Chapter 88

Gao Mu doesn’t care about these or not.

He continued to wield the Tissot sword.

All of Rong Hao’s clothes had been cut into pieces by Gao Mu.

Some female warriors in the audience have already begun to cover their eyes.

General Rong Hao, who was so embarrassed and angry, seemed to have forgotten what he had said before. I saw him facing a direction under the ring with an angry face, and shouted hysterically: “Throw my weapon up!”

The wretched man in the audience directly raised a long knife and threw it towards the ring.

Rong Hao caught the long knife very easily.

The long knife came out of its sheath, and it was cold and cold.

It can be seen from the luster of this long knife that this is definitely not a common product.

“It’s rich enough.” Gao Mu jokingly looked at the long knife in General Rong Hao’s hand. “This is at least a king-level weapon.”

Jiang Rong Hao ignored Gao Mu, and then gently waved the long knife in his hand.

As the long knife was swung, the sound of a knife could be heard faintly.

Gao Mu smiled and shook his head.

General Rong Hao still didn’t speak, his eyes were sharp and murderous, and he said, “Today, I am going to kill you.”

“No murder is allowed in Jidao City. If anyone dares to kill in Jidao City, he will be severely punished.” The instructor in the audience warned loudly.

General Rong Hao, whose anger had already rushed to his forehead, didn’t care about so much.

He rushed towards Gao Mu directly.

“Stop the chaos!”

Gao Mu didn’t feel soft, and moved the sword again.

Ping chaos is by no means as good as the cursive sword tactics, but the power is not something that General Rong Hao can resist.

The sword light flashed, adding a few more wounds to Rong Hao’s body.

“If I were you, I would definitely take the stage right now. After all, the sword has no eyes. Who knows what will happen next.” Gao Mu gave the final warning to Jiang Ronghao.

Not to mention the current General Ronghao, even the calm general Ronghao would not listen to Gao Mu’s words.

“QNMD.” Rong Hao cursed.

With Rong Hao’s anger, Gao Mu’s face sank completely.

Parents and family are Gao Mu’s only bottom line.

“Today I will kill you.” Gao Mu, who was touched to the bottom, was angered at his forehead.

The killing intent has begun to spread in Gao Mu’s heart.

Today, he will kill Rong Hao.

Seeing Gao Mu’s expression change, Jiang Rong Hao suddenly came to his senses.

The murderous Gao Mu made him feel an unprecedented panic.

Seeing that he had retreated to the ring, he turned around and jumped off the ring.

“Really shy, didn’t you just call it pretty happy? Why are you shy now?”

“I really look down on such people.”

“I don’t have the skills and I like to win the cup. How can I be in a training camp with this kind of person.”

The recognition of Rong Hao jumped off the ring and was despised by other trainees.

But Jiang Rong Hao didn’t care about this.

He realized a very simple truth just now. As long as you can survive, face is not important at all.

Jiang Rong Hao thought he would be safe by jumping off the ring, but Gao Mu didn’t plan to let him go so easily.

Gao Mu jumped off the ring and continued to rush towards General Rong Hao with his sword.

Seeing this scene, Rong Hao was completely stupid.

He didn’t expect that Gao Mu would be so desperate to kill himself.


Instructor Liu from the training camp stood up at this time.

I saw him stand in front of Gao Mu, stopping him from continuing forward.

But his appearance did not change Gao Mu’s desire to kill General Rong Hao.

“Go away!”

Gao Mu roared, and the Tiansuo sword stabbed instructor Liu.

Instructor Liu didn’t expect that Gao Mu would actually shoot himself.

He didn’t dare to take it lightly and drew out his weapon to resist cautiously.


The Tissot sword was blocked by Instructor Liu’s weapon.

With the powerful impact, the trembling Gao Mu’s sword-handler left directly.

The red blood dripped to the ground along Gao Mu’s elbow.

Although instructor Liu was not repelled by Gao Mu with a sword, he was still shocked.

“What kind of evil is this kid, why is there such a powerful force!”

Seeing that his sword did not repel Instructor Liu, Gao Mu continued to attack with his sword.

“Enough!” Instructor Liu shouted.

This loud roar also made Gao Mu gradually calm down.

“This is the end!” Instructor Liu said to Gao Mu.

Gao Mu didn’t speak, but looked at Jiang Ronghao with indifferent eyes: “They can protect you for a while, but they can’t protect you for the rest of your life.”

“Are you going to hunt in the wild? Do you want to go out of the city to complete the third stage of the assessment? I tell you clearly, as long as you go out of the city, I have a chance to kill you.”

Gao Mu’s intimidation made General Rong Hao tremble.

He didn’t expect that his unintentional mistake would cause Gao Mu to have such a murderous intent.

He had already begun to calculate silently in his heart as to how he could safely leave Jidao City.

“The third phase of the test will begin tomorrow.” After the instructor Liu announced it, he and the other instructors left anxiously.

What happened today is a bit beyond his control.

He must report this matter so that the above can deal with it.

Since the third phase of the test has to wait until it is understood, Gao Mu simply is not in a hurry.

Back in the bedroom, he lay directly on the bed and played a game.

While Gao Mu was playing games leisurely, Jidao City caused a storm because of him.

“Dare to kill in Jidao City, he wants to die, right.” Chu Yuntian inspector envoy, is the person in charge of all training camps this time.

After hearing the report from Instructor Liu, he frowned and was very dissatisfied.

“Rong Hao was the first to speak badly.” Instructor Liu didn’t mind defending Gao Mu.

Chu Yuntian glanced at Instructor Liu, frowned slightly and said with dissatisfaction: “No matter who provokes the matter first and dares to kill in my Jidao City, then he is looking for death.”

Seeing Chu Yuntian’s dissatisfaction, instructor Liu did not dare to say anything.

“I know about this, and the third test will continue tomorrow. However, you also have to warn the child in advance and tell him not to act rashly. Otherwise, I don’t mind letting him disappear from this world.”

As a high-level member of Jidao City, Chu Yuntian said that there was nothing wrong with what he said.


After instructor Liu sighed slightly, he left.

After leaving Chu Yuntian, instructor Liu went straight to the dormitory of Gao Mu.

After seeing Gao Mu, Instructor Liu directly explained his intentions and told him what Chu Yuntian had said intact.

“Whose rank is he and the inspector Qi?” Gao Mu asked instructor Liu.

“The ranks are the same, they are all inspectors of the martial arts headquarters.” Instructor Liu replied.

Although he didn’t know why Gao Mu asked this, he couldn’t help but reminded: “In the eyes of the inspectors, you and I are both ants. They want to pinch you to death more easily than ants.”

Gao Mu knew that instructor Liu said this out of good intentions.

He bowed his hand to Instructor Liu and expressed his gratitude.

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