Chapter 527

He obviously didn’t believe that Gao Mu’s fist could cause him harm.

Don’t say he didn’t believe it, even other people present didn’t believe it.


Gao Mu’s fist hit the werewolf.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the werewolf was hit and flew out.

The people present all showed shocked expressions when they saw this scene.

“This… this… how is this possible! How could his strength be so great!”

“Oh my God, he actually shot the law enforcer away. Who is this man?”

“It’s so strong, to fly law enforcement in this world.”

“Is this still a human? This is incredible.”

People can no longer remember when the last time someone beat a law enforcement officer.

The other werewolf was even more shocked.

After the shock, it was anger.

“court death!”

Another werewolf, waving the weapon in his hand, struck towards Gao Mu.

Fortunately, Gao Mu’s reaction was quicker, and he directly avoided the attack of the werewolf.

After evading the attack, Gao Mu directly grabbed the werewolf’s weapon.


With Gao Mu’s sudden force, the werewolf’s weapons were directly crushed into pieces by Gao Mu.


The sound of cold breath, one after another.

Because of this scene, they really shocked them too much.

“who are you?”

The werewolf who was beaten by Gao Mu struggled to stand up.

He stared at Gao Mu with gloomy eyes, and said in a cold tone: “The law enforcers who dare to hit the underground world, I think you don’t want to live anymore.”

Gao Mu smiled and shook his head: “The law enforcers in this underground world, that’s nothing more.”

“Come on, let me see, who on earth has such a big tone.”

At this time, another person wearing a wolf head mask walked out of the arena.

This person is thin, but his wolf head mask is different from the previous two.

The wolf head masks of the previous two were all pale green bronze masks.

The mask on this person’s face is silvery white.

Gao Mu didn’t know the hierarchy of the underground world.

But he could see that this person’s status should be much higher than the previous two.

“Captain, that’s this person.” The werewolf who had been beaten by Gao Mu just now stood up and quickly rushed to the captain, pointing at Gao Mu and shouted. “He hit me flying.”

The captain nodded, then looked at Gao Mu.

“I’m not young, I’m quite angry.” The captain looked at Gao Mu, with a strange figure shining in his eyes.

“It seems that I want to enter this arena today because I want to go in.”

Gao Mu moved his muscles and bones, and he was ready to fight.

“It looks like you should be new here, right?”

The captain looked up and down Gao Mu and asked.

Gao Mu nodded and said, “Yes, this is the first time I have come to this place.”

“Since it is the first time here, you definitely don’t know the rules. Now, I will explain to you the rules of this world.”

As the captain spoke, he slowly approached Gao Mu.

Every time this team leader took a step, Gao Mu’s sense of oppression increased by one point.

“So strong!”

Gao Mu secretly said in his heart.

The strength of this captain is definitely not comparable to the previous two werewolves.

“In this world, law enforcement is the biggest. If you dare to offend the law enforcement, then you will be hunted endlessly by the law enforcement.”

“Frighten me?” Gao Mu was not scared.

Not to mention, he doesn’t have these so-called law enforcers at all.

Even if he is really not the opponent of these law enforcement officers, he can leave this underground world and never come back.

But things were not as simple as he thought.

“Being a law enforcer in this world, in the outside world, there is definitely a throbbing existence…”

Although the captain’s words were not finished, the meaning was already very obvious.

He was telling Gao Fan.

As long as the law enforcement is offended in this world, he will feel uncomfortable whether it is in this world or the outside world.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it.”

Gao Mu waved his hand to the captain.

He really wanted to try, what is the strength of this captain.

“Since you want to die so, then I will fulfill you today.”

As the captain spoke, he drew out his weapon and rushed towards Gao Mu.

When approaching Gao Mu, the captain’s aura was already very shocking.

But the expression on Gao Mu’s face remained unchanged at all.


The captain roared.

Gao Mu lightly stretched out his hand.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Gao Mu, he directly grabbed the captain’s weapon.

Before everyone could react, Gao Mu’s hand slammed into force.


The captain’s weapon was cut off.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and speechless.

“who are you?”

Don’t squeeze the captain of the weapon, back again and again.

He looked at Gao Mu warily, his eyes full of shock.

His weapons are forged with special materials.

It also added the hardest material in the world.

It stands to reason that such a hard weapon cannot be destroyed by manpower.

But now, his weapon was not only destroyed, but also destroyed by a person with one hand.


Gao Mu roared and moved forward.

He clenched his right fist and hit the captain’s heart.

The captain didn’t have time to react at all, so he was blasted out by Gao Mu.

Silent, silent.

Everyone present had their eyes widened, and they all looked at all this in shock.

The scene before them was too shocking for them, so shocked that they could not speak.

The captain is the best among law enforcement officers.

One captain leads nine law enforcement officers.

In other words, there is only one captain in every ten law enforcement officers.

Suffice it to say here that the captains are all capable people.

But such a master is still not the captain of Gao Mu.

The captain who was bombarded directly hit the wall of the arena behind.

Because of this blow, the wall was smashed into a big hole.



The captain embedded in the wall coughed first, and then spouted a mouthful of blood.

“too strong.”

The captain’s voice sounded very weak.

But his words also made people realize how extraordinary the young man in front of him was.

“Okay, is there anyone else who wants to do it?”

Gao Mu looked around.

The captain is not his opponent, and the other law enforcement officers are even less his opponent.

The law enforcement officers stared at Gao Mu, but no one dared to step forward to fight him.

At this moment, in a monitoring room in the underground world, a burly middle-aged man wearing a wolf head mask, watched this scene and shook his head.

“It’s been comfortable for too long, so they forget the reason why there are strong middle players.”

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the monitoring room.

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