Grote was in a good mood today.

His plan went very smoothly.

An hour ago, the housekeeper sent the news.

It is said that the mercenaries hired have already received the people entering the city and will send them here after verifying their identities.

When the time comes, Rebecca loses her current status, and he will naturally have a way to deal with her.

Thinking that he could take revenge on Rebecca, his heart felt hot.

Looking at the dancing woman in front of him, the desire in his eyes was even more intense.

"Take off!" Grote said.

He bought the woman, and the price of time-travelers is not cheap now.

Especially those who are young, beautiful, and have special skills.

The woman who was dancing on the carpet frowned when she heard the sound, but continued to dance silently as if she didn't hear anything.

boom! The wine glass hit the table hard.

"Take it off!" Grote's tone was a little more serious.


The woman's thin white arms stretched back, and the gauze fell down.

Only a few pieces of fabric were left to maintain her last bit of dignity.

She was sold here by slave traders.

Naturally, I have also seen the cruelty of this world.

There would be no consequences for killing her if she angered these nobles.

Therefore, she did not dare to violate anything before the man became angry.

Dignity...that is something to consider after surviving.

"Haha! Okay, it's really good."

Seeing the woman obey, revealing a large area of ​​skin as delicate as snow.

Satisfies Grote's desire for control.

He drank the wine in his hand and swallowed the bitter dried meat into his stomach.

He stood up and walked around the table towards the woman.

The woman subconsciously wanted to retreat, but stopped again.

You can't hide from it.

Just when Grote was about to pounce.

Suddenly there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

Grote had a displeased look on his face.

He is most annoyed by people who interrupt him at critical moments.

"Master, something happened!" The butler's voice came from outside the door.

The butler is Grote's confidant, and he is responsible for some shady things.

When he said something happened, it meant that something really important happened.

Sit back in the chair.

"Come in."

The door opened and the old housekeeper walked in.

"Tell me, what happened again."

The old housekeeper did not speak, but glanced at the dancing woman beside him.

Grote frowned slightly.

He waved his hand to the woman and said, "You go down first."

"Yes!" The woman nodded, picked up the gauze on the ground, opened the door and ran out.

When the woman's figure disappeared, the footsteps could not be heard.

The old housekeeper then said: "Master, the person has not been delivered, and Thorndike cannot be contacted. I'm afraid..."

"What did you say?" Grote roared.

"I can't contact anyone. I've arranged for people to go to the civilian area to look for him, but there's no news yet." The housekeeper said anxiously.

boom! !

The wine glass fell heavily on the table again.

Grote's chest heaved with anger.

He had just made a plan in his mind to humiliate Rebecca in the parliament and how to torture her afterwards.

At this moment, everything became extremely blurry.

"Where are the people! Let me ask you, where are the people? Don't you say these people are fine? Why can't anything be done?" Grote roared loudly.

"Master, it was me who failed in my work, and I am willing to be punished..." The housekeeper knelt on the ground, lowering his head.

"You..." Grote's face turned red with anger.

This butler of his is very to his liking.

Collect women and come up with some ideas, and everything will be done very well.

Moreover, he is also his confidant.

But when it comes to targeting the city of Lysis, I don't know why, but all kinds of mistakes always happen.

Grote sat in silence for a while.

Then he stood up and said: "Prepare the carriage and go to Hubert's side."

"Yes, sir." The housekeeper immediately stood up and went out to prepare.

the next day.

Today is the day of the Hundred Cities Council.

Fang Hao got up early.

With the help of the maid, put on the intricately embroidered gown.

He never thought that a piece of clothing would last half an hour.

But he didn't even expect that Rebecca's dress lasted more than an hour.

When they came out, except for Rebecca who was neatly dressed, several maids beside her were sweating profusely.

"Are you guys fighting in the room?" Fang Hao asked curiously.

Rebecca rolled her eyes habitually, "What's the fight about? Let's go quickly."

The two boarded the carriage.

Rushed all the way to the conference hall.

Along the road, flags of various colors were planted and fluttered in the wind.

Local residents do not reject this situation.

Even at this time of year, in just a few days, the city's economy will improve rapidly.

It can also be regarded as a means to promote development.

One carriage after another, escorted by their respective teams, rushed forward together.

