With the beggar's knock.

The noisy North City Gate seemed to be quiet for two seconds, and then became noisy again.

The sounds of hawking and begging are endless.

And these subtle changes did not attract the attention of others.

At the city gate, people entering the city were pushing and shoving.

The guards on guard were cursing and maintaining order.

Five people scattered among the residents entered the city one after another.

Under the gaze of countless eyes.

Five people gathered in front of a stall not far away.

The boss was a slovenly middle-aged man. He glanced at the five people and nodded slightly, "Everyone is here."

The five of them entered the city one after another and all knew each other.

They looked at each other and nodded.

The middle-aged stall owner glanced around and continued: "Something is wrong today. There are suddenly so many vendors in Beicheng. Let's take a detour."

He had a feeling.

There are many new faces at the North City Gate today.

He didn't know if it had anything to do with his mission, but he always felt something was strange.

He rolled up the vegetables on the mat, picked them up and walked towards the city.

The five people also followed behind, walking in silence.

"Ha~!" The guard guarding the city gate yawned out of boredom.

He subconsciously glanced behind him.

He couldn't help but be slightly startled.

His companions saw him staring behind him.

He also looked around and found nothing wrong, "What's wrong, which woman are you looking at?"

The guard came back to his senses, frowned and said, "Why is it suddenly so deserted?"

His companion also looked back.

Really, it was a lively and crowded place just now.

The stalls were closed and the beggars were gone.

It suddenly became deserted.

"Whatever, it's okay if all the noisy ones are gone, things can easily happen if there are too many people."


inside the room.

Rebecca, Fang Hao, and all the heroes were waiting silently.

Everyone gathered in the room.

But it was deathly silent.

Fang Hao glanced at the gold watch on his wrist from time to time, calculating the time to close the city gate.

Rebecca on the side was more nervous than Fang Hao.

The fingers were clenched tightly, and the knuckles were already a little white from the exertion.

If there is no information before Guancheng Gate, Fang Hao will implement his previous plan.

Kill Grote directly and block his mouth completely.

There was silence in the room, everyone was waiting silently.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Outside the door, the guard's questioning voice came.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, "Sir, there is news from the North City Gate."

The dead room seemed to be more alive.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a lion-hearted knight dressed as a vendor strode in.

After bowing slightly, he said, "Sir, the people in the portrait were found at the North City Gate. There were five of them in total. They were led by a man dressed as a vendor and rushed towards the center of the city. Our people are following them."

Fang Hao stood up immediately, "Let's go, take me there."

"Yes, my lord."

Fang Hao led the people and walked out of the room directly.

Residential area in the north of the city.

In an inconspicuous civilian residence.

Thorndike held the list in his hand and began to check the identities of the five people in front of him.

Although he didn't know where these people came from.

Why enter the city in mysterious disguise?

But judging from his temperament and appearance, he doesn't look like an ordinary civilian at all, but more like those aristocratic lords.

In addition, these five people are guests of their own boss.

His attitude was also very low, and he did not show the tricks of the ruffian boss.

Ahem! !

After coughing twice, Thorndike forced a smile.

He said: "Masters, the clothes have been prepared for you. Please change your clothes. There is a carriage outside. I will send you to my employer later."

The five people didn't say much.

They each began to change into the clothes prepared by Thorndike.

Just when the five of them had changed their clothes and were about to follow Thorndike out.

Outside, the curses of his subordinates were suddenly heard.

"Whatever you guys are doing, get out of here."

Thorndike's men have suffered heavy losses recently.

He recruited another group of people.

But these people are far inferior to the original mercenaries. At best, they can only be regarded as some ruffians.

Hearing the scolding outside the door, Thorndike stopped.

The other five people also stopped vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a puff outside! Several voices.

Thorndike's expression changed. This sound was too familiar to him. It was the sound of a sword entering flesh.

He knew something was wrong.

Moreover, the other party is determined to kill them, otherwise who would dare to kill people in this Silver Wing City.

Creak! !

As soon as he took out the dagger from his waist, the door was already pushed open.

Several figures filed in, dragging the body that had fallen to the ground, and walked in.

These people dress up differently, some are street vendors, and some are unkempt and look like beggars.

But Thorndike Thorndike scanned the people in front of him one by one and found that he didn't recognize them.

You can also be sure that these people are not your enemies.

"Brothers, is there any misunderstanding here? I understand the rules. I'll give you the money and save our lives."

Thorndike said, throwing the weapon aside.

