The saint's words caused a brief chaos in the silent and solemn hall.

The undead have intervened in human cities. This kind of thing is simply unbelievable.

But soon, someone pointed out a different opinion.

"Saint Xu Haide, is the information you provided accurate?"

Xu Haide is the saint in the audience who said that Fang Hao is related to the undead.

I am also a time traveler myself, my mother is Russian, my appearance is closer to my mother, and I am a mixed race of both countries.

But he was lucky. After time traveling, he quickly came into contact with the church. Through his ability as a traveler and some cleverness, he became a saint.

Saints have certain privileges and influence in the church.

At the same time, he is also a candidate for the next archbishop.

However, although these saints may appear to be beautiful, the competition is also very fierce. The church will train thirteen saints at a time, and among these thirteen saints, only one will be left as the candidate for the next archbishop.

The rest of the people who survive will become bishops, and more will die in the battle due to various accidents.

The intensity of the overt and covert battles was even more dangerous than the ancient battles for the throne.

In comparison, the value of force in this world is much higher than that of ordinary people, and killing people is easier.

Hearing the question from the bishop above, Xu Haide shook his head and replied: "This is what I speculated based on the known information. It is not exact information."

The bishop who asked the question nodded and said: "It is impossible to set up a statue of the undead in the temple of Lysis City. It is unlikely that it is the undead."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that it was very reasonable.

There are still fundamental differences between races. If a statue of the undead was set up in Lysis City, it would probably cause a certain amount of panic in the city.

The possibility of being the God of the Undead is very low.

The whole place was quiet for a while, and then the Archbishop in the top seat spoke softly: "Xu Haide, tell us what you know."

"Yes." Xu Haide saluted again and began to tell everything he knew about Fang Hao.

In addition, Hubert mentioned information about Fang Hao before.

That's the initial inference.

After the introduction, Xu Haide stood aside politely and stopped talking.

Next, the archbishop and the bishops discussed the matter in the city of Lysis.

Response decisions were quickly discussed.

Manpower should have been arranged to go to Lysis City to investigate.

But the federal parliament will be held soon, and both Rebecca and the newly appointed Fang Hao will come to participate in the parliament.

This saves them trouble, as long as they wait for these two people to come over and conduct the investigation.

Here, too, they take the initiative.

At this point, the meeting has come to an end.

"Okay, let's get here today, and everyone must focus on this meeting." The archbishop said.

"Yes!" everyone responded.

The meeting ended and everyone walked out of the church hall.

The city of Lysis.

Fang Hao, Eric, and Xiaoyou walked out of Snow Chamber of Commerce.

The purchase of the Sword of Mitigation also went smoothly.

Finally, he bought this collection for 5,000 gold.

The Snow Chamber of Commerce has also begun to decline recently.

Many industries in the city have been affected by the recent changes in political power.

In addition, there were rumors that the Sword of Mitigation was inherently unlucky, and they only had a few words with each other before the other party sold it to Fang Hao.

I even feel like I can’t wait to sell it.

After getting this weapon, Xiaoyou's level also increased again.

From the fourth level directly to the blue sixth level.

After the purchase is completed.

Fang Hao and Eric separated and returned to their respective residences.

The next day.

The teleportation light curtain lit up again, and Fang Hao brought Dimitga and Assetti to Lysis City again.

While releasing the devil doll, he headed to the underground world with various supplies.

As for himself, he called the maid and took him to find Rebecca.

Although it was morning, Rebecca was still busy.

The maid led several people through the streets and arrived at a warehouse in the backyard.

At this time, Rebecca was listening, directing a group of servants to move items.

Rebecca was stunned when she saw the maid bringing Fang Hao over.

"I heard from the guard that you just took someone out, why did you come back again?"

It seems that the guard directly informed Rebecca about the devil doll going out.

This is not surprising at all. The entire city of Lysis is under Rebecca's control, and any subtle movements in the city lord's palace will be reported to Rebecca's ears immediately.

Although this is one of Fang Hao's affiliated cities, on the surface, he is still Rebecca's puppet husband.

What actions did you take?

The guards at the City Lord's Mansion will also notify Rebecca.

"My men went out to do something." Fang Hao replied simply.

"Oh!" Rebecca nodded and didn't think much about it.

Next, while instructing the servants to tidy up the warehouse, he asked: "What do you want from me?"

