Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 506: Let’s play chess with you tonight!

By now, all the congressmen present understood what he meant.

The archbishop had obtained some incriminating evidence about the city of Lysis, so he questioned the newly-taken over city lord at this time.

Too many people are interested in the city of Lysis, and too many people hope that Rebecca can give up this position.

But this time, the Archbishop, as one of the Big Five, personally presented the evidence of guilt.

Rebecca couldn't think of anything.

Perhaps, there is no chance to leave the parliament hall.

"Ha! It seems that Rebecca is coming to an end this year. She has controlled Lysis City for so many years and it's time to let it go."

"I heard that she killed her last husband. The House of Lords will definitely not allow her to continue to control Lysis City."

"What can a woman manage?"

"I wonder which big shot she will take advantage of after she is imprisoned."

The MPs below were talking a lot.

The Archbishop will be certain when he brings out the evidence.

Everyone realized that Rebecca was going to die.

Everyone was waiting for the follow-up with the idea of ​​watching the fun, and at the same time, they were also looking for opportunities to step on Rebecca and show their face in front of the archbishop.

Looking at the archbishop above, Fang Hao immediately understood why he had not found the evidence he had compiled.

Last night, he arranged for Luo Li to go to Grote's residence, Hubert's residence.

This evidence was not found, and it turned out that it had already been sent to the archbishop.

But if he kills all the witnesses, what's the use of producing evidence that can't be verified?

Is there any backup plan?

Or did the Archbishop not know that the witness was dead?

He quietly glanced at Grote who was seated below.

Beads of sweat appeared on Grote's forehead, and his eyes kept moving, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this scene, I was convinced.

Grote simply placed the document into the Archbishop's hands.

The people who corrected them were all killed by Fang Hao last night, and the Archbishop didn't know yet.

In this way, the evidence they have is only on paper, which is not convincing.

After thinking about this, Fang Hao still had a smile on his face.

Said: "My Lord Archbishop, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"I don't understand, maybe you don't understand, but Rebecca should understand what I mean. In the past three years, Lysis City illegally sold weapons and equipment to the orcs, and the flow of city funds was unknown. I heard, In order to satisfy your own vanity, you spent a huge amount of tax money to design clothes for yourself... Rebecca, what do you have to say?" The Archbishop slapped the table.

Everyone knows that the rules of the Hundred Cities have been revised for too long and are no longer applicable to the current situation in each city.

Each city develops in its own way, and everyone turns a blind eye.

And now, it seems that the Archbishop is not going to let Rebecca go.

Everyone in the House of Commons was observing the situation, but the five people in the House of Lords looked calm.

It seems that several people have known about this for a long time.

It's right to think about it. Rebecca made preparations in advance after getting Olivia's message.

Rebecca stood up, but her face remained calm, and she spoke softly, "There's nothing to say. These are all made up by some people, and I don't know about it."

Rebecca herself needs to be strong.

I have been fighting these nobles openly and covertly for decades.

Not to mention that Fang Hao has dealt with all the witnesses, even if he hasn't dealt with them, he can't be soft at this time.

"Rebecca, think about it carefully. If you admit it, then there will be a way out of this matter. If you persist in persisting, you should be aware of the consequences." The archbishop said angrily.

Rebecca's face remained as usual, "How can I recognize something that doesn't happen?"

At this time, Doherty, the leader of the Hall of Justice, also said: "Rebecca, are you sure you didn't do it?"

Dougherty, according to Rebecca's words.

He is upright, but stubborn.

No matter how good the relationship between Rebecca and Olivia is, Rebecca will not be mentioned in the conversation.

Therefore, there must be no witnesses from Lysis present at the scene.

"No, if you have evidence, you can show it." Rebecca still didn't give in.

Dougherty was not talking, but the archbishop beside him was sneering.

Looking towards the seat of the House of Commons, it was Grote's position.

"Groat, bring the witnesses."

Grote wiped the sweat from his face.

He waved to the door.

Sure enough, several guards came at the door and walked in with two humans.

Rebecca was a little nervous just now, but when she saw the appearance of the witness who came in.

His face instantly calmed down again.

Grote stood up and said strongly and calmly: "Everyone, these two people can prove Rebecca's crime, and they have taken over the weapons and equipment sold in Lysis City."

Everyone looked at Rebecca.

But Rebecca showed a smile and said loudly: "Groat, who are these two people? You must at least prepare a suitable identity for them."

Grote, there is no way out at this time.

He could only bite the bullet and say: "These two people are responsible for guarding and weapons manufacturing in Lysis City respectively. They can identify everything that happened in Lysis City."

