Global game evolution

Chapter 389 The Era of Catastrophe - Novice Period


Chen Anlin felt happy and took a look at the lake beside him. Not only was there water, but it was also inexhaustible...

"have water."

Chen Anlin responded: "Well, look at what you have there, and I'll trade it with you. The iron chain should work."

Xu Liqiang: "Thank you, thank you. Apart from iron chains, I don't have any other good things here. They are all stones. Do you want a stone pot?"

The stone pot can be used for cooking. Chen Anlin's eyes lit up: "Yes."

"Okay, take a look."

The picture is posted.

This is a stone pot about the same size as a pot.

Xu Liqiang: "Do you have anything to eat there? I'll trade this stone pot with you. Anyway, I still have several of these pots."

Chen Anlin: "I have fish here. How about ten small fishes in exchange for a pot of water and a torch?"

Xu Liqiang: "Okay, okay, I should be able to survive today."

Then the transaction begins.

After a while, a chain of more than ten meters and a stone pot appeared on the boat.

The chain is finger-thick and very strong. It is tied behind the bow of the boat, and a stone is tied to the other end. The stone is then thrown to the river to become an anchor.

"I'm so smart."

Looking at the homemade anchor, Chen Anlin smiled happily before calmly getting off the boat.

I picked up some firewood, used the fire skill, and the pile of firewood began to burn.

A stone pot was placed on it and water began to boil.



After a while, the water boiled.

Throw the fish that has been processed into the stone pot and prepare to cook a bowl of fish soup.

Finally, it’s time to grill the wolf legs.

Soon, the aroma overflowed. Chen Anlin touched his belly and started eating.

After drinking the fish soup and finally eating the wolf meat, Chen Anlin was stunned after taking one gulp.

There was a strong energy in my stomach.

The whole person's strength felt sublimated.

"This wolf meat is not simple."

Chen Anlin remembered that it was said in the novel that the creatures in this world are divided into ordinary creatures and level creatures.

As long as you are at a higher level, you will have different effects after eating meat.

The most common one is to enhance physical fitness and strength.

After devouring his food, Chen Anlin added a handful of firewood to the fire and finally came to the boat.

I was lying on the boat looking at the night sky, thinking that I should install a tent on the fishing boat so that I could have a place to hide from the rain on rainy days.

In addition, the boat is too small and should be enlarged.

With this in mind, Chen Anlin opened the chat channel.

This was the first night of this dungeon, and many people had a bad time.

There are very few people like Chen Anlin who have food, drink and safe shelter.

At this time, Chen Anlin noticed two familiar pieces of information.

Yang Xiaoshu and Ayu.

Yang Ronger sent the message in the evening. First she congratulated Chen Anlin for winning the award, and then asked him if he needed any fruit. She had it there.

Fang Yutong asked for help, hoping to give her a torch, as she couldn't light a fire there.

However, she did have tools there, which aroused Chen Anlin's interest.

Next, if you want to build something, you need tools.

If you can build it for the first time, you will get construction skills, which will be very helpful in the future.

So, Chen Anlin passed the torch and asked, "What tools do you have?"

Fang Yutong: "A hammer and screwdriver."

Chen Anlin: "I want these."

After thinking about it, Chen Anlin pulled Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger into a group.

Chen Anlin: "I just got the news that the first three days are the novice protection period. During these three days, any materials can be exchanged. After three days, you can only trade the items that were revealed."

The so-called exploded items refer to the equipment that explodes after killing monsters.

The other is explosive skills, things created through skills.

Only these can be traded.

Others such as fish caught in the river, ordinary torches, stone pots, etc. cannot be traded.

After reading Chen Anlin's explanation, the two women were shocked.

Immediately afterwards, there was deep worry!

the reason is simple.

If trading is restricted, then the water-scarce areas may be severely short of water because trading is restricted.

You can only use the water rewarded by the system to trade.

Chen Anlin narrowed his eyes. At that time, it would be truly tragic.

On the trading channel, prices will skyrocket, food will be in short supply, and countless people will die every day.

But more importantly, many people will become stronger every day.

Fang Yutong: "Brother Jigsaw, how did you know?"

Chen Anlin: "I discovered a prophet scroll here and learned about it by accident."

When the two women took a look, they didn't have any doubts.

Yang Ronger: "It seems like we have to stock up on as much food as possible in the next two days."

Chen Anlin: "Yes, but you don't have to worry about the source of fire. I have flame skills. Things made with skills are within the scope of trading and can be transmitted."

