Ma Hong led the way, and Fang Hao followed behind with several heroes.

A group of people quickly came to the barracks, and Fang Hao began to recruit.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 505 epee infantry.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruit Lionheart Knight 505.]

The light flashed piece by piece.

More than a thousand soldiers appeared on one side of the barracks.

Fang Hao didn't have much consideration in recruiting these soldiers.

Avoid any further danger, and at the same time make up for the losses of Lysis City's army.

After all, many people were injured.

It is no longer suitable to continue traveling with the army.

All types of soldiers stand in line.

Fang Hao continued to make corresponding equipment for the newly recruited soldiers.

Let the heroes lead separately and replace equipment.

Wait until everything is ready.

The people in the mercenary group are also ready.

According to statistics, there are more than 1,700 people.

"Ma Hong, you stay here, and the wounded will stay with you. I will inform you if anything happens." Fang Hao patted Ma Hong on the shoulder.

"Ah? Won't you take me there? I have a lot of people."

Ma Hong had also counted his personnel at this time.

He even finished his pre-war declaration to his militiamen.

Everyone was already fighting hard, but now he was asked to guard the house.

"You are still needed in the rear to take care of this place." Fang Hao continued.

"Uh, okay." Ma Hong said a little frustrated.

I also thought about going over to kill the bandits.

Unexpectedly, it was still a housekeeping job.

But then I thought about it, that was fine, there was no danger.

Fang Hao looked again at the troops assembled behind him.

With a big move, he said, "Let's go out and surround the bandits."


The soldiers took action.

They left the city in a mighty manner and rushed towards the south.

Two days later, at noon.

The scorching sun in autumn is like a steamer without a trace of wind.

The big black dog was lying on the ground, purring and sticking out its tongue. The rooster in the chicken coop also had his head drooped, as if he was sick and about to die.

This made the already worried bandits even more depressed.

In a shady place under a wall, several bandits were leaning against the wall, chatting in low voices.

"Damn it, why is it so hot at noon? It's even hotter than summer."

"In another half month, it will be cold. If you want to be so warm, you won't be able to find a place."

A younger bandit suddenly lowered his voice and said, "What kind of lady is she really that capable that she would mobilize an army to attack us? How can a woman be so capable?"

Hearing this matter mentioned, several people leaned together in a tacit understanding.

One of them said: "You haven't heard of Rebecca's name?"

"The three bosses said that she is good-looking and she is the wife of the city lord of Lysis City. I don't know about the rest." The young bandit continued.

Another person explained: "If you think about it with your head, a woman can firmly hold a city. Everyone who can hold the political power climbed up on the corpse. You said that such a woman, Will he come back to take revenge on us after escaping death?"

"Really? Are you that powerful?" The young bandit said in disbelief.

"Hmph! You see for yourself, the three bosses. Since the day before yesterday, have you seen them playing with women and drinking? They are probably worried too." said the old bandit.

"Isn't that village very dangerous?" the young bandit asked hurriedly.

The old bandit smiled calmly, "No need to worry. Lysis is a big city, and even gathering an army is not an easy task. Now is the time when cities are preparing for the winter. It is estimated that it will be spring next year before we send out troops."

"Captain, you know so much." The young bandit said with some admiration.

It’s okay not to say it, but to be able to say these words.

It has surpassed most bandits.

At this time, the door not far away opened.

A naked man with a fleshy face came out.

When they saw the naked man, they immediately stood up with a flattering smile on their faces, "Third Boss, it's hot, I'll cover you up."

With that said, the well-informed old bandit stepped forward to shield him from the sun.

Li Zhenhu looked serious and cursed: "Don't fucking remove these unnecessary things. You two can move all these boxes into the car."

"Oh, alright."

Several bandits immediately took action.

The old bandit and the young man entered the house together, worked together to lift a huge wooden box, and walked out.

As he moved around, there was a sound of gold coins rolling down from the wooden box.

The old bandit's expression changed, and he quickly glanced around and saw that no one was paying attention here.

Quickly open a gap in the wooden lid of the wooden box.

Revealing the golden coins inside.

The young man on the other side also saw the gold coins, with a look of surprise on his face.

Just glanced at it and closed it immediately.

Carry the boxes onto the carriage.

The old bandit immediately said: "You guys, go find hemp rope to tie the box tightly, and go to the cellar to fill two bottles of fruit wine. Go quickly, the third boss usually takes care of you in vain."

Li Zhenhu was absent-minded, but he felt that this old bandit was quite thoughtful.

