[Fire Soul-Spencer (Orange Level 5 Hero)]

[Faction: Undead (Living Corpse)]

[Template: Gold]

[Racial characteristics: living corpse, visceral replacement, light weakness, dragon body, flying, dragon spellcasting, dual form. 】

[Legion talents: dragon hero, air commander, flame halo. 】

[Skills: Dragon Power, Flame Breath, Fire Magic Use, Fire Storm. 】

[Inherent skills: Domain combat proficiency, Domain magic proficiency, Domain flying proficiency. 】

[Living Corpse]: Corpses with flesh and blood organs, they are more like living beings, and their strength is closer to that of life.

【viscera replacement】: You can replace the corresponding viscera according to your own needs to achieve the corresponding effect.

[Dragon Body]: Possess the powerful body of a dragon, with range resistance +25% and elemental resistance +50%.

[Flying]: This unit is good at flying.

[Dragon Spellcasting]: This unit is a natural fire spellcaster. It can cast fire spells such as [Continuous Fireball] and [Red Flame Fire Ring] without learning and proficiency. It also has strong magic learning ability.

[Dual Form]: This unit can freely change between 'human form' and 'dragon form'.

[Dragon Hero]: This unit leads the dragon unit, with all attributes +50% and magic resistance +15%.

[Aerial Commander]: This unit commands flying units, with flight speed +75% and long-range evasion +50%.

[Fire Aura]: This unit leads the army and has a fire resistance of 35%.

[Dragon Power (Dragon Type)] (Passive): Nearby creatures have a 45% chance of being unable to move due to nervousness, and a 90% chance of causing a 15% morale drop.

[Fire Breath (Dragon Type)] (Active): The dragon's breath formed by violent flames will burn everything covered.

[Fire Magic (Human Form)] (Passive): Proficient in most fire magics.

[Fire Storm (Human Form)] (Active): Unstable flame magic forms a violent fire storm that will devour everything around it. (Unstable magic can easily break down and get out of control.)

(Description: The product of the Immortal Corpse Witch, it is not recognized by the God of the Dead. This hero cannot be improved or advanced.)

Spencer's attributes are more powerful than imagined.

People always say that the Dragon Clan is favored by the gods. Even if it is an orange template, its attributes and abilities are close to those of Laurana, who is at the dark gold level.

A powerful body, proficient in fire magic, a legendary melee mage.

No wonder, no race is willing to provoke the Dragon Clan.

"Lord, from Spencer's body, we also collected many precious materials such as dragon blood and dragon scales. I suggest you ask someone to make a magic dragon potion to enhance your physical strength." Nelson said softly. .

"Magic Dragon Potion?" Fang Hao closed the Lord's Book and looked at him again.

Magic Dragon, just hearing the name, I feel that the potion is unusual.

"Yes, potions made using dragon blood and some special materials can improve your physique to a new level. It may not have the same effect as dragons, but it is still very strong."

Although the territory is developing rapidly, the materials collected from the dragons' bodies do not have the corresponding talents to make them into finished products.

Nelson suggested making a magic dragon potion to enhance Fang Hao's own strength.

Fang Hao was very interested after hearing this.

Increasing the ability to protect himself is also what he needs to consider now.

Otherwise, no matter how many soldiers and heroes there are, if he is assassinated, everything will be in vain.

Moreover, he did not want to be made undead by Nelson.

Even if it could be made into a living corpse, judging from Spencer's body structure.

Still missing vital organs.

"Can you make magic dragon potion?"

Nelson shook his head, "I'm not good at these, but through the business alliance, we can invite masters who are proficient in alchemy to make them. Of course, the price will definitely not be low."

"Money is easy to talk about." Fang Hao thought for a while, "I have to leave later, so I need the bachelor to worry more about this matter. Let Duojin cooperate with you."

Duo Jin is a skeleton businessman in charge of business alliance.

"Okay." Nielsen still had no expression and agreed directly.

Fang Hao and Nelson chatted casually.

Not long after, Spencer came back.

Unlike other skeleton heroes.

Spencer did not put on the cold armor directly. Instead, he wore a dark robe underneath and a bright armor on the outside.

A sword hangs from his waist.

Seeing Spencer coming back, Fang Hao had no intention of staying any longer.

"Bachelor Nelson, I will take them away first. I have to rely on you here." Fang Hao stood up.

"Well, please be safe, Lord." Nelson nodded.

Exited the Organ Museum.

Fang Hao took Spencer to the meeting place.

Arriving at the square, the place was already filled with assembled skeleton troops.

Three bone dragons and six skeleton mantis men.

There are not many people, but they are all unable to be recruited by the barracks.

At this time, the originally dark Lord's Mansion was also brightly lit.

An Jia sat at the door eating.

Yi'er, with several maids, was standing at the door, looking over here.

When he saw Fang Hao coming over.

Yi'er's expression instantly brightened, and she hurriedly ran over and threw herself directly into Fang Hao's arms.

"Master, you are back!" Yi'er said softly.

Fang Hao hugged Yi'er's soft body, "Yes."

