"Dimitra, what do you mean?"

"Sir, I have sworn my allegiance to you and it will not change." Demitga said solemnly.

Fang Hao is not worried about this.

Demitga was very loyal from the very beginning.

Moreover, it has already reached 100 points, and any form of countermeasures or bribery will not have any effect.

Unless the Lizard Queen really calls over the ancient saints that the lizard people believe in, it may cause some fluctuations in Demitga.

For the rest, it is impossible for Demitga to betray him and his territory.

Fang Hao nodded with satisfaction, "Queen, Demitga is the hero of the territory, and he is also my family. I will not use my family as a bargaining chip to make transactions. Demitga should think so too!"

This result still surprised the Lizard Queen.

The lizard people's belief in the ancient saints is deep in their blood.

Unexpectedly, when I proposed this condition, the lizard man himself would reject it so decisively, without a trace of hesitation or a false lie.

She was a little confused.

Likewise, humans value lizardfolk so much that they call them family.

Apart from being surprised, her impression of Fang Hao also changed again.

"I won't force this matter. The gate of the Holy Dynasty will always welcome the followers of the Ancient Saint back." Before the other person could speak, the Lizard Queen continued: "Then, what can you provide us?"

Let’s get back to the point and let yourself make an offer.

"Of course I won't let my friends help in vain." Fang Hao thought for a while and said, "In this way, as a reward, I will pay the Holy Dynasty 10,000 blue-quality weapons, you can choose any spear or sword."

Ten thousand is actually not a small amount.

Calculated based on the price of blue weapons in the merchant alliance, even the cheapest 200 war coins, 10,000, is a reward of 2 million.

"That's it~!" Lizard Queen began to think.

After pondering for a while, he continued: "Not bad, now we really need to replace a batch of new equipment. What kind of weapons can you provide?"

"Then it depends, what are you good at using?"

"Look at them all!"

Fang Hao didn't hesitate. On Zhang Bin's side, he exchanged several weapons that were in stock in the warehouse.

Blue muskets, crossbows, and bucklers are not among them.

Only weapons.

[Sannoh Orc War Knife (Blue)] [Discipline Mace (Blue)] [Bandit Ghost Head Sword (Blue)] [Military War Spear (Blue)] [Dwarf War Knife (Blue)].

There was a flurry of clanging sounds, and weapons appeared one after another.

The sound of weapons clashing alerted the guards outside the door, who rushed in to check for safety.

Then under the Queen's cold gaze, she immediately closed the door.

Lizard Queen, pick them up and watch them one by one.

He put them all back again and said softly: "You are in the Merchant Alliance, mainly selling weapons?"

"Well, weapons and equipment, and some equipment."

"What's the price?" It seemed that the Lizard Queen was quite satisfied with these weapons and started to inquire about the price.

Fang Hao said: "If you buy it from a friend, the quantity is large and the price is low."

"Haha, okay, then I want ten thousand of this. I will arrange for someone to go to your place to have a look later. If the price is right, we can cooperate more in the future." The Lizard Queen continued.

The weapon she picked up was the [Sanwang Orc Fighting]. This kind of sword looks like a machete used to behead people in ancient times.

Where the handle meets the blade is a ferocious beast head.

The size and weight are suitable for lizardmen, and they look very majestic.

If you don't know the properties of this weapon, you may mistake it for a purple weapon.

As for more cooperation in the future, Fang Hao welcomes this, and can only follow up with a deal from the Lizard Man.

If you give it away today, you can earn it all back with interest.

"No problem, ten thousand weapons, will they be delivered to you now?" Fang Hao asked.

"With so many weapons suddenly appearing here, the merchant alliance may think that we are going to rob them." The queen continued: "When the time comes, I will arrange for the time traveler to contact you, and you can just trade directly."

It seems that she knows a lot about time-travelers.

"Okay, then what I want..."

The Queen stood up and said, "Let's go and buy what you need now. You have to pay for it yourself."


Several people left the lizard man's shop again and walked together in the direction of the 'Coral House'.

Re-enter Coral Cottage.

The clerk didn't show any surprise at the return of several people.

The Lizard Queen waved gently, and the lizard man accompanying her followed her and handed over an invitation card.

"Tell me, what do you need?"

The clerk didn't have much reaction. He picked up the invitation card and looked at Fang Hao.

This method should not be uncommon in business alliances.

Fang Hao immediately said, "There are 50 clusters of coral crystals upstairs, 50 clusters of Breeze White Coral, and I also need 50 units of Ocean Tears."

The clerk recorded it carefully.

