Global Gods: Digital God

Chapter 5 The sister who will soon become the true god (fifth update)

As soon as Yang Jin walked out of the room, the woman sitting on the sofa doing nothing stood up from her seat, looked at Yang Jin with gentle eyes and asked: "How big is the initial god world? What is the initial race?"

This is Yang Jin's sister Su Wanling. She is only two years older than him, but she is already a demigod who has lit the divine fire. She is famous even in the entire Chuzhou.

It is said that she is only one step away from condensing her divine personality and becoming a true god, a typical example of other people's children.

"Why are you back?"

Yang Jin looked at his sister with some curiosity and asked, shouldn't this person be studying at Chuzhou University in Chuzhou?

The two are not biological siblings. Su Wanling is the daughter of his father's comrade-in-arms. Ten years ago, her parents died in a tragic divine war, and Su Wanling became an orphan.

She was originally going to be sent to an orphanage, but Yang Jin's parents took pity on their child and took the initiative to take her in and raise her as their own daughter.

Because of this, Yang Jin has an additional sister.

"Isn't today the day when you awaken to the divine realm and open up the initial divine realm? I'll come back to see you when I have nothing to do. How does it feel to become a preparatory god?"

Su Wanling smiled slightly and looked at Yang Jin with interest.

At first, because she was so talented, both Yang's father and Yang's mother kept showing off, claiming that there might be a main god in the family.

And her younger brother was talking nonsense at the time, saying that after he opened up his own initial divine realm, he would definitely become more powerful. Who was the main god? He was the man who was to become the Most High God.

"It's okay. The initial God Realm is only fifteen kilometers away."

Yang Jin sat down on the sofa, responded lazily, picked up the fruit on the table and ate it.

"Fifteen kilometers? That's not bad. What is the initial race?"

Su Wanling sat down and was a little surprised. The initial divine realm of fifteen kilometers was really quite good. She was only twenty kilometers long at the beginning.

It's also Zhao Shijie who doesn't know about the conversation between the two siblings now, otherwise he will have to be without food for three days. The initial god realm of fifteen kilometers in size, one said it was okay, and the other said it was just good.

Is this human language?

"Initial race? A bunch of eggs."

"A group of eggs? Could it be dragon eggs?! How many are there?"

Su Wanling suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at Yang Jin who was still sitting on the sofa with some disbelief and asked.

Even the weakest dragon-type initial race is a third-level race, and its future development potential is really out of control.

The big talk that was made so wildly at the beginning? Maybe there is a chance to come true.

"Sister Su, please calm down? It's not a dragon egg, or an ordinary second-level initial race, a dragon egg? How dare you think about it!"

Yang Jin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Not to mention just dragon eggs, even the real dragon race, he wouldn't want them? The resources that need to be consumed are simply not something that he, a preparatory god, can afford.

Besides, wouldn't it be nice to evolve FightGreymon and VictoryGreymon in the future?

"All right."

Seeing that Yang Jin didn't want to say more, Su Wanling stopped asking. Children still have strong self-esteem? She didn't want to hurt her younger brother's self-esteem.

Moreover, the second-level race egg means that this younger brother’s initial race is a second-level race? The start is already really good.

"By the way, these are the resources that my parents and I prepared for you. There are three God's Domain expansion cards? One resource increase card and one second-level race card. I also prepared five thousand general points for you? I will pass it later. Your citizen ID is sent to your domain."

While talking, Su Wanling placed the God's Domain cards that she had prepared on the table in front of her. In fact, she took out the God's Domain cards in front, and only the five thousand universal points in the back were given by her parents. .

"How about I take two God's Domain expansion cards and one resource card? You should use the other two God's Domain cards yourself? After all, aren't you going to condense your godhead? You should be in need of resources."

Yang Jin was not polite either. As he spoke, he took three God's Domain cards and put them in his pocket. The God's Domain expansion card cost 3000 universal points? It's quite expensive.

And based on his understanding of his parents, they would only give general points? Prepare all kinds of materials and divine cards in advance, that is really overthinking.

Therefore, the things in front will only be taken out by his sister.

"All right."

The smile on Su Wanling's face became even brighter. She casually took back the remaining two God's Domain cards. She knew that her brother had a very good idea.

Basically, you say the same thing? If he says no, it’s useless even if you force it on him.

Being able to get two divine domain cards and resource cards is already pretty good.

"By the way, you probably haven't eaten yet. I'm back today to let you try whether my cooking is better than our mother's."

"I'm a little hungry."

Su Wanling didn't say that Yang Jin didn't feel hungry yet, but her stomach protested first. Yang Jin responded, and then got up and followed him to work in the kitchen.

After dinner, Su Wanling returned to her room. Seeing this, Yang Jin also returned to the room where the Divine Domain Linker was placed. It was time for class.

After becoming a preparatory god, you no longer need to go to school, but this does not mean that learning stops, but the courses will be transferred to the divine realm for learning.

"Enter the divine realm."

Lying on the God Domain Linker, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had already entered the magical God Domain space.

"You received a transfer of 5,000 universal points, note: from my dearest sister."


After taking a look at the information on his personal God Domain, Yang Jin was speechless. Even though he was about to become a true god, his sister Su was still so conceited!

"Su Wanling requests to talk to you."

He took the universal points casually, and soon a call request popped up.

There's something wrong. We live in the same house, and we still have a fart call!

"Call rejected. Note: I have to go to class."

The smile on Su Wanling's face in the God Domain froze. She still wanted to chat in this God Domain, but she didn't expect to be rejected so perfunctorily.

It's not like she hasn't taken classes in the God Domain before. She didn't go there a few times, and she didn't see any impact. Anyway, her tutor always smiled every time he saw her.

He never mentioned that she didn't go to the God Realm Education Zone for classes, and he was very warm to help her complete her homework.

Thinking of her God Realm tutor in high school, Su Wanling only wanted to say three words: good tutor.

"I have entered the God Realm Education Zone. I detected that you are Yang Jin, a student in Class 3 of Wuling No. 1 Middle School. You are about to be taken to the exclusive education space."

"You have entered the exclusive education space."

With a flash of light, Yang Jin appeared in a classroom that was exactly the same as he remembered. At this moment, there were already many students in this classroom.

"I remember you are Su Wanling's younger brother, right? I didn't expect that you didn't skip classes like your sister."

Luo Bo in the classroom looked at Yang Jin who entered the classroom with some surprise. He still had an impression of Yang Jin.

The younger brother of Su Wanling, the most evil student in Wuling No. 1 Middle School in the past ten years.

Thinking of Su Wanling, Luo Bo was both happy and helpless.

A troublemaker who skipped classes every day, led the students of that class astray. He had to hold her in his hands and tell her that it was okay. If you don't want to come, you don't have to come. The teacher will help you complete the homework.

"But it's true. After all, you are not as evil as your sister. If you dare to skip classes, I will definitely deduct your credits and prevent you from graduating."

When saying this, Luo Bo looked at Yang Jin with a smile.

If I can't cure Su Wanling, can I cure her brother?

Yang Jin: ??? ???

PS: Five more chapters are here. Please collect and recommend! !!! !!! !!!

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