Meet the other party as a vampire?

When two forces go to war, they usually arrange for envoys to negotiate.

But now that the troops are on the verge of defeat, there is only one final step to take. There is nothing left to negotiate.

Isn’t it possible to finish the matter directly?

Putting on a coat, Laurana continued to ask, "Amanda herself missing?"

The attack on Odis this time was only in the name of the vampire clan.

In essence, it is Amanda's battle to restore the country, and it has nothing to do with Laurana herself.

Along the way, she didn't care about anything at all and slept until now.

Now she is asked to meet the person opposite, and she doesn't know how to deal with it.

Outside the carriage, he continued: "Queen Amanda said that you will be responsible."

"Okay, I understand." Laurana nodded.

Opening the car door, he saw the spirit-bound guards waiting outside.

He glanced at the endless army of bones all around.

Spread the bat wings and fly towards the central area. It's okay to see the messenger. You have to ask Amanda what he means first.

Don't ruin any plans by yourself.

Not long after, Laurana spread her wings and flew in another direction.

A stone building has been built there as a temporary reception location.

After falling from the building, he saw Dong Jiayue, already waiting at the side.

Laurana asked, "What kind of messenger is that?"

Dong Jiayue said: "It's not here yet, it should be here soon."

"Come on, let's go inside and wait."

The two entered the house.

The internal layout is relatively simple.

A long table and some chairs.

There is a luminous stone hanging from the top of the head.

The entire room functions as a place for temporary discussions and operations.

It can be used for two or three days, and it will be basically useless after the war, so there is no need to decorate it specially.

The two sat down on the chairs.

Not long after, footsteps were heard outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the spirit-binding guard announced, "Sir, the envoy from Black Horn City has arrived."

"Let him in!"

The door opens.

Two figures, one short and one tall, walked in.

Both are skeletal undead.

The man walking in front was short in stature, with a convex skull and a narrow skull, showing the appearance of a goblin.

Wearing a black dress with red embroidery, neck bones and finger bones, and a gold necklace and ring.

Another undead followed behind. Judging from the bone shape and height, it was an undead skeleton transformed from a human.

Judging from the positions of the two undead.

It is mainly composed of dwarf undead and accompanied by human undead.

Laurana and her two daughters looked at them, and the two undead also looked at each other.

He never expected that it was not the Red Duke, the leader of the blood clan, who greeted him, but two women.

Still so young.

Both sides glanced at each other.

The short undead was the first to salute and said: "I have met the two ladies. I am an official sent by King Odis, my name is Grover. I wonder if I can meet the Red Duke. We are old friends."

It can be heard that the undead goblins are very good at building relationships.

The behavior was polite and the relationship between them was mentioned.

in regional power relations.

Humans and dwarves are strategic allies, while undead and vampires are closer.

However, it was a long time ago and there was no contact for many years.

Of course, time is not a problem for the undead and vampires.

It will only make their relationship sound closer.

Dong Jiayue hasn't changed much, and she doesn't know much about Huiyue Highlands.

But "Laurana" on the side, after listening to the undead's words.

His eyes instantly turned cold, and his body exuded a real killing intent.

Seems like the perfect opening line.

Suddenly, I felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little different.

Even though the two undead souls had lost their nerves and senses, they felt a chill that penetrated into their souls.

Grover, the short undead, immediately explained: "We have no ill intentions and come here with sincerity."

what's the situation?

There was nothing wrong with me just now, why did I feel like the other party was going to kill me.

Laurana looked directly at the other person and asked, "Are you familiar with the Red Duke?"

Grover immediately replied, "I'm very familiar with it. I used to be responsible for the trade between the Necropolis and Huiyue Highlands. The last time I remember this, I arranged for the most outstanding blacksmith in "Black Point City" to build it for him. A huge silver coffin, it can be said that Hong and I... "


A clear and broken sound brought Grover's words to an abrupt end.

Several people looked around in confusion and saw a dark red energy spear piercing the head of the short undead.

The soul fire in the child's hole quickly extinguished in a struggle.

The body in the gorgeous brocade robe was instantly scattered into skeletons on the ground.

"Throw it out." Laurana said coldly.

Dong Jiayue looked at the room and saw that there was no one else there. She bent down and searched among the scattered bones for a while.

