It worked.

Fang Hao felt happy.

He doesn't think he has the physique of a European emperor.

When it comes to betting on probabilities, you have bad luck.

But these two wishes were successful.

I don’t know if my luck has gotten better or if the probability of exchange is high.

The three bunny girls making wishes on the side heard the voice and opened their eyes.

Only then did he notice Fang Hao on the side and the dragon crystal appearing in the wishing pool.

"Master...!" The maids saluted immediately.

Fang Hao smiled and rubbed the bunny girl's little head next to him, "I won't throw gold coins into my wish in the future. Use the money to buy things you like."

"oh oh."

The maids are now paid for their work, and during their holidays, they will go shopping in the nearby city of Purul.

And gold coins are still very valuable in this era.

Enough for these maids to buy a lot of items they like.

Ask the maid to take out the dragon crystal and put it aside.

Fang Hao also walked towards the direction of the 'Skeleton Transformation Field'.

There are dragon crystals again, so naturally they have to be recruited first.

Anyway, there is no need to eat or drink, and it can improve the security of the territory.

In front of the transformation field.

Open the recruitment interface.

[Bone Dragon: 10 Creeping Bones, 7 Traces of Death, 5 Star Silver, 10 Dragon Crystal. 】

In the last recruitment, 40 dragon crystals were used.

The remaining 5 pills, plus the 45 pills this time.

Can be recruited exactly 5 times.

Adjusted the quantity to 5.

Confirm recruitment.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting Bone Dragon 505.]

Hoo ho ho!

The sky suddenly darkened.

505 Skull Dragon appeared out of thin air, flashed its flesh wings, and set off waves of air.

Immediately afterwards, they fell everywhere.

Then he turned the tidied environment into a mess.

"Go to the open space at the North City Gate and wait for orders." Fang Hao said loudly.


The bone dragons flew up and flew towards the north city gate.

Fang Hao still found a skeleton blacksmith. After making the equipment for the bone dragon himself, the blacksmith equipped the bone dragon.


Now do the math.

The territory has 1106 skull dragons.

Among them, 5 skull dragons were lost in the battles of Blood Mountain and Bafeng Mountain.

It also made Fang Hao heartbroken for a long time.

These 1106 skull dragons are all distributed throughout the territory.

Main city - 646 heads, Coldwind Mountains 10 heads, Bloody Mountains 10 heads, Gray Iron City 20 heads, Bright Moon Highlands 400 heads, Webweaver Camp 5 heads, Tusgo City 10 heads.

The rest were individually assigned by Fang Hao to heroes and special personnel as long-distance mounts.

The total number has reached a very exaggerated figure.

Even if the Dragon Clan comes to look for trouble now, the power in the sky is enough to compete with the Dragon Clan.

Unless the dragon clan comes out in full force and flies thousands of miles to fight with him.

Otherwise, there really is nothing you can do about it.

Not far away, the skeleton blacksmiths were clanging and outfitting the bone dragon.

Behind him, the skeleton merchant Duo Jin also walked over quickly.

"Sir, Mr. 'Kutttor' of the Merchant Alliance has applied for the use of the teleportation array." Duo Jin said.

The person in charge of Merchant Alliance Station No. 032.

Now he is responsible for helping Fang Hao handle the compensation from the Merchant Alliance Headquarters.

"Take him to the living room." Fang Hao said and walked towards the lord's mansion.

living room.

The well-dressed goblin took a sip of the fruit wine.

After sighing, he said: "The Merchant Alliance Headquarters has confirmed the proportion and amount of compensation that both of you need to compensate."

"Oh? The Dragon Clan is cooperating?"

"The Dragon Clan is still tough, but the Merchant Alliance can't hold on any longer. We need to build the Merchant Alliance Hall as soon as possible." Kukttor replied softly.

"The Dragon Clan doesn't cooperate. On what basis does the Merchant Alliance determine responsibility?"

"The responsibility is easy to determine. The Dragon Clan struck first, and you were forced to fight back."

"Oh? So, my responsibility is small." Fang Hao felt happy.

This would save him a lot of money in compensation.

Kuttor smiled confidently and said: "I have been responsible for managing Station 032 for many years. The division of responsibilities here is clearer than you. The Dragon Clan is naturally the main responsible party."

It's really easy to get things done when there are people inside.

Coupled with the tough attitude of the dragon clan, the merchant alliance was also a little angry.

I didn't intend to delay it any longer and directly issued the compensation.

