Hear Moru's words.

Fang Hao followed the words and continued to ask, "The dwarves are very rich, so their compensation must be very generous, right?"

Moru slapped his thigh, "That's not very generous, otherwise we wouldn't be able to ask people from the business alliance to mediate. Mr. Fang Hao, do you want to hear it?"

Fang Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, "Let's talk and listen."

Moru took out a small book, opened it gently, read, "Five million gold coins, 150,000 produced gems, 20,000 dwarf royal artifacts..., and within the next five years, continue to provide 100,000 The rifles, 50,000 cannons, and 20% of the profits from the mines, well, and the two thousand beauties of the dwarves are gone..."

After listening for a while, Moru finished reading the above content.

It can also be seen that the dwarves were defeated in this battle.

There are not many things that can be taken out directly, and the most valuable things are provided in installments.

Including 100,000 rifles, 50,000 artillery pieces within five years, and 20% of the mine's profits, these are more valuable than five million gold coins.

It is true that it squeezed the dwarves' productivity within five years to the greatest extent.

"Mr. Fang Hao, what do you think of the dwarves' compensation?" Moru asked with a smile.

Fang Hao curled his lips and said, "Well..., just average."

"Uh..., this is just normal." Moru didn't know what to say.

"Haha, what does their matter have to do with us? Let's go, let me take you to see our newly built factory. Maybe the merchant alliance can sell our products in the future, and the business will be booming." Fang Hao laughed and pulled Moru walked out.

Moru followed helplessly and walked out.

It seemed that the conditions provided by the dwarf did not meet Fang Hao's requirements.

There was nothing they could do about this matter.

Moru followed Fang Hao out of the room, boarded the four-legged monitor lizard like a giant monster, and rushed towards the west.

Here are two orc villages.

The bunny man and the fox man, wearing thick and warm fur coats, are busy.

"W-What are you doing?" Moru looked around curiously and asked softly.

"Have you heard of cosmetics? They are used by women, and of course they are not limited to women." Fang Hao introduced as he walked.

Then he took a finished cosmetic from the fox man passing by and handed it to Moru's hand.

Moru opened it gently and looked at the powder-like thing inside.

I looked over and over again. Apart from the beautiful box on the outside, what was inside? Is the pink mud dried into a cake?

"Is this something to eat?"

"Something to eat or rub on the face is very popular in human cities. The market is definitely good. I plan to push this to the business alliance and sell it."

"Ah..., does anyone really buy this?" Moru still didn't understand what effect this thing would have if it was touched on the face.

If it were him, he would leave the box and take out the powder and throw it away.

"Of course, the market has already verified it."

Seeing that Fang Hao was not joking, Moru could only nod, "You can try it on your goods to see the acceptance capabilities of various races."

"No, this kind of cosmetics needs someone to teach them how to use it. I plan to buy a store in the station specifically to sell this kind of cosmetics. I have already thought of the place, the one opposite the tavern." Fang Hao continued.

The tavern is the place where the largest number of people of all races gather.

Moreover, with 20 war coins, you can have an interracial love.

By then, setting up a cosmetics store there should have some effect.

Of course, making money is not the most important thing. What is important is popularity. Those who can go to the Merchant Alliance are leaders from all over the world. Seeing the Xianmenglou signboard is the biggest publicity.

Cosmetics on the first floor, clothing on the second floor, your own brand will be known to all the forces in the region.

Moru was even more surprised, "Shangmengmeng's store is very expensive and needs approval."

"I know that for the approval matter, I still need Mr. Moru to help me figure out how to go through the process." Fang Hao replied softly.

Seeing that Fang Hao was serious, Moru said nothing more.

He just nodded and agreed, "Okay, I will help you with the approval. You still need to see what it says above about the price."

"Haha, no problem."

Fang Hao laughed and took Moru for a walk around the village, then sat on the giant lizard and returned to the city.

The two returned to the city and had lunch together before sending Moru away.

This goblin teller has been praising Fang Hao for how delicious the food here is.

If you open a restaurant over there, it will definitely make more money than that shabby cosmetics.

Fang Hao just smiled and said nothing more.

The food is delicious because of Yi'er's good cooking skills and her attributes as a "chef", which makes the food delicious.

He didn't want to send Yi'er out just to make such a small amount of money.

As the first person to accompany him, it’s okay to be busy at home.

