Bone dragon!

The pressure of the dragon clan made the dwarves feel cold in their hearts.

Frederick urged the soldiers, the dwarves who could still get up, onto the anti-aircraft crossbow bed.

Two dwarves assisted in turning the direction, and one dwarf began to control the crossbow bed to shoot huge crossbow bolts.

Crossbow bolts and bullets poured into the sky crazily.

Like an airtight net, covering the sky.

Even though the bone dragon was equipped with strong metal dragon armor, his body was knocked out of balance after being beaten.

The dragon armor was filled with crossbow arrows.

The swooping bone dragon was forced back, hovering in the air, waiting for the opportunity.

And below the city.

A siege ladder with metal barbs was set up on the edge of the city wall.

The skeleton warriors began to climb up on the ladders, holding round shields.

The dwarf threw boulders down the ladder and used the ax in his hand to chop down the ladder on the edge of the city wall.

Whizzing! !

Bullets kept whizzing, and when a dwarf fell, the dwarf behind him picked up his weapon and continued to chop.

"Watch out for siege engines!"

Another shout.

The busy dwarf raised his head and saw that the siege vehicle as tall as the city wall had arrived at the edge of the city wall.

This huge tower-shaped instrument is made of wood.

There is a flat hanging door in the front, which can be opened directly on the edge of the city wall.

The siege soldiers can also directly attack the city wall through the inside of the siege vehicle.

The dwarf did not hesitate, lit the fire oil bomb, and threw it on top of the siege vehicle.

Bang - Phew!

The flames exploded instantly, and a blazing heat wave caused the dwarves to take a few steps back.

Even at such a close distance, his beard and hair were scorched by the heat wave.

A blazing flame burned.

Once this kind of kerosene burns, it is difficult to extinguish it.

Coupled with the dry weather and strong winds, the fire suddenly increased and covered the siege engines.


The hanging board was still open, and countless skeletons rushed towards the city with flames on their bodies.

"Dammit, stop them."

For a time, the undead were on the city wall.

A large number of dwarves quickly supported and resisted the impact of the flaming skull.

A large number of undead rushed towards the city wall and fought with the dwarves.

The skeletons are fierce and fearless.

However, the siege vehicle did not last longer. The hanging boards connected to both sides burned down first, and the siege vehicle also burned more and more fiercely in the fire.

One by one the siege engines were burned.

The siege ladder that was carrying the charge was also blocked under careful attention.

Frederick looked at the entire battlefield.

Maybe others didn't realize it, but he knew it.

The artillery fire on the battlefield is constantly retreating.

At this time, the artillery no longer fires shells at the furthest distance, but downwards at the maximum direction, bombing the undead rushing over.

Not just artillery, duct cannons, crossbow beds, and rifles.

All attack ranges are based on the city walls.

Soon, the skeletons below gathered again, spreading toward the city wall like a flood.

Stones still have little effect.

New kerosene was shipped.

It poured down everywhere along the city wall.

Flame waterfalls, like fiery red cloth, hang all over the wall.

call! !

The fire broke out again.

Just when the dwarves thought that, like last time, they could defend other locations.

The change happened suddenly.

Under the city wall, the golden liquid seemed to be alive, and it left the undead soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's gaze, he began to climb up the city wall.

The next second, the metallic liquid solidified again and turned into five metal stairs sloping downward, connecting the wall to the ground.

And all the skeletons below began to attack fiercely.

Like a flood, it rushed towards the golden staircase.


The dwarves staggered in fright, and several of them fell to the ground, their faces pale.

What ability is this?

This is simply the power of God.

When Frederick saw this, his heart suddenly tightened.

The gold-eating queen.

This is the ability of the Golden Queen, the undead king recorded in history.

Didn't you say she appeared in human territory? Why is she here?

Suppressing the fear in his heart, he immediately shouted: "Organize defenses and don't let them come up."

The dwarves woke up instantly.

The rolling wood studded with metal spikes was brought up and rolled down the steps.

Everyone along the road was crushed under the rolling logs or pushed down the stairs.

After the rolling logs passed, the spearmen came up from behind and formed an array.

The slender and sharp spear was aimed at the five steps, thrust out and withdrawn continuously, pushing the skeleton down the city wall.

At this time, the bone dragon suddenly jumped down from the sky shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

Against the rain of arrows, he breathed out his anger at the wall.

A large number of dwarves were shrouded in black light beams and turned into skeletons.

The bone dragon retreated with one strike, turned around and flew away.