Pulled out a wooden box from under the bed and carefully opened the lid, revealing the yellow gold coins inside.

Even though it’s just a small box.

But for the ordinary people in this city, even some small nobles.

This is also a large amount of money.

However, none of them looked at the wooden box, their eyes still fell on the six people.

"Are you Thorndike?"

Thorndike's heart skipped a beat.

I came by myself.

"What do you guys want from me?" Thorndike asked warily.

"It's fine if it's you, just wait!"


The six of them didn't know what was going on, so they could only wait silently.

Not long after, footsteps were heard outside the room.

The door opened again.

A young man and woman dressed as civilians, their faces covered, walked in.

"Sir." The people in the room saluted immediately.

The young man nodded.

He took off his scarf and revealed his original face.

Teng Teng Teng! !

Except for Thorndike, the other five people saw the young man's face.

His expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Then, with a few thuds, they all fell to their knees on the ground.

When he opened his mouth, he begged loudly for mercy, "City, City Lord, we have no choice but to do so."

"Shh, don't shout, be quiet."

The people who came in were Fang Hao and An Jia in disguise.

Although Thorndike arranged for people to ambush him many times, he had never seen Fang Hao himself.

On the contrary, the other few people were all officials and maids of Lysis City.

Fang Hao was recognized at a glance.

He knew exactly what they were doing here.

Naturally, we can guess why Fang Hao brought people here.

Thorndike frowned.

City lord?

These five people called the young man in front of them the city lord, such a young city lord.

Recently, various cities have come to Silver Wing City to participate in the Federal Parliament. Which city is this city lord?

When the five people closed their mouths and knelt aside with fear on their faces.

Fang Hao's eyes first fell on Thorndike, who was frowning and thinking.

"My name is Fang Hao. I came here with the Lysis City team. You should know me!"

Thorndike's pupils contracted rapidly and he swallowed unconsciously.

It's him!

"No, I don't know. Sir, do you know me?" Thorndike tried his best to show confusion.

It's just that his performance was a little too clumsy and looked fake.

"Groat asked you to ambush me so many times, how could you not recognize me." Fang Hao sat down on a wooden chair nearby.

Thorndike looked solemn, but only then did he know that his boss was called Grote.

Before, it was always an old man who contacted them.

Give them tasks and pay them generous rewards.

Seeing the young man in front of him, he knew everything, even more than he knew.

There is really no need to pretend it.

He immediately knelt down and said hurriedly: "Sir, please forgive me, I don't dare to do it anymore, I don't dare to do it anymore."

Fang Hao smiled and continued to ask: "Where did Grote ask you to send these people?"

Thorndike answered immediately.

"Sir, I don't know if it was Grote who gave us the mission, but this mission is to send these five people to Manor No. 36 in the central area."

"You haven't seen Grote?"

"No, no, it's an old man who delivers the news." Thorndike replied immediately.

Fang Hao nodded.

This Grote is not stupid at all.

If he hadn't gotten the news about Grote at the Death Snatcher's Stronghold.

I am afraid that at this time, even if Thorndike is caught, it is impossible to be sure that it was Grote who shot him.

After thinking for a while, Fang Hao continued to ask: "That old man, what task did you give you?"

"Just pick up these people and send them to the corresponding place, and the rest will be gone."

Thorndike was self-aware.

What did Fang Hao ask? He thought for a moment and then answered honestly.

Mainly, apart from the task assigned to Thorndike, there is really no other news.

After asking Thorndike.

Fang Hao's eyes fell back on the other five people.

Among the five people, the one he was most familiar with was the woman among them, who was less than 20 years old and was Rebecca's maid before.

During several teleportations, she was waiting in the hall for him to teleport over and take him to see Rebecca.

I just didn’t expect that I would end up becoming a traitor to Lysis City.

Appear here as a witness to the identification.

"What's going on?" Fang Hao looked at the pale maid.

Hear Fang Hao's question.

The maid screamed and started crying.

Fang Hao was afraid that the sound would be too loud, so he blocked her mouth and pulled her aside to ask questions later.

His eyes fell on the remaining people.

He said softly: "It must be quite hard to come all the way here."

No one answered from the remaining four.

One of the middle-aged men glanced at Fang Hao for a moment.

He opened his mouth and said, "Ask whatever you want, and we will tell you everything. I hope you won't kill us."

This man is the Minister of Internal Affairs and an extremely important official in the city of Lysis.

Likewise, we also know more secrets about the city of Lysis.

