The second time you take this road, you will have to become familiar with it a lot.

The horse was racing along the way, and it was much faster than last time.

The only thing that arises is special circumstances.

It was on the way that the team was stopped by the patrol team of Silver Wing City.

Fang Hao and others immediately became nervous and almost took action.

Fortunately, Nelson and all the funeral priests were in the carriage and did not show up.

Maybe he thought the carriage was pulling a woman, so he didn't check it.

The patrol team, after checking the IDs of Fang Hao and others and asking about the purpose of coming out this time, let them go.

Everyone wiped their sweat away when they left.

Start again and continue towards the underground palace.


Silver Wing City.

Parliament Hall.

The sudden increase in parliamentary meetings left all the parliamentary representatives confused.

Some members who had prepared in advance were leaving in carriages.

On the way, he was overtaken by the cavalry and told to attend the meeting.

People whispered about their speculations, not knowing what was going on, so they hurriedly called everyone over.

Rebecca, take your seat.

My heart instantly became anxious.

She was in a hurry all morning, but she forgot to get the [Light Feather] from Fang Hao.

If the Archbishop still refuses to give up and holds on to the evidence of the crime in Lysis City, he will use that interrogation ability again.

What can she do?

He glanced at the door quietly, considering whether to leave now because he couldn't hold this meeting.

Finally, I'm looking for a reason to explain.

Although there are guards guarding the place, they are not strictly guarded. I should be able to leave.

Just when her mind was wandering.

Above, the Big Five hurriedly walked out again. .

When the five leaders took their seats above, the whole place fell silent instantly.

Everyone looked upward.

Rebecca's hands were tightly clasped together, and they looked bloodless due to excessive force.

Not long after, Dougherty from the Hall of Justice spoke in a deep voice, "Yesterday, we received news from the Dwarf Gray Iron City that Bafeng Mountain was attacked by the undead army. We hope that the Federation will lend them a helping hand."


Upon hearing this news, the whole place instantly burst into an uproar.

Humans and dwarves have no close contact since the last time they jointly conquered the Huiyue Highlands.

Even the conflict was not harmonious because of border and resource issues.

At this time, the dwarves actually still had the nerve to ask for help from humans.

All the congressmen below were discussing with the people around them.

And Rebecca's hands, which were so tightly clenched that they turned bloodless, slowly relaxed.

Lean back on the chair with your whole body relaxed.

It turned out that it was not his fault, it was the dwarf who was attacked by the undead.

dwarf? Undead?

The next second, Rebecca’s brows that had just relaxed frowned again.

No, it can’t be Fang Hao.

Two days ago, he also mentioned to himself about the dwarves in the territory, and besides him, how could there be such a large army of undead.

It must be Fang Hao….

"Chief Dougherty, Eight Peaks Mountain is the territory of the dwarves. In recent years, there have been frequent conflicts with the human race on the border. I think we need to think carefully about the rescue." A councilman stood up and said loudly.

"Ruen ascended the throne, the dwarves were in internal chaos, and even harassed the villages and towns affiliated with my city many times. I have conclusive evidence of this in my hand. Now that they are in trouble, we have to send people and money to support them. With this What." Another middle-aged man stood up and slapped a thick stack of documents on the table with an angry look on his face.

This man's city borders the borders of the dwarves.

Now I wish I could see the dwarf in trouble, and I wish I could have a cocktail party to celebrate.

You also want me to send troops to support you, dreaming.

The two people mentioned the dwarf's behavior during this period, which also aroused the approval of other council members.

On weekdays, they don't have much contact with dwarves.

But they also heard that the dwarves usually come to the human realm to look for trouble, but now they come to us for help when they are in trouble, and they are shameless.

For a time, many people expressed their disapproval of sending troops for support.

The scene instantly became chaotic.

Bang bang bang! !

Dougherty slammed the table hard to signal everyone to quiet down.

The scene became quiet again.

Archbishop Milton stood up at this time.

He opened his mouth and said: "The undead are the enemies of all living things. The appearance of such a large number of undead this time must be a problem on the deserted battlefield."

He paused slightly and glanced at everyone.

