Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 86 Heading to Wangxi Pass

"The weapons held by junior weapon masters are tougher and sharper than ordinary weapons. Intermediate weapons can already concentrate energy on the weapons."

"The weapons in the hands of high-level weapon masters have developed intelligence and have various special abilities. For example, the high-level shield master you met can integrate the protective capabilities of the weapons into his body and offset all external energy attacks."

"The weapons of the top-level weapon master can be stored in the body. I don't know the specific strength. It should be higher than mine. As for the weapon master's actions, they are beyond the reach of a demigod like me."

After pausing for a moment, Xu Yi's brows relaxed, apparently having absorbed what he had just said, so he continued.

"The most common swordsman among weapon masters is the swordsman. They possess swords and weapons, and their strength varies. The masters are one against a hundred, while the inferiors are like those just now, who are against one by a hundred and can only act as ordinary sergeants. "

"The second is the feather masters. They have bow weapons. Their average strength is higher than that of swordsmen. They are also common in the weapon master team. Then there are the assassins and shield masters you have seen. These people have average strength. It’s not much worse, probably because of their scarcity, and the training they receive is better.”

"As for those who use strange weapons, they are either extremely weak or extremely skilled. Generally, these people belong to the nobles in the world of weapon masters. Most of them have martial arts inheritance, and they are of higher quality than ordinary weapon masters. General gap.”

"Based on your strength, I'm afraid you will definitely have to challenge the first two tasks of this military training, right?" Zhang Yin also had a temptation in his words. He wanted to get a feel for this freshman in the First Army!

"Yes, Brother Yin, what do you think?" Xu Yi didn't care. If he wanted to complete the task, he would naturally want to listen and become more familiar with this place.

"Then, while preparing for the attack from Redwood Town, we must first remove the Yushi camp on the Wangxi Mountains."

"This camp occupies a high position and is at the corner of each other with Redwood Town. No. 4 North once suffered a big loss. The troops from Redwood Town entangled our side, and remote support from the opponent's feather division suddenly appeared on the cliff."

Zhang Yin looked a little sad when he said this. It was obviously the place where his former classmates or comrades died.

However, he saw that Xu Yi was not the kind of person who only wanted to protect himself during military training, so he gritted his teeth and told everything he knew, hoping that this new student could indirectly help him. He settled the grudge.

Xu Yi didn't think much about it. What he was thinking about was the connection between the two tasks. No wonder the camp removal task preceded the destruction of the station.

His predecessors had tried the wrong path for him, so there was no need for him to take the hard route. Completing task one first will definitely help with subsequent actions.

"If you want to go up the mountain, you can only break through the Wangxi Pass at the rear and walk up the Wangxi Mountain Road. It will be easier to search along the way."

"Wangxi Pass is...?"

"It is a pass guarded by several teams of weapon masters."

Zhang Yin was a little helpless. When the fortress was about to be overwhelmed by the steady stream of troops from Redwood Town, he had thought about defeating the Yushi camp first, but this road was blocked by the well-defended Wangxi Pass.

The demigods of North Fortress No. 4 were unable to break through Wangxi Pass, so they had to take risks and plan an action to destroy the long-distance station. Unexpectedly, this battle would be the beginning of the destruction of the entire North Fortress No. 4.

If Xu Yi hadn't arrived, perhaps this canine tooth on the offensive and defensive lines of the two civilizations would have been pulled out by the weapon master.

He frowned, so before finding the Yushi camp, he had to conquer a pass first?

This must be an extremely difficult task. With a sigh, Xu Yi had no choice but to accept his fate.

Oh, just fight, maybe you can get some points and your ranking will be higher.

It’s just that they all ignored the further back of the map, where is the dividing line between the North Central Fortress and the North Fortress. Behind this dividing line, there is a fortress numbered Zhongbei Fortress No. 173...

The mountain had reached its end here, leaving thirty flesh and blood butchers to repair and guard the North No. 4 Fortress. Xu Yi trekked nearly thirty kilometers before arriving at Wangxi Pass.

The solid wall made of red bricks and cement gave Xu Yi a headache. Is the modern construction technology of the previous life suitable for a cultivation system with weapons as the main body?

The pass is located at an altitude of three to four hundred meters. There are small holes in the cement wall above it. It is obvious that these are reserved for the opponent's feather master. There is no way up below it, and it seems that there is no way to ascend this pass until later.

There were steep cliffs on both sides. At this time, Xu Yi missed the giant bull demon he met in the monthly exam. He was in urgent need of such a giant siege unit now.

Zhang Yin insisted on following him. Although he was a little shocked that he could not defeat a third-level creature, after he explained that his divine power was almost completely exhausted and all the dependents he had brought with him had been wiped out, and he had lost any means of recovery. Xu Yi generously gave him two strands of his divine power, giving him the ability to fight and allowing him to come together.

Without the siege units in front, Xu Yi could only try to fight hard.

He took out a [Death Sphere] scroll, which was one of the few scrolls he brought this time.

A black magic ball shot out and exploded when it approached the cement wall. Circles of black ripples spread out and corroded the cement wall loosely.

In a watchtower behind the wall, a swordsman who was on the edge of the death sphere and was eroded by the dark attribute to the point of bleeding from all his orifices pressed a red button, and the alarm sounded "Woo--", and the sound came from far away in the mountain. Spread far and wide.

Without any time to hesitate, a flame spear condensed from his hand.

Divine art, [musketry].

The long flame spears blew down a corner of the city wall.

At the same time, ten fanatic parasites summoned their multipliers. With the blessing of their profession, the degree of their bodies' shrinkage was no longer so obvious, and they still looked a little bit like normal people.

The ten multipliers threw ten huge balls of acid at the top of the city, but cement products were not very resistant to acid. Soon, the top of the wall was corroded and dropped a section, revealing the scene behind.

Soldiers holding weapons were pouring out of a passage, and the two rows of feather masters on the wall had already drawn their bows and arrows.

The front row of feather masters held their longbows horizontally, and the bows and arrows were attached with various colors of energy. The arrows were shot, and the target was the multipliers.

The effects of different energies were different. The cyan energy almost split the proliferator's body in two, the orange energy brought about a violent explosion and blew out huge blood holes, and the blue energy formed a thick layer of frost on the wound, making it impossible for the proliferator to recover...

The second row of feather masters shot arrows, and the majestic energy almost wrapped the arrows into a ball. I guess the back row was the third-level feather masters, and the front row was the second-level feather masters.

The same arrow in the hands of the third-level feather masters seemed to shoot out a ball of light.

A ball of orange light fell on a proliferator in front of Xu Yi, and the whole proliferator was completely exploded and torn apart, and white flesh and blood splashed...

A ball of flesh and blood flew past Xu Yi's ears, and he realized that this weapon master not only had different weapon types, but also had different attributes...

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