Just now, Fang Haodu had already said Grote's name, which meant that he was already very clear about his own affairs.

He also knew the secret of the five of them coming to Silver Wing City secretly.

There is no point in continuing to talk harshly, and there is no chance of survival.

The Minister of Internal Affairs thought well, but Fang Hao really had nothing to ask.

As long as he ensures that these people will not appear in parliament tomorrow, he has completed his mission.

After thinking for a while, he said: "What benefits does Grote promise to give you?"

The other four people immediately began to cry softly.

It's all about Grote, how he forced them, and they had to betray Lysis City and come all the way here.

Of course, Fang Hao would not believe a word of these words.

These people are all old men. As long as they don't want to come, no one can force them.

It was nothing more than the promise of better benefits from Bilisis City, so he was willing to come here.

He waved his hands to interrupt the crying of several people, and looked at the maid behind him.

Compared to these old guys, this maid Fang Hao was a little surprised.

When Fang Hao met her, she was a very simple girl with a beautiful smile.

Don't know why I came here.

"Tell me what's your reason, Stacy." Fang Hao looked at the maid again.

When Fang Hao said the name ‘Stacy’.

Rebecca didn't believe it and said that Stacie was bought by Rebecca when she was very young.

He has always been obedient and obedient, and there is no way he would betray her.

But Rebecca was obviously wrong. Stacie's appearance here represented the truth.

The maid turned pale and gritted her teeth and became silent for a long time.

Only then did he open his mouth and tell his true story.

As a commoner, she was naturally not qualified to come into contact with people like Grote.

Last time, Hubert and Grote went to the city of Lysis.

While staying overnight in the city, she accidentally broke one of Hubert's utensils, and Hubert demanded compensation.

At this time, Grote spoke for her and paid a high compensation fee.

Stacie was grateful to Grote.

Coupled with the fact that an old man like Grote had some tricks on dealing with women, he had a relationship with her.

Afterwards, Grote approached her to identify Rebecca.

Again, he supported her, made her a noble, and forced her with his own status.

Finally, he convinced her, and not long after Rebecca left, he followed the Minister of the Interior here.

Things unfolded like a cliche soap opera.

"Stacy, I'm sorry, madam, I'm sorry, madam."

The maids around Rebecca also have a certain cultural foundation.

After she calmed down, she realized that Grote was using her, and it was hard to say whether she would survive afterwards.

But having reached this point, there was no way out.

A veteran nobleman like Grote.

It's so easy to coax a girl under twenty years old.

The expensive items to compensate Hubert were nothing more than a show they acted together.

Finally got myself involved.

But in the current era, servants really have nothing to do about this kind of thing.

The nobles may not want to find a reason if they want to kill you.

After listening to the reasons.

Fang Hao glanced at the watch in his hand.

It's 10:20 pm.

He gave the Lionheart Knights a look on the side.

Everyone understands the meaning.

Poof! !

Several people's mouths were covered, and their throats were slit with blades.

Stasi was so frightened that she fell to the ground and wanted to scream, but she didn't dare to shout.

He hugged his head with his arms, trembling with fear.

Stacie would be taken to Rebecca and it was not up to him what to do with her.

The remaining people gradually lost their strength while whimpering and struggling.

The strong smell of blood filled the room, and he slowly stopped struggling.

Fang Hao casually put the box of gold coins into the storage space and said, "Bury the person in the room. Be careful not to let anyone see his face when you leave."

"Yes, sir." Everyone began to dig in the room.

Fang Hao, on the other hand, took An Jia and the somewhat limp maid out of the civilian area.


The core area of ​​Silver Wing City.

This is a well-known aristocratic area in the city, and real estate cannot be bought just with money.

If you want to live here, in addition to the astronomical housing prices, you must also have a certain status.

An estate.

In the luxuriously decorated hall.

The floor is covered with luxurious carpets, and a gorgeous and huge luminous stone chandelier illuminates the room brightly.

In the middle of the room, there is an oversized table with a wine glass filled with an unknown object.

Grote sat quietly at the table.

While sipping the wine, his eyes fell on the woman in the middle, with bare feet, standing on the luxurious carpet.

The woman has long black hair and is covered with a white gauze.

Bare feet danced on the carpet.

The hidden place under the tulle is looming as she dances. Every move is extremely tempting, arousing the desire of men all the time.

Grote swung his wine glass and stared straight at the woman in front of him, not hiding his longing look.

He took a big sip.

"Take off!"


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