Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 87 All are reasonable

A round of volleys disintegrated the huge multipliers, and the ice-blue energy almost the same as that used by the original shield master prevented their regeneration.

The firepower was too strong. With the current strength, Xu Yi could not withstand the second round of attack. He could only retreat first with the Undead Demolitionist Mug and the meat shield Hoshgris who were immune to long-range attacks.

Naturally, he did not forget to take a look at the detection technique:

[Third-level Feather Master]

[Attributes] Strength 1.6, Agility 1.4, Constitution 1.5, Intelligence 1.8, Perception 3.7, Charm 1.6

[Expertise] String Control lv5, Demolition Control lv6, Explosion Flame Weapon Art lv6

Is this the third-level Feather Master? The attack power is very strong, which is completely in line with the strength of the third-level creature.

But the bias is very serious. After being approached, it is almost equivalent to the first-level creature.

Fleeing in a panic, Hoshgris directly triggered the comeback, while Mug's body was scorched and frosted. The immunity to long-range attacks can't prevent various attributes from rubbing against him.

Although all subsequent damage will be immune when the arrow touches Mug. However, the third-level feather master shot out almost a ball of energy, and the first thing that touched Mug's body would obviously be attribute energy.

However, there were no pursuers on the Wangxi Pass. In the round of volleys of all the feather masters and the subsequent free shooting, the opponent did not leave a single corpse. Even the giant insects that were blown into pieces were turned into strands of white silk and sucked away, which was quite strange.

Guarding the pass was important, and Xu Yi did not leave a big flaw, so that these weapon masters who guarded the pass did not dare to act rashly.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed. The military training lasted for 14 days on Blue Star, but it turned into 182 days in the 13:1 time domain.

Xu Yi returned to defend the North Fortress No. 4, repelled three waves of weapon master team attempts, and then sneaked out with 60 flesh butchers, 10 parasites and three elite undead. The difference was that this time there was an additional virtual colossus.

The flesh butchers had held a level 9 sacrificial ceremony through the corpse of the blade master at some point, and had summoned this epic incarnation.

And Zhang Yin also used his shadow realm magic, which was far richer than Xu Yi's, to find out the situation inside Wangxi Pass: three fourth-level blade masters, forty feather masters, fifty sword masters, four shield masters, three assassins, and some scattered and almost negligible first-level cooks.

Walking to the foot of the Wangxi Mountains, seven or eight hundred meters up from here is the location of Wangxi Pass.

This road is not the first time to walk, but it still brings Xu Yi a lot of surprise.

What is coming is a mighty team of hundreds of people, with a complex composition, mainly composed of minotaurs, winged people, giant lizards, lizard shooters and umbrella lizard people.

It is not difficult to see that this is a team composed of gods of human civilization.

The five types of clans were represented by five gods, and Xu Yi immediately recalled the North Central Fortress No. 173 on the map that he had overlooked after glancing at it.

He suddenly felt enlightened, and it turned out that attacking this pass was the task of a five-man team from someone else. It seems that the difficulty of his task is mainly reflected in the time. If he can't wait for others to attack this pass, he can only go it by himself.

Only three gods came from the five clans, and it was not difficult for Xu Yi to think that the other party left two in the fortress.

The three gods looked similar, and combined with the giant lizards, lizard shooters and umbrella lizards in the team, who were very close in blood but had different functions, Xu Yi guessed that this was a team that had a lot of involvement with the True God Family.

The three looked at him vigilantly for a while, and when they saw the flesh and blood butchers carrying light machine guns behind Xu Yi, they let down their vigilance and at the same time had more contempt.

They left before Xu Yi, and they didn't know his ranking in the class.

"You three set out from Zhongbei Fortress No. 173, right? Can you tell me which mission this is for you three?"

After the two parties nodded and greeted each other, Xu Yi asked.

"Of course it's the first one. It's only been a month, how can anyone do the second mission? Even if the top ten in age are left, there will naturally be more difficult missions waiting for them. Military training is basically fair. Unless someone is strong, but deliberately chooses some easy tasks."

With a preconceived impression, Li Man's tone was not very polite.

Xu Yi's guess was right. The three brothers came from the true god family of a weak god, the Lizard God.

"Then who are you?"

"From North Fortress No. 4."

"North Fortress?" Li Man frowned, as if he had seen it on the map inside Zhongbei Fortress No. 173, but he couldn't remember it.

After looking at his cousins ​​Li Shang and Li Chen who also shook their heads to indicate that they had never heard of it, he changed the subject.

The opponent was only one person, so he subconsciously linked the North Fortress with the simple difficulty mission of the Middle Fortress.

"You are a technological family in the information age, and your technological body training seems to be quite good."

The flesh and blood butcher carried an M249 but had such an outstanding body shape that people would pay attention to him wherever he went. The more conspicuous virtual colossus was what he thought was a robot with high-energy crystals attached.

"However, you may not have fought with the weapon masters of this world. Even if you bring out a tank gun, a third-level shield master can block two or three shots without any harm." Li Man glanced at the virtual colossus and continued.

Li Shang on the side took the opportunity to join in. His eyes were narrower and longer than those of Li Man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his mind was not so broad.

"When the fight starts, you will be there to scout for us in the rear, in case someone from behind surrounds us."

Smiling, Xu Yi nodded in agreement. What Li Shang said sounded reasonable at first, but in fact, he was protecting the interests of his own little piece of land.

After all, the Blood and Flesh Butcher looked like a mid-range shooter. Not only did they not want him to shoot without any effect, but they also wanted to share the reward for the military training mission.

However, according to the information provided by Zhang Yin, who was left in the North Fortress, he felt that these people might not be able to take down this pass.

Seeing that Xu Yi agreed, the three brothers did not say anything else, but instead flattered each other, revealing an indescribable sense of superiority.

"Brother Man, you are ranked only 21st with your strength. I can't imagine how strong the people before 20 are."

"Haha, you are not bad either, 24th. I have five level 3 giant lizards, one higher than the Tauren Chieftain."

"Student numbers are ranked according to early admission and college entrance examination scores. I think those who participated in the 100-round exam and those who can only get points in the college entrance examination may not be as strong as us." The speaker was Li Chen, who was silent, had a long face, and looked the most honest.

When it came to the wonderful part, the three looked at each other and laughed heartily. Li Shang also stole a glance back, and after noticing Xu Yi's gaze, he quickly turned his head back. The air was full of lively atmosphere.

This made Xu Yi, who led the team to slow down and retreat to the end of the team, speechless. Did these people think about this kind of thing before the battle?

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