Blackstone tribe, on the city wall.

The commander looked at the undead army that was approaching with a gloomy expression.

Even now, he couldn't figure out why the ugly spiders besieging them would find these undead as reinforcements.

No matter how you think about it, there can be no connection between the two parties.

But at this time, the undead army had already arrived at the city, and the cannon fodder outside the city were also trying to escape.

Those of them trapped in the city have no second choice.

Tap tap tap! !

Just when the commander was anxiously discussing with the backbone of the tribe how to deal with it.

A burly female orc wearing animal skin armor came up angrily with her team and shouted angrily at the commander: "Why did you order the city gate to be closed? There are so many people outside Soldier, how can these tribes trust Blackstone in the future?"

The female orc is called Reissa, and she is the daughter of the leader of the Blackstone Tribe.

In the tribe, although his status is not as good as that of his brothers, his status still has some influence.

Especially during this period, 'Ressa' suddenly showed a certain ability in general strategy, and his influence was also increasing.

Seeing the city gate closed, there were still a large number of soldiers outside who had not entered.

Ressa rushed over angrily and questioned the other party loudly.

Regarding Resa interrupting the conversation between himself and several key members, the commander's face was equally ugly, and he said solemnly: "The clan leader is not here, the Blackstone Tribe is under my full command, and it is not your turn to question me."

The Grand Commander is a hero who joins the tribe later.

It was only after he joined and two heroes took charge of the tribe that it began to develop rapidly.

When the clan leader is absent, the chief has the highest command of the clan.

Even the sons and daughters of the clan leader are not qualified to challenge the commander-in-chief before they become heroes.

This is the rule of the orc tribe. As long as there are no other conditions to interfere, everything is based on strength.

What's more, the situation at this time is quite serious, and the commander-in-chief doesn't have a good look on his face.

"The undead army is still far away from the city gate. Opening the city gate can save more orcs and increase the number of troops defending the city." Ressa continued.

The orcs outside the city were peeping and fleeing.

If you run away, you no longer have any fighting power.

If they are allowed to enter the city, it will not only show that the Blackstone Tribe has not given up on them, but will also increase the number of troops defending the city.

The commander turned back and glanced at Reissa, "There are also orcs among the undead. They will only make the tribe more passive if they enter the city mixed with the crowd."

Taking a deep breath, he continued: "Resa, I know what you are thinking. It is just that the human being you are friends with is still outside, but I want to tell you that now is the time of life and death for the tribe, and you are not allowed to be here. Nonsense.”

"You..." Resa was very angry, but did not refute.

Many people in the tribe knew about her relationship with humans, and it was not a secret.

The followers behind him also kept discouraging Reissa from contradicting the commander at this time.

As the commander-in-chief himself said, when the patriarch is absent, he has the highest command authority.

Even if Reza was ordered to be killed at this time, no one would object.

The commander glanced at Resa coldly and ordered: "Come here, put Resa and others in the dungeon and wait for the clan leader to come back to deal with them."

Following the order, several orc guards immediately came up from all around.

Ressa tried to resist, but failed to break free. His weapons were taken away and he was escorted to the dungeon.

After Resa and others left, silence returned to the city wall.

The commander continued to explain the upcoming war.

After quickly setting up, all the orcs followed the order and walked down the city wall, preparing for the next war.

Looking below, the skeleton army keeps approaching.

The commander's face was still solemn. He glanced at the dragons in human form and said, "Mr. Spencer, I hope you can help Blackstone tide over the difficulties in the upcoming battle."

The root cause of this conflict with the undead was the investigation of dragon treasures.

Otherwise, they would not have provoked those spiders, thereby attracting so many undead.

But now that things have developed, he can't take things too seriously.

Dragons have the ability to fly.

When they see something is wrong, they just slap their butts and leave in fear, and they can't stop them.

As for the orcs themselves, they had no second choice and could only rely on the city under their feet for defensive warfare.

The message for help has been sent out.

They had to hold on until dawn, waiting for the clan leader to arrive with reinforcements.

Spencer, the dragon tribe, looked at the skeleton army getting closer and closer to the city, his face was also a little ugly.

How come we ended up with so many skeletons in the end?

It's like hell.

But Spencer is calmer than the commander. The dragon race is a powerful race, and he is full of confidence in himself.

"These are low-level undead without intelligence, but there are just a lot of them. As long as we find the opportunity to kill the opponent's command, this battle is not without a chance of winning."

These skeletons are obviously just low-level undead.

