Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 572, Crown Feather of the Ancient Saint

The next day.

Everything has returned to normal.

Had breakfast.

Fang Hao took Dimitja and Assetti to Merchant Alliance Station No. 01 again.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the three of them made some disguises before setting off.

Fang Hao wore a wig and his body was bulging. Dimitja put on a gray robe over the golden armor.

Looks like worshipers of the ancient saints on pilgrimage.

Assetti also wore a robe outside her body to cover the armor underneath.

The three people came out of the teleportation light curtain.

There were not many people stationed there today, and there were some scattered passers-by on the street, which seemed a little deserted.

Fang Hao took out the shell business card, glanced at the address on it, and rushed towards the west commercial street with the other two people.

I was busy walking all the way without paying much attention to the people around me.

There are many races here, with different beliefs, and people in strange clothes can be seen everywhere.

Therefore, the clothes of the three people did not attract other people's attention.

Soon, following the address, the three of them arrived in front of the shop.

A small store with a wooden sign hanging above the door.

The image of a small hippopotamus painted in colorful paint on the tag.

Above the hippopotamus, there are four words written: Coral Hut.

That’s it.

Push the door open and enter.

The store is not very large, and there is a female clerk standing behind the counter covered with crystal shells.


The woman has long blue hair and sapphire-like eyes.

When he saw a guest coming in, he took the initiative to say hello.

Her voice is nice, but her intonation is a little special.

[Coral Witch (Level 5)].

This should be a military unit belonging to the Sea Clan.

It has reached level 5 and is no different from humans in appearance.

It's just that the skin is whiter, with a faint colorful luster.

I don’t know if it’s the legs or the fish tail behind the counter.

"Well, let's just take a look." Fang Hao said casually, without paying much attention to the appearance of the clerk.

The female teller nodded, "Please do as you please."

In the store, there are display cabinets with very ethnic characteristics.

Inside the cabinet, just like other stores, there are various weapons and equipment, but they are basically of blue quality and have no appeal to Fang Hao.

In addition to weapons and equipment, they also sell materials and products of the Sea Tribe.

[Deep sea shells, priced at 80 war coins]

[Deep Sea Pearl, priced at 120 War Fire Coins. 】

[Magic Scroll: Rainstorm Arrow, priced at 350 War Fire Coins. 】

[Magic Scroll: Water Dragon Thorn, priced at 520 War Fire Coins. 】

[Totem: Megalodon, priced at 880 War Coins]

【……. 】

The items sold by Coral Cottage are quite complete.

Fang Hao glanced at the totem specifically.

The totem is a huge wooden sculpture of a shark head, with a ferocious fish head with giant teeth and a body section.

Standing in the corner of the shop.

[Totem: Megalodon]

[Category: Sea Ship Totem]

[Ability: Navigation speed +10%, marine life deterrence +15%. 】

(Description: Sea ships equipped with megalodons will deter those sea monsters that are eager to attack.)

Totems were originally installed on sea ships.

I thought it was some kind of tribe that worshiped totems.

But the properties of this totem are quite good. It can not only increase the speed of navigation, but also act as a deterrent.

It can also be understood as ship equipment.

After being equipped, it can increase the attributes of the seagoing ship and better ensure the safety of the crew.

In addition to totems, many magic scrolls are also sold here.

But the type is relatively simple, they are all scrolls related to water magic.

After walking around on the first floor, I didn't find anything I needed, so I took the other two people and continued walking to the second floor.

The first thing I saw on the second floor was still the purple weapons and equipment, which passed directly by.

The equipment here has no effect on him.

Behind them are various higher-quality materials.

[A huge fish bone, priced at 900 war coins, with a sea clan influence of 800.]

[Deep sea sand gold, selling price 1200 war coins, sea clan influence 1000.]

[Sacred fish bone, selling price is 1500 war coins, and the influence of the sea clan is 1300.]

【……. 】

[Totem: Wrongful Soul of the Sea, priced at 2,200 War Coins, and has a sea clan influence of 2,000.]

【……. 】

On the side against the wall, there are several tall totems.

[Totem: Wrongful Souls under the Sea]

[Category: Sea Ship Totem]

[Ability: Night sailing speed +20%, sea monster deterrence +30%, crew deterrence +25%. 】

(Description: Late at night, the cries of sleepless people will be heard in the ears, telling their loneliness and pain, waiting for you to become one of them.)

