"

When the picture was sent, Chen Anlin was shocked.

This bird must be too big.

It is a large bird about the size of a chicken.

Just right for grilling.

Seeing how generous the other party is, it seems that there are many such big birds in that place.

Chen Anlin responded: "Okay."

"Okay, I'll send the wood right away. Please light the fire."


In just three minutes, more than a dozen pieces of wood were placed in front of Chen Anlin.

There were originally many people requesting to light the fire, but there were too many.

Chen Anlin could only send a message: "I will deal with the tasks at hand first, and then I will reply to them one by one."

In this way, it was offline.

The so-called lighting the wood refers to burning the wood red. When the time comes, take it over and others only need to put some hay on it.

The job was easy, and Chen Anlin began to control the flames to burn the wood.

In a forest, on a piece of dry grass, the protagonist Ye Fan punched the ground angrily.

"why why!"

"It's Li Chun again. He's so virtuous and capable. He's just a second-generation rich man with no merits. How can he make fire out of wood?"

Ye Fan looked at the haystack on the ground.

At this moment, after the friction he had just created, white smoke was rising from the haystack.

If he kept going, it would probably only take him a few minutes to start a fire.

Just these ten minutes are wasted.

"It's okay. I still have a chance. It's too late to ignite the first time. I can definitely get it the second time."

Ye Fan had a tough mind and would not give up easily. After thinking about this, he continued to drill wood to make fire.

But to his surprise, the person who started the fire for the second time appeared.

It's a woman named Huang Qiuxia.

"Thank you, Brother Li Chun, for giving me the torch and allowing me to successfully light the fire for the second time. Thank you very much."

Chen Anlin: "Thank you for the wooden pole, too."

Huang Qiuxia: "I was also lucky. Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, I saw a broken wooden pole."

Ye Fan didn't know what happened, but the person who made the fire for the third time appeared.

If it appears three times, there will be no reward for regenerating fire.

Ye Fan sat on the ground slumped, a little confused.

Just a little bit.

And looking at Huang Qiuxia's chat history, the reason why he was able to get angry was because of his deal with Li Chun.

"Damn, how could this happen!"


In other places, many people have seen the announcement about Chen Anlin.

Guli Qiuya of the God Clan is in a desert.

She killed a lizard with ease.

This lizard was as big as a basketball. After solving it, she wiped her sweat and immediately came to the desert oasis.

"Consider living here tonight."

After returning to her residence, she opened the chat panel and after reading the information above, her eyes froze.

"This Li Chun is quite powerful. I wish I could get to know him."

Guli Qiuya sat on the floor and frowned.

For her, hunting, fighting, food, and survival are all no problem.

There are abundant water resources even here, so there is no need to worry about running out of water.

But the key is that there is no source of fire.

In the desert area, although it is extremely hot during the day, at night, the temperature difference is huge.

Moreover, various wild animals appear in desert areas at night.

The most common ones are lizards, centipedes, and even wolves.

She didn't want to die miserably for no reason.

So, Guli Qiuya immediately sent a message to Chen Anlin: Hello, Mr. Li Chun, I am Guli Qiuya, a god.

In this world, Guli Qiuya is not actually that name.

But the Gods are proud, and they are also the race that least knows how to adapt.

They feel that their name is their dignity, how can they change it at will?

Chen Anlin had just handed out torches to others and was about to take on more work. Suddenly, he felt happy.

"Comrade Guli Qiuya actually sent me a message, hahaha, look what she sent."

An evil plan was born in Chen Anlin's heart.

Chen Anlin: "God Clan? What is it?"

Guli Qiuya: "Mr. Li Chun, the gods are a noble race. We have unrivaled power. We are transcendent, can go to heaven and earth, and are omnipotent."

After talking a lot, Chen Anlin curled his lips.

Does it look cool?

Okay, I'll leave you alone and won't reply to your message.

Then look at other information.

Many people asked for help to light a fire.

After all, the places where many people live are not safe.

Once night comes, wild beasts come out and there are countless snakes and insects.

And fire is the only thing that can drive these away.

It can be said that when living in the jungle, as long as there is fire around, wild animals basically dare not approach.

Even if you get close, you can still fight with torches.

The scorching heat scares wild animals.

"Li Shen, I don't have anything to eat here, but I have a few big bananas. Do you want them?"

"Li Shen, I only have a pile of stones. Please give me a torch. I will remember you forever, otherwise I will never let you go."

"I'm a girl and I'm very good-looking. How about we chat privately?"

After looking at the selfie pictures sent in the private chat, Chen Anlin complained: "It's boring..."

I selected some valuable information and chatted privately, and took on a lot of work.

After finishing this batch of work, Chen Anlin was ready to take a rest.

Because he vaguely felt that the use of flames took away a lot of his strength.

Now he felt very hungry, his mind was empty, and he was in urgent need of rest.

At this time, Guli Qingya, who was far away in the desert oasis area, sent another message: Mr. Li Chun, why didn't you reply? still there? You're not going to die, are you?

Damn, can you chat?

Chen Anlin cursed secretly and responded angrily: "What's the matter?"

Gu Li Qingya: "May I ask why you don't speak."

Chen Anlin: "I don't like chatting. If you fart, hurry up."

After seeing the message, Gu Li Qingya was furious.

This person is really rude in what he says.

In the past, she would definitely not have given him a good look, but now she had to ask for help from others.

