Chapter 526 Underground World

Many people believe that the underground world of Yuntian Base City is also controlled by the Lu Family.

For this matter, Gao Mu also specifically asked Lu Yizhou.

Lu Yizhou told Gao Mu very clearly that the Underground World had nothing to do with the Lu Family.

But there was something true or false in his words, Gao Mu didn’t know.

He looked at the card carefully, and then dialed the number on it with his mobile phone.

The phone just rang and hung up.

“Go to the front desk on the first floor!”

As soon as the phone hung up, a text message was sent to Gao Mu’s mobile phone.

After reading the text message, Gao Mu walked directly out of the room and came to the first floor.

A staff member at the front desk on the first floor was drowsy.

Gao Mu walked to the front desk and was about to speak.

But at this moment, he found a note posted behind the computer on the front desk.

He tore the note from the computer.

There are only a few simple words on the note.

After reading the words on the note, Gao Mu walked out of the hotel.

It is late at night now.

There is a curfew in Yuntian base city. So the streets at night are very quiet.

Not far from the hotel, Gao Mu turned into an alley.

The alley is dark and long.

In order to prevent accidents, Gao Mu opened his eyes.

The golden eyes opened, and the dark alley instantly became brighter.

The hutong is not very long. Gao Mu walked for about ten minutes before he came to the end of the hutong.

In one direction at the end of the alley, a small door quietly opened at this moment.

The design of this small door is very delicate.

If he hadn’t opened it deliberately, Gao Mu hadn’t even noticed the existence of this small door.

The small door opened, and a narrow and small doorway appeared.

“Is it so small?”

Even if this door is a child, he must be short to get in.

Gao Mu stood at the entrance of the door and observed for a while, then walked in shortly.

As soon as he got into the doorway, Gao Mu found that the world in front of him had undergone tremendous changes.


Everything in front of him made Gao Mu feel very unreal.

Everything here looks like a fairyland.

The towering tree is faintly like reality…

Anyway, everything here gives people an unreal feeling.

“Welcome to the’underground world’!”

At this time, a line of words appeared before Gao Mu’s eyes.

Looking at this line of words, Gao Mu’s mouth was drawn with a satisfied smile.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully! Get reward: Fairy Fruit*100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to the Underground World (Arena) to sign-in!”

【Fairy Fruit】

A kind of exotic fruit that can only be eaten by gods, this kind of exotic fruit has very good effects.

The introduction of the fairy fruit is very simple.

But even with such a simple introduction, Gao Mu felt an indescribable sense of excitement.

“this world……”

This ‘underground world’ made Gao Mu feel very comfortable.

In this world, he can be regarded as a well-informed person.

But this underground world still made him feel very surprised.

After signing in, Gao Mu walked slowly toward the front.

Not long after he walked, he saw a huge statue appearing not far in front of him.

The appearance of this statue looks very strange.

It has a human body, but it has a wolf-like head. It stands on its feet, but behind it is a pair of weird fleshy wings like bat wings.

“What is this?”

Gao Mu, who had lived in both worlds, couldn’t help but what it was for a while.

Fortunately, he is not very far from the location of the statue.

After quickening his pace, he quickly came to the vicinity of the statue.

Near the statue, there is a huge square.

People come and go in the square, very lively.

But the strange thing is that everyone here wears strange beast masks.

Gao Mu subconsciously touched his face.

He found that his face was also wearing a mask.

After a brief touch, he found that what he was wearing on his face was actually a rabbit mask.

On the right cheek of the mask, there is also a string of numbers.


This is the number on the right cheek of the mask.

In addition to the huge statue on the square, there is also something similar to a sign.

After Gao Mu approached, he realized that this was not a sign, but a map of the underground world.


After searching for a while, Gao Mu found the location of the arena.

The arena here is very similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Gao Mu wanted to enter.

But as soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by two men wearing wolf head masks.

“Please show your VIP card.” said one of the werewolves.

Gao Mu was taken aback for a moment and said, “I don’t have a VIP card.”

“No VIP card?” When the werewolf heard that Gao Mu did not have a VIP card, his tone became impatient. “If you don’t have a VIP card, go get away and don’t waste my time.”

Gao Mu immediately became unhappy when he said this.

“You let me go, I think you are looking for death.”

After Gao Mu finished speaking, he actually wanted to do something with this werewolf.

But just when he was about to use the aura, his face suddenly changed.

“Hahaha.” Feeling the change in Gao Mu’s mood, the wolfhead laughed and mocked. “It looks like a newcomer, I don’t know the rules here.”

“No matter how strong you are outside, but in this place, you are just an ordinary person.”

“Ordinary people?” Gao Mu raised his mouth and shook his head. “Even in this place, I am not an ordinary person.”

Before he finished speaking, he directly acted on the werewolf.

This underground world does have its own unique rules.

But in Gao Mu’s eyes, these rules are bullshit.

Because no matter where you are, no matter what world you are in, the winner is king.

“It’s just looking for death, dare to act on the law enforcement!”

“Last time there was a person who wanted to act on the law enforcement. If I remember correctly, that person’s fate was very miserable.”

“If it hadn’t been for the mercy of the law enforcers at the time, that person would have died long ago.”

“Every day Lengtouqing comes to this underground world, and every day Lengtouqing is killed by law enforcement.”

“To be honest, I’m used to it.”

Some people wearing masks held their shoulders, ready to watch Gao Mu’s jokes.

If it’s someone else, they really have a chance to watch jokes.

But the person facing the law enforcement officer was Gao Mu.

If Gao Mu really showed them the joke, then he is not Gao Mu.


Gao Mu clenched his fists and struck directly at one of the werewolves.

What made Gao Mu feel weird was that the werewolf’s face showed an expression very similar to that of a human being.

Three-point sneer, three-point ridicule, three-point disdain, and a shame.

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