Fang Hao was not surprised by the small thoughts of the Human Federation.

Even gratifying.

Know how to cover up for yourself and delay appropriately.

So as not to make the allies who helped him feel too sad at the critical moment.

From this point of view, Dougherty still cares about face to some extent.

"You don't have to worry about the army. It's up to you personally. Please pay attention to your safety during this period. In order to prevent humans from pursuing you, Otis may assassinate high-level humans."

Fang Hao is not too worried about Otis withdrawing troops from the south.

Such a long distance in between.

Coupled with the attrition in the previous battle with the Federation, it is certain that they are no match for 'Amanda's' army.

It is even possible that the army has not yet returned to the capital.

Amanda had already arrived at the city and successfully restored the country.

But Li Rong made him feel more dangerous.

Attacking from both sides will definitely anger Otis.

If he were Odis, he would prevent the Human Federation from pursuing the victory or attacking the necropolis from the south when withdrawing its troops.

He will assassinate the federal command level at all costs.

Confuse the other party and create opportunities for yourself.

"Oh, when you say that, I'm a little worried again. If not, I have to sleep with Morse." Li Rong replied.

Fang Hao thought for a moment and said, "Just be careful. With your status, people may not bother to kill you."

"Your sister..."

After hanging up the chat, Fang Hao sent the message to Dong Jiayue.

Let her relay it to Amanda, and she will have a good idea.


Fang Hao took Dimitja to the headquarters of the Business Alliance through the teleportation array.

Compared with the secretiveness before, the two of them are now much more upright.

But the crowds around were busy and no one paid attention to them.

Lizardman Shop.

In a room with peacock blue as the main color.

The waiter served fruit wine and cakes, and then exited the room.

Queen ‘Anastasia’ sat across from them, her eyes scanning back and forth between the two of them.

Waited for a while.

Fang Hao was the first to speak, "The queen is doing well recently."

The queen turned her eyes to Fang Hao again and said, "It's not too good."

"Oh? Are you worried about something?" Fang Hao took a sip of the lizard man's fruit wine.

The taste is very strong, with a fruity sourness.

Somewhat like the feeling of thick juice.

The Queen continued: "Are you called Fang Hao or Fu Lei?"

"Uh..., what's the difference? It's just a name." Fang Hao replied.

"Ha!" The queen glared at him.

Even the lizard-men, covered in scales, give people the illusion of being coquettish.

"The Dragon Clan came to my city two days ago. They thought you were a member of our Holy Dynasty and wanted me to hand you over." The queen said with some dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Oh? There is such a thing. This dragon clan is really looking for trouble." Fang Hao coughed lightly, "With the majesty of the Holy Dynasty, this matter is absolutely intolerable. Do you want to join my dragon-slaying alliance?"

The queen's eyes widened, "Do you still have an alliance? How many forces?"

"Counting you, two."

"No, don't count us." The queen immediately waved her hand, unwilling to wade into this muddy water.

Fang Hao smiled and did not continue to talk about this matter.

The lizardmen, a group of amphibious soldiers, can't fight the dragons, and they can't be counted on.

Fang Hao continued: "This time, I want to talk to the queen about trade."

"Oh? Trade?" The Queen became even more curious.

Fang Hao is bold and has a weird mind.

Every time she saw him, something always surprised her.

"Yes, we are allies, right?" Fang Hao asked.

The queen glanced at 'Dimitra' without any trace, and said conservatively: "So."

I was afraid that he was dragging me into the Dragon Slaying Alliance.

"I plan to build a caravan privately that runs through the territories of both parties to circulate goods between each other." Fang Hao said.

It was not a dragon slaying, so the queen was relieved.

He asked back: "Isn't it possible to have a business alliance? And it's very convenient to have a teleportation array."

"Business alliances are naturally good, but the tax rate is calculated on a per-piece basis. The larger the batch size, the higher the platform tax we pay. And those items that are convenient for civilians to use will become very uneconomical through the platform, and even increase the price. Rising." Fang Hao said immediately.

The queen frowned slightly, "So, you mean we can trade privately?"

"Yes, large quantities of weapons and equipment can still pass through the merchant alliance, but what about some small items? For example, clothing and utensils used by civilians, fruits and vegetables, and specialties from the two places can be traded privately to reduce the amount of them. cost."

The Queen thought for a moment and then said: "Are you sure you can transport the goods from your side to us?"

Whether the territories of both parties are adjacent to each other and whether there are dangers along the way are all things that need to be considered.

If it had been transported so easily, the business alliance would not have developed into its current size.

"It's still an idea at the moment. If the Holy Dynasty agrees to this cooperation, we can have follow-up discussions to resolve some of the obstacles." Fang Hao replied.