"You're not bad. When you come back in the evening, I'll tell my elder brother to arrange a better job for you." Li Zhenhu patted the old bandit on the shoulder.

The old bandit smiled flatteringly, "What are you talking about, Third Boss? It must be a good job to hang out with you."

"Haha, you do know how to talk."

The old bandit continued: "Third Boss, what big thing are you going to do now?"

Li Zhenhu's face was instantly filled with sadness.

The old bandit thought he had said something wrong and was about to apologize.

Then I heard Li Zhenhu say, "Fuck your life, damn, all this time has been wasted."

At this time, the boxes on the carriage were tightly bundled.

Li Zhenhu led his troops and escorted the carriage out of the stronghold.

Walk along the road to the south.

The old bandit stood there, watching Li Zhenhu and others go away.

After a long time, he muttered: "Maybe I can't wait until next spring."

At night.

Spencer stood on the dragon's back, looking at the brightly lit mountain village below.

During the day, the village in the woods is not easy to find.

At night, the cottage stands out like a lighthouse.

"Let's go back!"

The bone dragon turned around and flew back.

Landing again, he landed directly in the forest.

Densely packed skeletons, like sculptures, stand upright in the gaps in the dense forest.

"Go forward," Spencer said.

Boom, boom, boom! !

The skeleton soldier began to take steps.

The ground began to tremble, and the white waves began to move forward.

Inside the cottage.

The tyrant sat on the chair, his face still a little gloomy.

He said in a cold voice: "Why am I so restless? It can't be because Lysis City is doing something."

"Brother, you are too worried. Do you think there are a few people fighting? Even if Rebecca mobilizes the army to prepare supplies, it cannot be so fast. You are too worried. There are several little girls in the dungeon who are not bad. If you want I'll call you if you don't want to, just relax." Greedy Wolf said comfortingly.

"Hey! How come we are in trouble this year! The third child brought money to Jinmastu this time, and I don't know if he can buy us a way to survive." The tyrant was still worried.

Greedy Wolf continued to comfort, "It will definitely be possible. Let those nobles delay Rebecca then. We only need to worry about Fang Hao mentioned by the third child. Don't let this time traveler trick us."

"Hmph! How powerful can the time-travelers be? Even if they encounter some adventures, they cannot participate in a battle involving thousands of people. Our main concern is Rebecca's army." The tyrant continued.

"Big brother said..."

Greedy Wolf suddenly stopped mid-sentence and looked down at the wine glass beside him.

Then he saw the wine in the glass ripples rhythmically.

This sudden situation gave the two of them a bad premonition.

Just when it comes to asking other people.

Then I heard loud bells ringing outside.

At the same time, footsteps were heard outside the door.

I saw someone outside the door saying: "Several bosses, the four border villages have all rang the bells."

Upon hearing the news, Tyrant and Greedy Wolf stood up instantly.

This came too fast.

How could it be so fast?

It had only been a few days since the attack on Rebecca's team. How could it be possible to mobilize troops from Lysis City in such a short period of time.

But the facts are happening before our eyes, and there is no time to speculate about this.

The two of them put on their armor, picked up their weapons, and strode out of the room.

The tyrant said coldly: "Gather your troops immediately and prepare to rush to support several villages."

"Yes, boss."

Just as the bandits were about to leave, the bronze bell of the main village rang instantly.

I just heard someone shouting: "Be careful in the sky, there is a dragon approaching in the sky."


What kind of dragon? How could there be something like this that only appears in stories here?

Everyone looked at the sky, and in the night, several huge creatures swooped down.

The target is your own side.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

The bandits gathered together in chaos.

No matter how loud the tyrant is, the bandits are running around.

There is no thought of facing the enemy.

in the air.

Spencer transformed into a dragon form and led three bone dragons.

Passing through the clouds, he dived straight towards the mountain village.

There was chaos in the village, and the panicked bandits were scurrying all over the place like headless flies.

Spencer looked back at the bone dragon behind him.

The body is lowered again to a certain height from the ground.


The huge dragon's mouth opened, and a blazing dragon's breath spit out.

Passing by below.

There was no pain, no whining.

Everything shrouded in flames, including carriages and bandits, was turned into ashes and scattered in the flames.

Spencer passed by, as did the three bone dragons behind him.

Three death breaths passed over the fleeing crowd.

In the painful wail, the skin and flesh began to separate, and eventually turned into piles of white bones scattered on the ground.

Wow! !

Immediately afterwards, six figures fell from the sky.

The skeleton mantis man carrying the Valkyrie sword landed smoothly on the ground.