Yang Ronger: "Okay, let's talk about what we each need and prepare in advance. Let me start by saying that I am in ruins now. This place used to be a rural area. All the houses collapsed. I later found a We live in a half-collapsed house, which is not bad, at least it can protect us from wind and rain. There are many wild rabbits in this place, and there is a small river next to it, and there are some persimmon and orange trees along the river."

Yang Ronger: "There are no ferocious beasts here so far. I need some tools now. With the tools, I will store some food and prepare to leave here."

Chen Anlin: "It is recommended not to leave. After the novice period, monsters will appear. When the time comes, kill more monsters and upgrade yourself. Only in this way will you become stronger."

Yang Ronger: "There are monsters after the novice period. It seems that I need to prepare more these days."

Chen Anlin: "It's best to find a higher place to live."

Fang Yutong: "I have the tools. The place where I live is a ruined factory. There is no water here, and there is no firewood to make a fire. It is very troublesome. It seems that I have to prepare in advance. Fortunately, there is grassland outside this place. I think There are a lot of deer, and I just hunted one."

Chen Anlin: "I can help you get water and firewood. Next, you search the factory and try to find more tools."

Fang Yutong: "Yeah."

After the discussion, Chen Anlin sent some firewood to Fang Yutong to light a fire.

Fang Yutong sent some tools.

Looking at the tools in front of him, Chen Anlin observed the properties of these tools.

rusty hammer

(Although the hammer is rusty, it is still strong and its effectiveness has not been reduced.)

Slightly damaged Phillips screwdriver

(This screwdriver is very strong and can be used as a chisel.)


(This is a new tool that can pry anything, provided you have enough strength. Of course, this crowbar can also be used as a weapon.)

There are many tools.

Holding the crowbar, Chen Anlin nodded secretly. This crowbar can indeed be used as a weapon.

"Next, we have to find a way to build something."

After resting, Chen Anlin started thinking.

In the novel, in order to facilitate hunting of prey, the protagonist Ye Fan exchanged a wolf leg for a spearhead through the trading channel.

Then the spear head was sharpened and tied to a bamboo pole, and the first spear was made.

Later, he obtained the title of builder and gained many benefits.

"I have to be one step ahead of him."

Chen Anlin thought secretly, but he was not in a hurry.

Because Ye Fan only completed the spear in the afternoon of the next day.

The reason is that the person selling the spearhead will not show up until the next day.

This person sold the equipment after killing a monster. He didn't think it was needed, so he sold it, and then made Ye Fan cheaper.

At this moment, Chen Anlin was getting ready.

First prepare wooden sticks, and then weave straw into straw.

After it was done, Chen Anlin nodded with satisfaction: "Next, let's wait for the spearhead of the transaction."


Ye Fan is here.

At this moment, the place where he lives is smelling of barbecue.

Mark was eating while grilling meat.

The quality of this wolf meat was not low. After eating it, he could feel his body strength increasing rapidly.


Ye Fan punched hard, shook his head and whispered: "This is...explosive power, it's really good."

In the past, Ye Fan was fond of martial arts and worked odd jobs in some fighting training halls all year round.

Therefore, he has developed great strength.

Now his strength has increased, taking his martial arts to the next level.

Looking at the wooden spear at hand, Ye Fan said in a low voice: "We have to find a way to make the tool early. The person who makes the tool for the first time will definitely be rewarded."

He planned to buy a triangular one, or a piece of iron, to replace the spearhead.

Because in the previous battle, he found that it was difficult to deal with the wild wolves here.

In other words, the wild wolves here are not simple wolves, but ferocious beasts.

Coyote L2 level.

(Coyotes are ferocious beasts that live in groups in the forest. They may be easy to deal with individually, but once they form a group, they will be a nightmare for the enemy.)

Looking at the level 2 sign, Ye Fan became more and more sure of his guess. There must be many benefits from eating the meat of the ferocious beast.

After eating something good, he climbed up the tree and prepared to sleep here tonight.

Immediately, he opened the chat channel and sent a message: "I want to buy tools, thank you very much."

Soon, many people were chatting with him privately.

To Ye Fan's surprise, an acquaintance came to him.

Shen Jun, the heroine in the novel.

Before the end of the world, the two of them loved each other, but they didn't expect that Shen Jun's mother became seriously ill later, and Li Chun used money to seduce Shen Jun in order to get her.