Offline trade needs to meet many factors.

Peace, integrity, and rich products are all important factors.

Where lizard people live, because of their unified beliefs, they are all led by the lizard queen, which can ensure a certain degree of safety.

This is better than the orcs. Entering the realm of the orcs, various tribes plundered each other, and bandits and robbers were everywhere.

This makes it difficult to ensure the safety of the caravan.

Moreover, the lizard people live in deep forest swamps, where resources are very abundant.

Trade between the two parties is also beneficial to Fang Hao.

Of course, these are just preliminary considerations. Whether it can be successful depends on a little more consideration.

The Queen thought for a while and finally said: "I will study this matter after some time."

What she was thinking about was Fang Hao's relationship with the Dragon Clan.

Until the dragon clan’s affairs are resolved, it will be too early to study these issues.

Fang Hao nodded, "Okay, I'm just here to express my thoughts this time."

Next, the two parties casually chatted about various racial matters.

The atmosphere is pretty good.

The queen also invited Demitga to go to the lizardman territory and visit the temple of the ancient saint.

Fang Hao let ‘Dimitra’ choose.

Demitga did not refuse, and decided to head to the lizardman territory the day after tomorrow.

Come out from the lizard people side.

Fang Hao and Dimitja went to the undead shop.

In the undead shop, the goods on the first and second floors have not changed much.

But the third floor has been opened, and for sale is a huge sarcophagus with a gorgeous shape.

It has the function of nourishing the soul and maintaining the body of the dead.

Fang Hao did not buy it. The price was too high and it was not a necessary item for the territory.

After leaving the undead shop, he went to the shops of dwarves and elves.

Didn't buy anything though.

But it made Fang Hao realize the power of elves again.

It is different from the elves who hide in the forest and shoot arrows in movies and TV shows.

The elves here are a very powerful race.

Their long lives and clever minds allowed them to build a huge empire.

According to legend, human social systems and magic were all learned from elves.

The equipment sold by elves is also more comprehensive.

The shape reflects the elegance of the elves, and the quality is the best among all races.

The last ones to go are the vampires, the unclean immortals.

As soon as he entered the store, there was a strong smell of blood.

The teller was a pale-faced woman with a good appearance.

Saw two people coming in.

"Welcome." He greeted with a smile, two fangs showing at the corners of his mouth.

Fang Hao nodded, and then went straight into the store.

Watch on your own.

[Skullbreaker Bayonet (Blue)] sells for 220 War Coins.

[Mysterious Enlightenment Razor (Blue)] sells for 280 War Coins.

【……. 】

[Death Seal Leather Armor (Blue)] sells for 250 War Coins.

[Living Thorn Leather Armor (Blue)] sells for 300 War Coins.

The weapons and equipment of the vampires are mostly daggers, short swords, leather armor and cloaks.

This should also have a lot to do with the fighting habits of the vampires.

Keep looking behind you.

Fang Hao frowned.

I understand why the smell of blood here feels so strong.

[The blood of fifth-level human warriors] sells for 280 war coins.

[The blood of a seventh-level human mage] sells for 320 war coins.

[Blood of Level 7 Elf Mage] sells for 550 War Coins.

[Troll…. 】

They even sell blood here.

Good guy, it’s a cheap fifth-level and sixth-level one, followed by eighth-level and ninth-level ones, and the race includes any race except dragons and undead.

The blood of trolls and goblins is for sale.

Would that taste good?

Fang Hao glanced at it, turned around and walked towards the second floor.

The vampire female clerk also followed him upstairs.

The front part of the second floor is still filled with weapons and equipment.

[Evil Flame Resistance Cloak] sells for 750 War Fire Coins and has a vampire influence of 500.

[The Devourer's Fang] sells for 950 War Coins and has a vampire influence of 700.

After weapons.

Still blood.

[Human Green Hero Blood] sells for 1,200 war coins and has a vampire influence of 1,000.

[Elf Blue Hero Blood] sells for 2,500 war coins and has a vampire influence of 2,200.


[Troll Purple Hero Blood] sells for 8,500 War Fire Coins and has a vampire influence of 8,000.

What a guy!

Are the ingredients of the Vampire clan so high quality?

The blood of the highest level, purple hero, is available for sale.

What kind of race is this on the tip of the tongue?


"Were all these blood collected for blood drawing?" Fang Hao asked the clerk on the side.

I am really curious.

"Cooperating, sir."

Fang Hao understood.

This means that a hero takes the initiative to draw some blood and provide it to the vampires, and both parties split the money.

It’s right when you think about it.

