The undead broke through the defense line and started fighting in close combat with humans.

The mage group began to cast spells individually and kept pouring potions into their mouths.

Li Rong looked around with a pale complexion, and her eyes were filled with soldiers fighting together.

Screams and fire covered the entire battlefield.

Is the Human Federation so weak?

Why was the seemingly foolproof formation that had been deployed for so long been broken in such a brutal way?

It's almost unbelievable.

After trying twice, he released a 'two-headed fire python' next to him, and then also released magic missiles in the distance.

But her mind was still blank.

I can only perform the movements of concentration and release subconsciously.

Compared with the safer rear, the fighting at the front of the army was more intense.

Click, click, click! !

The sound of metal chains sounded.

In the undead camp, dozens of giant skeletons up to 10 meters high entered the battlefield.

He was wrapped in chains.

With both arms exerted, the iron chains roared out, smashing the human army into pieces.


Just when everyone, faced with the huge skeleton, had no choice but to do anything.

A ray of holy light broke through the sky and shone down.

Above the human camp.

A shadow of an angel with wings spread out from his back emerged.

Looking indifferently at the undead in front.

Point your finger.

A huge golden sword fell from the sky and instantly penetrated the giant skeleton in front of him.

The giant skeleton's body turned into ashes as it twisted in pain.

At the same time, the golden giant sword did not disappear immediately.

The light emitted shrouded the skeletons dozens of meters around and turned them into ashes.

"The bishop has taken action, reorganize the defense, quickly!" Orders were issued quickly.

The troops at the rear continued to rush forward to block the gap again.

at the same time.

The remaining giant skeletons also received special care from the human camp.

Or water dragons fill the sky, or dozens of artillery attack at the same time.

Li Rong numbly released the magic, looking around the hell-like battlefield.

Fire dragons, icy rain, and poisonous clouds filled the sky, and a life-and-death battle was going on in every corner.

In the sky, carrion vultures and thunder eagles fought and collided, leaving pieces of flesh and blood falling.

Below, the undead attacked the shield formation, and magic of all colors bombarded the opponent's camp back and forth.

A skeleton knight holding a scythe, a sarcophagus devouring the corpse's soul, and a 10-meter-tall skeleton giant.

At this moment, the rear of the team was not as safe as imagined.

As long as you are on the battlefield, life and death depend more on luck.

"Fang Hao, if I die here, I'll curse you to never be able to stand straight for the rest of your life." Li Rong cursed, opened the potion, and poured it down.

main city.

Fang Hao and the three people, who were completely unaware of the battlefield, walked out of the light curtain.

After handing the business card to Duo Jin, he returned directly to the Lord's Mansion.

Arrive at the location of the Spring Well.

I chose an open space on one side and planned to build a wishing fountain.

Open the Book of Lords and find the blueprint.

[Wishing Fountain Drawing (Orange)]

[Category: Special architectural drawings]

[Construction Prerequisites: Four Statues (5/4)]

[Materials required: 5200 wood, 3500 stone, 1200 tough hemp rope, 3000 stone bricks, 120 natural gems, 120 traces of forest, 50 coral crystals, 50 ocean tears, 50 breeze white coral, 50 morning blue coral, magic essence 10. The essence of perfection 5. 】

(Description: A certain amount of basic resources can be consumed every week to make wishes, and there is a probability of receiving wish rewards.)

All construction conditions are finally met.

There are currently 5 statues in the territory.

They are, [Goddess of Fertility], [God of the Undead], [God of Slaughter], [God of Fraud] and [God of Craftsmanship and Fire].

The drawing also includes the statue of the God of Light, but it is hostile to the God of the Undead and cannot be built at the same time.

After taking out all the newly purchased materials.

All conditions have been met.

After confirming the position just chosen, I adjusted the angle.

Start confirming the build.

The orange light rose instantly and gradually formed the outline of a pond.

Nearly an hour.

Fang Hao came back after a walk, and the light of the wishing pool was gone.

The overall shape appeared in front of Fang Hao's eyes.

This is a pond with a radius of about two meters. The water is crystal clear and all kinds of strange and charming flowers grow on the edge of the pond.

In the center of the pond is an upward stone pillar in the shape of a stalagmite, covered with complex and mysterious patterns.

Fang Hao stepped forward and checked the attributes.

【Wishing Fountain】

[Category: Special Building]

[Ability: Prayer]

【Material: 0/100.】

[Prayer: You can wish for the materials/items you need, and you have a chance to get the wish reward (once every 7 days). 】

(Description: God hears your voice.)

It’s the same as what I understood before, consume materials and obtain the items you wish for.

It is said to be a wish, but in fact it is more like an exchange, and whether the exchange can be successful depends on whether the other party is willing to give it to you.

This is not a 100% positive thing.

