After getting out of the pool.

Fang Hao put away the devil doll.

When he appeared in front of the gold-eating queen Amanda as a human being.

The elegant and calm queen also appeared briefly dazed.

Although you can't see whether there is any expression behind the mask.

But it can be seen that her eyes stayed on Fang Hao, and she did not speak or make any movement for a long time.

Also stunned were Dimitga, Anjia and other living beings, who were also curiously looking at the woman wrapped in gold and gems in front of them.

This level is too high.

"Amanda, let me introduce you to some of them. You have met the corpse witch Nelson. This is the lizardman Dimitga and the orc Anjia. They are both heroes in the territory. From now on, everyone is one of our own."

After the introduction, Fang Hao continued to introduce to Dimitga and others.

"This is Amanda from the Undead tribe. She is a dark gold level hero. She will be our companion from now on. Everyone should get to know each other."

When Fang Hao mentioned the undead, the others confirmed Amanda's racial identity.

The whole body is wrapped in golden armor, and the eyeballs can be seen behind the mask.

For a while, there was really no way to confirm whether it was an undead.

Several heroes nodded to each other, which was considered a greeting.

Amanda still acted relatively indifferent, just nodded in response to everyone, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, everyone is ready to return." Fang Hao said loudly.

"Yes, sir." Everyone responded.

Everyone started to move and loaded all the gold items on the carriage.

In addition to a large number of gold objects.

On the ninth floor, a gold treasure chest was also found, but Fang Hao was not in a hurry to open it.

They were loaded onto the carriage together and tied tightly with hemp ropes.

Everyone started to get busy.

Fang Hao also started to check the attributes of the newly added dark gold heroes at this time.

[Gold-Eating Queen-Amanda (Dark Gold Level 6 Hero)]

[Faction: Undead]

[Template: Dark Gold]

[Racial characteristics: undead, living corpse, light weakness. 】

[Legion talent: Queen of the Undead, my life will be fulfilled, metal skeleton. 】

[Skills: Queen's majesty, life and death, golden divine power. 】

[Inherent abilities: Domain magic proficiency, Domain swordsmanship proficiency, Domain magic proficiency, Domain command proficiency. 】

[Queen of the Undead]: The ‘undead’ army led by this unit is automatically blessed by the power of death when attacking, with attack power +10%. It will explode and produce poisonous gas after death.

[My life must be fulfilled]: The army led by this unit has attack power +15%, defense power +20%, and magic element resistance +20%.

[Metal Skeleton]: The 'skeleton' undead unit led by this unit has defense +35%, arrow miss and bullet evasion +50%.

[Queen's Majesty (Passive)]: The troops under your command will not retreat or surrender due to morale after the war. Enemy army morale drops by 20%.

[Life and death (active)]: The queen grants you death and rebirth. Creatures that die within a certain range will automatically transform into undead, join the queen's camp, and continue fighting (maximum distance 20 meters).

[Golden Divine Power (Active)]: Has the ability to control gold.

(Description: Amanda, the Golden Queen of the Kingdom of Angryinle, is as acclaimed for her wisdom and courage as her sense of honor and justice. However, her reign was tragic and short-lived, and she was destroyed in her prime. A political enemy was poisoned to death, and the royal family of the Kingdom of Angliin could not accept this fact. They invited the Corpse Witch of the Enemy of Life to transform the embalmed Amanda into the Queen of the Undead, and continue to lead the kingdom towards glory.

After the undead ceremony ended, when Amanda woke up, her beauty and body became pale and hard.

When she walked out of the hall again, her whole body was wrapped in golden armor, and her face was a golden mask engraved with her face when she was alive, and she stood in front of all the people.

However, the glory of the Anglian Kingdom did not continue. The war between the undead and the living gradually brought down this once powerful kingdom. The queen also lay back in the golden coffin, waiting for the next time she wakes up. )

After reading Amanda's attributes, Fang Hao was secretly speechless.

She doesn't have many skills, but none of them are weak.

[Queen's Majesty] is a passive skill. The morale of your own army will not collapse, and the enemy will directly drop by 20%. This is a bit abnormal.

When morale drops to a certain level, it may even cause the army to surrender and flee. It will be reduced by 20% in one encounter, making it basically difficult to fight later.

[Life and Death Capture] is to transform the dead creatures on the battlefield into undead and continue to participate in the battle. There is a distance limit of 20 meters, but the number should be large.

The skill introductions above are very detailed.

Only the last item [Golden Divine Power] is the simplest to introduce, but the effect is the most terrifying.

Gold can be liquefied and transformed into any shape.

This is very maneuverable.

If used well, it can be more terrifying than any skill.

I have found a treasure.

Keep checking Amanda's loyalty level, hopefully it's not too low.

For such a powerful hero, if his loyalty is too low, he will have another problem.

[Golden Queen-Amanda’s current loyalty is 75 points. 】

so far so good.

Very high, very high.

With Laurana's 26 points as a precedent, Amanda's 75 points seem very reasonable.