Cosmetics are different. They are produced in factories and shipped to stores for sale directly.

Moreover, the sales power of cosmetics is stronger than Moru imagined.

The ladies and ladies of Silver Wing City have already verified this idea.

Moru was sent away.

Fang Hao returned to the Lord's Mansion. It was now cold and there was no way to bask in the sun.

The rocking chair in the backyard had its curved legs frozen to the ground and could not rock.

Just sat down in the hall.

Footsteps sounded again outside the door.

Soon, the skeleton merchant Duo Jin walked in directly.

Duo Jin was still wearing a straight dress and holding a hardwood crutch in his hand.

Like a human noble gentleman, without looking at the face.

"Good afternoon, distinguished lord."

Walking to the middle, Duo Jin bowed slightly.

"Good afternoon, Duo Jin, what can I do?" Fang Hao stretched out his hand and motioned for him to sit down.

Duo Jin sat down aside and said softly: "Sir, I am here to report to you on the collection of materials for the [Wishing Pool]."

When Fang Hao heard this, he immediately became energetic.

The wishing well is the orange drawing he was rewarded when he first crossed over.

The function is also quite amazing.

Consume a certain amount of basic resources every week to make wishes, and you have a chance to get wish rewards.

Before, Fang Hao was paying attention to the building materials and handed this matter over to Duo Jin when he went to Silver Wing City.

"Is there any news?" Fang Hao asked immediately.

Duo Jin replied: "Sir, during this period of collection, I have collected 12 coral crystals, 8 ocean tears, breeze white coral and morning blue coral, but I have not harvested them yet."

The expectation in Fang Hao's heart disappeared in an instant.

It seems that coral-like things are really difficult to collect.

You can't even buy it in the merchant alliance.

But there was nothing he could do. The skeleton soldiers didn't know how to be tired, nor were they lazy, so it was not his fault.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Just pay more attention in the future." Fang Hao said.

Duo Jin nodded.

Let’s move on to the second thing.

"Sir, the second thing is that Bachelor Nelson asked me to ask the alchemist master in the Merchant Alliance to make the potion that has been completed. This time it will be delivered to you. The alchemist said that there will be a strong tingling sensation when taking the potion. , soaking in cold water can effectively relieve certain pain."

After saying that, he carefully took out a bottle of dark red potion from his arms and respectfully handed it to Fang Hao.

The liquid in the medicine bottle was a gorgeous red color, swaying slightly, as if it was emitting a faint light.

Fang Hao frowned and took it.

[Magic Dragon Potion (Orange)]

[Category: Alchemy Potion]

[Efficacy: Strengthen oneself and have a physical fitness comparable to that of a dragon. 】

(Description: A potion made from pure dragon blood. After drinking it, you will have the power to break through the limits of the race.)

Fang Hao remembered.

This is a potion made from Spencer's blood.

Spencer is a fire dragon. After being captured by Fang Hao, he was skinned and bled directly by Nelson.

The body was made into the current living corpse, and the blood was made into a potion by the alchemist master of the Merchant Alliance. Dragon scales were also looking for someone to make dragon scale armor.

Sure enough, he knew how to live a good life. He used everything he had in his body to make use of it.

Putting the magic dragon potion aside carefully, Fang Hao said with a smile: "Okay, Duo Jin, thank you for your hard work. I plan to re-plan the residential area recently. Then I will see what needs you skeleton merchants have and make a list. Give me the list."

"Thank you, sir." Duo Jin did not refuse, but just saluted and thanked him.

"Well, are there any recent changes on the dwarf side?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Duo Jin replied, "The dwarves have increased their order demand for gunpowder, iron ore, food, and armor. We no longer accept their orders."

There was a war between the territory and the dwarves, and several important people knew about it.

Duojin stopped cooperating with the dwarves very early, and all transactions ceased.

No matter how much money is given, there are enough goods in the warehouse, but they will not be sold to dwarves.

"Okay, continue to pay attention to the materials of the wishing fountain."

"It's your lord, then I'll stand down first." Duo Jin stood up.

Fang Hao nodded, and Duo Jin also exited the hall.

Holding the magic dragon potion in his hand, he guessed at the effect the potion would bring.

After thinking about it, I still didn’t choose to take it at this time.

He had experienced the effects of physique-changing potions, and the feeling was unpleasant.