But those who make wishes are things that they don’t have and urgently need.

There are risks and it conforms to the rules of this world.

Fang Hao thought for a while, clicked on the building, and began to choose the items to wish for.

It is said to be an item, but in fact you can only choose materials or crystals, and recruitment materials.

The imaginary heroes, equipment and props cannot be chosen at all.

But when you think about it, it’s easy to understand.

Orange blueprint buildings can obtain special and rare materials, and their value is actually no worse than equipment.

Especially since he has a hundredfold increase, the materials are exactly what he needs.

Think about what you need.

After thinking about it for a while, I need Dragon Crystal and Forgotten Soul.

Dragon Crystal recruits Bone Dragons, and Forgotten Souls can be used to recruit Nisbitt, a level 10 soldier.

Due to the recent conflict with the Dragon Clan, the other party may fly over in the air at any time.

Fang Hao still planned to make this first exchange in exchange for dragon crystal.

[Make a Wish: Dragon Crystal 3]

[Material: Hard and tough wood 100/100 (low success rate).]

After placing 100 units of hard and tough wood, dragonglass becomes (3).

Moreover, at the back of the material, there is a hint of low success rate.

It seems that the type of materials and their quantity value also affect the quantity and success rate of wish-making items.

Fang Hao next tried changing several materials.

[Make a Wish: Dragon Crystal 5]

[Material: Fine stone bricks 100/100 (low success rate)]

After reaching the fine stone bricks, the number of dragon crystals becomes 5, but the success rate is still very low.

Next, Fang Hao tested several other materials.

Same grade of material.

Ore type, you can get more dragon crystals.

One hundred units of cast iron blocks are put on the shelf, and the number of dragon crystals reaches 8.

One hundred units of fine iron, the number of dragon crystals is 15.

But the success rate has not been significantly improved.

Fang Hao doesn't think he is good at betting on probabilities. He once played a mobile card drawing game, which was so bad that he wanted to delete the game.

Therefore, at this early stage, I am in urgent need of dragon crystals.

This low probability of betting on success is not a good choice.

Fang Hao cleared the material column and began to try other things to see if they could replace building materials.

Finally, Fang Hao found a useful item.

【Dragon Crystal 45】

[Material: Bloodstone 100/100 (high success rate). 】

It turns out that recruitment materials can also be used as materials.

And the success rate reaches high level directly.

Fang Hao continued to replace the rest of the hit recruitment materials.

[Beast Teeth Stone] can be exchanged for 42 Dragon Crystals, [Troll Stone] 44, [Grey Iron Stone] 43, [Soul Crystal] 42.

As for the remaining recruitment materials, there are less than a hundred at all.

There is no way to see the number of dragon crystals.

Looking at it this way, the exchange rate for blood stones is really high.

Since occupying the Huiyue Highlands, blood stones can be collected in batches.

But the one with the largest quantity and greatest output is the orc's tooth stone.

After all, orcs live in a large area and have a large population.

Since it was his first time and Fang Hao was in urgent need of dragon crystals, he simply used 100 blood stones.

After praying in my heart.

Click OK.

The stalagmite in the middle emits a beam of light that reaches into the sky.

The light dissipated and everything returned to calm.

Fang Hao froze on the spot.

"Then what? Is this a failure?"


As soon as he finished speaking, 45 dragon crystals appeared in the wishing pool.

It worked.

Fang Hao felt happy.

Isn't my luck that bad? I still succeeded.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind.

Yi'er, An Jia and many maids were all attracted by the beam of light that just shot up into the sky.

More than ten people gathered in the distance.

Looking at the wishing fountain that suddenly appeared.

"Master, is this a fish pond?" Yi'er asked curiously.

The other maids also widened their eyes, curiously waiting for the answer.

Fang Hao rubbed her little head and said, "The wishing pool."

"What's it for?" Yi'er continued to ask.

"To make a wish is to have a wish that may come true." Fang Hao thought for a moment and explained.

"Oh!" the maids agreed, with more curiosity in their eyes.

Fang Hao rubbed the maid's little head and said, "Send these dragon crystals to the warehouse."

"Oh, good master."

The maids began to carry the dragon crystal away.

Fang Haogang wanted to recruit Bone Dragon.


The Book of Lords has already issued a beep.

When I opened it, I saw it was Li Rong.

"The undead have begun to attack, and the battlefield is in chaos. From the beginning, humans are obviously at a disadvantage."

Fang Hao's heart tightened.

The war started.

So suddenly?

Why did Otis choose this time to start the war? Was he waiting for the auction to end?

It's possible, but what impact will an auction have on the battlefield?

Fang Hao immediately replied, "Are you safe?"

"I'm not dead yet, but I can't tell."

"How is the situation of humans? How long can they last?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

There was a brief pause there.