This queen is of very high quality.

Well, very high.

Fang Hao looked at the Book of Lords, and Dimitga came over.

"Sir, everything is ready and you can return."

Looking up, the temporary camp had been dismantled and the carriage was ready.

"Amanda, Nelson, you guys get in the carriage and get ready to go." Fang Hao said loudly.

Everyone got on their horses, Amanda walked towards a single carriage, while Nelson and a group of funeral priests boarded the carriage behind.

Amanda stretched out her hand and the gold flowed like liquid.

Under the carriage, it turned into a square low stool, and Amanda stepped on the low stool to board the carriage.

The low stool turned into liquid again and flowed into the carriage.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

So..., well, so classy.

Fang Hao had seen it before, so he naturally had to react faster.

After seeing that everyone was ready, he loudly ordered, "Let's go back to Li Rong City."

The scouts took the lead and the convoy moved forward slowly.

The journey back was much smoother.

He passed by a patrol on the way, but the other party did not stop him.

Traveling all the way, we returned to Li Rong's territory at noon the next day.

Looking at the back of the carriage, a large number of gold items were brought back.

And the dark gold level hero walked down, Li Rong was completely stunned.

He put out the cigarette butt in his hand, stepped forward and asked, "Heroes recruited by the ninth floor?"

"Uh, yes." Fang Hao nodded.

"Holy shit, I should go, I don't have a hero yet!" Li Rong roared jealously.

Speaking of which, the underground palace was the map and information provided by Li Rong.

But she gained more than she did.

Fang Hao looked at her envious and jealous look and smiled slightly, "This is an undead hero. You need to have an undead witch and a relationship with the camp to recruit. The simple explanation is that there are prerequisites. You can't recruit them even if you go there."

"Oh, really!" Li Rong calmed down.

The hero's whole body was wrapped in golden armor, and he couldn't tell what race he was.

If it was an undead, she wouldn't dare accept it.

While he was in Silver Wing City, he had to keep a distance from the undead, otherwise he would be tied to the gallows and burned to death by the church.

"Of course, what did I lie to you for? Moreover, hundreds of precious materials were spent on recruitment." Fang Hao said and walked towards the Lord's Mansion.

I heard that there are prerequisite tasks, and a lot of materials are spent later.

Li Rong felt a lot calmer.

"Then, I'll get a share of the gold. It's agreed that each person will get half of the underground palace." Li Rong hugged her shoulders, looking angry.

"Okay." Fang Hao nodded with a smile, and then thought about it and said: "By the way, there are also the gold items from last time. I will exchange them with you for the war coins. Give me those gold items."

Gold coins and war coins are currently in circulation.

He and Li Rong each received half of the gold items they obtained from the underground palace.

When he recruited Amanda, he promised to return all the gold objects in the underground palace to her.

He could only exchange what he had given to Li Rong.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Rong said.

Li Rong naturally agreed to Fang Hao's proposal. There were no mint drawings in her territory, and these gold artifacts as funerary objects could not be directly liquidated.

Now that Fang Hao is willing to exchange war coins, she is naturally willing.

"Haha, okay, Sister Li is really generous."

Li Rong raised her eyebrows and said, "What's the matter? You helped me kill Thorndike. My sister hasn't thanked you properly yet!"

The two entered the hall and sat down on chairs.

"Don't worry, I want to kill him too." Fang Hao thought for a while and continued: "I'm afraid the shops in Silver Wing City will not be repaired even in the winter. What are your plans?"

When this matter was mentioned, Li Rong sighed slightly again.

"Hey! What can I do? I can only wait until winter is over and the shop is repaired. It's hard to say whether they will be willing to rent it to me then!" Li Rong frowned.

Her territory is neither farmed nor hunted.

It is entirely the store's products that supply the development of the territory.

If nothing happens to the store, she will develop much faster than others.

But now that the store that supported her development was destroyed, her road was suddenly blocked.

Fortunately, I saved a lot of money before, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive the winter.

"Have you considered my previous proposal?" Fang Hao looked at Li Rong with a smile.

"You're talking about us opening a store together?"

"Yes, there are many cities in my territory, which are enough for you to show your talents. You don't have to worry about store fees in the future, and there will be no gangsters to make trouble. You can operate with confidence. In addition, if you plan to open a store in the original civilian city, I I will also give you support, I have both money and soldiers." Fang Hao said softly, picking up the water glass and taking a sip.

Li Rong did not answer, but took out a cigarette, knocked it on the table twice, put it in his mouth and lit it.

Silence fell in the room.

When the cigarette was half burned, Li Rong asked: "How to divide it?"

"Eighty-two points, I am responsible for the funds and store, and you are responsible for the management, so I am eighty-two and you are two-pointed." Fang Hao said.

Li Rong shook his head, "I have the technology, and it has been verified in the market. I can see profit returns. Then I will still need to manage the store. Why can you take so much for a shopkeeper who just hands you off? Let's give it 50-50. Let's do it too." Old acquaintance."