A small bag of gold coins, keys, gold necklaces, and gemstone rings were found.

There is also a piece of finely crafted soft armor, which is purple equipment and is worn inside the coat.

However, the soft armor style is too small and is only suitable for goblins.

Put all the found items on the long table, pick up the bones, and throw them out through the window.

Like throwing away a bunch of trash.

Another human undead, the soul fire was trembling violently.

In addition to shock and fear, there was also doubt.

what's the situation?

Grover was killed as soon as he started to get close.

Moreover, he didn't even see the dark red energy spear appearing anywhere before he shattered Grover's skull.

"You also know the Red Duke?" Laurana's cold eyes fell on him.

The human undead immediately shook his head, "No, I don't know. I've only been transformed for a few years."

Laurana nodded, crossed her long legs in black stockings, leaned on the seat, and continued to ask: "Otis asked you to negotiate. If you have anything to say, please say it quickly."

The human undead glanced at the open window.

Understand that you don’t want to die, so be careful what you say.

He was just accompanying the recorder, and the real responsible "Grover" had been thrown out the window like garbage.

Now, he can only continue the conversation, "King Odis has always maintained a good relationship with the vampires, and I hope this peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship can be maintained."


"The king said, what conditions can the vampires make? I hope everyone can solve the problem peacefully." Undead continued.

"Ask Otis to give up "Black Point City" and open the city gate to surrender. Can he agree? "Laurana asked directly.

The undead are speechless, this is not the condition.

He immediately said: "I'm afraid this may be a bit difficult. The king promised that as long as the vampires retreat and maintain peace on the border, the cemetery is willing to spend 30 million gold coins within five years to help the development of Huiyue Highlands."

It is said to help development, but in fact it means to pay compensation and withdraw from the army.

But the purpose of their attack on the necropolis this time was not to ask for compensation.

But to restore the country for Amanda.

Therefore, the only possibility for peace talks is for Otis to voluntarily give up Black Point City, otherwise the army will not withdraw.

Laurana looked at the other party, her tone still calm, "Unless Otis gives up his position as king, this war will continue."

The undead was anxious and immediately said, "Actually, the amount of the support can be renegotiated. The undead and the vampires have always been close, how can they consume each other and give humans a chance to fight back!"

"You have seen the strength of our troops. You will definitely not be able to defend Noire City in this battle. If you don't want to accompany Otis to die, then find a way out for yourself, otherwise there will only be real death." Laurana Leng said the voice.

The soul fire of the undead trembled again.

When he came over, he saw the terrifying strength of the vampire clan.

The number of troops was so huge that it was hard to imagine how many people had to be killed to gather so many undead.

This time, Black Corner City may be really in danger.

"Look, can you let me have a talk with the Red Duke?" The human undead cautiously tested.


After saying this, Laurana's aura rose again.

Killing intent is like thick blood, covering the undead instantly.

The skeleton of the undead trembled.

Shut up immediately and say no more.

"Go away, tell Odis the exact words." Laurana said coldly.

"Oh, okay." The undead stood up in a panic, knocking over the chair behind him.

He was afraid that if he moved too slowly, he would get a hole in his skull.

He gave a hasty salute.

Opened the door and walked out directly.

Dong Jiayue didn't expect the negotiation to proceed so quickly.

When the opponent comes in, kill one first.

The other one only said three or four sentences and then the conversation was over.

Laurana stood up and said casually: "The discussion is over, you can tell Amanda and Fang Hao then."

"Oh, okay!" Dong Jiayue nodded.

Laurana opened the door, spread her bat wings, and flew towards her carriage.

Dong Jiayue also came out and got on his horse.

Rush to Amanda's location.

More than an hour later.

The human skeleton finally returned to "Black Corner City" in fear.

Ignoring the inquiries from the officials on the side, he rushed straight towards the palace.

Inside the palace.

Otis sits on a throne of bones, with a group of undead officials from Blackhorn City below.

At this time, all the eyes of the undead were focused on the figure in the middle.

I hope in my heart that it will bring some good news.

Otis, a cold voice sounded at this moment, "Why are you the only one back?"

The undead who had just returned knelt in the center of the hall.

Not daring to show any slightness, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, Grover was killed, and they only let me back."


