After "Golden Queen-Amanda" suddenly disappeared.

The former "Kingdom of Anglian" has undergone tremendous changes.

As a garrison general, Otis led his troops to overthrow the royal family in the city and put himself on the throne of the city.

became the new king.

The queen's golden tower was torn down, and her former ministers were replaced one by one.

Soon after, the name of the kingdom was changed to the Necropolis of Otis, and the royal city became Blackhorn City.

Various taxes appeared one after another, turning the former kingdom into a cemetery of the dead.

And this country has lost everything it once had.

When Otis found that the kingdom had been ruined by himself, he began to need new ways to fill the vacancies in the territory.

After much deliberation, he planned a war against the Human Federation.

Unfortunately, the war carefully planned by Otis and his supporters became a stepping stone for others, and the vampires took advantage of it.

With a quick battle, they crossed the border directly and arrived at Black Horn City.

The Vampires control the undead and use carrion.

Therefore, with such a large number of skeletons, it is difficult for people to doubt that the real enemy behind them is not the vampires.

But at this time, the person behind the scenes is no longer important.

Even if you know who it is, you can't solve the opponent's attack on Noire City.

"It doesn't matter whether the enemy is a vampire or not. Whether you can survive today is what needs to be considered now." Otis said.

Corpse Witch Yaerlin shook his head, "Your Majesty, I can't change anything about this, and I can't give you any advice."

"Hmph! You always have this attitude, as if I killed Amanda." Otis said with a somewhat angry tone, "Okay, forget it if you don't want to say it. If the city cannot be defended, then we will work together Damn it, if the vampires don’t let me go, will they let you go?”

Arlin remained silent and stood still.

Otis said angrily: "Okay, come here, guard the museum. Anyone who dares to take a step out will be executed directly."


A group of skeleton guards surrounded the Organ Museum.

Odis left angrily, and Yaerlin silently walked back to the museum.


Blood clan army, war conference room.

The hanging luminous stones emit soft light.

Illuminating the long table below.

The doors to the rooms opened one after another.

The heroes walked in one after another.

Everyone gathered around the long table, waiting for the final deployment.

Wait until all personnel arrive.

Amanda then tapped the long table to draw everyone's attention to it.

The next second.

Amanda waved.

A golden fluid flowed from the necklace around his neck.

On the surface of the long table, a three-dimensional square city is formed.

Amanda said, "Black Corner City is a fifteenth-level city. There are two types of defense towers, arrow towers and magic towers, on each side of the city wall. One of the city walls has eight arrow towers and four magic towers."

As he spoke, the golden city on the long table began to change, and a corresponding number of arrow towers and magic towers appeared on the city wall.

This method of explaining the battle plan was the first time that everyone had seen it.

While feeling incredible, I also listened very seriously.

Amanda continued: "The troops are divided into three groups and attack from the north, west and east respectively..."

The three-dimensional map on the long table changed again.

The golden soldiers formed a concave shape from north to west and east to advance towards the city.

Flying dragons and airships also joined the battlefield one after another during the narration.

Amanda, speaking in detail.

The implementation of three-dimensional graphics is changing.

The timing of the entry of the bone dragon, the role of the skeleton vulture, and when the airship would join were all arranged.

Even people who don't understand tactics can understand the combat layout.

Time passed little by little, and the arrangement was finished.

Wait until all arrangements are completed.

Rou Fist then asked, "Amanda, why should the South City Gate be left vacant? What if they run away?"

Amanda replied calmly, "Give them a chance to escape. At the same time, it can also be regarded as a lesson to the Federation. Careful thoughts are not played lightly."

The fight between trapped beasts will only make the enemy unite and make a final struggle.

But give them a hope, and the city will be in chaos.

Otis must not only defend the outside, but also be careful on the inside.


To the south is the direction leading to the Human Federation.

As long as you escape from the south city gate, you must continue to flee all the way south, otherwise with such a huge army of the "Blood Tribe", it will be easy to be captured in other directions.

At that time, a large number of deserters rushed towards the border again.

Scaring can scare those cunning guys in the Federation into pissing their pants.

It can be regarded as a lesson to them to be careful.

But Amanda didn't explain too much, she just said that she wanted to teach the Federation some lessons.

Roufang scratched his skull, "Oh, I understand."

Everyone has no doubts about this battle.

Amanda nodded, clapped her palms lightly, and continued: "Everyone remember, after breaking through the city wall, those who resist will be killed, and those who surrender and innocents must not be killed indiscriminately."