This is a wooden sculpture with disheveled hair, covering its face and crying.

After reading the introduction, I realized that it was an innocent soul from the bottom of the sea. Those who didn’t know it thought it was some kind of crying banshee.

In order to sail, I dare to put anything on the ship.

Not only does the sea monster deterrence increase by 30%, but even the own crew members also have a 25% deterrent effect.

Isn't this killing a thousand enemies and damaging yourself eight hundred?

Sailing, but living on the boat for several months, is equipped with this totem.

The crew suffered a lot.

The only place close to water in his territory is Fu Lei's lake.

It looks huge, but it has nothing to do with the sea.

The fishing boats currently used are enough, and there is no need for sea boats and totems.

If you increase the speed by 20%, it will be of no use.

No longer paying attention to the totem, Fang Hao continued to look back.

Finally, Fang Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he found what he needed.

[Coral Crystal, priced at 75,000 War Fire Coins, with Sea Tribe Influence of 10,000. 】

[Breeze White Coral, priced at 80,000 War Fire Coins, with Sea Tribe Influence of 10,000. 】

"Sure enough, there is." Fang Hao was delighted.

My own wishing well is finally found.

It's just that the influence of the Sea Clan...

Now that I think about it, this business alliance auction is still useful. At least the purchased items only compete on price and there is no requirement for influence.

"Let's go down first." Fang Hao turned around and went downstairs.

Coral Cottage, business is obviously not very good.

Other stores usually have three or four clerks, but here there is only one.

Walk down the stairs slowly.

Fang Hao and others paused again.

On the first floor, new guests have arrived, and they are also three lizardmen.

[Crown of the Ancient Saint-Anastasia (Dark Gold Level 9 Hero)]

[Divine Bless Temple Guard (ninth-level unit)].

The leading female lizard man is tall, has a slender neck, has red scales on her skin, and wears a dress as colorful as phoenix feathers.

Wearing a high crown with long feathers, the blue color stands up high like a gem.

The neck, fingers, and end of the tail are all adorned with beautiful gems and gold ornaments.

Body curves, clothing and grooming.

Even if the aesthetics of both parties are different, it still gives Fang Hao a sense of feminine beauty and elegance.

At the same time, Fang Hao was secretly surprised by the opponent's level, dark gold level nine.

I'm afraid this is the rhythm of becoming a god.

According to Nelson's understanding, dark gold level nine and above are demigods, which are the heroic gods recorded in books.

Fang Hao had killed a demigod last time, but the lizard man in front of him was the closest hero he had ever encountered to a demigod.

Behind the gorgeous female lizardman are two ninth-level soldiers.

He was nearly three meters tall and as strong as a triceratops stuffed into armor. He was holding a huge serrated heavy sword in his hand and looked extremely fierce.

Heard footsteps going downstairs.

The female lizardman also looked up and saw Fang Hao and Dimitga coming down.

Fang Hao smiled and nodded, and the other party nodded kindly.

After saying hello.

Going straight to the counter, Fang Hao said to the 'Coral Witch' teller: "I want to buy the materials on the second floor."

The Coral Witch smiled and said, "Sure, sir, what do you need? If the quantity is large, we can arrange to deliver it directly to your territory."

Fang Hao coughed lightly and asked tentatively: "If I want to buy items on the second floor, and the quantity is not low, it can also make you a lot of money, but the influence is not enough, can I purchase!"

The Coral Witch was stunned for a moment, reacted to these words, and then said: "Sir, what do you want to buy?"

"Coral crystals on the second floor, Breeze White Coral." Fang Hao answered.

The witch nodded. These two items are also very expensive products in the store.

The items were originally on the third floor, but the third floor is not open and are temporarily placed on the second floor.

"Sir, please show me your invitation card."

Fang Hao took out the business alliance invitation card and handed it to the other party. He didn't know what method he used, but he quickly returned it.

"Sorry sir, your influence is only 1505 points. You cannot purchase coral crystals and breeze white coral."

Fang Hao picked up the invitation card and continued: "I understand. I mean, is there any other way to complete this transaction? Do you understand what I mean?"

"I'm sorry, sir, you can choose some other items, or complete the order from the Hai Clan, which will help you gain influence." The clerk said, maintaining a professional smile.


Fang Hao didn't know what to say.

Completing orders from the Sea Clan can indeed accumulate influence.