As long as the commander of the undead army is killed, it will be difficult for these low-level undead to continue to attack in an orderly manner, and then they can be defeated one by one.

Therefore, decapitation is the only way to achieve victory.

After hearing Spencer's words, both the commander and the other orcs' eyes lit up.

This is really a way.

The commander immediately said: "We will try our best to hold back this army, and then ask Mr. Spencer to kill the enemy generals to end this battle."

Spencer did not refuse, glanced at the dim sky, and nodded, "Okay."

He has the ability to fly and is a very powerful hero in his own right.

Even if he fails to kill him, he still has the ability to escape.

If he succeeds, not only can he recover his lost treasure, but he can also make the Blackstone Tribe owe him a favor.

No matter how you calculate it, you can try it yourself without much loss.

The two just finished talking.

From the watchtower, the orcs shouted: "There are enemies approaching in the air, and there are many of them."

Everyone immediately looked up.

Under the dim clouds, a large number of flying units were approaching quickly.

Even from a distance, everyone could see that the appearance of the soldiers was very similar to their Bat Riders.

This kind of flying dragon bat is difficult to raise, and it is also difficult to train knights.

The Blackstone Tribe has been accumulating for decades, and the number of Bat Riders is only over 2,000.

And among these 2,000 people, they had also died on the battlefield during the battle.

The flying skeleton units flying towards them not only resembled the Bat Knight in appearance, but were also numerous in number.

The commander did not dare to delay and immediately ordered: "Archers are ready to prevent the undead in the air from approaching."

The messenger immediately conveyed the order.

The archers in the city immediately prepared for battle, drawing their bows and aiming arrows at the dim sky.

When the Skeleton Bat Rider flies over the city.

A 'release'.

Whoosh whoosh!

The arrow flew out quickly and shot towards the dark sky.

However, the Skeleton Bat Rider seemed to have no intention of attacking the ground.

Maintain a high distance from the ground.


Bang bang bang!

The arrows shot disappeared into the night.

Not a single undead hit.

What fell down were cylinders emitting white smoke.

The Skeleton Bat Knight flew quickly over the city, like dropping leaflets, and the cylindrical items instantly covered the entire city.

The orcs picked it up casually and looked at it up and down.


"Short stick?"

"Oh! I know, these undead want to kill us."

Outside the city wall, the skeleton army stopped advancing, stopped within a certain range, and waited.

In the city, all the orcs were guessing what the use of this falling cylinder was.

Hitting someone with something like this does some damage.

But why should it be made into this shape? It would be more lethal than throwing stones from a high altitude.

An orc from Gujiao ran towards the city wall with a cylinder in his hand and shouted: "Commander, there are such things all over the city now. I don't know what they do."

But just close.

The smoke from the cylinder in his hand has burned to the end.

boom! !

A roar sounded instantly.

Under the gaze of the commander and others, the orc's body was blown to pieces in an instant, and the stone bricks under his feet were also shattered.

Don't wait for what the commander and others will say.

Boom boom boom! !

Throughout the city, dense explosions were heard one after another, ringing out in every corner of the city.

The originally arranged army formation was also shattered in the explosion. Countless orc limbs were scattered everywhere along with the rain.

The earth shook, the mountains shook, and smoke filled the sky.

The explosion lasted for five or six minutes.

The whole city was filled with a thick smell of smoke and gunpowder.

The commander crawled out from the ruins, vomited a mouthful of blood, and looked toward the inner city.

Everywhere he looked, there were broken tiles and broken walls, broken flesh and corpses on the ground, and tribesmen wailing in pain.

The commander's eyes were bloodshot and his canthus was about to burst.

It's over, the Blackstone Tribe is completely over.

Before the commander could continue to send orders, a rapid and low drum beat sounded again in the direction of the skeleton army outside the city.

Dong~dong dong~~dong dong dong.

The beating of the drums became faster and faster.

Then the ground began to tremble slightly again.

The people who were not dead on the city wall immediately looked out and saw that the skeleton soldiers who had been waiting in place had begun to attack the city wall.

No engineering equipment was carried.

Just charge straight forward.

"Army, get back to your positions quickly, the enemy is attacking." The commander shouted loudly while vomiting blood.

But the response to him was still moans and painful wails.

Only a few lightly injured soldiers, less than a hundred soldiers, staggered to the city wall.

But the look outside was filled with despair and numbness.

This undead army is simply not something they can resist.

Even the commander-in-chief began to regret why he helped the dragon clan and provoked those spiders.