Then he said: "50 clusters of coral crystals total 3.75 million, 50 clusters of breeze white corals total 4 million, 50 ocean tears total 250,000, a total of 8 million war coins."

Fang Hao felt happy when he heard that Tears of the Ocean was also available.

He took out two suitcases and ordered 8 million war coins from them. Instead of paying the money directly, he asked, "Can I take it with me now?"

The clerk explained, "Sir, it will take about two hours to prepare the goods and deliver them."

50 units of each kind, the quantity is not much.

It's just that the Tears of the Ocean need to be transferred from the territory of the Sea Tribe, but with the teleportation array, the speed is also very fast.

"Okay, I'll give you the money first, and we'll come back to get it later." Fang Hao pushed the war card over.

The clerk nodded, "Okay, sir."

After leaving the store, Fang Hao was in a good mood.

Lizard Queen asked: "Want to sit in my shop?"

Fang Hao shook his head, "No, I have to go to the Undead Shop to have a look. Does the Queen want to come with us?"

The Lizard Queen also shook her head, "It's not suitable for me to go to the undead store. When you come back, come to the store to find me. You will need an invitation card to pick up the goods."

"Okay, thank you Queen."

Several people separated and left in different directions.

The morning passed and the three of them relaxed a little.

Although I still covered my face, I didn’t want to be so nervous at the beginning.

It seems that there is no race that would have nothing to do and pay attention to the movements of the three of them.

Only when passing by the previous auction house, you can see the miserable and blocked ruins.

If you want to rebuild, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

When I came to the undead shop, I didn't meet the undead hero from last time.

I searched for the technician's architectural drawings or bones in the store, but still found nothing.

Browsed around the nearby shops.

Feeling that the time was almost there, I picked up the invitation card at the lizard shop and headed to the coral hut.

Inside the store.

"Sir, all the goods are here." The female clerk's attitude was more respectful.

Packaged gift boxes filled the empty space.

Fang Hao confirmed and then put all these items away.

The clerk continued: "Sir, if you need anything, you can come to the store again for consumption."

Fang Hao stopped leaving, turned around and asked, "Is seafood something that can be eaten in restaurants and sold in bulk?"

The clerk nodded, "You can also order it, sir."

“Need influence?”

"Food doesn't require influence, sir."

"Okay, how can I contact you then? Maybe we can cooperate a few more times."

The smile on the clerk's face became even brighter. It seemed that she had facilitated this transaction, and she was even happier than Fang Hao.

He immediately said: "Sir, this is our store information. Just give it to the store merchant when the time comes."

As he spoke, he handed over a shell.

It was the exact same shell I got from the Merchant Alliance last time.

Fang Hao took it, "Okay, I understand."

"Goodbye sir."

After leaving the store, return the Lizard Queen's invitation card.

The three of them did not delay any further and went directly to the teleportation light curtain and returned to their territory.

the other side.

The eastern border of the Human Federation of Hundred Cities.

Mount Joburg.

The dense and chaotic footsteps, the friction of armor clashing, and the clenching of the gears of the cannon.

Filled in every corner of the camp.

In the center of the military formation, a stone building was built.

It was already full of people.

At the head position is the leader of the Hall of Justice, Needham.

At the bottom, dozens of people had already gathered.

In addition to the three forces of the Hall of Justice, the Church, and the Mage Association, there are also reinforcement commanders arranged by various cities.

"Judging from the intelligence and situation, it is obvious that negotiation cannot solve this problem. Only war can break Otis's illusion." Needham said solemnly.

The movements of the undead are becoming more and more obvious, and the Hundred Cities Federation does not expect to solve the problem through negotiation.

Only a war can make those skeletons realize their mistakes.

Both sides were already in a highly tense situation at this time.

A slight move by either party may lead to the outbreak of a large-scale war.

"Otis has been preparing for many years. Now that we are taking action, we must be certain." A mage spoke and continued: "We need reinforcements."

In the past, humans have found allies against the undead.

After all, the undead are powerful, which is not good news for any race.

But this year is a bit special. The dwarves had just finished resisting the undead and suffered heavy casualties.

I heard that both orange generals died in the hands of the undead.

He also brought back 'Belega' who had been expelled and resumed his position as king.

Therefore, Bafeng Mountain did not have the troops to support humans, and could only support and sell a large number of artillery.

to increase human combat effectiveness.

Afterwards, Silver Wing City contacted the orc tribe, hoping to work with the orcs to attack the Odis Necropolis from both sides.

But the news he got was still surprising.

Tasgo City has changed its owner.

The current owner is a tauren tribe from a small city before, and the leader is called Tongniu.

Moreover, the other party said that it had just ended a civil war, and its greatest ability was to arrange for troops to be stationed at the border to give the necropolis the illusion of an attack.