Fang Hao smiled and said, "Mr. Kuttor has taken the trouble, how much compensation do I need?"

Kuttor took out a small notebook.

He read: "You bear 30% of the maintenance costs, a total of 4.7 million war coins, and the merchant alliance's penalty amount is 2 million war coins."

Holy shit!

If I am 30% responsible, it will cost 4.7 million in maintenance fees.

Is this hall built of gold?

Moreover, if he is not the main responsibility, how can the penalty reach 2 million.

The original happy expression also calmed down a bit, "Mr. Kukttor, the reconstruction cost is so high? 4.7 million is enough for me to repair half of the city of Lysis."

Although half the city of Lysis is an exaggeration, to build a stone castle building, 30% is 4.7 million.

It's really a bit too exaggerated.

Kuktitor took another sip and said calmly: "Not much. The stones, lamps, and decorations in that building are all luxury items, and they also contain a lot of magic technology. The cost of reconstruction is naturally high. .”


Even though this is correct, Fang Hao still feels that the price is a bit high.

"What about the fine? I am just defending myself, do I still have to pay the fine?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Kuktitor replied, "In this regard, the headquarters also gave the reason for the punishment. You obviously had the ability to leave and reduce losses, but you still fought with the Dragon Clan for a long time and caused serious losses, so your punishment is still valid."

This means that Fang Hao should go to the Merchant Alliance garrison for help instead of facing the enemy inside.

The two sides fought fiercely and demolished the building.

The headquarters is different from Station No. 032.

You cannot make a general judgment about right or wrong.

Fang Hao thought for a while and realized that the Dragon Clan suffered greater losses than himself, and he was indeed demolished by others.

Also admitted.

"Okay, I admit it."

Fang Hao took out the corresponding war coin from the space and handed it to the goblin in front of him.

Finally, the dispute with the Merchant Alliance is over.

"How are the Dragon Clan lately?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Kuktitor frowned and said, "I heard that we are still investigating your matter, but there seems to be no progress."

Fang Hao smiled. It seemed that the Dragon Clan was not very powerful either.

It's impossible to find out such a little thing.

He didn't ask any more questions about this matter and continued: "I want to open a store at the headquarters. Is there any process that I need to go through?"


Kuktitor coughed dryly.

His eyes were a little surprised, "Are you going to open a store in the headquarters? Or that cosmetics store?"

"No, selling weapons and equipment or something."

Fang Hao feels that opening a store at the headquarters is indeed a good idea.

It plays a very good promotion role, allowing other major forces to order equipment and items from their side.

It's definitely earned.

"you sure?"

"Of course." Fang Hao nodded.

"It's not easy to apply for a store in the headquarters," said Kuktitor.

"Oh, do you have any special requirements?" Fang Hao asked.

"That's not the case. It's just that the number of stores is limited. Some forces have applied for decades and are still waiting in line. They have no chance to open stores."

Good guy, I've been waiting for it for decades.

This starts to compare lifespan and the foundation of power.

Row after row, it is possible for the force to be wiped out.

"Is there any way?" Fang Hao asked mysteriously.

"No, and the Merchant Alliance now has some opinions on you and the Dragon Clan. If you apply now, it will be easy to queue up, but it may be directly rejected." Kukttor said.

Fang Hao nodded to express his understanding.

It seems that this matter can only be planned in the future.

Now is not a good time.

Kuktitor had lunch here, took the gift given to him by Fang Hao, and left with satisfaction.

No matter where you go, interpersonal communication is more important.

The night was dark and silent.

The city of Lysis, the city lord's palace.

On the large soft bed, the man and woman looked up at the ceiling and entered the time of the sage.

It was quiet for a long time.

Rebecca sighed and said: "In the past, I thought I would be like this for the rest of my life, guarding the city of Lysis, and finally turning into an old woman and being buried in the city's cemetery. But I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, I would be killed by you. This kid was tricked into sleeping with me."

Fang Hao stood aside, pinched it, and corrected him: "What is cheating? This is love. Haven't you heard a song!"

"What song is it?"

"Love is like a tornado."

Rebecca tapped him, "What kind of song is this? Where's the next line?"

"I forgot, it seemed like it came too fast or something."

Rebecca covered the two of them with the quilt on the side, still looking above, "I don't believe that love is all made up by those bards, otherwise the aristocratic circle would not be so chaotic."


It seemed to make sense. He had also heard that the aristocratic circle was very chaotic.

The folk customs here are much more open.