"Master, do you miss Yi'er?" Yi'er raised her head slightly from her arms, her eyes full of tenderness and longing.

Ah this….

Fang Hao glanced at the maids around him.

Somewhat embarrassed, he said softly: "After thinking about it, there are so many people, so I'm not afraid of others laughing at me."

"Hehe!" Yi'er smiled slightly and let go of the other person's hand.

He whispered a few words to Yi'er softly.

Yi'er was happy and returned to the lord's mansion to rest with a few maids.

Now the lord's mansion is getting bigger and bigger.

Yi'er was afraid of living alone, so some maids moved in.

On weekdays, he is mainly responsible for the hygiene of the Lord's Mansion.

Yi'er leaves.

Fang Hao did not delay any longer and released the demon teleportation.

A light curtain appeared and left the place with the bone dragon loaded with skeleton mantises.

When he reappeared, he had returned to Mahone's territory.

At this time, Ma Hong swallowed his foam, looked up at the tall bone dragon, and then looked down at the new orange hero with two horns.

Fang Hao's surprise in his heart has turned into fear and disbelief.

How can this be…….

How many trump cards does Fang Hao have?

Whenever he thought that this was Fang Hao's biggest reliance on becoming the number one person on the channel.

Fang Hao would always pull out new trump cards, and they would become more fierce each time.

Now back, he brought another orange hero and three white-headed undead bone dragons.

This is just crazy.

Soon, Dimitga and Asetti came over.

"Sir, you are ready and can go at any time." Assetti said.

Fang Hao nodded and said to Ma Hong, who was still a little dazed: "Ma Hong, take us to your subsidiary territory."

"Oh, alright!"

Devouring Mahone's Book of Lords, he also has an affiliated city, but it has been abandoned.

The city gate opened, and Fang Hao and others followed Ma Hong into the night.

Arceti leads the Lionheart Knights, and Spencer leads the undead, following closely behind.

The army moved through the woods at a much faster pace.

Walked for nearly an hour.

Finally I saw the subsidiary city that Ma Hong mentioned.

The city walls of the territory are just log walls with some climbing vines.

The door was broken, it seemed that it was attacked or the challenge was failed.

"Boss, this is the empty territory I'm talking about." Ma Hong explained.

Ma Hong has developed to this day and does not have many troops in hand.

It is really difficult to manage and develop two cities at the same time.

"Well, let's go in."

A large group of people entered the city.

The city was empty, with several abandoned houses and a warehouse built on both sides.

"Before, I arranged my troops to cut down trees and collect resources here, but they were always harassed by wild beasts. After the news about the Bandits of Death Snatchers came out, I transferred all the troops back, and this place is empty until now." Ma Hong continued to introduce. With.

As everyone was walking and talking, they heard a strange noise suddenly coming from the abandoned house.

Everyone was immediately alert.

Immediately afterwards, several wild deer were seen rushing out of the house in panic.

Start running around the city.

Fang Hao asked the army to get out of the way, and the wild deer fled directly from the city.

Since there are animals living here, it proves that there is no danger.

Go straight to the Bungalow Lord's Mansion.

It was a third-level lord's mansion, a bit crude, and there was no decent furniture in the house.

Fang Hao did not hesitate.

Open the Book of Lords directly and perform camp switching.

[Whether to change the camp of the changed city. 】


[Please choose to change the city camp [Undead Camp]] [Orc Camp] [Troll Camp]. 】

This city is originally the human camp.

The convertible camp no longer displays humans.

Undead camp.

A ray of light enveloped the entire city.

[Conversion completed! 】

[The countdown to the next conversion is 29 days and 59 hours... 】

The light dissipated.

Convert this territory into the [Undead Camp].

After success, Fang Hao left the city again.

Start building troop buildings.

[Level 1 Bone Burial Ground: Required resources: 300 wood, 500 stone, and 60 hemp rope. 】

The first-level barracks drawings are not very expensive.

Fang Hao chose to build.

In a flash of light, the construction of the barracks was completed.

If he wants to upgrade the barracks, Fang Hao must take the lead in upgrading the city lord's mansion.

Since it is only for temporary use, it is hard to say whether it will be useful after the bandits are cleared.

He first upgraded the city lord's palace to level 5, and then upgraded the barracks to level 5 as well.

Level 5 Boneyard has unlocked the Skeleton Spearman.

Moreover, the level of the skeleton troop has also been upgraded to the second level.

If you continue to upgrade, whether it is the City Lord's Mansion or the Bone Burial Ground, you will need a lot of rare materials.

On the contrary, it was somewhat wasted.

After considering everything, Fang Hao directly recruited troops.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 50,500 skeleton warriors.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 50,500 skeleton spearmen. 】

Wow! !

There was a sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Let this small city occupy a small area, and the roofs and walls are crowded with skeleton troops.

"Spencer, take these skeletons out and wait while I make equipment for them." Fang Hao said.

"Yes, sir." Spencer replied.

Immediately gave the order and took all the skeletons out of the city.

After the skeletons leave.