Gu Li Qingya: "Aren't you selling torches? Can you sell one to me?"

Oh? Business is coming.

Chen Anlin: "What good stuff do you have?"

Gu Li Qingya: "My God Clan can keep you safe."

Chen Anlin: "Pull him down. If you are so awesome, do you still need my torch?"

Gu Li Qingya: "Okay, I do encounter some difficulties now, but... the Gods cannot be blasphemed."

What's wrong with me just blaspheming you?

Chen Anlin complained in his heart and sent a message: "Don't go so far, what are you doing?"

In his mind, Chen Anlin made up his mind.

This Guli Qingya is causing trouble for him, so she must be treated well.

She originally thought she wouldn't give him a torch, but seeing that there were more and more people who could make fires, she could find someone else to buy them by then.

So it’s better to cash out in advance.

Then let her develop trust in herself so that she can do things in the future.

Gu Li Qingya: "I just hunted a lizard and a wolf, and I also have water here."

Chen Anlin: "Four wolf legs, fire for you."

Gu Li Qingya frowned. The most delicious part of the wolf was its legs, and this guy actually wanted four of them at once.

Chen Anlin looked at the information with a smile. He learned negotiation skills from a golden retriever.

In the words of Golden Retriever, when I negotiate, I first set an impossible goal, put extreme pressure on the opponent, and then lower it step by step. When the time comes, the opponent will think he has taken advantage, and then the deal is concluded.

Not to mention, although this method is cunning, it is very effective.

Gu Li Qingya: "I can't give you four, don't even think about it."

Chen Anlin: "The wolf has a lot of meat anyway, so I won't lose anything if you give me four wolf legs."

Gu Li Qingya: "The meat on the legs is the most delicious. I can't give you four."

Chen Anlin: "Okay, judging from your name, it must be a girl, so let's have three."

Gu Li Qingya frowned. Her original idea was to only give a wolf leg, but she didn't expect that the other lion would open his mouth.

If he only said one thing, it would be too different from the opponent's goal, so he would definitely refuse.

So if we say 2...

Well, try two.

Chen Anlin was overjoyed when he saw Gu Li Qingya's message that he could give two wolf legs.

His goal is actually just one. After all, in the later stages, the torch will be worthless.

That is to say, there were only a few people asking for it in the past few days.

So, Chen Anlin said, "Okay, I'll give you this face."

Two people put everything in the system space.

After confirming that the item was OK, Chen Anlin clicked Confirm.

Soon, two big wolf legs appeared in front of them.

"Uh... I feel like I can't even finish it."

Chen Anlin touched his nose, finished the remaining barbecue, drank some river water, picked up the long pole he traded with Huang Qiuxia, and started to punt, preparing to find a place to stay before dark.

Having a long pole to punt the boat is really much more convenient.

Leaving here little by little, the ship moved slowly.

There are dense trees on both sides of the river, making it very uninhabitable.

Chen Anlin planned to find an open space near the river, preferably with no shelter around it. He could have a barbecue on the shore during the day and rest on the boat at night.

After all, this dense forest is too dense, and no one knows what unknown dangers there are. Living on a boat is blocked by the water flow, so the safety is much higher.

Around noon, I finally found a good place.

This is a piece of grassland at the end of the dense forest, about ten or thirty meters away from the dense forest. There are a few large rocks and some hay on the bank, which is very suitable for a picnic.

"That's it."

The problem with holding the boat to the shore is that the current is very fast. If there is nothing to tie the boat to, the boat can be easily washed away.

Now this ship is his entire property, so he must take good care of it.

After taking a look at the things on the boat, it turns out that fishing nets can temporarily replace ropes.

Twist the fishing net into a rope, tie it to the bow of the boat, and then punt the boat to the shore.

After feeling the bottom of the boat touch the mud, Chen Anlin quickly jumped out of the boat.

Finally, the other end of the fishing net was tied to a large rock on the shore.

But at this time, Chen Anlin noticed that the fishing net could not withstand the pull of the ship and was about to be damaged. Chen Anlin had no choice but to unload the fishing net.

Back on the ship, Chen Anlin could only open the chat channel.

"Want to buy hemp rope..."

As soon as Chen Anlin's message was sent out, it attracted the attention of many people.

"Isn't this Li Shen? What do you need a rope for?"

"Playing with bondage?"

"Li Shen, what can you trade? Although I don't have hemp rope here, I do have vines." At this time, a person sent a message.

The vines were not tough enough, so Chen Anlin naturally didn't want them, so he responded: "I still need hemp rope, which is stronger. If anyone has any, I can chat privately."

Soon, a person named Xu Liqiang sent a message: "Hello Li Shen."

Chen Anlin: "Do you have any hemp rope?"

Xu Liqiang: "I don't, but I do have something stronger than hemp rope. Can an iron chain be used?"


A picture was sent over, it was an iron chain about the thickness of a thumb.

Chen Anlin was overjoyed. Iron chains are of course better than hemp ropes.

However, don't show too much joy, lest the other party asks for too high a price.

So Chen Anlin responded: "Chains, it's not very convenient for me to tie things up."

Xu Liqiang: "You can give it a try. You have a lot of stuff anyway, okay? Please, I'm on the grassland. There are a lot of wild animals here. I'm hiding in a cave now. If there's no fire at night, I won't be able to survive at all. In addition, There’s no water here, I’m going to die of thirst, do you have water there?”

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