"In business, don't play the emotional card. Your supply of goods cannot support the supply of the store at all. With your ability, you cannot build a production factory. I will still be responsible for it, seven or three points." Fang Hao continued.

Li Rong was silent, blowing out smoke one by one.

After being silent for a while, he continued: "I want to open two stores before winter and have a factory with more than 500 people after spring. Can I do it?"

The store in Silver Wing City was burned down, and she needed the store to maintain current sales and factory expenses.

On my side, many people were recruited from nearby villages. Once they are disbanded, it will be difficult to get them back.

Fang Hao thought for a while and replied, "It's no problem with two stores, and there's no problem with a factory with 500 people. But can you ensure that the goods are delivered to the stores in winter?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will arrange for the time traveler to go to the store to manage it, and then you can replenish the goods through the trading channel." Li Rong replied.

Fang Hao nodded, "Okay, I have one more request."

"Tell me about it!" Li Rong said calmly. In fact, she knew in her heart that cooperation between the two was a better way at the moment.

Fang Hao wanted to get a piece of the cosmetics business, and she knew it.

But when opening a store in this world, she also experienced a sense of powerlessness.

Exclusion by the indigenous people, harassment by underground forces, and exploitation by the nobles.

In addition, the store was out of business, and it was difficult for her to reopen it on her own.

Moreover, she also has to consider the subordinates who are hanging out with her.

I still have some savings, but what about the time-travelers and factory workers under my control.

It’s hard to say whether we can survive this winter.

By agreeing to Fang Hao, it seems that the other party has taken a big advantage, but in fact it is also helping him to tide over the difficulties.

If I can really tell him, I will open many stores.

Then it doesn't matter whether you open a store in Silver Wing City or not, it will be enough for the development of your own city.

"Become my affiliated city." Fang Hao said seriously.

Li Rong frowned, her Lord's Book also swallowed up several cities, and they all became her subordinates.

The effect after swallowing is naturally clear in my heart.

Unexpectedly, Fang Hao wanted to turn her city into a subsidiary city.

"I gave myself to you, but you didn't want it, and now you still want my city. What's going on in your little head?" Li Rong said through gritted teeth.

"Look, why are you bringing this up again?"

Li Rong thought for a moment, "What do you mean? What do you want from my city? If this happens, my life is in your hands. What if I regret it?"

Fang Hao continued: "The situation in my territory is somewhat special. For some safety reasons, I will trust you only if you become my affiliated city. Of course, you still have the final say on your city. I will not do anything about what we have agreed upon." What are you going to do to coerce you?"

Li Rong was silent for a while, and finally nodded, "Yes, I agree, but all my subordinates need to be under my control. If you have anything to do, you must discuss it with me in advance."


Li Rong didn't waste any time. She took off her Lord's Book and handed it to Fang Hao.

The latter took it.

Directly chose to devour.

[Successfully swallowed, your Book of Lords is currently level 6, and it takes 13/20 to upgrade.]

After swallowing, the experience required changes from 8/20 to 13/20.

It also means that Li Rong herself has devoured 5 books of lords.

This place was redivided to Li Rong, and a book of city lord was handed into Li Rong's hands.

Li Rong was not polite and took the City Lord's Book.

Taking advantage of the situation, he sat on Fang Hao's lap, holding a cigarette with one hand, and wrapping his arm around Fang Hao's shoulders, saying softly: "I will be yours from now on, so you have to take care of me."


Just when Fang Hao wanted to say something.

There were footsteps outside the door, and Li Rong's men strode in. Seeing the scene in front of them, they were slightly startled, and turned around to go back.

Li Rong was also a little embarrassed, so she got up from Fang Hao's lap and sat aside.

He asked expressionlessly: "What happened?"

The militiamen under his command came to their senses, saluted slightly, and said, "Lord, a cavalryman came from outside the city. He said that some lady asked him to come and deliver a message to Lord Fang Hao."

Li Rong instantly looked at Fang Hao standing aside.

The latter nodded and said: "Let him come in."

Li Rong said to his men: "Let him come in."

"Yes." The militiamen quickly retreated.

Not long after, a person was brought in, who was the commander of the personal guards around Rebecca.

After seeing Fang Hao, he bowed and said, "Sir, Madam asked me to bring you a piece of news."

"Tell me. Find Shuyuan"

The commander did not speak, but looked at Li Rong and the militiamen in the room.

Fang Hao understood the meaning, "Li Rong, you stay and let your men go out first."

Li Rong nodded, "You go out first and don't let anyone else get close to here."

The militiamen took the order and retreated.

In the room, only Fang Hao, Li Rong and the commander were left.

"Say it."

The leader nodded and lowered his voice and said: "The Hall of Justice and the Church of Light gathered 20,000 people and set out three days ago to support the dwarf Bafeng Mountain. The other human cities have gathered people one after another and will also go to the Bafeng Mountain."

Hearing the news, Fang Hao's brows instantly furrowed.

Humans need to support the dwarves.

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