Ladies even talk about some private topics in private, which are no more conservative than men's topics.

"You are right, but we must be attracted to each other and gradually developed into love." Fang Hao continued.

"You are so lustful, look at how many women you have around you."

Hearing this, Fang Hao turned over and lay on his side, supporting himself with his elbows and looking at Chi Chi's cheek.

"What are you talking about? Fang admits that you have some beauty, but what attracted me to you is your good sister's talent and character."

Rebecca also lay on her side and pinched his cheek, "At that time, you pinched Orchid's fingers and swayed your butt when walking. Do you dare to say that you didn't approach me intentionally?"

"At that time, the territory was indeed selling dresses, and my sister happened to be naturally beautiful. Of course I tried to find a way to get close to you, but it was definitely to sell the clothes."

Rebecca's face turned red and she added: "At that time, you measured the dress and looked at my body, and then you always came to talk about things at night. How dare you say that you didn't have the slightest thought?"


Fang Hao opened his mouth, wanting to make a quibble. He seemed to say that he would not be moved after looking at the body, which was somewhat inconsistent with the ambiguous situation at this time.

Both of them have developed to this point.

Some nauseous words seem to be good too.

"Of course I'm moved. I wish I could have you then."

Rebecca's face turned even redder, and even if the luminous stone was covered, Fang Hao could still see the tender redness of her skin.

Jade fingers carefully pulled down the thin quilt.

Exposing a large area of ​​snow-white, full of heaviness.

"Actually, I also know your hobbies."


"Those noble ladies have talked about this in private. Those old nobles all have small waists and young women, but those who are not big like you prefer older and mature ones. They think they are good. A sense of conquest." Rebecca looked like I understood everything.

Well, that makes some sense.

"What a mess." Fang Hao put his arms around his back and pulled him into his arms.

Let the heavy object squeeze and deform your chest.

Rebecca's face turned redder, feeling the other party's provocation.

"Wait a minute..."

Fang Hao was stunned. What's there to wait for? "What's wrong?"

Rebecca continued: "I want to ask, what should Laurana do?"

Fang Hao actually knew the relationship between Laurana and Rebecca.

Judging from the order, I actually joined last.

It's a little unfair to Laurana.

"What happened to Laurana? Did she find out?"

As Laurana's loyalty increased, her temper became less violent and moody than before.

Although he can also lose his temper, he looks more like a tsundere.

Some of the things arranged by Fang Hao would be completed while cursing.

Now, Laurana is still at war, following the army to attack Otis's army.

"No..., you know what happened between Laurana and me, right?" Rebecca said softly close to her ear.

A burst of fragrance hit him, and Fang Hao couldn't help but push forward again.

"I know."

Rebecca thought for a moment and continued: "I don't want to lose you, and I don't want to lose her."

"What do you mean?" Fang Hao was a little confused.

Rebecca saw that he still didn't understand, so she became more straightforward, "Laurana is actually a very good girl, but her life was miserable. She was deceived and then quartered, leaving a shadow in her heart."


"Do you like her? If you do, I don't care."

Fuck... trough!

Fang Hao realized at this time that this was what he meant.

He coughed lightly, "Can she be willing to do this?"

" said you were not lewd, so you must have been thinking about Laurana for a long time!" Rebecca immediately exclaimed.

Fang Hao immediately blocked her mouth, "Don't shout."

After letting go for a while, Rebecca continued: "I will help you say something nice. Whether you can succeed or not depends on you. I don't want to be in the middle. It will be too distressing."

"Okay, let's talk it over first. I agree because of your face. It has nothing to do with lust."

Laurana's appearance, figure, and temperament are all absolutely beautiful.

If Rebecca is mature and plump, she is the kind of graceful and dignified mature woman.

Then Laurana is the representative of that kind of beauty.

Slender and straight legs, just the right waist proportions, and exquisite facial features make up the current Laurana.

Not to mention Fang Hao, women also like her very much.

This made Rebecca, who had rejected countless federal dignitaries at that time, choose to get together with Laurana.

Rebecca flashed her beautiful eyes and blinked.

A look of, I knew you were this kind of person, revealed.

Seeing that this woman was still excited, it was not the time to beg for mercy just now.

He rushed forward again.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Li Rong sent a message.

The Federal Parliament issued the latest order.

The federal army began to shrink its forces and properly entangled the retreating undead army.

It not only satisfies the treaty signed with the vampires, but also allows the undead and the vampires' armies to fight each other.

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