Seeing the skeleton soldiers below the city, they surged under the city wall like a tide, then trampled on each other's bodies and climbed to the bottom of the city wall.

Like a dense swarm of ants, they covered the city wall and spread upward.

This is the first time I have seen him climb the city wall relying on his body.

But when placed on these skeletons, it is particularly effective and fast.

"It's over, everything is over." The commander collapsed on the ground, murmuring.

This battle has just begun.

It's over.

Originally, he thought he could rely on the city wall and hold on until the clan leader moved reinforcements from the Tusgo Orc City.

But now it seems that I can no longer hold on to that time.

When the time comes, the clan leader will only collect his body when he comes back.

One after another, some orc warriors gradually climbed up the city wall.

Spencer, the dragon clan, also walked over from a distance at this time.

During the explosion, it used its own advantages to hide far away, and only came back after the explosion.

"Commander, please quickly organize manpower for defense. I will look for opportunities to kill the other party's commander." Spencer stood in front of the commander and said seriously.

Spencer is confident in his own abilities.

Even though the Blackstone Tribe no longer has much fighting power, as long as he can contain the opponent's main army, he still has a chance to kill the enemy's generals.

Win this war through beheading operations.

Only by defeating this skeleton army can he have a chance to recover the lost treasures.

Hearing Spencer's words, the commander immediately cheered up.

Even if there was little hope, he couldn't just wait to die.

How do you know you won't succeed if you don't try hard?

"Okay, I will immediately organize people to defend." The commander said hurriedly.

Spencer nodded and jumped off the city wall. The human body instantly transformed into a huge red phosphorus dragon and rushed straight into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the low and dark clouds like cotton wool.

The commander no longer hesitated, stood up and roared loudly at the city.

Urging the orcs who could still stand up, they immediately picked up their weapons and climbed onto the city wall to defend against the undead warriors that had spread upward.

Soon, the skeleton warriors had climbed onto the city wall.

He took off the iron sword he was holding in his mouth, turned his dull skull, and looked at an orc in front of him.

bump! !

The orc saw the right moment and took the lead, kicking the skeleton warrior off the city wall.

But the outside of the wall was already densely covered with countless skeletons, and one after another they climbed onto the wall and launched an attack on the soldiers inside the city.

Soon, the city walls became a formal battlefield.

Orcs and undead began to fight for control of the city wall.

Skeleton army, center position.

Fang Hao was still sitting on the horse, watching the battle on the city wall ahead.

His own army of bones has surrounded the city on all sides, and it is only a matter of time to capture the city.

Coupled with the intensive bombing of the city by detonators just now, the orcs' defense force has obviously been severely damaged.

This also makes their subsequent attacks much easier.

"Sir, we captured a team of humans in the woods on the right. Lord Assetti asked me to ask whether to execute them directly." The tauren warrior quickly ran over and reported in a deep voice.

The orc army outside the city was directly dispersed and fled into the dense forests on the left and right sides.

Fang Hao asked Asetti to lead the cavalry to chase and drive away the larger number of orcs to prevent these orcs from regrouping in the dense forest and harassing the army.

Along the way, Assetti led the cavalry and killed many people.

But a group of humans were captured, which made it difficult for Assetti to deal with them, so he arranged for people to come back and report.

Fang Hao was also surprised when he heard the news.

The battle just now was very chaotic, and the infantry was commanded by physical fists, and the fighting method was more direct and bold.

He directly led the army to charge head-on and quickly defeated the orc army.

He found no trace of humans during the battle.

But to be able to appear here, it should be a team of time-travelers.

Human aborigines obviously will not live in this area of ​​​​the orcs, so the only ones who can appear are the time travelers.

Why would he help the orcs fight? The only way to talk about it is to capture him.

"Catch them alive. If there is resistance, kill them directly." Fang Hao said.

"Yes, sir." The tauren warrior responded and ran away into the distance.

At the same time, Fang Hao was also curious.

How this time traveler survived from the orcs.

Thinking in my mind.

But the skeleton shooter and necromancer in front of him asked Shuyuan to take action without receiving orders.

The archer drew his bow and arrows, and arrows shot into the air like raindrops.

The staff in the mage's hand also glowed with light, and magic missiles shot into the sky.

Fang Hao was suddenly shocked.

Looking up, he saw a huge red dragon that covered the clouds and closed the moon, jumping out of the clouds.

Staring at the sky full of arrows and magic missiles, they swooped down in their direction.


After a roar, he opened his mouth and spit out a pillar of blazing orange fire, which swept towards Fang Hao's location.


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