"Okay, let's all go back to our respective teams and wait until nightfall to prepare to attack the city." Amanda said solemnly.

Everyone nodded and exited the room.

Night falls slowly.

Dark clouds covered the moon and starry sky.

The entire land seemed to be soaked in ink, pitch black.

There was only the sound of intensive footsteps, the sound of kachakacha, and the friction of bones in my ears.

The eyesight of the undead is not that of the naked eye, and vampires can see more clearly at night.

Only the travelers who followed the army continued to move with the army while groping in the dark.


Three travelers who were assigned to the West City gathered together and chatted in low voices.

"No, no, no, I'm not nervous." Another person replied.

"You're not nervous. Why are you stammering?"

"It's natural, isn't it?"

"Okay, I was born an hour ago." The man paused and continued: "At the end of this time, will Boss Fang Hao regard the bone dragon as a reward and give each of us one so that we can ride it? It’s a dragon, so majestic.”

"Think, I want to eat shit. There are so many territory channel travelers now. If we divide them up like this, Fang Hao doesn't have one, and even dividing them all won't be enough." The nervous stutterer said.

"I said that not everyone participated in the battle this time."

"That's impossible. It would be great to have the command of thousands of skeleton soldiers like the battle in Gray Iron City. Returning the Bone Dragon... I dare to think."

"Is it impossible? I heard that Boss Fang Hao gave Dong Jia Yue Bone Dragon, and there is also a purple hero." This person retorted again.

"That's Sister Jiayue, why do you compare with others?"

Seeing the two people arguing, the third time traveler felt helpless.

These two people were so serious that they started to quarrel while chatting.

When they were afraid of the housekeeper, the two started fighting and changed the subject by saying, "Have you heard that foreigners are now buying photos of Fang Hao? A clearer photo can be exchanged for a green drawing."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out.

The argument between the two stopped abruptly, and they immediately looked at him, "Why are you buying photos?"

"I don't know, maybe he's a fan. After all, the second "Erigon" always appears on the channel to recruit alliance members. Many of the girls in the country are his fans. "

"Hey guys, in this world, there are still fan idols."

"Who knows."

"I don't think it's like those foreigners can curse or anything like that. In the movies I saw, those foreigners took photos and burned them to cast curses."

"How to burn the photos in the Book of Lords..."

Just when the three of them were squatting on the ground and chatting in a lively group.

Later, the spirit-binding guard came over and said, "Commander Asetti, I want you to make some hemp ropes, come here quickly."

The three of them immediately stood up and followed the spirit-binding guards toward the rear.

It becomes more intense as the night goes on.

True north, the central military area.

"Queen, it's almost midnight." Dong Jiayue, approaching Amanda's carriage, reminded in a low voice.

Amanda, who was sitting on the carriage, looked up at the dark sky.

He said in a deep voice: "Give me the order, beat the drum."

The messengers who had been waiting around quickly dispersed and passed on the order.

Winter winter winter!

Soon, the sound of war drums sounded all around.

A gray-white halo enveloped the undead army, and the drumbeats gradually unified into a thunderous sound.

At this time, the undead in Black Corner City may have discovered it.

The undead souls of the vampire clan have taken advantage of the night.

It formed a concave shape and surrounded Black Corner City.

"Attack!" Amanda's voice sounded again.

The messenger conveyed the order again, and Dong Jiayue also opened the City Lord's Book and passed the message to the other time-travelers arranged around the heroes.

The undead armies from three directions began to take neat steps and began to stride forward.

The ground began to tremble non-stop, and the sound of bones and armor rubbing against each other could be heard in the ears.

Blackhorn City.

The towering watchtower immediately spotted the movements outside the city.

When they noticed dense gray rings lighting up in the distance, the undead soldiers who had already stepped up their vigilance immediately realized that the enemy was about to attack.

"Ring the bell, ring the bell quickly." The emotionless undead shouted urgently.

Before the undead around him could ring the bell, the bells in the other two directions were already ringing.

It represents the city walls in the other two directions to detect the attacking undead.

Winter winter winter!

The loud sound of bells floated in the city, covering the entire Black Corner City.

Groups of undead soldiers came from all over the city and began to climb the city wall, preparing to face the enemy.

At the same time, a large number of defensive artifacts also began to be transported to the city wall.

Everything has been arranged.

The moment the bronze bell rang, it was already proceeding in an orderly manner according to the original plan.

At this time.

Odis, wearing heavy armor and leading several personal guards, strode over.

He glanced at the approaching enemy below and then withdrew his gaze.

He looked to the side and asked, "What are the enemy's movements?"

