Skull rat!

The skull rat is really well informed.

He used the teleport here in the morning, and before noon, the Skull Rat had already received his news.

And sent new information.

Fang Hao took the card from the skull rat's paw and looked at the content on it.

There are two contents written above and below, one of which is the news of the Sword of Mitigation, and the other is the purchase list of the Skull Rat.

The Sword of Mitigation is a mission prop for Xiaoyou to upgrade his level. Every time he obtains the Sword of Mitigation, Xiaoyou's level and strength will be significantly improved.

It can be said that it is the weirdest way to advance among the heroes that Fang Hao has ever seen.

Rather than collecting items to improve your strength, it's more like using items to restore your previous strength.

This made Fang Hao also curious about how far Xiaoyou would eventually improve.

All along, he has been paying attention to the news about the Sword of Mitigation, and at the same time, the Skull Rat is also inquiring about this news.

On the list, behind the Sword of Mitigation, there are two names marked, [Flame Mercenary Group-Angus] [Snow Chamber of Commerce-Church].

In the next line, what is filled in are the supplies needed by the skull rat.

These include fur, food, etc., some basic resources.

It seems that the heavy rain last week has also affected life in the underground world.

"Okay, I will arrange for people to deliver the supplies tomorrow." Fang Hao said to the skull rat in front of him.

The skull rat nodded, then turned and fled into the back of the closet and disappeared.

There is still a cooperative relationship between Fang Hao and Skull Rat.

Moreover, the skull rat itself is also very restrained and will basically not go to the surface world and appear in front of humans.

This time when there was a flood, they only exchanged supplies with Fang Hao instead of stealing human granaries.

With the wisdom of the skull rats, it is actually not difficult to steal human food.

Fang Hao wrote down his name and put the card in his hand into the devil's space.

"Come here." Fang Hao called softly.

The door opened and a lion-hearted knight walked in, "Sir!"

"Go to your original residence and ask Xiaoyou to come see me." Fang Hao ordered.

"My lord." The Lionheart Knight replied and left quickly.

Xiaoyou has been staying in Lysis City. In addition to looking for the Sword of Suspense suit, she also needs to protect two shops in the city.

Half an hour later.

Fang Hao waited in front of the city lord's mansion when Xiaoyou arrived.

"Sir, you are looking for me." Xiaoyou stepped forward and said softly.

Fang Hao said as he boarded the carriage: "Let's go, there is information about the Sword of Mitigation, let's go and take a look."

"Okay, sir." Xiaoyou replied and followed Fang Hao into the carriage.

The carriage started slowly, leading ten Lionheart Knights towards the mission hall in the DC area.

Fang Hao in the carriage is just a demon doll with the same appearance.

The main body still stayed in the city lord's palace, and Dimitga and Asseti also did not stay in the city lord's palace.

The carriage moved forward and soon arrived at the mission hall.

This is where the mercenary team receives missions. They are in groups, waiting to receive missions.

Fang Hao and others entered the hall.

From a distance, I saw Fatty Eric, talking quietly with several mercenaries.

After being rejected by Laurana face to face last time, Eric seemed to have given up on pursuing Laurana and never wrote any love poems.

This time, Fang Hao needed someone to bridge the gap between the 'Flame Mercenary Group' and the 'Snow Chamber of Commerce', and he first thought of Eric.

This fat man is not officially official, but has some contacts with various forces.

When Fang Hao walked in, Eric naturally saw Fang Hao.

He said goodbye to the mercenary he was talking to and walked over quickly with a full belly.

He approached and said, "Brother, how did you become the city lord? If anything happens after that, you must think of me."

As soon as he came up, Eric lowered his voice and started talking nonstop.

"Okay, I, the city lord, don't have any real power. I will help whoever I can when the time comes." Fang Hao continued to ask: "Where are the people from the Raging Flame Mercenary Group?"

"I've already contacted you. What do you have to worry about while I do the work?" Eric patted his chest.

Eric's family business belongs to an old company in the city.

Many mercenary groups registered in the city have been hired by Eric, and even mercenary groups that he has never been in contact with are easy to get online.

After all, the mercenary group makes money by accepting tasks, and they are more willing to contact people with industry like Eric.

"Where is that person?"

"Can you be here? Follow me." Eric led Fang Hao and others out of the mission hall and came to a tavern outside.

Instead of stopping outside the tavern, we walked through a long corridor.

Stopped in front of a private room door.

There were many mercenaries standing outside the door. They looked at Fang Hao's team and immediately showed vigilant expressions.

"I'm Eric, and I made an appointment with Captain Angus to meet here." Eric explained immediately.

The mercenary group outside the door obviously knew Eric.