Grover is dead?

All the undead were shocked.

Grover is a very shrewd goblin undead, how could he die during negotiations.

There are very few forces that would execute a negotiator.

But everyone also realized something in their hearts.

It seems that this negotiation is not ideal.

When the undead were talking in low voices, Otis spoke again, "Did the Red Duke kill him?"

The kneeling undead immediately shook his head and said, "We didn't see the Red Duke. We saw a female vampire and a time traveler. Lord Grover said he had a good relationship with the Red Duke, and then he was killed."


In the first sentence, he was killed?

"What's that woman's name? Who is she from the Red Duke?" Odis asked again.

The undead shook his head again, "I don't know. That woman had no intention of negotiating at all, and she didn't tell me her identity."

Odis' soul fire showed slight fluctuations.

After a moment of silence, he continued: "We'll talk about killing Grover later. What did she say about the conditions we offered?"

Although I already had a guess in my mind, I still couldn't help but ask.

What if there is still a turning point!

The kneeling undead lowered his head and said, "I told her all the suggestions made by you, the king, but the woman did not accept it. Instead, she said that she wanted to stop...the war, unless...unless... .”

"Unless what?"

"Unless you surrender and voluntarily give up Black Corner City."


Otis punched the armrest of the throne, breaking it into two pieces.

Ever since he became an undead, he had never felt so angry.

Even if his emotions are not much left.

"Someone is coming..."


Two bone guards walked in.

Otis said coldly: "Pull it out and destroy the soul."

"King, King Odis, I didn't say it, it was the woman who said it, King."

The undead who knelt on the ground retorted loudly.

He is a messenger, and he doesn't know why he is angry at himself.

Seeing that Otis was indifferent, no one of the officials on the side begged for mercy on his behalf.

I knew in my heart that I was going to die.

He no longer begged for mercy and yelled filial piety loudly: "That woman has one more thing to say."

"Let him go first!" Otis said.

The undead who had been dragged to the door had his arms released.

The undead stood up and glanced at the few people again.

"What else did the woman say?" Odis asked.

The undead looked directly at Otis, then looked at everyone present and said, "The woman said that her army will definitely capture the city. She doesn't want to accompany Otis to die, so she should find a way out earlier."


As soon as he finished speaking, Otis jumped up.

Like a hunting lion, it crossed the entire hall and pounced on the undead at the door.


A palm fell.

He directly smashed the skull of the undead, and the soul fire was quickly extinguished.

Otis's cruelty and violence made all the undead present feel nervous.

If you say something wrong or do something wrong at this time, you will also be angered by Otis.

They already have immortal life.

Do you really want to die here with Otis?

There was silence.

Only the sound of Otis' footsteps walking back echoed in the hall.

When Odis walked back to the throne and sat on the cracked bone throne.

Then he said: "The whole city is ready to fight. Starting today, all officials in the city who attempt to leave Black Corner City without authorization will have their souls exterminated directly."

The hearts of all the undead tightened again.

Odis, to tie everyone together.

If you want to die, everyone will die.


No one dared to have any ideas, so they could only bow and agree.

Noire City, Organ Museum.

Otis, accompanied by his personal guards, walked straight into the museum.

The funeral priests who were busy with their respective tasks stopped their work and bowed to Odis.

Soon, three corpse witches wearing robes and holding wooden staffs came down from the second floor.

The leader, wearing a gray robe with gold patterns, was the "Corpse Witch-Yarlin" who had negotiated with the Federation.

"King Otis." Several corpse witches saluted.

Otis nodded and said to the other people: "You should go about your own business first."

The other two corpse shamans, looking for Shuyuan and the funeral priest, left some time later.

The two walked out of the museum and stopped at the door.

Odis then spoke: "Yarlin, Black Corner City is besieged by the vampire army. This is the last chance. Do you have any solution?"

Arlin leaned on his wooden staff and looked towards the center of the city, where half of the Queen's Golden Tower had been cut off.

Yes, the "Kingdom of Angli Yin'er" is gone, and now this city will be gone too.

After thinking for a moment, he said softly: "Are you sure the enemy is a vampire? Do they have the ability to assemble so many undead troops?"

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Chapter 594: Die in the first sentence. Read for free.

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