Fang Haocai continued to make equipment in the open space.

War armor, black iron knight's sword, military buckler and military war spear.

A large blockbuster appeared before our eyes.

Let the Lionheart Knight lead the skeleton soldiers in batches and start wearing equipment.

Take this time.

Fang Hao explained to Spencer.

"Spencer, this is a map of the bandits' camp. You will set out tonight to encircle and suppress the bandits." Fang Hao instructed, and handed Spencer the map marked by the captured bandits.

"I understand, sir, I wonder if I will accept surrender in this battle." Spencer asked again.

Fang Hao thought for a moment and realized that the mines in the north were indeed short of labor.

It can be used.

"It depends on the situation. The situation is controllable. Accept surrender. If the situation is uncontrollable, you handle it according to the situation. By the way, these bandits have robbed ordinary villagers. Try not to hurt them."

"I understand, sir, and I promise to complete the mission." Spencer said immediately.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you."

Not long after, all the skeleton soldiers were dressed.

After Spencer said a few more words to Fang Hao, he led an army of 10,000 skeletons towards the bandit camp.

In the mountains and forests, bone dragons hovered in the sky, and armies of skeletons shuttled through the forests.

Wait until everything is over.

Fang Hao ordered people to block the city gate again.

A group of people returned to Ma Hong's city.

Early next morning.

When the faint morning light shines into the room from the window.

Fang Hao had already woken up from his sleep.

He patted the thigh hanging on his waist and said softly: "Anjia, get up."

An Jia muttered something that seemed to be a curse word.

Then he turned to the other side and continued to sleep.

Fang Hao sat up from the bed, stretched, and then turned over and got out of bed.

Said: "Sleep a little longer, I will wake you up later."

An Jia waved her hand, signaling for him to leave first.

After Fang Hao simply washed up, he left the room directly.

Outside the door, he saw Ma Hong, who was directing the militiamen to prepare breakfast.

"Boss, you're awake. Breakfast will be ready soon. It won't delay today's actions." Ma Hong said enthusiastically.

After the Book of Lords was swallowed by Fang Hao.

Mahone's Book of City Lord automatically joined the territory channel.

There are many night owls in the channel.

Ma Hong chatted with them and learned something about the situation in the territory.

At the same time, he also figured out a lot in one night.

He had considered joining Li Zhenhu's alliance before, but now that he had joined Fang Hao's, it seemed that he was not at a disadvantage.

Moreover, Fang Hao's character was good, and his strength exceeded his imagination.

On the contrary, he took advantage of it.

After you think about it, your attitude changes drastically.

Instead of numbly following Fang Hao's orders, he began to think about what he could do for the next action.

He stayed up all night thinking about this problem.

When the sky was dim and bright, he had already walked out of his residence and began to instruct his men to prepare breakfast.

"You got up so early." Fang Hao said with a smile.

"Hey, I had some insomnia last night, so I woke up early today." Ma Hong scratched his head and said.

"Well, I'll share with you some human architectural drawings. You build the barracks first. We'll need them later."

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords and shared all the drawings such as [Epee Infantry Training Camp] [Lionheart Knight Training Camp] [Storm Crossbowman Training Camp] and [Divided Underground Pipeline] [Spiritual Field] and [Beast Cage]. Gave it to Mahone.

And Ma Hong stood there, looking at the prompts to unlock new drawings.

His eyes were straight and his mouth was wide open.

This kind of impact was no less powerful than seeing the Bone Dragon last night.

damn it!

Sure enough, hugging your thighs is the fastest way to increase your development speed.

I have worked hard all my life, shouting and killing, but I don’t have as many drawings as I did today, and the drawings are not as good.

Only when the prompt to unlock the blueprint stopped did Ma Hong come to his senses.

"Boss, wait a minute, I'm going to build it now." After saying that, he ran out quickly.

Go to the barracks area to build the barracks blueprint you just unlocked.

Special barracks were built one after another, and Ma Hong felt happy.

He also has special arms, and they are all high-level special arms.

"I don't have to be the best, I just need to be better than most people."

Looking at the building with rising light, Ma Hong clenched his fists and said.

It’s true, if you build these types of buildings, you may not be able to say that you will become a big boss, but you will definitely surpass most people.

As long as he continues to hang out with Fang Hao and drink soup, he can live a good life.

High-end buildings take a long time to build.

Ma Hong didn't go to eat, so he just stared blankly.

Wait for it to be built little by little.

Breakfast is very simple.

Porridge, and some bacon. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Everyone gathered in the open space in front of the lord's mansion and ate hungrily.

Fang Hao just said that everyone would set off to capture the Death Snatcher's stronghold.

No one said anything.

He just ate in silence to replenish his energy.

"Boss, the barracks is built." Ma Hong came back.

Fang Hao nodded, "Give me all your soul crystals, and I will recruit some troops together."

"Oh." Ma Hong took out the soul crystal immediately.

He didn't have many soul crystals in his hand, so Fang Hao got some more from Zhang Bin, Fu Lei and others.

Feeling that the number was almost there, we walked towards the barracks.


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