However, the group of lion-hearted knights behind Fang Hao made these mercenaries more afraid.

The shining golden armor was too conspicuous.


After saying this, the mercenary turned and entered the room.

Not long after, the door opened and the mercenary said, "Go in."

Eric waved his hand and led Fang Hao and Xiaoyou in, while the lion-hearted knights behind him were left outside.

The room is not large, there are three people in total.

One person was sitting at the table eating, while the other two were dressed as mercenaries and stood aside in a polite manner.

The person sitting on the wooden chair was dressed in leather armor and had his hair shaved short.

Judging from the contours of her face and slightly raised breasts, she was a woman.

The woman put down her wine glass and said, "Mr. Eric, do you have any tasks you need to entrust me with?"

The voice is more neutral and more in line with a woman's dress.

Eric smiled and said: "Captain Angus, this time my friend wants to discuss some business with you. As for cooperation, with this first contact, there will naturally be many opportunities in the future."

"Oh? What kind of business? We don't accept murders and arson." Angus continued.

Eric took Fang Hao to sit down at the table and said, "This friend of mine likes to collect handicrafts, and accidentally learned that Captain Angus had a handicraft called the Sword of Mitigation..."

Having said this, Eric stopped talking and the three of them looked at the woman opposite at the same time.

Angus looked at Fang Hao curiously and asked flatly: "How do you know I have this thing?"

"I heard it in the tavern." Fang Hao replied casually.

No matter where the answer comes from, it is easy to be questioned. On the contrary, a place like a tavern is the best place to deal with it.

Angus raised his eyebrows, "Do you believe the news in the tavern? Do you think mercenaries like us would collect those things?"

"Why don't you come here and ask? If Captain Angus has it, I can give you a very good price, which is more generous than accepting the task entrustment." Fang Hao said directly.

The skull rat's information is very reliable, and even the faceless men in the city can be found, so a handicraft cannot go wrong.

Now it just depends on whether the woman in front of me is willing to sell this handicraft.

Hearing that Fang Hao would give a high price, Angus also became curious and continued to ask: "Tell me, how much can you give me?"

"5,000 gold coins is enough for you and your brothers to spend this winter in style, and your family can also have enough food and clothing." Fang Hao said calmly.

Angus was relatively calm after hearing this number.

But the two younger brothers behind him had their eyes widened with surprised expressions.

The mercenary group is one of those with blood on the tip of the knife, and the tasks it has recently accepted are scattered commissions. A lot of people are dispatched, and they only earn a few gold coins, and most of them are silver coins.

They couldn't receive hundreds of gold coins, and when they did, their lives were often in danger.

And these 5,000 gold coins are indeed a large amount of money for the current Flame Mercenary Group.

It’s enough to keep all the brothers fed and clothed through this winter.

The low whispers between the two made Angus turn around and glare fiercely.

The two younger brothers were so frightened that they immediately shut their mouths.

"Is this artifact important to you?" Angus asked.

"It's still important."

Angus thought for a while and continued: "I do have one in my hand, but I also like this craft very much and have no intention of selling it."

After hearing this answer, the matter will be easier to solve.

If the other party really likes it and doesn't plan to sell it, he won't admit that he has this handicraft.

Bringing it up now is nothing more than wanting a higher price.

"How much do you plan to ask for? If it exceeds my estimate, I will give up this collection." Fang Hao asked directly.

Angus looked at Fang Hao and then at Eric.

After thinking for a while, he said: "8,000 gold, and this year the city lord's palace will go to Silver Wing City to attend the parliament. I hope that the list of escorted mercenaries will include a spot for our Flame Mercenary Group."

Fang Hao frowned slightly when he heard Angus's conditions.

Obviously the other party knew his identity, otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned the matter of the city lord's mansion hiring mercenaries.

"There is too much money, and I can't take charge of the affairs of the City Lord's Mansion, so it's useless for you to tell me." Fang Hao continued.

Angus still looked at Fang Hao, observing his expression.

"7,000 gold, please help me apply for the quota. We will fight for it ourselves whether we will be selected." Angus said.

"Okay." Fang Hao also agreed.

"Okay, how to deal?"

"I ask people to get money, and you ask people to get items." Fang Hao said.


Both parties sent their men to retrieve the items and complete the transaction as quickly as possible.

In his free time, Fang Hao also curiously asked: "Commander Angus, why do you want to accept the escort mission?"

"The task is difficult to complete, so I want to lead the brothers to find a backer." Angus did not hide anything.

"With Captain Angus' ability, are there any tasks that are difficult to complete?" Eric also interjected.

Angus smiled slightly but didn't say much.

The deal was done and the conversation became more casual.

They tentatively talked to each other about some things.

