Chapter 528

The burly middle-aged man, after leaving the monitoring room, went straight to the gate of the arena.

“Manager, why are you here?”

When seeing this middle-aged man, everyone present showed a look of horror.

“The general manager has been out in person. It seems that this little rabbit is in danger.”

“I have been here for such a long time, this is the first time I have seen the manager of the Arena!”

“He has appeared in person, and that proves that the problem is serious.”

Everyone whispered.

Everyone’s discussion also spread to Gao Mu’s ears.

“Boy, you have a lot of courage!”

Aside from other things, just talking about the body of this manager gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

He also walked towards Gao Mu step by step.

With each step, the sense of oppression increases by one point.

“If you want to enter the arena, there is no need to do so.” The manager looked directly at Gao Mu, feeling overwhelmed with oppression.

As long as he changed individuals, he would definitely not be able to stand his oppression.

But Gao Mu’s words were safe under his oppression.

“It’s interesting!”

The manager looked at Gao Mu carefully.

“I allow you to enter the arena!”

At this time the manager spoke.

As soon as this was said, everyone showed incredible expressions.

They thought that the director would directly teach Gao Mu a lesson.

No matter how bad it is, Gao Mu will not be let go so easily.

But it turns out that they were wrong.

“go in.”

The main body is slightly on one side.

Gao Mu gave the manager a strange look and walked towards the arena.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully! Get reward: Hunyuan Lingye*100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to the arena to sign-in!”

【Hunyuanling Liquid】

A very magical liquid, this liquid can strengthen the body.

The introduction of Hunyuan Lingye is very simple.

It’s just that Gao Mu didn’t know how the effect of this round spirit liquid compared with dragon blood and phoenix blood.

But now is not the time to consider this.

“Is that place the arena?”

What Gao Mu has to consider now is how to get to the new sign-in place.

“Ding! Time is up, you will leave the’underground world’.”

A voice rang from Gao Mu’s mind.

In the next second, everything in front of him began to change.

Soon, the scenery in front of him was fixed.

He is now in ruins.

“What is this place?”

Gao Mu’s brain began to carefully recall the map of Yuntian Base City.

“It turned out to be here.”

On the map of Yuntian Base City, this place should be a barren land.

As for why this place is deserted, even the Lu family don’t know.

The Lu family wanted to develop this place.

But I don’t know why, all kinds of problems will appear every time I develop.

This also led to a state of stagnation all the time, and finally turned into a barren land.

Leaving this barren land, Gao Mu returned to the hotel.

In the bathtub of the hotel, Gao Mu poured Hunyuan Lingye into it.

100 bottles of mixed round spirits filled the bathtub.

Gao Mu lay directly into the bathtub.

“This effect is much better than dragon blood and phoenix blood!”

Gao Mu lay in the bathtub, feeling the transformation of the Hunyuan Lingye on his body.

After an hour, the color began to fade.

After two hours, the color is no different from ordinary water.

“It feels great too.”

After getting out of the bath, Gao Mu felt it.

He found that his body had actually been greatly improved.


[God sign-in system]

Host: Gao Mu

Realm: Zhan Zun is invincible.

Flesh: The late battle master.

Skills: Ben Lei Quan (Zhi Zhen), Shadow Step (Zhi Zhen), Qinglian Sword Technique (Zhi Zhen), Ji Zi Mi (Zhi Zhen), Immortal Body (Zhi Zhen), Xing Zi Mi (Zhi Zhen ), Ping Luan Jue (Zhi Zhen), Cao Zi Jian Jue (Zhi Zhen), Sky Sword Technique (Zhi Zhen), Canglong Jue (Zhi Zhen), Pill Recipe Analysis (Zhi Zhen)…

Can sign in: Underground World (Arena)


After being baptized by Hunyuan Lingye, Gao Mu’s physical strength has reached the late stage of the battle.

Lying on the hotel bed, Gao Mu slowly fell asleep.

No words for a night, early the next morning.

Gao Mu woke up from his sleep early.

After a brief cleaning, he rushed directly to the library in Yuntian Base City.

He wanted to find information about the underground world here.

After some searching, he really found it.

The underground world has a very long history in Yuntian Base City.

Its history can even be traced back to before the Haijia ruled the base city.

In the beginning, the purpose of its existence was just to allow some unprecedented transactions to be carried out.

But with the development of time, its meaning began to be somewhat different.

In the end, it became a real world.

But what puzzled Gao Mu most was why this underground world became a virtual world.

He now wants to know what this underground world means to the Lu Family.

He did not believe that as the true ruler of the base city, the Lu family could not interfere with him.

While Gao Mu was investigating, Gao Mu’s cell phone rang suddenly.

The call was from Lu Yizhou.

He called to ask Gao Mu about the cultivators.

Eventually the two met in a cafe.

In the cafe, Gao Mu and Lu Yizhou are sitting opposite each other.

“Brother Gao, when will the treacherous be completely eliminated?” Lu Yizhou asked Gao Mu.

Gao Mu shook his head: “There is no specific time, but I can be sure that there are not many crooks in the base city.”

Gao Mu killed so many cultivators, and if there were many cultivators in the base city, it would be really unreasonable.

“I want to ask about the situation in this underground world.” Gao Mu was straightforward.

“Hey.” When Gao Mu mentioned the underground world, Lu Yizhou sighed. “This underground world is too weird, I really don’t recommend that you go to that place.”

“Why?” Gao Mu said very curiously. “Could it be that your Lu family can’t control that place?”

“I can’t control it.” Lu Yizhou shook his head without concealment. “In that world, who is the real controller, even our Lu family don’t know.”

“But I can tell you for sure that the master of that world is a very powerful and terrifying character.”

When Lu Yizhou said this, Gao Mu immediately became interested.

He thought for a while, and continued to ask: “How can I stay in that world for a long time?”

If Gao Mu remembers correctly, he was only in that era last night and stayed for about an hour.


Lu Yizhou told Gao Mu the key to staying in that world for a long time.

“Leaderboard?” Gao Mu puzzled.

“Yes, it’s the leaderboard.”

Lu Yizhou nodded very seriously.

After that, he began to introduce Gao Mu, the rules of the underground world.

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