"Humans and dwarves have fought against the undead and vampires together. They have always been allies. This time around the undead problem, humans should lend a helping hand."

Bang bang bang! !

After Archbishop Milton finished speaking, some people burst into applause.

These people have a deep connection with the church.

Member of Parliament belonging to a ecclesiastical party.

Whether what Milton said makes sense or not, these people will support and support it.

But most people still remained silent.

Just because no one objects, it doesn't mean they agree.

At that time, all parties will be unwilling to send troops, and the church alone will not be able to support a racial war.

Milton's face looked a little ugly.

The prestige of the church is declining in a visible trend.

The scene was a little embarrassing.

Dougherty said at this time, "Bishop Milton, please sit down first."

Immediately afterwards, Dougherty's eyes fell downward again and he said: "The Federation of Hundred Cities has been established to resist foreigners and create an environment where humans can live in a stable manner. This time, the dwarves conveyed the news that there were many undead. Five dwarf frontier fortresses were captured in one day.”

Everyone was stunned.

Five border fortresses a day, this speed is simply incredible.

The dwarves are famous all over the world for their weapons, but the fortresses they built are also famous for their strength.

Why did it break so quickly?

Doherty listened to the discussion below, and after a while, he continued: "Everyone should be aware of the reason why the lips are dying and the teeth are cold. The reason why we are supporting the dwarves now is to end this war in the dwarves' territory so as not to affect our own land. .”

Ah this………….

As soon as these words came out, even the city lord who just produced a pile of dwarf evidence felt justified.

If there are so many undead and the dwarves are defeated, the next step will be to attack human cities.

In this case, it would be better to start the war in the land of the dwarves.

Although I understand this truth, I am still a little unwilling to rush to help like this.

Someone raised their hand to signal.

After Dougherty nodded, he stood up and said: "If you agree to rush for help so easily, I'm afraid I won't get the gratitude of the dwarf afterwards."

Dougherty naturally understands this meaning.

He said loudly: "Of course, the help will not be in vain. When the dwarves supported humans, they also took away a lot of resources. This time it is our turn, and we also have to pay the price."

The congressmen below nodded.

By placing the battlefield in the dwarf area, you can take this opportunity to defeat the dwarves.

It’s still a good deal.

Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Dougherty said again: "Okay, everyone, let's vote."

In fact, the five giants in the House of Lords have carefully discussed the matter of supporting the dwarves.

It was only stated in Parliament today, which is actually a notice.

First, the church came forward to get believer MPs to agree, and Dougherty was convincing others.

There was a brief discussion below and people began to express their opinions.

Rebecca always watched silently, without expressing her position or discussing it with others.

She increasingly guessed that the undead army was Fang Hao's men.

If humans rush to the aid of the dwarves, plus the damage done to the undead by the Church of Light.

Will this affect the trend of the battle?

Will it affect Fang Hao's development?

She had only been to Fang Hao's city once and didn't know the strength of the territory.

I couldn't help but think a little more.

"Okay, 132 votes in favor, 12 votes against, and 22 abstentions." A statistician said loudly on the side.

Rebecca woke up instantly.

When he looked ahead again, he realized that the voting had ended and he had abstained from voting.

Fortunately, many people abstained, and no one else noticed.

"Okay, the next step is to send troops. Time is tight. The Hall of Justice and the Church will send 20,000 troops in advance to assist the dwarves. The other cities will report the troops they can dispatch." Dougherty continued.

If you wait for the armies in each city to gather.

I'm afraid I won't be able to reach Bafeng Mountain next spring.

Therefore, the Hall of Justice and the Church will dispatch manpower in advance to assist the dwarves, while the armies from other cities will subsequently provide support as planned.

Listening to Dougherty's words, Rebecca's tense heart instantly relaxed.

Twenty thousand people.

You really don’t know how many people Fang Hao has. Twenty thousand people will only fill his teeth.

"Rebecca, why are you laughing?" the congressman on the side asked curiously.

I don’t know why, but the woman next to me suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.

"Well, it's nothing, I just suddenly remembered some happy things." Rebecca stopped smiling.