Open the curtains and you can see the rest of the carriages.

All the way to the conference hall.

After a simple inspection, Rebecca held his arm and entered the parliament hall.

The hall is unusually spacious.

The floor is a soft wool carpet that covers the entire hall.

The stone pillars of the main hall are carved with gorgeous reliefs, and the walls on both sides are colorfully painted with exquisite patterns and stories.

On a wooden platform set up on one side, musicians played melodious music.

The young and beautiful girl sang softly to the music.

The girl's singing voice is ethereal and sweet, very beautiful.

The seats in the hall are divided into three areas.

At the bottom, which is also the most densely populated area, there are hundreds of seats.

If the seats in the movie theater are the same, arranged neatly and facing the front.

The second area is higher, located on the left and right sides, and there are dozens and hundreds of them.

The third area is the top platform.

There are only five seats, but they are all facing down, overlooking all the members.

Rebecca took Fang Hao on her arm and came to the second area and sat down in a seat.

He opened his mouth and said: "This is the seat of the Hundred Cities Councilor."

"What about the ones below?" Fang Hao looked at the bottom, which was like the seats in a movie theater.

"Oh! Over there are the seats for ordinary members of Congress, such as representatives of trade unions, business groups, and various non-governmental organizations. They will sit there." Rebecca explained softly.

Good guy, let’s face it, there are quite a lot of people attending.

If there was some kind of terrorist organization, wouldn't it take away all the top human beings in a wave?

Not a single one was left behind.

"The ones above are the five giants you call them?" Fang Hao looked upward again, at those five high-altitude positions.

The seats, tables and tables are all very ornately decorated.

Rebecca lowered her voice and said: "Yes, these five people form the House of Lords of Hundred Cities. On the surface, Hundred Cities is a democracy. All members vote, but the five giants have a veto power. In fact, some things can't be accomplished. , it depends on what the five of them say.”

"Oh, I see!"

This set of operations sounded so familiar to Fang Hao.

A scaled-down version of the United Nations?

Whether a decision can be made or not depends mainly on the attitude of the Big Five.

If it is powerful for the Big Five, it will be easy to pass. If it is not of great benefit to the Big Five, then there will be a lot of fun below, and it will be very difficult to implement it.

This also shows that each city will secretly do some things that violate the Hundred Cities Regulations, but each of them tacitly agrees.

Rebecca took out another page and placed it in front of Fang Hao.

He whispered: "You take over the position of Lord of Lysis City. You will stand up and make a declaration soon. Get familiar with it first and don't be nervous when the time comes."

Ah, this, there is such a thing.

Fang Hao looked at the words on the paper. There wasn't much in them, just words about being loyal to mankind.

It's not difficult.

I read it twice carefully and became familiar with it seriously.

At this time, Fang Hao felt eyes looking at him and looked up.

But he saw Grote and Hubert walking in together, glaring towards him with hatred in their eyes.

Fang Hao looked at the contents on the paper and stretched out his hand to say hello to the two of them in a friendly manner.

The two of them were stunned.

Then he turned aside with an angry face.

over time.

The seats below were gradually filled with people.

It was a mess, with many people chatting about their own things.


At this time, the bell rang.

On the top of the shed, three huge flags were scattered.

The music playing nearby suddenly became louder, from soothing to high-pitched and exciting.

Rebecca leaned into Fang Hao's ear and continued to explain, "The one in the middle is the flag of the Human Federation, on the left is the heroic flag represented by the Hall of Justice, and on the right is the city flag of Silver Wing City."

Fang Hao nodded, but his heart was full of surprise.

Regarding the heroic flag on the left, he was filled with a familiar feeling.

It has a blue background, but is printed with a copper-colored, horn-shaped emblem pattern.

The more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes….

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords under the table.

In the space, check the [Horn of Valor] stored inside.

[Horn of Valor (orange emblem)]

[Category: Emblem]

[Ability: Wear the emblem (human), war horn attribute +100%. 】

(Description: In the "dark age" of mankind, they united, wearing the "heroic horn", "sublime belief", "sacred barrier", "sharp thorn" and "just truth" to unite mankind to resist aliens and defend the last hope of mankind. dignity.)

The pattern on the flag is the heroic horn printed on it.