The dead dwarf was dragged down, and a new dwarf took his place.

While shooting at the people below, he resisted the skeletons that kept attacking the city wall.

The war raged from morning till dusk.

From dusk to late at night.

The artillery fire did not stop for a moment.

The undead did not slow down its offensive.

Undead camp, inside the huge animal skin command tent.

Dong Jiayue and others all looked at the map in front of them.

The dwarves' defensive capabilities surprised them all.

Faced with such a reckless attack, the dwarves still defended the city walls.

Even if the gun barrel overheats, it will immediately replace it with a new one and continue defense.

"We have blocked them for more than half a month, how can we still have such confidence?" Dong Jiayue was a little confused.

From the moment the war started.

The dwarves kept transporting weapons and ammunition outwards.

She was surprised as to why there was so much ammunition now.

This time, it was Amanda who answered.

"This is not surprising. For a big city like Gray Iron City, even if you close the city for a year, they can still exchange resources through the business alliance."

During the battle, everyone saw Amanda's abilities.

With just one move like the Golden Staircase, he almost entered the city.

Unfortunately, the dwarf reacted quickly and failed.

"Oh, that's it, that's what I said!" Dong Jiayue nodded to express her understanding.

Until now, her business alliance building has not been established yet.

I had never been in a hurry before, but now it seems that the business alliance is really useful.

Even if the city is sealed, goods can still be purchased through the merchant alliance.

"The defenses of Gray Iron City are indeed strong. Let's see if there is any better way." Dong Jiayue continued to ask.

The rest of the people fell silent as they looked at the map on the table.

After a while, Rou Fist said: "Where's the bat detonator? This trick is very effective."

"No, the skeleton can't fly in, and we will be the ones killed." Dong Jiayue shook his head.

The bat detonator is really useful.

But on the dwarf side, the effect is not that significant.

Once the bat swarm is unable to fly into the city and is shot down outside the city, then the detonator will fall and kill one of its own people.

By then, the casualties will be considerable.

Previously, in the Twelve Cities, this trick didn't work very well.

I used it in City No. 11, but it still dragged the enemy until they couldn't stand it anymore, and then Ye Shi successfully flew in.

Seeing Dong Jiayue's refusal, Rou Fang had nothing to say.

At this time, Amanda thought for a while and said, "We can let the dragon-type troops fly directly into the city from high altitudes to create some chaos and reduce the pressure outside."

Before Dong Jiayue could speak, Spencer spoke first.

"The dwarves have very strong air defense and can't get in at all. If they can fly in so easily, then it won't be difficult to capture the city."

Spencer is a dragon living corpse. He flies in to make a surprise attack. Naturally, he leads the flying in.

He didn't want to take the risk.

"It's difficult for them to pose a threat to you at high altitudes," Amanda said.

"It's hard, not impossible," Spencer replied.

Dong Jiayue glanced at the two of them and said, "Don't worry, it's just the first day, we can afford to spend time with them."

She also didn't want Spencer to be in danger. If the orange hero died inside, she wouldn't be able to explain to Fang Hao.


"Then continue the attack and I will try to collect some more gold." Dong Jiayue said softly.

Everyone nodded and walked out.

The next day, early morning.

The sound of artillery fire and musketry still filled the entire battlefield.

The entire sky was covered in thick smoke.

There was a pungent smell in the air.

One morning, the skeletons under the city had piled up like a mountain, and the dwarves were afraid that the enemy would use the mountains of corpses to climb the city wall.

It was already the third time, and the kerosene was poured down to burn the pile of bones.

But the stones thrown down still piled up a large hillside.

The highest place reaches seven or eight meters high.

Although this height was nothing compared to the towering city wall, the dwarves still began to reduce the number of stones they threw.

So as not to continue to increase the height below.

Similarly, in one night, the undead attacked the city wall more than ten times in various ways.

Although they were eventually cleared by the dwarves, some casualties and equipment damage were also caused.

In addition, there are intensive attacks from shooters outside.

In one night, tens of thousands of people were injured and thousands of people died.

Facing such a large scale of undead, this kind of performance is already considered superior.

Any enemy would withdraw if they could not attack for a long time.

But the undead below won't, because there was no sign of any change in the situation during last night's fighting.

The army of the undead is still huge.

Only the shrinking ammunition reminds them that this war is still going on.

On the city wall.

Frederick, wearing armor, rested one hand on the hilt of his sword.

