The undead also have a theory of death.

Moreover, after the death of the undead, the body cannot be transformed.

Could it be that this golden queen died like this?

When he opened the coffin, he saw that his feet were still intact. He stepped back and came back, only to look like this.

Guessing in his mind, he began to exert more force.

With a harsh friction sound, the coffin lid was pushed open little by little.

And as it opens wider and wider.

The body in the coffin was also scattered with a little bit of weathering.

It is as if this golden coffin is a container.

As for the part where the container is opened, the body will be unable to withstand the ravages of time and will eventually be scattered into a pile of fly ash.

Ding! !

When the coffin lid reached the last section, it fell backwards.

The entire scene inside the coffin appeared before his eyes.

The weathered body stopped when it reached the chest.

Only half of the chest and a shriveled head were left.

The empty pupils had shrunk and shriveled, and they did not appear to be in the state of a living corpse, nor did the soul fire appear.

Fang Hao came closer again.

[Gold-Eating Queen-Amanda (Dark Gold Level 6 Hero)].

not dead!

Fang Hao, who had just approached, took a few steps back again and distanced himself from the coffin.

The ability of the time traveler will not take effect on dead bodies.

The dark gold-level hero, who seemed to be in a bad state, was not dead.

However, it looks like death is not far away.

Fang Hao stood aside and waited for a while, but nothing unusual happened in the golden coffin.

The queen, with only her chest and head left, was still lying quietly inside.

On the side, he found a metal staff with no properties and gently touched the withered body.

Nothing happened, and where the golden scepter touched, a large piece was scattered again.

It seems that the remaining parts will not last long.

After confirming that there is no danger at the moment.

Seeing that the devil doll stayed here, the main consciousness returned to the main body.

Walked out of the room directly.

Outside the door, Nelson, Demitga and several other heroes were waiting silently.

Seeing him coming out, he walked over quickly.

"Sir, how is the situation?" Nelson asked.

Fang Hao thought for a while and said: "There is a corpse coffin made of gold on the last floor. There is a body with only the head and chest left. It is the golden queen, but she does not seem to be in a good condition."

Fang Hao briefly explained the matter.

In fact, this underground palace is basically empty now, so there is nothing to worry about.

Nelson thought for a while and said, "Sir, stay here, I will take people down to have a look."

"Okay, I'll let the giant lizard take you there."

After saying a few words to the four-legged monitor lizard, he carried Nelson and a group of funeral priests on his back.

Sent to the underground palace under the water pool.

On the ninth floor, the demon doll controlled by Fang Hao saw Nelson coming over.

Nelson led the funeral priest and first bowed slightly to the golden coffin.

Then he stepped forward and examined the situation carefully.

After carefully checking the state of the body in the coffin, he returned to the doorway.

He said softly: "My lord, this Golden Queen's body has been severely damaged. To restore her body, we need some materials to perform a ritual."

"Is the material consumption high?" Fang Hao asked after thinking for a while.

He has to measure whether it is worth it, and whether the other party will work for him when he wakes up.

I am not a loyal believer in the undead, and I will not break my bones to save this gold-eating queen.

Moreover, the title of Food Gold is really special.

Doesn't she like to eat gold?

Nelson thought for a while and said: "More than a hundred shadow stones, traces of death and alchemy materials are needed. You can also use massacre of creatures instead, but the number of people required will be more."

so much.

There are only a few special buildings for building the undead camp, maybe a dozen or twenty shadow stones at most.

To repair the body in the golden coffin, one hundred shadow stones and traces of death are needed.

Will it require so much energy?

I can take out these things myself, but what if I turn my back on them and refuse to recognize them after repairing them for her?

Laurana is a precedent.

He resurrected her and still had to coax her, but it was too slow to increase her loyalty.

After thinking for a while, Fang Hao asked: "Can you let her wake up first and I can communicate with her?"

Talk to her first before spending a lot of money on repairs.

"Yes, but it doesn't last long," Nelson replied.

"Well, there's no danger in waking up, right?"

"It's possible to just allow her consciousness to communicate," Nelson continued.

"Okay, let her wake up first."

"Okay, my lord."

Nelson returned to the room, organized the twelve funeral priests, and began to draw the magic circle.

When they came here, they had already prepared some materials.

Just draw it directly.

