The huge red dragon spreads its huge wings, covering the clouds and closing the moon.

Swooping down, it set off air waves and deflected arrows shot from all directions.

Roar! !

After a roar, a blazing pillar of fire spit out from the red dragon's mouth and swept straight towards Fang Hao's location.

Wherever the pillar of fire passed, the ground was charred, and all the shrouded skeleton soldiers turned into ashes.

Seeing the pillar of fire approaching.

Fang Hao immediately spread his wings and evaded to the side.

As soon as the body left, the pillar of fire swept past the skeleton horse, and the skeleton horse instantly turned into a pool of flying ash and scattered.

The red dragon passed by, and Fang Hao also saw the other party's name.

[Fire Soul-Spencer (Orange Level 5 Hero)].

Looking at the scorched ground that is more than ten meters long and three meters wide, I still have lingering fears.

This huge dragon passed by one after another.

A charcoal-like area was burned out right in the middle of the undead army.

On the ground burned by the flames, raindrops dropped, and a white mist rose.

Damn it!

Fang Hao cursed secretly.

Dragons are born with strength that far exceeds that of any other race.

As they grow older, their strength also increases rapidly.

Even among heroes of the same orange level, few races can match the strength of the Dragon Clan.

In particular, the dragon's tough body and ability to fly.

No race is willing to be an enemy of the Dragon Clan.

They may even deliberately please the Dragon Clan to find shelter.

If it weren't for the limited reproductive capacity of the Dragon Clan, I'm afraid this continent would have been ruled by the Dragon Clan long ago.

Looking at the chaotic team, Fang Hao shouted loudly: "Don't be chaotic, return to their respective positions, the long-range troops retreat, switch positions with the melee troops, lock the dragon crossbow bed and load the crossbow bolts, all air units, attack the red dragon."

The pressure of the dragon clan caused the tauren accompanying the army to fall into brief chaos.

Fang Hao gave orders loudly, asking everyone to return to their positions, and at the same time, he switched units and prepared for counterattack.

The main army at the front continues to attack Black Rock City.

The heroes were all assigned their own tasks. Fang Hao was sitting in the middle of the army with no heroes around him.

Moreover, the flying characteristics of the dragons are difficult for the accompanying heroes to deal with.

After hearing Fang Hao's order, the army began to make adjustments.

The red dragon swept through the army, circled in the air, turned around and flew towards Fang Hao's position again.

It has been confirmed that the creature that escaped his breath is the leader of this army.

Although he looked like a human being, the pungent smell of sulfur emitted from his body was simply disgusting.

The red dragon flew again, and the flame energy began to gather.

Just when he was about to breathe fire, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis coming from his side.

Not daring to hesitate at all, the red dragon suddenly turned around.

call! !

As soon as he turned his body, a black beam of light passed by his side dangerously.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third black light beams came from all directions, forcing the red dragon to retreat continuously.

The red dragon Spencer flapped his wings and dodged quickly.

However, his eyes saw bone dragons and skeleton giant bats all over the sky, flying into the sky from various places in the skeleton army, and then rushing toward him.

Spencer's eyes widened and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

How can this be.

Even Otis, the king of bones in this area, cannot possess so many skeleton armies and nearly a hundred bone dragons at the same time.

What is the origin of this undead army...

However, the bone dragon and giant skeleton bat didn't give him much time to think.

Black energy beams shot from all directions. The red dragon immediately turned around and began to avoid them.

The Dragon Clan is also a race with a complete system.

They have a complete power center and also have various military units with clear division of labor.

The giant dragon that Fang Hao found used to transform the bone dragon belonged to the dragon clan's arms.

He also has the characteristics of a dragon, but in terms of ability and size, compared with a dragon hero like Spencer, they are just as different as clouds and mud and cannot be compared.

The death breath exhaled by the bone dragon, with the blessing of dark energy, has the effect of dark energy.

Keep attacking the bone dragon.

Hundreds of thousands of giant skeleton bats began to block the way and intercept the red dragon that kept dodging, filling the sky densely.

The way forward was blocked by a giant skeleton bat.

Roar! !

Spencer breathed out the flame dragon breath again, burning towards the giant skeleton bat in front of him.

The giant skeleton bat's body began to burn and turned into fireballs, falling from the sky in large pieces.

Bang bang bang! !

On the ground, 20 Suolong crossbow beds began to fire crossbow bolts.

Poof! !

Unexpectedly, several crossbow arrows hit the red dragon's body, and blood splattered everywhere, but the power of the crossbow arrows did not completely penetrate the red dragon's body.

It just broke the dragon scales, and fell directly from the air with blood and chains.

The injured red dragon roared angrily.

A fierce fight began with the Bone Dragon.

