Chapter 89 Diamond Blood Ape

The next day, the west gate of Jidao City.

The people in the intermediate training camp are all concentrated here.

Jiang Rong Hao hasn’t slept all night with a haggard face and a pale face. What happened yesterday made his pride fall to the bottom.

If it hadn’t been for an hour of mental construction before going out in the morning, he wouldn’t even have the courage to go out.

He stood in the corner of the team and dared not look up.

He was afraid that as soon as he raised his head, he would see Gao Mu’s angry eyes.

Instructor Liu, standing at the forefront, captured all this in his eyes.

He warned Gao Mu yesterday, but he didn’t listen to it.

“The location of this test is Cangjia City. It is the gathering place of kings and strange beasts near Extreme City.”

“Our test requirements today are also very simple. Everyone comes back with ten king alien beast cores and they pass the test.”

Instructor Liu’s words made people’s expressions a little unnatural.

Instructor Liu ignored the direct and directly waved his hand to signal everyone to leave the city.

In this trip to Cangjia City, in addition to instructor Liu, the team also followed several instructors.

The task of these instructors is very simple, is to ensure that these trainees can or return to Jidao City.

With all their strength, the group quickly rushed to Cangjia City.

“Be careful, the test starts, there is no time limit!”

Instructor Liu’s voice fell, and people did not act in a hurry.

Some familiar people gathered together in twos and threes to form a team.

“Brother Gao Mu, do you want to form a team together?”

“There are many people and efficient, let’s go hunting for strange animals with us.”

“We are all kings of nine-star warriors here, and we will be much faster with us.”

Gao Mu’s strong combat power yesterday conquered all the trainees in the training camp.

But Gao Mu waved his hand, and smiled and declined their kindness.

Unlike Gao Mu’s Menting Ruoshi, there was no one near Rong Hao besides the wretched man.

Logically speaking, there should be a lot of people who want to team up with him as the second-ranked super master.

But because he offended Gao Mu yesterday, he became the evil star in the eyes of others.

People who wanted to team up with him before have avoided.

Some people who have formed a good team have already begun to enter Cangjia City.

But Jiang Rong Hao didn’t rush in.

After all, Gao Mu was still not far away, staring at him.

“Boss.” Not far from the Gao Mu team, a man put down his telescope and said to the person behind him. “I have seen Gao Mu, and their people have begun to enter Cangjia City.”

The person called the boss is not someone else, but Han Lanfeng.

In order to wait for Gao Mu to leave the city, Han Lanfeng and his team have been waiting outside for a long time.

“Boss.” The man picked up the telescope and looked at it, then said. “They are protected by the instructors of Jidao Martial Arts Center, and we are not good for him.”

“Are you the instructor of Jidao Martial Arts Center?” Han Lanfeng frowned slightly, feeling a little troublesome.

The Jidao Martial Arts Center is something they don’t want to provoke, and they don’t dare to provoke it.

“If it doesn’t work, we will do that instructor together.” Han Lanfeng also gave it up for the heir’s position.

The other people were also desperadoes. Hearing Han Lanfeng’s words, not only weren’t afraid, they even showed an expression of excitement.

After Gao Mu entered Cangjia City, Han Lanfeng also led his team carefully into Cangjia City.

After entering Cangjia City, the first thing Gao Mu did was to sign in.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get reward: Wuxinuo*100!”

“Ding! The sign-in place has been updated, please go to the depths of Cangjia City to sign in!”

【No Heart】

King-level different fruits, each contains a lot of spiritual energy. If you are lucky, eating one can even directly break the current star.


Wuxinguo’s reward made Gao Mu’s face bloom with a smile as if he had picked up money.

He didn’t expect that the results obtained this time at the check-in would be so good.

“Even if the probability is very low, if 100 stars, at least I can break through to the king’s six or seven!”

Thinking about it, Gao Mu directly threw a foreign fruit into his mouth.

As soon as the different fruit entered his throat, the sweet smell covered his entire mouth.

Gao Mu didn’t hesitate and swallowed the second one.

After the 100 different fruits entered the abdomen, he felt that his strength had been greatly improved.


[God sign-in system]

Host: Gao Mu

Power: 78.06 million KG

Realm: King of Seven Stars.

Skills: Ben Lei Fist (Da Cheng), Shadow Step (Da Cheng), Qinglian Sword Technique (Da Cheng), Jie Zi Mi (Da Cheng), King Kong Uncorrupted Magic Skill (Da Cheng), Xing Zi Mi (Da Cheng), Ping Luan Jue ( Dacheng), Grass Word Sword Jue (Dacheng), Sky Sword Technique (Dacheng).

Can sign in: deep in Cangjia City.


The system interface shows that his power has reached 7806KG, and his realm has also reached the King’s Seven Stars.

“I don’t know if today, do you think it’s possible to break through the Grandmaster Realm!” Gao Mu muttered to himself.

The Grandmaster Realm and the King Realm seem to be separated by the same realm, but the warriors all know that a warrior in the Grandmaster Realm can be regarded as a real powerhouse.

Gao Mu, who had raised his realm, was not in a hurry to move on.

He drew out the Tissot sword and waved it on the spot.

“Qinglian swordsmanship!”

“Stop the chaos!”

“Grass Word Sword Jue!”

“Sky swordsmanship!”

He used all his skills once.

The reason he did this was to test the power of these today.

After all the skills have been tested, he has turned on the word secret and tested the skills again.

When everything was thoroughly familiar, Gao Mu began to set off again.

Not long after he set off again, he encountered the first alien beast in Cangjia City.

This is a human-like orangutan with black hair and blood-red eyes.

【King Kong Blood Ape】

A very peculiar alien beast, it is also a rare alien beast that can be mad. Once it irritates him, he may become mad.

After being frenzied, the Diamond Blood Ape is not only invulnerable, but also its hair will become as hard as a steel needle, and its body will grow to the height of ten stories.


The feedback from the glasses let Gao Mu know the name of this strange beast.

Although its introduction was very bluffing, Gao Mu was not afraid at all.

He drew out his Tiansuo sword and rushed straight towards the King Kong Blood Ape.

“All words are secret!”

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

On the way forward, Gao Mu did not forget to protect himself with the strongest defensive skills.

Seeing Gao Mu rushed up, the King Kong Blood Ape also greeted him unambiguously.


One man and one ape soon collided.

This collision ended with the defeat of the King Kong Blood Ape.

“At least five-star or higher strength of the king!” This is Gao Mu’s estimate of the strength of the King Kong Blood Ape.

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