Finished saying this.

Everyone looked at Grote in confusion.

Even the Archbishop in the House of Lords frowned and looked at him.

Guards and machine craftsmen.

Regardless of whether the identity is true or false, you found two people like this and wanted to move Rebecca down?

Isn't this a joke?

If it was really that easy, Rebecca wouldn't be able to rule Lysis City for more than twenty years.

The archbishop didn't know that late last night, Fang Hao killed all the people Grote had prepared.

As an archbishop, Grote was not qualified to see him.

After this delay, it was time for the parliament to begin.

In desperation, Grote randomly found two people to deal with it.

"Okay, take the people down." Dougherty said suddenly.

A discerning person would know what was going on at a glance. These two people were brought over temporarily to make up the numbers.

As soon as people were brought up, they were taken down.

Grote also quietly sat back in his seat.

His whole body was wet with sweat, and he felt as if he was exhausted.

Dougherty looked at the Archbishop and said softly: "Archbishop, I think it is better to continue with the parliament. We will wait until the investigation of Lysis City is clear."

This is a graceful way of saying it.

What I mean is, don’t delay this matter any longer. The Parliament still has many things to deal with.

The archbishop's face became more serious.

Said: "Chief, I am asking for the last time. If there is no problem in Lysis City, I will not pursue this matter and will strictly investigate the person who provided this information."

Dougherty glanced at Rebecca below and nodded.

The Archbishop stood up directly, his eyes fell on Rebecca, and said solemnly: "Rebecca, let me ask you, is it true that in the middle of this year, Lysis City over-forged weapons, sold weapons to orcs, etc., a total of 72 charges? .”

As he spoke, a golden light emitted from the Archbishop's body.

The congressmen below all looked surprised.

This is one of the abilities of the church, [interrogation].

Being locked by a skill, you cannot lie if you are not as powerful as the caster.

In other words, it is similar to Blackthorn's [Conversation with the Dead] ability.

Blackthorn interrogates the dead and answers all questions within a short period of time.

[Interrogation] is a skill that works on living beings. You are pious in your heart and cannot lie.

Rebecca still stood where she was, a sense of piety immediately rising in her heart.

But as soon as this feeling arose, it quickly disappeared, as if it had been cleared away by some energy.

She could feel the power emanating from her chest.

She knew that the [Light Feather] short sword that Fang Hao gave her worked.

But she didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. She immediately showed piety and spoke slowly, "It's fake. This information is not true."

The archbishop was stunned, and so was Grote.

The archbishop's rank is too high, and in this case, Rebecca absolutely cannot lie.

Is the information really false?

The Archbishop wanted to say something more, but Dougherty had already interrupted.

"Your Majesty Archbishop, let this matter go for now, the council will continue."

Parliament comes once a year and is not the place to take matters seriously.

It was an exception to waste such a long time.

"Okay, let the council continue." The archbishop was a little reluctant, but he couldn't continue to ask further.

I had no choice but to sit back in my seat.

Rebecca also sat down and firmly grasped Fang Hao's hand.

She was quite frightened.

The coercion carried by the archbishop is not something ordinary people can bear.

Rebecca has done a very good job.

The parliament continued, and the newly elected members and city lords also took oaths.

Next, there are some important decisions selected from the previous few small meetings.

Everyone discusses and votes together.

Fang Hao was not interested, so he just sat on one side and listened.

It’s just that the palms of my hands were a little sore from being hugged by Rebecca.

The morning meeting ended, and the afternoon session continued until after five o'clock.

Rebecca and Fang Hao sat in the carriage and headed back.

while walking out of the parliament hall.

Fang Hao directly received the system prompt.

[Rebecca's loyalty to you increases by 2 points, and the current loyalty is 100. 】

[My subordinate Rebecca, if her loyalty to you reaches 100 points, she will not be affected by any alienation such as rebellion or betrayal. 】


Fang Hao felt happy for a moment.

This is his first subordinate who has not signed a slave contract and whose loyalty is mentioned as 100.

Sure enough, he has lived up to his help for so long.

Replace your sincerity with your sincerity, and you will see people's hearts over time.

It’s just that Rebecca’s face is still a little pale now.

It seems that he has not recovered yet.

Seeing Fang Hao look at her, he said softly: "I, I didn't expect it to be the archbishop."

Both of them thought the enemy was Grote, but they didn't expect that the church was involved.

Fortunately, the traitors in Lysis City were cleared out in advance last night.

