
A loud howl blew, and all the orcs entered a state of battle.

Amiri forcibly suppressed the fear that had arisen in his heart and began to command the various arms to enter a state of battle.

All the items that can be used are piled up around, and the temporary fortifications are reinforced.

The number of orcs is also 300,000, and the huge number can only reinforce local areas.

Amiri commanded loudly, and the messengers spread out, quickly passing on the news.

Seeing that the bone dragon in the sky is getting closer, Amiri can only order in a hurry.

"All Batriders are ready to attack, draw the bone dragon away, and the long-range troops are ready to fight."

Batrider is a fifth-order flying unit of the orc family.

Huge wings and shape resembling a bat, with sharp claws.

Riding an orc on its back can attack air and ground units.

Even so, the Bat Knight is only a fifth-order unit, which cannot be compared with the legendary arm of the bone dragon.

Amiri just let them entangle or lead the bone dragon to other directions, so the infantry had the energy to deal with the army of undead that approached from the front.

Otherwise, once the bone dragon enters the battlefield first, the orc army will be difficult to deal with.

After all, the orc army is still dominated by infantry.

Thousands of bat knights rushed into the sky, formed a special formation, and flew towards the bone dragon.

The orc riding on his back began to draw out his javelin, ready to attack.

They also know their position, that is, they are constantly harassing, and they don't really need to decide the winner or loser with the bone dragon.

But the reality is always crueler than the ideal.

When thousands of bat knights plan to throw their javelins and attack the bone dragon.

Whoa, whoa! !

On the backs of nearly a hundred bone dragons, like birds that startled from the woods, dense skeleton giant bats spread out.

Circling around in the sky, directly facing Batrider.

The Bat Knight team, looking at the skeleton giant bats swarming towards them, changed their expressions instantly.

How to fight this battle? Not equal at all.

"Disperse, and harass the bone dragon if you have a chance." Captain Batrider ordered loudly.

The formation spread out instantly, looking for opportunities to harass the bone dragon.

Even though the Batrider responded the quickest, several people were still wrapped in skeleton giant bats.

When it spreads out again, the flesh and blood have been picked clean, and the bones fall from the air.

a time.

The sky was like a rain of bones, and bones kept falling.

Even the orc army, known for its fierceness and savagery, could not help being a little horrified when they saw this scene.

The chase between the Batrider and the skeleton giant bat continued, and 100 skull dragons flew unobstructed to the sky above the orc camp.

Ignore the arrows coming up from below.

Roar! !

He opened his huge mouth and spit out death breaths towards the dense area below.

A dark beam of light swept across the orc army.

Hit the affected orcs, and the flesh and blood began to fall off, turning into dry bones in the wailing.

The bone dragon skipped over its head, flew into the distance, turned around again, and continued to fly towards the orc army.

"Damn it!" Amiri cursed.

The battle has already begun, and they have no way out. Even if they know they can't beat it, they can only fight hard.

If the retreat is ordered now, the 300,000 army will collapse in an instant, and the casualties will be even more miserable.

"Warriors! Kill these undead and take down the generals commanded by the enemy." Amiri raised his arms and roared.


The orc infantry, their eyes became blood red, and they let out a bloodthirsty roar.

In a frenzy, he rushed towards the rapidly approaching army of skeletons.

in the ranks of the dead.

The 100,000 Necromancers in the rear attacked first.

A trail of black missiles containing negative energy flew over the army in a throwing arc.

Smashed into the roaring orc team.

The missile exploded, and a large number of orcs were blown away, and negative attributes spread among the orcs.

Even so, the mad orcs still rushed towards them recklessly.

Huo Ren looked at the beastman who was roaring like a madman, and ordered in a flat tone, "Raise your shield and bring out your spear."

An iron spear glowing with cold glow stretched out from the gap in the shield, towards the roaring orc.

Bang bang bang! !

The orc was wearing a shield and used the strength of his body to slammed into the shield wall of the skeleton.

The huge momentum was like a city hammer, breaking through the shield wall and rushing into the queue.

And more orcs were pierced by spears, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor.

The orcs who rushed into the queue of skeletons did not have the expected results.

The iron sword that slashed his head and covered his face slashed directly into a puddle of flesh.

The main battle forces of both sides fought together anxiously.

On the right side of the orc tribe, there are tens of thousands of undead troops, which crossed the rugged rocky mountain and appeared directly in the rear right of the team.

The orc girl who led the team looked at the battlefield below where they had been killed together and said, "Kill."

The order was issued, and he took the lead with the undead army and killed the orc army.

Time goes by slowly.

The battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot stage.

The undead army is not affected by morale, nor does it feel pain and fear.

On the contrary, it was the Orc Legion. After the blessing attribute of the War Horn, the morale began to drop rapidly, and the battle was not as crazy as it was at the beginning.

Fang Hao looked at the situation on the battlefield.

Said: "Terok, end the battle quickly."

The copper bull sighed slightly, and the huge bull's head lightly nodded, "Okay sir."

The team of copper bulls began to approach from the rear of the army, hiding behind the shield wall.

Huo Ren glanced at Tong Niu and ordered again, "Open!"

Swish swish!

The shield opens.

The copper bull's eyes were red, and he directly launched a violent collision.

Take the tauren warriors and skeleton minotaurs directly out of the queue, like a galloping train, hitting all the enemies along the way.

Crash into the camp of the orcs, get rid of the corpses hanging from the horns, and trample the war of rage of the beast gods one after another.

Like bloodthirsty killing gods, fight in the orc queue.

The situation in the audience, at the moment when the copper bull rushed out of the camp, accelerated the rhythm of the orcs' defeat.

All the undead gave up their defense and began to attack with all their might.

The sea of ​​​​skeletons completely covers the entire battlefield.

In such a scenario, the winner of the war has been determined.

The orc army began to collapse, and when the morale of a large number of orcs dropped to the bottom, they began to choose to flee, fleeing towards the surrounding forest.

But the bone dragons hovering in the sky and the tens of thousands of skeleton giant bats would give them a chance to escape.

Pick your targets and kill them one by one.

As dusk approached, the sound of fighting subsided.

The whole land was covered with blood, and the corpses were scattered all over the field, and the sight was full of broken limbs and bones, like a purgatory on earth.

"My lord, all the orcs have been killed. We are arranging for the battlefield. Several human corpses were found behind the camp. They should have been made by orcs and are already dead." Huo Ren stepped forward and reported.

In hand-to-hand combat, it is difficult to survive.

Fang Hao directly issued an order not to leave prisoners.

And most of the humans who appear here are traversers like themselves.

"Take me to see." Fang Hao said.

Huo Ren nodded, took Fang Hao across the sea of ​​corpses, and walked towards the back of the orc camp.

Soon, Fang Hao saw the human being in the mouth of the fire blade.

6 human beings were beheaded, their heads turned around, staring at the corner of the sky with unwilling eyes.

It can be recognized from the clothes that, like Fang Hao, he is the lord who has passed through.

Bend down and pick up the book of lords around one person's waist.

The Book of Lords is level 3 and belongs to Lord Guan Qi.

Level three?

This person's book of lords is actually higher than his own level.

When Fang Hao continued to look for the book of other lords, he also understood the reason.

It seems that the books of the lords of these people have been swallowed up by the person in front of them.

Guan Qi's territory was destroyed, and he was unable to obtain decision-making power.

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