But it takes a long time to go from 1,500 to 10,000.

How can I have the time to increase the influence of the Sea Clan?

Moreover, there are really no items in the Sea Clan that the territory can use.

For a moment, Fang Hao was in a difficult situation.

At this time, a voice came from behind.

"You really need these materials?"

Fang Hao and the others looked back and saw a gorgeous female lizard man standing behind the three of them.

With his arms on his chest, he behaved in a unique and elegant manner.

"Yes." Fang Hao nodded.

The female lizard glanced at Dimitga from the corner of her eye, then returned to Fang Hao, and asked softly: "What's your name?"

"Fang Hao, what's your name, madam?" Fang Hao said.

The message prompts the other party's name, but calling the other party directly is obviously not polite.

I still need to ask first. After she answered, she called him by his name.

Moreover, it is not a bad thing for a ninth-level Dark Gold level hero to show kindness to him.

"Anastasia!" said the female lizard-man.

Fang Hao nodded, using the half-hearted etiquette he had learned from Rebecca, "Ms. Anastasia, it's an honor to meet you."

The female lizard man returned the favor slightly, "If you are troubled by influence, maybe you need to make a friend now."

Fang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and instantly figured out the meaning of the other party's words.

Help yourself?

The kindness that came to his door for no reason made him suspicious.

But he still kept a smile on his face, "Then what should I do to repay my friend's kindness?"

The female lizard man said directly: "My shop is not far away. Why don't you go sit there?"

Fang Hao was stunned, why did he feel like the rich woman was hinting at the pretty boy?

I'll go and sit over there.

But the aesthetics of lizards and humans should be different. She looks at herself the same way Fang Hao looks at her.

Even if you don't feel disgusted, you still can't reach the point where you want to have in-depth communication.

Suddenly, Fang Hao discovered that the female lizard man glanced at Demitga intentionally or unintentionally.

This gave him new speculation.

"Of course, I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am." Fang Hao replied with a smile.

The female lizard man also smiled and took the lead to walk out.

Fang Hao and the other three followed behind and left the store together.

The lizard man's shop was not far away. It took about four or five minutes of walking before we arrived at the location.

Push the door open and enter.

Then I heard the lizard man inside salute respectfully, "Your Majesty the Queen!"

The three people at the door stopped in unison.

Holy shit! Queen.

Fang Hao saw Dimitga and showed a little surprise when he saw him.

Followed up to the third floor and entered a private room.

The room is not big, but it is beautifully decorated.

The main color is peacock blue, with some red and gold accents.

Even though it is not as luxurious as the auction hall, it is still beautiful and exquisite.

"Please take a seat." Lizard Queen extended her hand gracefully.

Several people were seated.

There was a lizard man attendant who prepared refreshments and placed them in front of the three of them.

The Lizard Queen motioned to the others to be more casual and said, "Yesterday your battle was very exciting. Not many people dared to fight against the Dragon Clan."

The three of them were shocked. Unexpectedly, the other party recognized their identities at a glance.

Is it so obvious to a few of you?

Or the disguise was too poor and had no effect at all.

After feeling surprised, he quickly calmed down.

Fang Hao said: "Oh? Your Majesty, the Queen, is here too?"

It can be seen that the other party did not show any malice.

The lizardmen do not have much relationship with the dragons, and they are not worried that the other party will take action for the dragons.

"I saw some." The female lizard man picked up the tea cup and took a sip. "Can you tell me why?"

"Some boring misunderstandings." Fang Hao said perfunctorily.

The Lizard Queen did not pursue further questions and continued: "We have long-term trading relationships with the Sea Tribe, and our influence is enough to buy what you need."

Now that the other party has spoken directly, Fang Hao is more willing to get straight to the point.

He said softly: "Then Queen, what do we need to pay?"

Lizard Queen, please look for Shuyuan With your slender wrist, please lift your chin and continue: "The Holy Dynasty needs allies."

Good guy, do you claim to be a pilgrim?

This level sounds so high when you hear it.

"We have already felt the Queen's friendship, what else?"

The Lizard Queen glanced at Demitga again.

He spoke softly, "I hope this warrior can return to the Holy Dynasty and continue to serve the Holy Dynasty."

Fang Hao frowned.

This rich woman doesn't play by the rules.

You just helped me buy something once, but you want to spend the rest of your life with Dimitga?


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