Otherwise, with the church's methods, once evidence of guilt is identified, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"It's okay, everything is over. We will go back in the next two days. They will be awesome and can't do anything to us." Fang Hao took her hand and patted her gently to comfort her.

"Yeah." Rebecca nodded and put her hand in from the collar of her shirt.

He took out the [Light Feather] dagger hidden in the gap.

[Light Feather] Short sword, as a talisman in the shape of a weapon.

Although it is called a dagger, it is shorter than a dagger and is not designed as a weapon at all.

Of course it can kill people, but it's just not worthy of the orange level.

The skill [Blessing] protects the wearer from any negative effects.

The last time Saint Maozi caused trouble, he discovered that the church has some skills that can influence people.

Fearing that something would go wrong, he handed [Light Feather] to Rebecca.

It’s just that the parliament’s inspections are strict and it’s hard to bring them in.

Fortunately, Rebecca had the heavy capital to hide the whole thing in the middle.

No one would search the woman's position, so she was brought into the venue.

Unexpectedly, [Light Feather] really worked.

This parliament was not without gains.

In the spring of next year, the Federation will establish multiple trade links to increase contacts between cities.

Let the goods in every city circulate.

As long as this is implemented, Fang Hao's goods can be sold in large quantities.

It is best for you to use one of your own materials to produce a hundred copies.

On the military front, the federation mentioned two things.

One is to centralize power, and the second is to strengthen borders and resist foreigners.

In short, there are benefits to the Hundred Cities. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to break with humanity.

"By the way, why is the flag of the Hall of Justice a trumpet?" Fang Hao suddenly remembered this matter.

The flag of the Hall of Justice is exactly the same as the emblem he obtained.

There must be some connection.

Rebecca said softly: "Well, that's a lot to talk about."

After pondering for a while, he continued to explain: "You should have seen the Hundred Cities Council just now. The five giants of the House of Lords are the parliamentary form of the Hall of Justice. The Hall of Justice was originally established by five human heroes, namely' The Horn of Valor, Sacred Faith, Sacred Barrier, Sharp Thorn, and Justice and Truth were all established together. The leader of the Hall of Justice in our region is the Horn of Valor, Dougherty."

Holy shit!

Fang Hao couldn't help but be surprised.

This emblem of mine certainly has a lot of background.

"You mean, besides our Hundred Cities Federation, there are other areas inhabited by humans?" Fang Hao suddenly realized.

"Isn't this nonsense? Of course, in addition to the other four leaders who are also in charge of the humans in their respective regions, there are also many humans who exist independently as city-states." Rebecca gave a definite answer.

It seemed that the world was bigger than he imagined.

Their regional channels are just a small corner.

I’m afraid there will be world channels and universe channels in the future.


Fang Hao coughed twice and said tentatively: "I guess the Horn of Valor is lost and is not in Dougherty's hands."

Rebecca nodded, "Indeed, Dougherty has enough prestige and strength, but the heroic horn was lost in the early years. Although Dougherty manages Silver Wing City, he does not have a emblem."

"You say, for example, if I find this heroic horn, what good can it do?"

"You have?"

"For example, for example."

Rebecca thought for a while and replied, "I should get a grand reward from the Hall of Justice. After all, this represents an important meaning among humans."

"What reward?"

"A city, maybe a lot of money, I don't know." Rebecca shook her head.

"Can you give me Silver Wing City?" Fang Hao moved closer.

"Return Silver Wing City to you. I really gave Silver Wing City to you. The Archbishop is watching you every day."

"Tch, I won Silver Wing City and he still wants to be in the city. I will kill this old man immediately."

Rebecca was shocked and covered Fang Hao's mouth.

She stared at him with a horrified look on her face.

He turned around and urged the carriage to speed up.

The carriage jolted.

Fang Hao hugged Rebecca and said softly: "The parliament is over. When should we go back?"

Rebecca was a little nervous, but she didn’t try too hard to find Shuyuan

"Prepare the luggage for the road in these two days, and then we will go back."

"Okay, I'm going out tomorrow to take care of things in the underground palace. Don't wander around, lest someone doesn't give up." Fang Hao whispered.

He was not afraid of Grote, but he was somewhat worried about the Church.

"Oh, I get it, how hot it is, let go of me." Rebecca twisted her soft body.

Fang Hao will naturally not let go.

With 100 points of loyalty, it has been determined that Rebecca will not resist.

He said softly: "It's the last day. We will be busy when we get back. I will play chess with you in the evening."

Rebecca's face was as red as blood, and she naturally understood the meaning of the words.

He nodded slightly.

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