An undead general immediately took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, the enemy launched attacks from three directions from north, west and east at the same time. No trace of the enemy has been found outside the south city."

Surrounded in three directions, but only one remains.

Otis began to guess what the other party meant.

After thinking for a while.

Continue to give the order, "Be careful at the South City Gate. Also, without my order, anyone approaching the South City Gate will be executed directly."

"Yes, king." The skeleton hero accepted the order and quickly retreated.

Otis continued to look at the city wall.

He began to give defensive orders loudly.

Urging the soldiers to speed up the transportation.

Time passed little by little.

It's like facing death, nervous, panic, and fear.

Even the undead find it difficult to remain calm at this time.

Face the upcoming battle calmly.

The army outside the city is getting closer and closer.

The ground began to tremble with the sound of footsteps.

The enemy's army of skeletons is like a raging flood.

It is moving forward, getting closer and closer, becoming clearer and clearer.

You can see the red marks left on the armor, and you can also see the siege ladder mixed in among the skeletons.

Perhaps the enemy was eager to attack and did not see some heavy siege equipment such as siege towers.

Whoosh whoosh!

The arrow tower began to attack, and arrows were shot out from the towering tower.

Throw yourself into the dense army.

The effect is like throwing a stone into the desert without any change.

The enemy continued to advance and reached the second attack range.

The mage tower begins to attack.

Streams of black energy flew out from the magic tower.

Smashed into the array of skeletons.

The magic bomb exploded, knocking away the surrounding enemies, and causing broken bones to fly around.

However, the negative status of dark attributes has no effect in the camp of the undead.

"Crossbowmen prepare!"

The generals issued orders loudly.

The skeleton archers on the city wall began to draw their bowstrings and point downwards.



Whoosh whoosh!

The dense arrows disappeared and whizzed out downwards.

It crackled and shot into the enemies below.

At the same time, the skeletons outside the city also held up their shields to resist the dense number of arrows whizzing by.

"Mage prepares."

The general shouted again, and the necromancers in the city began to gather magic.

Magic missiles were thrown into the sky.

It turned into an arc and crossed the city wall.

Smashing into the enemy array.

On the city wall, the undead tried every means to attack, trying to slow down the enemy's attack.

Odis kept giving orders one after another.

But if it falls into the enemy's army, it has no obvious effect.

There are too many enemies.

At this time, Odis looked down curiously.

Below, all the attacking skeletons were seen standing still.

The next second.

In the hand raised over his shoulder, there was a lightning spear flashing with lightning.

Otis was shocked.

This is not going to be thrown out.

Sure enough, the idea just came to him.

The densely packed undead threw the thunder spears in their hands at the same time.


The whistling sound that broke through the sky suddenly sounded, and dense silver thunder spears were thrown towards the city.

The dark sky was covered with a silvery sky.

Brilliant and dazzling.

Otis shouted: "Hide, hide."

Bang bang bang bang!

Thunder spears all over the sky fell from the sky, crackling and hitting everywhere in the city.

In the city, dozens of skeletons were struck and fell.

The spreading arc covers the entire area.

The same thunder spear happened at the other two city walls.

Obviously, the enemy carried out a unified battle plan, not separate plans by various commanders.

Otis was hit by a spreading arc.

Fortunately, the undead's body is also immune to the paralysis effect.

He immediately looked up and looked ahead. The troops on the city wall and inside the city were heavily injured.

"Damn it, it's definitely not a vampire."

As an undead, he knew that this must be the effect of the organ jar, and the organ jar that could be attached with this kind of thunder spear was at least orange level or above.

How is it possible for a vampire to own an organ museum, let alone control the power of the organ jar.

The large areas of death in the city gave the enemy an opportunity to quickly approach.

The footsteps under the city were getting closer and closer, and the trembling on the ground became more intense.

"Quick, fill up the empty seats."

Odis roared loudly, urging the soldiers to continue their defense.

Outside the city, on the east side.

An area below ground level and covered with rocks.

Meat Fist brings 50 spirit-binding guards and 300 skeleton warriors.

He was searching forward along the long and narrow stone road.

Finally, the voice of the spirit-binding guard came from the front.

"Lord Meat Fist, we found a stone door here."

Rou Fist walked over quickly and took a closer look.

The location of the stone gate is very hidden, and due to its long history, it is covered with gravel and weeds.

If Amanda hadn't been sure there was a secret passage here.

I'm afraid no one can find it here.

After confirming the pattern on the stone door.

The meat fist kicked open the stone door and said, "This is it, let's go in."

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