"I'm here to give you some money. Don't you say you're in a hurry to use it?" Fang Hao continued.


When she heard the word "money", Rebecca's eyes immediately lit up.

Yesterday, she asked Fang Hao to prepare 3 million yuan for her to renovate the warehouse. Is this ready?

"Where's the money?" Rebecca asked immediately.

"Do you want to put it here?" Fang Hao asked.

The warehouse in front of me is quite clean.

Although 3 million gold coins is quite a large amount, this warehouse is enough to put it down.

"What do you mean, you brought it with you?" Rebecca looked at Fang Hao again.

Thinking that what he sent was a flame of war card.

There are many denominations of War Cards. War Cards with one million denominations can be exchanged for corresponding amounts of gold coins from business alliances.

But there are also troubles with Warfire cards.

It has reached 3 million. For such a huge amount, even if you go to exchange it, the business alliance will need some time to prepare.

It will take at least three days to receive the corresponding number of gold coins.

Moreover, for reconstruction projects, war coins are not practical at all. Ordinary gold and silver coins are better paid to workers.

But there is no other way. Fang Hao can support her with so much money, which is already very good.

Although it is a bit troublesome to exchange, just wait a few more days.

"Okay, give it to me, although it's a little troublesome." Rebecca continued.

Fang Hao glanced at her and didn't understand what she meant by "troublesome."

He took out the Book of Lords, touched it, and took out all the gold coins inside.

Blah blah blah! !

Boxes of gold coins piled up into a hill of gold coins in the center of the warehouse, and the gold coins kept rolling down.

The morning light shines on the gold coins from the window, reflecting the entire warehouse with a bright light.

Whether it was Rebecca or the busy servants present.

Valley owl

They all stared at the hills of gold coins that suddenly appeared in front of them.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Hao waved his hand in front of Rebecca.

After Rebecca woke up, "You didn't bring the War Card?"

"It's not easy to cash out the War Card. Aren't you in a hurry to use it, so you brought the gold coins over here." Fang Hao replied calmly.

Rebecca didn't ask any more questions and started to call the guards to cordon off the place.

It was originally planned to turn this place into a warehouse.

Now the plan has been temporarily changed, and it will be used as a treasury for the next two days.

After the gold coins inside are transported out, it will be used as a warehouse again.

the other side.

The devil doll also led several Lionheart Knights through the entrance to the temple's backyard and entered the underground pipes beneath the city.

Passing through the layers of pipes, we came directly to the Council Hall of the Skull Rat.

In the hall, the skull rats were waiting there in an orderly manner, thousands of pairs of them looking at Fang Hao and the others.

"Welcome, human Fang Hao!" the leader of the skull rats said.

Fang Hao also smiled and replied, "As per your request, I brought the supplies."

Touch the necklace around your neck lightly.

Leather, food and other supplies appear in the middle.

There are not many rats in the underground world, and the materials needed are not as huge as human cities.

What Fang Hao carried was enough for these skull rats to be used in a short period of time.

Seeing Fang Hao delivering supplies, the Skull Rats did not show any surprise.

Several skull rats came forward to check the supplies, and nodded with satisfaction after confirming.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of wild gray-haired rats crawled out of the pipe on one side.

Under the command of the skull rat, all the materials in front of him were transported out.

"Human Fang Hao, we are very satisfied with your supplies. Based on the rules of equal exchange, you have a chance to get information." Skull Rat continued.

Fang Hao did not directly provide the information he needed.

Instead, he asked again: "Can you provide intelligence from the outside?"

"Human Fang Hao, which city are you referring to?" Skull Rat asked.

"Silver Wing City!"

"The central city of the Hundred Cities Federation is too far away from Lysis City and our eyes cannot reach there." Skull Rat said directly.

Underground pipes limit the activity space of skull rats.

The information they can obtain is limited to the surface cities connected to the pipeline.

It is difficult for them to obtain any information about the other cities, let alone Silver Wing City, which is very far away from here.

Fang Hao shook his head regretfully and continued: "Soon I will accompany Rebecca to Silver Wing City. I'm afraid our cooperation will be suspended for a long time."

Perhaps the skull rat already knows this news.

But they must not know that they will also go to Silver Wing City with Rebecca.

Sure enough, there was a heated discussion among the skull rats.

Wait for the skull rats to finish their discussion.