The emblem was a reward he received in a challenge mission.

At that time, I vaguely remembered that it was mentioned that the emblem was lost and was of great significance to the human camp.

Rebecca said, this is the flag of the Hall of Justice. Does the Hall of Justice have anything to do with this emblem?

If you want Rebecca to give you a recommendation, ask Doherty, the leader of the Hall of Justice.

This idea was dismissed by Fang Hao as soon as it appeared.

It's better not to take risks.

Everything is based on steady development. Anything that may cause changes is best not to happen.

He was thinking.

Bang bang bang! !

A burst of fierce applause startled Fang Hao.

Looking up, he saw five people coming out from the top.

Needless to say, they are the Big Five in the House of Lords.

Rebecca, who acted as the narrator, introduced again.

"The middle-aged man at the head is Dougherty, the current leader of the Justice League, who is Olivia's husband. He has a good reputation, but is a bit old-fashioned. The man behind him is wearing a church robe, and he is Archbishop Milton. The three of them are very powerful city lords in the Hundred Cities Federation."

Fang Hao heard the sound and was also observing the five top figures in the Human Federation of Hundred Cities.

Dougherty looks to be in his 40s, with a tall build and dark skin. He walks with a sense of self-imposed oppression.

Wearing a dark purple noble robe, the left chest is embroidered with a heroic horn pattern.

An old man came out from the side.

He is tall and thin, wearing a church robe and holding a scepter in his hand.

He had a kind face and was smiling all the way out, occasionally waving his hand downwards.

The last three people were all middle-aged men, wearing brocade robes and looking calm.

But when he walked out, he followed the two of them.

It seems that in terms of power, he is lower than the previous two.

The five people walked up and sat down in their own seats.

After the simple opening remarks, the new city lord and councilors took the oath.

Everyone whose name was called stood up and began to read the words on the paper.

There are quite a few new appointments this year.

But the process was pretty smooth, just read along.

But when it was Fang Hao's turn, something went wrong.

When Fang Hao straightened his back and read aloud according to the content on the paper.

A voice came from above.

"Fang Hao, are you a time traveler?"

Fang Hao looked up and saw Archbishop Milton looking at him.

Milton looked like he was eighty or ninety years old, but his voice didn't sound that way. He sounded more like a middle-aged man, and he was very confident.

The Archbishop interrupted at this time.

All the congressmen present felt that something was wrong.

All eyes looked at Fang Hao.

Fang Hao was also confused. He didn't understand why he suddenly got involved in the drama.

He looked down at Rebecca and asked her if this was also the process?

But from Rebecca's eyes, he saw confusion and worry.

You know, this is not the process.

His eyes fell on Milton again, and he smiled and said, "Yes, I am a time traveler."

"The emergence of time-travelers has become the most unstable factor in Silver Wing City. It seems that Lysis City has handled this aspect better and you guys get along more harmoniously." Milton continued.

The House of Lords has absolute power.

Milton said this, Fang Hao's situation is very dangerous.

Whether he can successfully become the city lord, Milton's words are very important.

Fang Hao thought for a moment and said: "What is unstable is the social factor. It comes down to a certain group. It is like there are good people and bad people in every city. It cannot be said that all people in a certain city are bad people or all good people."

There are indeed bad people among time-travelers, but in comparison, the quality of time-travelers is much higher than that of the aborigines.

Milton's view of things from an Aboriginal perspective is itself a problem.

Of course, the reason why Milton said this was more to embarrass Fang Hao, rather than because he could not accept time travellers.

Saint Maozi is also a time traveler himself.

He also received important responsibilities in the church and competed for the position of archbishop among the Twelve Saints.

"Oh? So, look for Shuyuan Are you confident in managing Lysis City?" Milton's expression remained unchanged and he still asked with a smile.

Like an old fox with a hidden knife in his smile.


"Haha! Well, young people are ambitious, but I received a piece of information in my hand, which records the violations of federal regulations that have occurred in Lysis City in the past few years. You have just declared that in your opinion, this matter should What should I do?" Archbishop Milton looked at the two people below with interest.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone below suddenly became noisy.

On the side, Rebecca's face instantly turned pale, without any color at all.

It was not Grote who presented incriminating evidence, but the Archbishop.

It’s over….


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