He said loudly, "Victory will belong to us after all. The ancestors will bless the Eight Peaks Mountain, the great God of Craftsmanship and Forging will protect the Gray Iron City, and His Majesty Luen will lead us to victory and defeat these damn undead..." His Majesty Luen Long live the dwarves!"

"Long live His Majesty Luen, the dwarves will surely win..."

The dwarves raised their arms and shouted, and the sound was even louder than the sound of artillery fire outside the city for a while.

Everyone is very motivated!

Frederick nodded and continued: "Okay, now each of you will replace your companions on the wall and hold on to the wall."

All the dwarves sprang into action.

Run up the wall and replace the soldiers above.

But after stepping onto the city wall, I saw the undead souls still unchanged outside the city.

The enthusiasm and morale that I had just turned into fear and powerlessness in an instant.

one day one Night!

The city was filled with wounded people, but there was no change in the undead outside the city.

This... is there still hope?

"Quickly, go to your respective locations, don't be in a daze."

There was an urging voice from the side.

The soldiers numbly walked up the city wall and replaced the rest of their companions.

Continue to control the equipment and defend.

Same early morning.

After Fang Hao simply washed up, he was already sitting in the hall.

And below, there was a goblin sitting with a hot tea in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Mr. Fang Hao, I took the liberty of coming here. I hope I won't disturb your sweet dream." The short goblin said.

This morning, Fang Hao was still sleeping.

He was woken up by a knock on the door.

After saying yes, Moru sent a teleportation application to see if he would be allowed to come.

Fang Hao took the fox tail aside and then remembered who Mo Lu was.

It was the goblin teller I was familiar with at the Merchant Alliance station.

Still not knowing the purpose of his visit, he was allowed to come.

Then, after washing up, he went straight downstairs and saw this well-dressed goblin teller.

"If so, I'm very happy to see Mr. Moru." Fang Hao said with a smile.

He wanted to say that Pengpi was brilliant.

I was afraid that Moru wouldn't understand, so I changed to a simple word.

It’s good if you can express your meaning.

Moru also smiled and nodded, and then he did not continue to be polite, but said straight to the point: "Mr. Fang Hao, have you heard about the recent attack by the undead on Bafeng Mountain?"

Fang Hao was slightly startled.

The Merchant Alliance is a neutral force.

He will not participate in any struggle between forces, nor will he disclose any information to any force.

Everything was done from a neutral perspective and maintained very well.

Now that he suddenly mentioned this matter, he had to start guessing about Moru's purpose.

Seeing Fang Hao's unkind look, Mo Lu immediately explained: "Mr. Fang Hao, don't think too much. The Merchant Alliance remains absolutely neutral. We just came here to inquire about this matter with you privately."

Fang Hao withdrew his gaze and said softly: "I have also heard about this matter, and I was planning to send troops to support Bafeng Mountain. Unfortunately, the human territory has not been peaceful recently, so we haven't had time to send troops yet."

"Support Bafeng Mountain?"

Moru was slightly startled.

They guessed that Fang Hao was attacking Bafeng Mountain. Why was it that Fang Hao was now supporting Bafeng Mountain.

What does this mean?

"Yes, the Federal Council requires all cities to send troops to assist Bafeng Mountain. The recent cold weather and snow have delayed the matter." Fang Hao replied calmly.

Moru looked out and saw the skeletons passing by from time to time, and thought to himself, it’s strange that I believed you.

If humans can let you join, I can knock down a troll with one punch.

Before Mo Lu could speak, Fang Hao took the lead and asked: "Mr. Mo Lu, why did you mention this matter? Is there anything going on in Bafeng Mountain?"

Moru thought for a while and then simply told the matter directly.

Putting down the water cup in his hand, he said: "The dwarves from Gray Iron City have found the Merchant Alliance and asked Shuyuan in the hope that we can come forward to mediate. However, according to the information provided by the dwarves, we did not find the exact information. The news is that there are a large number of undead and the commander is a woman who is a time traveler."


At this moment, Fang Hao understood.

Based on these two pieces of information, the Merchant Alliance determined that the attack on the dwarves was related to Fang Hao.

But there is no definite evidence.

After listening to this, Fang Hao's expression did not change at all.

Shaking his head, he said: "I don't know anything about Bafeng Mountain. There are a huge number of travelers, and I don't know all of them."

Rune nodded.

After thinking for a while, he still said: "Hey, it's a pity. Roen hopes to stop the war and is willing to pay a certain amount of compensation."


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