Xiaoyou also just came back, so she didn't hear what Fang Hao meant.

With a serious face, he said: "The orc army has expanded all the way, and the number is close to 350,000. I heard that this copper bull is still a hero. If they meet, it will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the other party."

She didn't know that Tong Niu had been subdued by Fang Hao, and she was still worried that this hero would increase the strength of the enemy.

"Don't worry about this, yesterday I led the troops to defeat Tong Niu's army. I have signed a hero contract with me, and I am a hero under my command." Fang Hao continued.

"Ah? So fast?" Xiaoyou was taken aback.

It was only one day after he passed the news of Tong Niu to Fang Hao.

In other words, after Fang Hao got the news, he defeated Tong Niu's team within a day, forcing him to sign a contract.

Could it be that Tong Niu's name just sounds tough and not strong?

No, the orc tribe, they attach great importance to this copper bull, it shouldn't be so unbearable.

Fang Hao put on the last piece of armor and said, "Go, go downstairs for a meeting."

Walking out of the room, Yier and the other maids have already started preparing breakfast.

"Master..." Yi'er saluted with a group of bunny girls.

"Well, go and call all the high-level executives to come to the conference hall for a meeting."

"Good host."

five minutes later.

All the heroes were present, sitting on the seats on either side of the council hall.

Fang Hao sat on the main seat, looked at the crowd, and said softly: "I just got the news that the army of the Skull Broken Tribe has approached the territory, and will conduct the final assembly here, blood hunting, you take the sound transmission conch to investigate, Confirm the other party's news."

"Yes, my lord." Blood Hunter took the sound transmission conch and walked out of the council room directly.

The sound transmission conch was brought back by Xiaoyou, and it was just right for the blood hunter, so he could pass the news back as soon as possible.

The blood hunter leaves,

Fang Hao continued to assign tasks to everyone.

"Nielsen leads all the mage units, Fire Blade and An Jia lead the skeleton warriors and skeleton spearmen respectively, and the copper bull leads all the orcs and skeleton minotaurs. As for the air units, the blood hunters lead, is there any problem?" Fang Hao one by one distribute.

There is no tactic in this distribution, it is just distributed according to each person's legion talent.

Let them lead the troops they are good at.

As for Fire Blade and An Jia.

The number of basic skeleton troops has reached nearly 700,000. Even if they are stationed outside the city, there are skeleton soldiers all over the mountain at a glance.

Both of them are commanding infantry, so they just share the troops.

"no problem."

"Okay, let's make this arrangement first, let's all go down and prepare."

Everyone got orders and went down to prepare.

After a while, the blood hunter sent back news that the orc army was indeed stationed here.

After simply eating some breakfast, Fang Hao went back to the room and cast Shen Lin.

A soul fire rose in the pupils of the skeleton warrior.

Going straight to the place where the army was stationed, "Let's go, go to the territory where the orcs are stationed, and catch them by surprise."

The orc army would never have imagined that those undead teams that should have been scared away have already begun to assemble and attack.

There were 100,000 undead troops left in the city.

Although there is no heroic leader left, Fang Hao can also release the state of God's presence as soon as possible in the event of an attack on the city.

Of course, if there is a change, it is because the orc army did not wait for the copper bull, so they would not wait. They set off ahead of schedule and met the undead army in the middle for an encounter.

It is difficult to bypass such a huge army and attack the city directly.

The huge undead army set off in a mighty way.

Proceed to the location where the orcs were stationed.

On the way, they met the returning blood hunter.

"Lord Lord, the orcs haven't set off yet, but they have arranged for people to go to the Manim Market to urge them, and they were killed by me on the way." Blood Hunt reported.

The huge bat wings and flying ability allow the blood hunter to have mobility that ordinary troops do not have.

Investigating the enemy's situation, attacking and killing the orcs alone, some are overkill.

"Okay, the flight unit is under your command." Fang Hao said.

"Yes, my lord."

The team is still moving fast.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

The system beep sounds again.

[The mandatory quest 'Magic Mouse Invasion' is officially opened, all lords please pay attention to resist. 】

Then, Fang Hao received another prompt again.

[Your task is a change task, and the situation progresses on its own, which is not included in the calculation. 】

It seems that battles in other territories have already begun.

And Fang Hao is still on a long journey here.

Finally, under the rapid march all the way.

The large troop finally approached the target point, and the front was where the orcs camped.


The Skull Smash Army, where they encamped.

In the military account, Amiri's face was gloomy, "Have you arranged for the person who is looking for the copper bull to come back?"

Outside the tent, the guard walked in and replied, "Commander, I haven't come back yet. Would you like to send someone to go?"

Amiri fell silent, and an inexplicable sense of crisis rose in her heart.

There must be something wrong with this.

But where is the problem, I can't think of it for a while.


He punched the chair next to him, and the wooden chair shattered, and sawdust splattered everywhere.

"Don't wait, let me know and prepare to go, wait until the undead territory is destroyed, and then come back to find the copper bull to settle the account." Amiri said angrily.

"Yes, Commander."

The orc guard just wanted to pass on the order, but the expressions of the two stopped at the same time.

Amiri frowned, watching the ripples that kept spreading in the water glass.

Want an earthquake?

At this moment, the outside of the tent suddenly became chaotic and noisy.

An orc stumbled and rushed in directly. Without waiting for Amiri's reprimand, he shouted loudly: "Command, command, there are undead legions outside, there are too many."

Amiri's heart tightened, those undead dared to take the initiative to attack, which was really beyond his expectations.

He kicked away the yelling orc and scolded, "If you dare to yell again, I'll kill you first."

The number of troops in the undead city, they have detailed intelligence.

About 50,000 low-level skeletons.

It seems that there are a lot of them, but those low-level undead are as fragile as paper paste against the army of 300,000 orcs.

Even if the opponent attacks, what can they do, it is nothing more than transferring the battlefield here.

The orc who was kicked to the ground shrank his neck and said, "Commander, go take a look, there are too many undead."

"Go!" Amiri said, and walked out of the tent.

Just as he walked out of the tent, Amiri also felt something was wrong.

The vibration of the ground became more and more clear.

"It's a bone dragon, they have a bone dragon..." Suddenly, the orcs gathered in front exclaimed.

Make the scene more messy.

Amiri ordered the personal soldiers to maintain order, and whipped the orcs with whips in their hands, sending them back to prepare for battle.

With the sound of a whip, the enclosed crowd dispersed.

Amiri and the guards also saw the scene ahead with their own eyes.

A sense of oppression of death from the undead enveloped him.

The army of skeletons spread all over the mountains and fields, occupying all the scope of vision.

Like a white tsunami, it crossed the jungle and fields, and was rapidly approaching here.

And the shock just now, where is the earthquake.

It was the sound of these armies of skeletons approaching.

In the sky, countless huge bone dragons flew at a faster speed, and they were close to the camp.

"Blow the horn and prepare to fight!" Amiri roared hoarsely.

This battle is feared to be a death battle.

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