There is no more ability to provide human support.

Humanity is confused.

Why are things happening everywhere and not a single ally is left.

Therefore, for now, humans can only look at themselves.

Needham knew everything, but he couldn't say it out loud.

He could only say vaguely: "Silver Wing City is working hard on the reinforcements. Let's discuss the current issues first."

Looking around, Needham continued to ask: "How are the people in the church and the Mage Association?"

An old man in church clothes spoke softly, "Six bishops have arrived, five thousand Templar Knights, twenty-six thousand Templar warriors and pilgrims, and forty-five thousand clergy have been installed. In the army.”

Clergy refers to the profession of priests and deacons.

In the army, he is mainly responsible for auxiliary occupations such as 'attribute blessing', 'negative attribute removal' and 'rescue of the wounded'.

Even though the church has special damage to the undead, the number of people is still there.

There are less than 80,000 church personnel transferred from the entire federation, and most of them are in auxiliary professions.

But the addition of six bishops is enough to provide the human side with strong combat effectiveness.

Needham nodded, and his eyes fell on the Mage Association again.

Water Mage, Mapel answered directly, "A total of 23,000 mages have come. They are placed at the back of the team and can be mobilized at any time."

The nobility's monopoly on knowledge makes the number of mages even smaller.

Needham nodded again to show his understanding.

Next, he asked about the military strength of the remaining cities and some of their needs.

Needham continued to look at 'Xu Haide' in the church area and asked softly: "Saint Xu Haide, is there any new news?"

As the situation between the two sides worsened, Xu Haide's status increased.

Everyone is praising that the church has cultivated a saint who "controls the overall situation."

Xu Haide shook his head, "There is no news, the contact with there is broken."

"Well, let's see..."

Needham immediately closed his mouth in the middle of his words.

He looked down at the tea cup on the table.

In the center of the tea cup, circles of water ripples spread rhythmically.

As they approached, the alarm bell rang loudly, and there was a chaos outside the room, all of which were shouting.


The door was pushed open directly.

A guard from the Hall of Justice rushed in with a pale face.

He said loudly: "The army of the undead is approaching."

Everyone stood up.

Needham's face was extremely solemn and he said loudly: "Everyone should return to your respective camps immediately and prepare to fight."


Everyone responded and rushed towards the area where their troops were.

Half an hour later, the ground was shaking more and more.

The dense army of undead crossed the border and began to attack the human camp.

Woohoo! !

The trumpet sounded.

The shields were erected, layer upon layer, forming an iron-gray metal wall.

Boom boom boom! !

The artillery began to roar, and the shells turned into arcs and hit the undead camp.

Earth and rocks mixed with broken bones were flying everywhere.

Behind the shells were dense arrows, falling like raindrops.

Ding-dang-dang, falling among the undead.

However, the effect of arrows on arms such as the undead is extremely limited.

It basically didn't have much impact, and the undead still charged forward.

The rear of the army.

Li Rong held the staff in her hand, her palms full of sweat.

I mentally cheered myself up and comforted myself that it was a safe place at the back.

While constantly cursing Fang Hao for sending her to such a dangerous place.

He is a woman and a business talent. There is something wrong with him that he insists on placing her here.

The hand holding the staff tightly began to turn white, and there was no blood.

"Don't worry, if there is danger, I will take you away as soon as possible."

Beside Li Rong, the dark elf Morse spoke.

As Li Rong's guardian hero, he does not accept tasks assigned by the army.

Moreover, the other mages have also arranged personal guards.

"Okay, okay." Li Rong's voice was trembling.

At this time, a commanding voice came from the side.

"Prepare the magic bullet! Release~!"


In an instant, fireballs, water bombs... large pieces of magic elements flew into the distance in arcs.

Compared to other powerful magics, this low-level magic bullet has a long range.

More suitable for long-distance, large-scale intensive delivery.

The effect is almost close to that of an artillery covering strike.

Moreover, this kind of magic bullet is relatively basic, and the apprentice can also show his combat effectiveness when he comes on stage.

For various magic bullets, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com In the sky, domes slid out.

It slammed into the charging undead, setting off a wave of elemental traces.

"Be careful of enemies, magic bullets!"

On the opposite side, the undead's magic missile also cut through the sky and flew into the human army.

Bang bang bang! !

In an instant, corpses were scattered everywhere.

Dark energy began to spread everywhere.

The clergy began to pray to expel the spreading negative attributes.

Even so, the undead running madly hit the iron wall made of shields.

It's like climbing over the waves, rushing in and over, overflowing the iron wall, and killing humans.

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