If the vampires rely on arresting people to provide blood, they will become the public enemy.

All races have united to attack the vampires.

At the end, the third floor is also open.

Fang Hao and the other three continued to the third floor.

The third floor has a large space and is decorated in a strong Gothic style.

In the middle is a solid wood coffin with gorgeous patterns, and behind it is a half-length solid wood mannequin with a necklace hanging on it. Next to the necklace is a weapons rack with a short sword placed on it.

[Uncrowned Royal Corpse Coffin (Dark Gold)] is priced at 37.8 million war coins and has an influence of 50,000.

Holy shit!

So awesome.

Dark gold level corpse coffin.

The whole body of this bed is rimmed with gold.

This vampire and the undead are really different.

The coffins of the vampires are basically made of wood, and the quality is determined by the quality of the wood.

The undead ones are made of stone, usually ordinary stones, and the quality is determined by the grade of the formation pattern on the sarcophagus.

Continue looking backwards.

[Laurana Amulet (Orange)] sells for 7.53 million war coins and has a vampire influence of 20,000.

What the fuck?

This can't be a coincidence.

Thinking in his mind, Fang Hao immediately checked the attributes.

[Laurana Amulet (Orange)]

[Category: Talisman]

[Ability: Blessing, return. 】

[Blessing: The wearer is not affected by any negative status 'to himself'. 】

[Return: There is a teleportation array engraved inside, allowing the bearer to teleport back to the 'City of Eternal Night'. 】

(Description: Amulet made by Insabella Ann Tobias for her youngest daughter.)

Good guy, discovered something amazing.

Laurana's full name is 'Laurana Ann Tobias'.

There should be a mother-daughter relationship with this 'Insabella Ann Tobias'.

Think about it, fate really plays tricks on people.

If Laurana had worn this necklace at that time, even if the 'Red Duke' wanted to harm her.

Through the [Return] ability, you can also escape back.

It's a pity that there is no if.

Laurana ran away from home, taking the amulet with her.

That's why she suffered so much.

Fang Hao looked at the ability on the amulet again.

In addition to [Teleport] and return, the first ability is called [Asylum].

The same ability as his own [Light Feather Dagger].

The only difference is that the wearer is not affected by any negative status 'to himself'.

This ‘self’, if you understand it deeply.

Sunshine and holy light also have negative status effects on vampires!

If that counts, then the vampire who wears this pendant amulet is simply abnormal.

Will become a vampire without weaknesses.

The last weapon, called [Kingslayer], is also an orange short sword.

He has no interest in Fang Hao.

And the price is also very high.

Fang Hao thought for a while, but still didn't take the step to go downstairs.

He glanced at the clerk who was waiting respectfully and said, "If I want to buy something from here, but I don't have enough influence, can you solve it?"

He had experienced the same thing from the Sea Clan, but he still decided to ask.

The clerk showed no change.

The things sold by the vampires are almost as targeted as the undead.

The customers are basically vampires from all over the world.

People from other camps, even if they are interested, often do not have enough influence.

After looking up and down, the clerk said: "Does the customer plan to buy in bulk or individually in the store?"

Any drama?

"What's the difference?"

"Using the ordered goods in batches requires influence. If you buy a single piece, pay here and you can take it away directly." The clerk stood aside and explained softly.

In other words, goods sold according to the business alliance process.

You need to follow the process of influence.

If you take it away directly, the condition of influence is not required.


The Business Alliance should not let this happen.

Some understand it, and some don't.

Fang Hao said directly: "I want to buy that amulet and take it away directly."

The clerk looked slightly surprised.

I don't know if I'm surprised that a human would buy a necklace from a vampire, or if I'm surprised that someone so young can be so rich.

Anyway, his eyes were wide open.

"Okay sir." The clerk packed the amulet and put it away. "Sir, please follow me downstairs."

At the front desk, the clerk took out a black invitation card from the business alliance from under the counter.

Start using it according to the process.

Fang Hao understood now.

As expected, the vampires would not follow the process so honestly.

I have prepared a ready-made invitation card in advance. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Provide some convenience for those customers who do not have cards but want to buy them.

Of course, if you need to buy items in bulk.

If the card information does not match your territory, it still cannot be traded.

After one operation, the clerk put the card away again.

Smiling, he said: "Seven, five and three million war coins, sir."

Fang Hao nodded, directly took out the corresponding amount of War Cards and handed them into the opponent's hands.

After paying the money, the gift box containing the amulet was also handed into Fang Hao's hands.

"Can you tell me whose shop this is?" Fang Hao asked tentatively.

The clerk smiled and said, "The City of Eternal Night."

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