The congressman didn't say much, just shook his head slightly.


For such a big thing, she still had other things to think about.

At the meeting, this was the only thing discussed.

The archbishop and Grote did not take the opportunity to cause trouble for Rebecca.

After the meeting was over, Rebecca got back on the carriage and returned to her residence.

I thought.

It's better to leave Silver Wing City as soon as possible to avoid another accident.

The second day.

Running all the way.

In the morning of the next day, Fang Hao and his men finally arrived at the water pool.

Drive away wild beasts drinking water nearby.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords and established a temporary camp.

After everything was ready, Fang Hao directly released the demon doll.

He said to Nelson and others who were waiting on the side: "Bachelor, please wait on the shore for a while. After I confirm that there is no danger, you can come in again. If there is danger, we will retreat."

Nelson nodded slightly, "Okay, sir."

After explaining, Fang Hao controlled the devil doll and plunged into the pool.

All the way down, soon, we came to the entrance of the underground palace again.

He took off the luminous stone from his neck, passed through the cave, and entered the underground palace.

Since it had been cleaned up by Fang Hao and others before, not a single enemy or monster was seen along the way.

Go straight to the ninth floor.

In the corridor, the gorgeous murals have also become dim and discolored, and the abrasive material has peeled off in some places.

Just a few days ago, the place has become like this.

Go straight to the stone door.

Follow Luo Li's instructions and tap lightly on a stone brick.


After a crisp sound.

The entire corridor began to shake, and the stone doors slowly opened to both sides.

The inner side is exposed.

This is a separate room.

The room is only fifty or sixty square meters, and it is fully equipped with all kinds of utensils, tables and chairs, but the furniture is all made of stone and the utensils are all gold.

In the center of the room is a huge gold coffin.

The golden coffin is covered with gorgeous decorations and is extremely gorgeous.

Fang Hao stood at the door and waited for a while. The room was silent and no enemies appeared.

"The Golden Queen isn't home?"

This was not the first time he had encountered the situation when his master was not at home.

The owner went out, so he treated the other person's residence as a copy and moved all the items inside.

After confirming that there were no enemies in the room, Fang Hao walked in.

The entire room was filled with equipment, and it was unlikely that the mechanism was hidden.

But Fang Hao still tried to be careful.

Entering the room, I looked around, and finally my eyes fell on the huge golden coffin in the middle.

The outside of the coffin is carved with various intricate and exquisite patterns.

The bright colors on the pattern are all inlaid on the coffin with various precious gems.

One of them, Fang Hao compared, was the size of a fist.

Regardless of whether this gemstone is a special material or not, even if it is just an ordinary gemstone, it is already priceless.

What a luxury.

If there is danger in this secret room.

All that was left was the sealed golden coffin in front of him.

But it is unlikely that there is an enemy inside. According to past experience, if there is really an enemy lying inside, when you step into this room.

The people sleeping inside have already woken up.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao didn't know whether he should be grateful to have avoided a big war, or regret that he missed the opportunity to meet a powerful hero.

But these are not things he can change.

He held the side of the coffin lid with both hands and exerted slight pressure.

Click! !

The sound of metal friction appeared, and the coffin was pushed away little by little.

As the coffin lid opened, Fang Hao's eyes also saw the scene inside.

The first thing that caught his eye was a pair of withered feet.

Teng Teng Teng! !

Fang Hao instantly let go of his hand and took a few steps back.

At home, I am at home!

The devil doll, with the soul fire in its eye sockets beating violently, stared at the golden coffin that had pushed away a small part of it.

But nothing special happened inside.

All was quiet.

its not right!

Did he sleep to death?

There is no such thing as sleeping to death. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Feel big?

Or maybe she is also using an ability similar to [Divine Presence] and she doesn't know anyone is approaching?

In short, the feet that just appeared shocked him.

This was something that rarely frightened him like this after joining the undead camp.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement in the golden coffin.

Fang Haocai continued to approach boldly and looked inside again through the gap.

The dry feet just now have disappeared.

It seemed to be weathered and scattered into a puddle of black powder.



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