Red and gray-white dragon breath kept shooting out in the sky.

Accompanied by thunder and lightning in the sky, the scene is stunningly beautiful.

Fang Hao frowned while looking at this wonderful battle in the sky.

This red dragon is really difficult to deal with.

He has nearly a million troops, but he has no good way to deal with the red dragon.

Fighting with the bone dragon, even the crossbow bed below was unable to shoot the crossbow bolts.

In the sky, giant skeletal bats were burned by flames into fireballs and kept falling from the sky.

The siege of more than 100 skull dragons showed no signs of victory.

The recruitment conditions for bone dragons were quite harsh, and he was heartbroken to lose one.

Fang Hao took advantage of the time that the bone dragon and the red dragon were entangled and began to think about countermeasures.

How can we let the red dragon come down...?

After thinking about it, Fang Hao immediately said: "Let Niyi and the others come over immediately."

The messenger ran down again.

When he came back again, Niyi and five other Nisbitt heroes came over together.

"Sir." Niyi and others saluted.

"Well, is there a way to get that red dragon down?" Fang Hao glanced at the red dragon in the sky.

Ni Yi and others looked at the red dragon fighting with the bone dragon in the sky, and said with some uncertainty in their tone, "We can try, but with the strength of the dragon clan, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long."

"Okay, give it a try." Fang Hao nodded and agreed.

Niyi and others nodded.

Immediately passed through the army and quickly came to the bottom of the red dragon.

See the right moment and immediately release the skill [Peel Off Characteristics].

Spencer, who was fighting with the bone dragon, suddenly stopped breathing, and his huge dragon eyes suddenly opened wide.

The body fell down uncontrollably.

The ability to peel off characteristics only lasted about three seconds on Spencer.

While still in the air, Spencer regained his ability to fly and immediately flapped his wings.

But just as he was about to fly, the second Nisbitt hero continued to release the [stripping characteristic].

The red dragon's body fell rapidly again.

This time, how could the bone dragon in the sky let go of this opportunity? The breath of death suddenly spurted out, instantly covering the red dragon's body.

Without the ability to fly, Spencer was like a huge target with no power to dodge.

At the same time, the huge energy accelerated the speed of the red dragon's body falling.

Gu Meng

On the burned part, the red dragon scales began to show signs of being burnt and falling off.

Suffered relatively serious injuries.

Just as the red dragon was about to turn over and resist, the helpless feeling of being unable to control its wings struck him again, causing his body to continue falling rapidly.

Below, densely packed skeleton soldiers raised their spears, aiming at the location where the red dragon fell.

Spencer's expression also began to become serious.

If it fell, let alone being pierced by a spear, even if I could fight, I wouldn't be able to kill so many skeletons.

The walls of Blackstone City have been occupied by the undead.

The idea of ​​​​escape also began to arise in his heart.

thinking in mind.

The bone dragon shrouded his body with several more breaths of death.

He accelerated his fall again.

boom! !

With a muffled sound, the red dragon's body fell heavily to the ground.

The raised spear stabbed the body, and bright red blood spattered everywhere.

Before the red dragon could get up, the undead that had been waiting around him immediately swarmed up and immediately enveloped the red dragon's position.

The red dragon's body kept swinging, throwing away skeletons one after another.

Every time he tried to flap his wings and leave, he would be pinned down by the skeletons rushing towards him from all around.

The huge body is covered with skeletons, like sticky rice dumplings.

Fang Hao watched the red dragon fall from the sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

When neither the Bone Dragon nor the Skeleton Giant Bat could defeat the enemy in the air, he really had no other solution.

Especially this kind of hero with a powerful body.

You can come whenever you want and leave whenever you want.

If not, Niyi and others became heroes, and the [stripping characteristic] released would also have a short-term effect on the heroes.

I am afraid that it will be difficult for my own army to deal with this red dragon.

Fang Hao thought.

The direction of the red dragon once again let out an angry roar.

boom! !

The bursting flame exploded instantly.

The surrounding undead were killed and wounded in large numbers in an instant.

The red dragon wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and tried to fly away.

Niyi and others who have been standing around can always add a [stripping characteristic] just when he spreads his wings and takes off.

Several Nisbitts were released in turn, watching the red dragon closely.

The next step is to use the number of people to pile the red dragon to death.

Fang Hao was much familiar with this fighting method.

The two battlefields are still going on.

The Blackstone Tribe's city wall has been breached, the city gate has been opened, and skeletons have begun to pour into the city.

The heavy rain continued, and there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

At this time, dense footsteps sounded.

Asetti led the cavalry through the layers of teams and came to Fang Hao.