With both hard and soft tactics, Shen Jun was forced to agree.

Yes, in Ye Fan's view, Shen Jun was forced, otherwise he would not be waiting at the door for an opportunity to save people.

Shen Jun: "Ye Fan, what tools do you need?"

Ye Fan: "Do you have a triangular iron sheet? Other tools will also work, such as a hammer."

Shen Jun: "I have a claw hammer."

Ye Fan: "Great, I have some food here, can I send it to you?"

Shen Jun: "Well, I just didn't eat much. I'm at the beach now, cold and hungry. Fortunately, my mother is by my side to accompany me. Hey, I really hope to see you and eat what you cooked."

Sure enough, Shen Jun loves me the most.

Ye Fan sighed, then picked up the wolf's leg, thought about it, and still didn't give it to him.

After all, he wanted to ask for iron sheets tomorrow.

Finally, he gave the wolf some meat from its belly.

After the matter was done, Ye Fan sent a message: "Shen Jun, don't worry, I will find you as soon as possible. You will be fine."

Shen Jun: "Yeah, I know."

Ye Fan: "By the way, last night, I followed you and Li Chun into the hotel..."

Shen Jun: "What!!! Then you..."

Ye Fan: "I originally wanted to save you, but I didn't expect a catastrophe."

Shen Jun: "Ye Fan, thank you... You are really good to me."

Ye Fan: "It's nothing. The most hateful thing is that Li Chun. It's him. If he wants to harm you, I will never let him go."

When he thought about the woman he loved spending time in the same room with Li Chun, Ye Fan felt angry and vowed to make Li Chun pay the price.

As the heroine of this book.

Shen Jun has extreme trust and love for Ye Fan, and she likes whatever Ye Fan says.

Shen Jun: "Ye Fan, although I also hate Li Chun, you must be careful. He completed the first kill and the first ignition and walked in front of us."

Ye Fan: "Don't worry, by the way, do you have water there? I'll give it to you."

Shen Jun: "Yeah..."


The next day arrived in a blink of an eye.

It's still dark and everyone is getting ready.

Chen Anlin ate well and continued to use the things around him to trade useful things.

At the same time, he checked the chat history.

After looking at it for a long time, I found that Ye Fan had indeed posted a message: "I want to buy triangular iron sheets for making spearheads. If you are interested, please contact me and the price will be favorable."

Chen Anlin also posted a message immediately: "I want to buy triangular iron sheets, I want to buy spearheads, the price is favorable, it's real."

At this moment, many people chatted privately with Ye Fan.

After seeing the message, Ye Fan's eyes narrowed: "Li Chun is deliberately going against me!!!"

To be honest, Ye Fan was really pissed off.

He instinctively thought that Li Chun must be targeting him deliberately.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? He sent the purchase information to Li Chun in the same way, and the things he wanted to purchase were exactly the same?

What's more, in his opinion, Li Chun is a rich second generation who doesn't know how to make any weapons. He must be causing trouble by doing this.

At this time, a person sent a message.

Sun Xiaofeng: "I just caught a fish and an iron piece popped out, which seems to be a spearhead. Do you two want it?"

When Chen Anlin saw the message, his eyes narrowed: The target person is here.

Ye Fan immediately chatted privately: "Brother, I want this thing."

Sun Xiaofeng: "Li Shen also sent a message just now, which made me very embarrassed."

Sun Xiaofeng is also quite shrewd and knows the principle of waiting for price and selling.

Ye Fan frowned. If Li Chun hadn't caused trouble, he could have killed the opponent's price.

But that can't be done now.

Therefore, Ye Fan could only respond: "Make an offer."

Sun Xiaofeng: "What good stuff do you have?"

Ye Fan: "Barbecue."

Sun Xiaofeng: "That's all, it won't work."

Ye Fan gritted his teeth: "Two wolf legs."

Sun Xiaofeng: "Think about it."

Ye Fan frowned. He knew that Sun Xiaofeng had gone to chat with Chen Anlin in private.


Chen Anlin's side.

Sun Xiaofeng sent a message: "Li Shen, Ye Fan said he would give me 2 wolf legs."

Chen Anlin: "Promise him first, but don't give him the spearhead."

Chen Anlin did this to delay time and try to make the spear in advance.

Sun Xiaofeng: "Okay."

Chen Anlin: "I'll give you something."

Chen Anlin paid several times more than Ye Fan. No wonder Sun Xiaofeng and Chen Anlin had already reached an agreement.

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