Then he replied: "Humans have mobilized a lot of troops, and the six bishops of the church have a strong ability to deal with the undead. I can't say how many days they will last. It seems that they can still hold on in a short time."

"Do you need me to take you back?"

Several more minutes passed.

Li Rong replied: "We are not in the city, and you can't teleport here. When I feel that I am in danger, you can pick me up when I return to the city."


Fang Hao thought for a while, then took out various potions and a pendant.

[Unclean Magnet Amulet (Orange)]

[Category: Talisman]

[Ability: Wound healing +70%. 】

(Description: Yongye made the unclean divine power into a talisman and will protect his friends forever.)

This is the orange talisman obtained when capturing Huiyue Highlands.

Fang Hao has never had a chance to use it, but now he can lend it to Li Rong first.

After all, Li Rong's body was that of an ordinary human being, and even a small injury could kill her.

This amulet can protect her well.

After thinking about it, he immediately sent another message to Li Rong, "Li Rong, I'm trading some things. Hang the amulet and wear it around your neck. Don't let anyone see it, so as to avoid other troubles."

Don't let others see it.

In addition to being afraid of being coveted by others, the pendant also belongs to the vampire clan and can easily cause trouble.

Li Rong replied, "1!"

Fang Hao directly designated the transaction and sent the potions, bandages, and talismans directly.

Soon, a reply came from the other side.

"Here I go, orange equipment. Is it a token of love? Don't worry, I've hidden it on my chest so no one else can see it."

This guy started again at this time.

Li Rong's figure is not exactly plump, but she used to hide a cigarette case in the middle of her chest.

Hiding a talisman pendant should be fine.

At least if you don't open it, you shouldn't be able to see it.

Fang Hao replied, "I borrowed it from you, and you have to pay it back to me when you get back."


Hang up chat.

Fang Hao found Demitga in the Lord's Mansion, released the teleportation light curtain, and disappeared.

Blood Castle!

The two walked out of the light curtain.

Then he heard the moving footsteps of the army outside the castle, as well as the dull sound of "heavy objects" being lifted.

Fang Hao was startled and quickly walked out of the castle.

Then I saw groups of troops and began to mobilize on a large scale.

Several time travellers, headed by 'Kong Yong', are constantly making various utensils.

Seeing Fang Hao appear with Dimitga, Kong Yong put down his work and ran over immediately.

"Boss! Commander Dimitja." Kong Yong wiped his hands with a smile on his face.

Kong Yong was a time traveler who was enslaved by the blood clan. Later, he cooperated with the army to capture the blood castle and became a subordinate city lord under Fang Hao.

As for the remaining traversers, some were originally in Huiyue Highlands, and some were transferred here after losing their city.

Fang Hao nodded, "What's going on here?"

Kong Yong replied, "The specific situation is unclear. Lord Amanda ordered preparations before the war. Now all the troops and logistics in the city have been mobilized."

It seems that Amanda also deduced something from the movements of the 'Odis' army.

Amanda's vigilance in this regard is really strong.

"Well, the necropolis is at war with humans. Just take care of the logistics and be careful." Fang Hao told Kong Yong.

"Okay, boss."

"Where's Amanda?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Kong Yong pointed to the area of ​​the army in front, "I just looked over there."

"Have someone call Amanda and the others over. I'll wait for them in the castle hall."


Kong Yong called over a heavy sword infantryman and gave a few instructions in a low voice.

The infantry rushed towards Amanda and others.

Castle hall.

Soon, Amanda, Laurana, and Blood Hunter rushed over.

After saying hello.

Fang Hao said directly: "Otis has started a war with humans."

Amanda nodded, "Otis' army has obvious and frequent movements, and I am ready to attack."

They have also been planning for the Otis Necropolis for some time.

Amanda even arranged a large number of manpower, including human soldiers and spirit-binding guards, to enter the opponent's area to investigate.

Today, based on various intelligence, she sensed something was wrong and guessed that a fight might have started.

And be prepared to invade the opponent's territory at any time.

Fang Hao thought for a moment and said, "Well, in the next two days, I will mobilize heroes and manpower from the surrounding areas to coordinate this attack."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Have you considered how to communicate with humans after the war?"

The human world is relatively stable.

Unlike the chaos of trolls and orcs, Fang Hao didn't want to start a war without any reason.

Peaceful coexistence is actually a good way of diplomacy.

He communicates with humans because he is also an undead soul.

Avoid misunderstandings with humans.

Once a war breaks out, humans need to know in advance the identity of their side and that they are not from Otis.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to stop if you become red-eyed.

Amanda's tone remained calm and she spoke softly, "We have already discussed this. Before the war begins, Miss Rebecca will hand over the Blood Castle's alliance letter to the Human Federation. The Federation must be in great need of an ally at this time to help They share the pressure.”

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