"Sir, these are the captured humans. Some of them escaped into the dense forest. We did not pursue them deeply." Asetti rode the wind demon, and the rainwater flowed along the armor.

Surrounded by the cavalry, there was a human team of more than 20 people.

In addition to the clearly dressed militiamen, two of them could be confirmed to be lords.

Both of them were covered in mud, their faces were pale, and their lips were a little purple.

He looked like he was still recovering from a serious illness.

"Are there any other time-travelers?" Fang Hao looked at the two time-travelers in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing the talk about time travellers, the two of them looked up at Fang Hao at the same time.

When he saw Fang Hao's face, he also confirmed that he was also a time traveler.

Although Fang Hao controlled a demon doll, with the blessing of the demon mask, the doll's appearance was no different from itself.

It can be said that both of them are Fang Hao, and their appearance is exactly the same.

As if seeing hope, the two of them regained some sparkle in their eyes, and said hurriedly: "Boss, you are one of our own, our own."

Fang Hao did not respond to the other party and continued to ask in a deep voice: "Are there any other time travelers?"

The two of them looked suffocated, thought for a moment and replied: "There were originally four of us, but now there are only two of us left. We don't know if the other two are still alive."

The fighting on the battlefield was quite fierce at that time, and they were scattered by the undead army and did not stay together.

When they escaped, only the two of them were left.

For the other two, I'm afraid they don't have much hope of surviving.

Fang Hao nodded and continued to ask: "Why do you help the Blackstone Tribe?"

These words made the two people who had originally raised their hopes feel tense again.

The lord wearing leather armor immediately replied: "We, we have nothing to do. The territory is near the Blackstone Tribe. We all have to obey the Blackstone Tribe's orders. Otherwise, how can we survive until now."

"I heard that all the humans in the Black Stone Tribe were killed. Why didn't they kill you?" Fang Hao continued to ask coldly.

The reputation of the Blackstone Tribe is notorious.

Not to mention foreign tribes, even the small and medium-sized tribes among the orcs were enslaved and suppressed by the Blackstone Tribe.

Those who disobey will be wiped out of the village, and the population will be used as slaves for hard labor or sold.

Where can humans develop their military strength and enjoy the same treatment as orcs?

Facing Fang Hao's question, the two of them suddenly fell silent.

After thinking for a while, one of them quietly glanced at his companion and explained in a low voice: "Well, Brother Tang knows the top leaders of the Blackstone Tribe, so we received some care."

Fang Hao noticed the other person's gaze and looked at the person squatting below.

Dressed in leather armor, he has a pretty good build, and has long hair with braids like those of an orc.

"What's your name?" Fang Hao asked.

"My name is Shang Xinran!"

"My name is Tang Qi."

When Fang Hao heard the name Tang Qi, he immediately felt familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, I recalled where I heard this name.

Fang Hao had met Tang Qi when he attended the auction held at Merchant Alliance No. 032.

The two also exchanged words at that time.

However, it was just a one-on-one relationship at that time, and today they are both in a state of embarrassment, and they did not recognize each other's identity.

When chatting with Tang Qi at that time, he did mention that he was attached to the Blackstone Tribe, and the person he was attached to was the daughter of the leader of the Blackstone Tribe.

Presumably, it was also because of this relationship that the Blackstone Tribe allowed a few of them to have military strength.

"So your relationship is very close?" Fang Hao looked directly at the two of them.

"It's not close. We are also oppressed by the Blackstone Tribe, so there is no relationship." Shang Xinran said hurriedly.

He is not stupid, so he naturally understands why the other party asked these questions.

"Okay, let me believe you for now." Fang Hao nodded and continued to say to the soldiers around him: "Give me custody of these humans. If anyone tries to leave or comes into contact with weapons, kill them all."

Swish, swish, swish! !

The skeletons all around turned around.

A formation was formed, surrounding the two lords and the militiamen in the middle.

Seeing this posture, everyone's bodies trembled. Find the book garden

More than 20 people leaned together and squatted carefully on the ground.

After Fang Hao and Asetti left, Shang Xinran lowered his voice and said, "Brother Tang, is he Fang Hao?"

"How do I know? Judging from this posture, it must be Fang Hao!" Tang Qi looked at the direction Fang Hao was leaving and said softly.

He is related to the undead and possesses such terrifying strength.

Among the time travellers, the only one they could guess was Fang Hao.

Shang Xinran thought for a moment and said, "That's not right. Someone on the channel said some time ago that he had seen Fang Hao. He was a pretty boy maintained by a female noble. What he said was quite true. The city is called Lissi City."

Tang Qi quietly glanced at the skeleton soldiers around him, swallowed, and said, "Stop talking, no matter who it is, our lives are in his hands. Let's think about how we can survive."

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