The complex pattern is drawn with the golden coffin as the center.

Nelson muttered something, then stretched out his hand.

A faint blue soul fire lit up in the head in the sarcophagus.

"Sir, you can talk to her now," Nelson said softly.

Fang Hao nodded and walked over.

In the golden coffin, the shriveled flesh at the pupils was hollow, burning with the fire of the soul.

The mummy struggled slightly, and when it found that it could not move, the soul fire shook violently.

"Who are you?" The withered head began to speak.

Just a slight movement of the jaw, and a large piece of the body on the chest was scattered into powder.

"It doesn't matter who we are, we just want to negotiate a deal with you." Fang Hao looked down at the mummy lying inside.

"Oh? What deal?" The head spoke again, but his tone was already very calm.

It seemed as if this was really an ordinary conversation, and there was no concern because of his own situation.

"I save you and you work for me." Fang Hao said.

"You are the first person who dares to speak to the queen like this." The head continued.

"Really! There's nothing surprising about this. You are about to die now. I just asked the Corpse Witch that repairing you will require a lot of resources and materials. We can consider it an equal exchange." Fang Hao said.

A demon doll in the form of a skeleton, a mummy with only its head and chest left.

Both of them were in an undead state, with no expressions, and no emotional changes could be heard in their tone.

Just talking so calmly.

After hearing Fang Hao's words, his head fell into silence.

She did feel that she was very weak, and the soul fire could not hold on for long.

After a long silence, the head spoke, "I am the queen."

"Then what?"

"I have never taken orders from anyone and I will not take orders from anyone."

Fang Hao also fell silent, thought for a while and said: "The times are changing very fast now, and they are very different from the times you lived in in the past. The little princess of the blood tribe, Laurana, is also working under me, not so much for work. In fact, it’s more like helping and supporting each other to live better here.”

His tone was not too strong. After all, a dark gold hero would be of great help to the territory.

Hearing the mention of Laurana, the soul fire in the pupils of his head swayed slightly.

It seemed that she should know Laurana, and she was a little surprised that Laurana was willing to become the subordinate of the strange skeleton in front of her.

The Gold-Eating Queen was silent again, as if considering Fang Hao's words.

Fang Hao didn't interrupt. The other party's silence meant that he was already moved.

Even the undead don't want to disappear and die.

Isn't being willing to be transformed into an undead also a kind of fear of death?

Just as the soul fire in her eyes became weaker and weaker, she spoke again, "I can join your territory, but you have to agree to a few requirements."

"tell me the story!"

"First point, give me the respect and status I deserve. Second point, you can't let me do things that go against my beliefs. Third point, my strength comes from gold. Give me as much gold as possible. Fourth point, To help me improve my strength..., these are the first things to do at the moment."

Fang Hao nodded, "Third point, as for the gold, I will return all the gold in this underground palace to you, and I will try my best to distribute the gold to you in the future. However, the development of the territory also requires funds, so I cannot give it all to you. I will give you the rest. I can promise you anything."

"Okay, then I am willing to join your territory."

"Perhaps if you make some reassurances, you can trust each other more."

The gold-eating queen's soul fire trembled more and more.

"what's your name?"

"Fang Hao!"

The plain voice of the Gold-eating Queen sounded again, "The great God of the Undead is above. After joining the territory, Lord Fang Hao's will will be my direction of progress, and all stupid things will be given equal destruction."

This oath sounds a bit convoluted, but the meaning is still understandable.

He does not have a dark gold level hero scroll in his hand, so the dark gold heroes he has recruited can only use this method to restrain their behavior.

Swearing to the gods you believe in is not as simple as bragging in the past.

It's a very solemn matter.

After listening to the words of the Queen of Food, Fang Hao nodded slightly and said: "You are welcome to join, now I will have someone restore you."

The gold-eating queen said nothing.

Instead, the soul fire in his eyes slowly dimmed.

Fang Hao retreated to the door, and Nelson strode in.

All twelve funeral priests entered the room and moved the various gold artifacts inside to the corridor outside the door.

In several corners of the room, six organ jars containing the Golden Queen's seals were found.

The body of the Gold-eating Queen is a living corpse, which means that the body has internal organs.

Before she was seriously injured and fell asleep, all her organs were removed and placed in various corners of the room according to certain rules.