The empty eye sockets were flashing with a faint soul fire.

Scan the whole place quickly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Turn into streams of light and kill all enemies with weapons.

Three bone dragons were hovering in the air, spitting out black beams of light towards the gathering place from time to time.

Spencer's huge dragon body paused slightly in the sky.

After transforming into a human form, he landed gracefully.

Naked, holding a sword in his hand.

His eyes quickly scanned the wailing cottage, and finally looked at the stone building in the center.

At the same time, the stone building peeked out.

He also shrank back as if frightened.

Spencer walked directly towards the stone building.

Bang bang! !

Just as he approached the stone building, one or two crossbow bolts were fired from the window.

Quickly attacking Spencer's chest.

Spencer swung his long sword, knocking the crossbow arrows away one by one, and pushed with his left hand.

Fireballs flew towards every window.

Boom boom boom! !

The fireball exploded and sparks flew everywhere.

Inside the stone house, it suddenly became quiet.

Crossbow bolts were no longer shooting out of the window, and no one dared to show their head.


Spencer opened the door and strode in.

The decoration inside the stone building was pretty good, but there were dark burn marks near the window.

At the staircase of the stone building.

The seven bandits were tremblingly raising their weapons in their hands, staring here.

"Who are you? How dare you appear in our human territory? Aren't you afraid of causing a racial war?" The tyrant hiding behind his men shouted loudly.

A creature that looks like a human but is not human.

Let their hearts tremble.

Spencer was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Aren't you bandits? Can you also cause wars?"

The tyrant made no answer.

Greedy Wolf, who was on the side, was the first to speak: "Sir, what do you want to do before you are willing to let us go? Just make a condition. We will do whatever we can."

"Yes, yes, what do you want to do before you are willing to let us go?" The tyrant also agreed.

Spencer looked at the two of them, and then at the five bandits with trembling legs in front of them.

The tone was still calm, "Those who lay down their weapons and surrender will not have to die."

"Fuck, you are playing tricks on us. You really think we are afraid of you. Brothers, kill him with me." The tyrant roared loudly.

The five people in front of him are all the cronies of the tyrant.

He was a member of the bandits at the earliest, and he was also murderous.

Hearing the words of his boss, although he was frightened in his heart, he still gritted his teeth and raised his weapon to kill the mummy-like monster in front of him.

boom! !

Another flame exploded among the bandits.

The bodies of the five younger brothers flew out instantly, and their whole bodies were scorched black.

After landing, his body was like charcoal and fell into pieces.

Bang, bang, bang!

With two crisp sounds, the Tyrant and Greedy Wolf, who were approaching with great force, stopped instantly.

They threw away their weapons in unison and knelt directly on the ground.

"We have no weapons, we surrender..."

The two of them have been the bosses for so many years, so they still have some experience.

The guy in front of me looked like he had his skin peeled off. He had obviously reached the level of a hero, and he was still a very high-level hero.

The two of them, holding weapons at this time, are seeking death.

Seeing the two surrender, Spencer dissipated the concentrated energy.

"Then come out with me." Spencer said softly.

The two of them didn't dare to make any mistakes, and followed Spencer obediently out.

Outside the door, the entire camp was in chaos.

Shouts of death, cries, and begging for mercy echoed in every corner.

The figure of the skeletal mantis kept shuttling back and forth, killing the bandits who were still trying to resist.

As the night progresses.

The shouts of killing gradually weakened, and the battle was nearing its end.

Boom, boom, boom! !

The four small villages guarding the main village were still ringing their bells.

Calling for support from other cottages.

But the bandits heard that other cottages were also sounding the alarm.

Then he realized that all the cottages were under attack at the same time.

"Captain, how can we fight this? There are too many of them."

On the city wall, a bandit's voice kept trembling.

Thick masses of undead sprang out from the woods and charged towards the stronghold with weapons in hand.

The captain's trembling legs were no better than his.

They all became bandits from villagers, and they all have a natural fear of the undead.

The men shouted three or four times before looking for Shuyuan to wake up.

He scolded: "Shoot an arrow, ask me what I am doing."

The bandits began to shoot arrows one after another.

But the damage to the undead is not obvious.

When a large number of skeletons rushed to the city.

The three-meter-high wall was instantly covered by the undead.

The city gate opened wide, and more skeletons rushed in, killing the bandits with desperate faces.


Thanks to the bosses ‘Xiao Shufu’ and ‘Wanli Wanli’ for the generous reward.

Thanks to the guy ‘Just Love Wading Langshui’ for the reward.


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