The headed Skull Rat continued: "Human Fang Hao, why did you go to Silver Wing City?"

"I am the city lord of Lysis City. According to the bill of the Hundred Cities Federation, I need to go to Silver Wing City." Fang Hao looked at all the skull rats and continued: "I don't know how long I will be away, and the time I left here I'm afraid our cooperation will be suspended for a while, and there is no information in Lysis City that I am too interested in."

After Fang Hao finished speaking, the skull rats started discussing again.

Winter is about to enter, and all kinds of food are in shortage.

The same goes for the skullrats.

If Fang Hao can provide supplies, they will be better off if Fang Hao stops exchanging information with them.

This winter will be even harder.

"Mr. Fang Hao, what do you mean?" Skull Rat looked at Fang Hao again.

Thousands of skull rats perform brain resonance, and their intelligence is not inferior to humans at all.

Fang Hao mentioned Silver Wing City and the cessation of cooperation one after another, so he naturally guessed that he had his own thoughts that he wanted to express.

"If you can go to Silver Wing City and provide me with information, our cooperation can still continue." Fang Hao did not mince words and directly expressed his thoughts.

This time, there was no heated discussion among the skull rats.

Fang Hao quickly gave a reply, "Human Fang Hao, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request. We will not abandon the underground world we have been operating for a long time and go to the distant Silver Wing City."

"Oh why?"

"Our bodies are too weak, and there are too many dangers in the unfamiliar environment. Silver Wing City may be the center of your humanity, but it does not belong to us." Skull Rat said word by word.

The skull rat established an underground world, but it was not as simple as imagined.

Some sewer creatures that pose no threat to humans will be enemies of skull rats.

Now that Lysis City has been built into its current state, they will not give up here and go to the distant Silver Wing City just to maintain cooperation with Fang Hao.

Fang Hao nodded and expressed his understanding, "Okay, I understand. The intelligence will continue in the future. When I leave, I will also arrange for someone to continue to cooperate with you."

"Thank you for your understanding, human being Fang Hao." the skull rats replied.

"Well, if anything happens, please contact me again."

After Fang Hao finished speaking, he led his group of troops and left the underground pipeline.

Return to the city lord's palace.


Fang Hao returned to the main city.

While running around the hot springs, I listened to Yi'er telling me about the recent training results of the maids.

He didn't know whether the 20% improvement at the Blackstone Martial Arts Field was achieved.

But in the past half year of training, Yi'er did break through to the fifth level today.

The body is more rounded and soft, and there are no muscles as strong as the Earth Spirit Daughter.

I originally planned to have an in-depth communication with Yi'er while Anjia and Luo Li were playing outside.

However, the voice of a private message came from the Book of Lords.

Halfway through the action, I had to open the Book of Lords and check it out.

It was Deng Bin, the lord who provided himself with flax.

"Brother Fang Hao, have you rested? Those dwarves are here again, bringing some goods."

Previously, Deng Bin sold Fang Hao a drawing of precision parts.

When asked how he got it, Deng Bin said that he got it from the dwarves.

Moreover, the dwarf had some other good things in his hands, but he didn't have enough money to buy them.

Later, Fang Hao made an agreement with her.

Next time you come back, if you have any good things that you can't buy, you can contact Fang Hao.

If there is anything useful, he will pay for it.

This time, it looks like the dwarves are here again.

"Come here at this time? Isn't he going to assassinate you?" Fang Hao asked curiously.

I was already going to bed, how could someone go to someone else's territory to sell items at night? Find the bookstore

Deng Bin immediately explained: "No, I came here in the afternoon. I entertained them, made friends with them, and then saw if you need anything?"

"Oh, what good things do these dwarves have?"

"Wait a moment." Deng Bin paused for two or three minutes and then sent the product catalog.

"[Dwarf Pan] [Dwarf Kitchen Knife] [Dwarf Mine Draft] [Dwarf Mine Shovel] [Dwarf Craft Hammer] [Dwarf Bolt-Action Improved White Steel Rifle (Blue)] [Dwarf Silver Tiger Finger (Purple)] [Dwarf Iron carriage production drawings].”

Deng Bin sent out a long list of items.

The first few items are all finished tools, and they are not of much use to Fang Hao.

But the [Bolt Action White Steel Rifle] and [Dwarf Silver Finger Tiger] mentioned above caught Fang Hao's attention.


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