She should be waiting for someone to come and rescue her, or for some other reason.

All in all, she was prepared in advance.

Otherwise, the internal organs will be pulverized together and it will be difficult to recover.

Fang Hao took a look at the attributes of the six organ jars. Two of them were magic artifacts that provided orange-level enhancements.

The remaining four also sealed the organs, but did not increase their attributes and were ordinary containers.

Fang Hao just looked at it and had no intention of possessing the organ jar.

A dark gold hero is more valuable than an organ jar.

The room is tidied.

Fang Hao followed Nelson's request and took out a large amount of required materials from the storage space.

When I explored this underground palace before, I had already obtained a lot of shadow stones and traces of death.

He also asked people to acquire some of the remaining alchemy materials and trade them to him.

Everything is ready and the ceremony officially begins.

The complicated formations emitted bursts of light, and the energy condensed began to repair the body in the golden coffin under Nelson's guidance.

When the repair reaches the chest position, the organ canisters are opened one by one.

The organs that kept dripping thick black liquid were returned to the chest cavity.

The ceremony went on for a long time, and the shadow stones in the room were broken one after another.

When I looked at it, there were no more than three left.

The ritual formations shrank suddenly, and finally they all got into the golden coffin.

And the next second, in the golden coffin, a dry palm rested on one side of the golden coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the gold-eating queen slowly sat up.

It can be seen that the repaired part is not the same color as the chest cavity and the color revealed.

The gold-eating queen is a living zombie undead.

The body has flesh and blood and internal organs, but it is no longer as elastic as living creatures.

More like a mummy that had just had its bandages removed.

The Queen of Food and Gold moved her body, gabba gabba! The crisp sound of bones rubbing against each other was extremely clear in the room.

He was afraid that she would break her newly repaired body.

A group of funeral priests gave her a slight salute, and the latter walked out of the huge golden coffin like a queen with Nelson's support.

The gold-eating queen first nodded slightly to Fang Hao.

Then his slender fingers touched the golden coffin behind him.

The huge coffin studded with gems melted like liquid.

The golden liquid gathered into thin streams, climbed along her body, and solidified.

Finally, golden armor, a golden mask, and a golden crown covered with gems were formed on the body of the Golden Queen.

The fist-sized gem was set at the top of a golden scepter.

The scepter was held in her hand, noble and gorgeous.

At this time, Fang Hao and everyone at the door were stunned.

Gold can still play like this.

This wasn't the end yet, the Golden Queen reached out her hand again.

The gold utensils moved to the corridor outside the door also began to melt, and the gold liquid surrounded Nelson and the funeral priests, eventually forming golden armor.

Put on over the robe.

"Thank you, sir." Nelson and others saluted again.

So cool!

From the moment she appears, every move she makes is full of style.

It was really like a queen who had just woken up and rewarded her subordinates who came to rescue her.

Only myself, the lord.

Standing at the door is like buying a ticket to watch a show.

Wait until the room thing is over.

The gold-eating queen, Amanda, walked out.

He walked straight up to Fang Hao, saluted gracefully, and said, "I have met the lord."

You are much more popular than me, Fang Hao thought.

But he just nodded, "Well, I'll call you Amanda from now on? What do you think?"


"Let them move all the utensils here first, and I will introduce you to the situation in the territory. It may be a little different from where you used to live." Fang Hao said softly.

Then, Nelson directed the funeral priest to start carrying the items out.

Fang Hao and Amanda introduced the territory and the living creatures including humans, orcs, dwarves, and trolls.

But Amanda just listened silently and didn't show any surprise.

"Aren't you surprised?" Fang Hao asked Amanda. Find bookstore www.zhaoス

"The Immortal Clan will also rule living beings, and the bone tax paid by living beings every year is the main source of military strength." Amanda's voice came from under the golden mask.

The bone tax is a tax. Every year, each region must turn in complete bones and corpses as a tax as required.

It would be fine if there were enough for old age and death, but if the bone tax was not enough, living people would have to be caught to fill it.

Of course, you can also go outside and plunder foreigners.

"Okay, now our location is under the supervision of the church. I will send you back to the territory when the time comes."


After the introduction, the items in the room on the last floor were also cleared away.

Everyone passed through the waterhole and returned to the temporary camp.


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