What was used at that time was only a rudimentary magic potion.

So what about the current magic dragon potion.

There is no one here now, Yi'er'anjia and the others have gone out to train.

It's hard to say what happened to him in the room.

When I no longer pay attention to the magic dragon potion, I feel a little free.

Open the Book of Lords and view the chat content in the regional channel.

As always, courting mates, collecting and selling equipment, and collecting and selling resources.

However, the best-selling items in the channel now are not weapons and armor, but clothing to keep out the cold.

And those furs that were not very valuable before have now doubled in price.

Not to mention the finished cold-weather fur.

Fang Hao, through the efforts of all the tailors, has a large number of [fur cold-proof robes] and [fur cold-proof trousers] in his hands.

But he didn't sell it in the group.

First, he must ensure the demand for traversers and affiliated cities in the territory, and then only if there is any leftover, will it be sold in the channel.

In addition to buying warm clothing, more and more time traveler alliances have begun to appear.

In fact, alliance tokens are not a rare item.

It can be purchased in the hands of some merchants or in merchant alliance stores.

The establishment of the alliance has also allowed players to gather together to keep warm.

Of course, there should also be some young people like 'Li Zhenhu' who used the excuse of alliance to coax the time-travelers over and then sell them to the aboriginal people.

There should be more than one such person.

Fang Hao watched the excitement and saw a message suddenly pop up.

"Collect information about the 'undead' north of Purul City, as well as information about Bafeng Mountain. Travelers there can use the information to chat privately. As long as the information is useful, the price starts from 100 war coins, and there is no upper limit... ….”

"Pluer City? Where is that? I've never heard of it. Is information so valuable?"

"What's wrong with the Eight Peaks Mountain? My friend was there before, and I heard it was the territory of the dwarves."

Messages appeared one after another, asking where these two locations were.

But the other party did not reply.

Maybe someone was already selling him information.

Fang Hao also frowned and clicked on his personal information.

Cao Zhengzhi!

In my memory, there seems to be no news about this person.

Fang Hao thought for a while, contacted Fu Lei, and sent him a screenshot.

Not long after, Fu Lei sent the reply message.

"Boss, I just said that there were undead activities north of Purul City, so he gave me 100 war coins, and then asked me to continue to find out more information, and he would also pay more money."

What a big deal.

Just to say it, without even a picture, I gave 100 pieces directly.

The other party is not short of money.

Fang Hao replied and asked: "Do you know his identity?"

Fu Lei replied, "I don't know. I only know that he is near Silver Wing City, helping his boss to get information. He won't tell the rest."

Silver Wing City!

There are not many people over there who have enmity with me, only a few.

Who on earth is it?

"You keep in touch with him and occasionally reveal some unimportant information. It's best to find out who he is."

"Okay boss, I understand."

The two hung up and chatted.

Fang Hao continued to browse through the chat, wondering who was investigating him.


The maids dragged their tired bodies back to their residence.

Only An Jia was still full of energy, and the red general stood on his shoulders as he strode in.

And Yi'er and Xiaobai are behind.

It seemed a little embarrassed.

Yi'er's ears were drooped, and Xiaobai also lowered his head.

Now Xiaobai regrets returning to his territory Maodong at this time.

The two of them sat down on the chairs, feeling hopeless.

"How have the results been these days?" Fang Hao asked An Jia who was standing aside when he saw them like this.

An Jia fed the parrot and said, "How can it be so easy? Their foundation is too poor. They should have been practicing since they were young."

Fang Hao checked the ranks of the two.

[Rabbitman Warrior (Level 5)].

[Fox tribe warrior (third level)].

Yi'er and Xiaobai both took physical strength potions, so they became warriors by default.

Yi'er has reached the fifth level, and Xiaobai has also reached the third level.

It can be considered to be somewhat effective.

"An Jia, ask someone to prepare a bucket of cold water. I will take a potion later. You can watch over me." Fang Hao said to An Jia.

"Okay." An Jia stood up and went to the door to ask the skeleton to get some cold water.


In the bathroom, the tub is filled with cold water.

Fang Hao tested the water and cooled it off.

After thinking about it, I decided to drink the potion outside first and then get into the bathtub depending on the situation.

Otherwise, taking a dip in cold water on this day will make you suffer regardless of whether you have a cold or not.

After thinking about it, he opened the cork and drank it in one gulp.


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