Not long after, the door opened again.

Their respective men came back with items.

The mercenary team was holding a slender wooden box, which seemed to be wrapped tightly.

The Lionheart Knight also handed Fang Hao an animal skin bag filled with gold coins.

As soon as you walk by, there will be a crisp sound of gold coins colliding.

Fang Hao pushed the leather bag in front of Angus, "Please order a little."

Angus handed over the wooden box in his hand, then opened the leather bag and began to count it.

[Respite the long and short sword].

In the wooden box are two swords, one long and one short, with the same shape.

The category should belong to Two Swords.

Fang Hao had nothing to say and handed the wooden box directly to Xiaoyou.

The latter took it and nodded slightly.

[Disaster Song-Hilda (Blue Level 4 Hero)].

Just for a moment.

Xiaoyou's level has changed, from blue second level to fourth level.

After the two parties reached a deal, Fang Hao did not intend to stay any longer and stood up to leave.

Angus said casually: "Keep it well, I will buy it back when I have money."

Fang Hao was stunned, "Do you like this handicraft so much?"

"Count Hilda's relics are not just handicrafts to me." Angus said softly.

"Okay, if you save more money then, I can make more money."

After finishing speaking, Fang Hao walked out of the room and led a group of lion-hearted knights outside.

Get out of the tavern.

Eric took Fang Hao to the next location again.

Go to Snow Chamber of Commerce to buy the next Sword of Mitigation.

at the same time.

A federation of hundreds of cities, with Silver Wing City as the central city.

Silver Wing City is located in the center of the Hundred Cities Federation. It is the power center of the Hundred Cities Federation and also has the strongest human power in the region.

In the center of Silver Wing City, there are three tall buildings, towering into the sky.

The House of Representatives, the Hall of Heroes and the Basilica.

at this time…….

In the magnificent golden hall of the church, the archbishop and several bishops sat high on the top seats of the golden hall.

Looking down at Hubert below.

This was not the first time Hubert had been summoned by Parliament, but it still made him nervous.

He is not a member of the church, and he does not believe in any God of Light, but the power of the church in the Federation is still not something he can resist.

Even though he is also a member of the Federation, he still has to grovel before the church.

"I have met the archbishop, my lords." Hubert bowed his head humbly and saluted everyone.

Hubert's voice echoed in the hall.

Immediately afterwards, a deep voice came from above, "Tell me everything about Lysis City in detail!"

The tone was like a command.

"Oh, okay." Hubert replied and continued: "When we went to the city of Lysis, we got the news of the death of the city lord Aubrey..., at the banquet, Rebecca introduced us She married her new husband, a time traveler named Fang Hao."

"..., after receiving the message from all the adults, I immediately went to the temple and found that the great statue of light had cracks. I heard from the acolyte that it needed to be repaired."

Hubert still lowered his head and described everything he saw in Lysis City in detail without daring to make any mistakes.

After finishing speaking, the hall fell into silence again.

No one spoke, Hubert still lowered his head and did not dare to raise it.

After a while, a voice came from above again, "What kind of statue is enshrined in the temple in Lysis City?"

"Goddess of light and fertility."

"Have you found anything else in the city, or has anything happened?" The bishop above asked again.

Hubert thought for a while and answered again, "Fang Hao gave Grote a beating from the Marshall family. The one who did it was one of his men. He seemed to be an orange hero. He was very powerful. He gave Grote a blow with just one kick." After being kicked and fainted, there will be nothing left."

Why did you mention Fang Hao again?

The things that the church cares about are not the emotional trivial matters of the local aristocracy.

Those city lords and nobles didn't care at all whether their husbands were dead or they were keeping a time traveler as a gigolo.

What I am more concerned about is the loss of faith in the city of Lysis.

But it seems that Hubert didn't know much, and what he said was just a few things.

"Okay, you go first. Don't leave the city during this period. We will come to you if anything happens."

Hubert nodded immediately, "Yes, if you need anything, please come to me."

"Let's go!"

Hubert was so relieved that he didn't dare to raise his head and walked out with his numb legs.

He quickly left the church hall.

After Hubert left, he went to Shuyuan to have a discussion with a group of church leaders.

But after all, I still haven't analyzed any useful value.

The ability of Lysis City cannot reach the level of fighting for faith. How could such a thing as losing faith happen?

Just when everyone has no clue.

A saint standing in the shadow strode to the middle.

He spoke softly: "My lord archbishop, dear bishops, I do have some ideas."

Everyone looked at the saint who spoke.

The saint puffed up his chest and continued: "I have heard of this Fang Hao. He has some close connections with the undead, and may have something to do with things in Lysis City."

purple pen literature

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