The corpse witch and the funeral priests were all speechless.

In the undead camp, corpse witches represent scholars and hold the secrets of immortality.

Among any undead forces, corpse witches are respected and treated favorably.

This is the first time that an undead has said that people like him are not smart.

"Her Majesty the Queen has been missing for a hundred years and there has been no news. How could she suddenly appear at this time and attack the necropolis in the name of the vampire clan?" Yaerlin asked directly.

It all happened so suddenly.

Everyone is afraid to accept it.

At the very beginning, Amanda disappeared.

The whole country was mobilized to find traces of the Queen, but there was no result.

As a result, Otis finally sat on the throne.

After so many years, someone suddenly sneaked into the city and said that the queen asked him to come.

Rather than believing that the queen suddenly appeared, it was more like an enemy's conspiracy.

Rou Fist thought for a moment and explained: "Amanda woke up a few months ago and learned that the former 'Kingdom of Angli'er' no longer existed, so she took advantage of Otis' opportunity to attack the Human Federation and launched this war. "

When Amanda let him in, his first order of business was to go to the Organ Museum.

If there is a Corpse Witch named ‘Yarlin’ inside, tell him the news about your army.

If there is no such person, or Yaerlin shows uncooperation.

Meat Fist cleaned out all the people inside and destroyed the organ jars in the museum.

To weaken the strength of the defending army.

Therefore, Meat Fist's mission is to become an organ museum, and Yaerlin is just one step in it.

Believe it or not, it doesn't make any difference to the result.

Hearing the explanation from the tall troll hero opposite, Arlin fell into silence.

He still felt suspicious in his heart, but it didn't make any sense for the other party to come in specifically to lie to him.

After thinking for a while, he continued: "If what you said is true, then the army attacking the city at this time is not the vampires, but Queen Amanda's army?"

If it were the Queen's army, then after today's battle, many undead would not have to die.

There will even be many undead in the city, welcoming the queen's return.

Rou Fist shook his head and corrected: "Now Amanda is just a heroic general under the lord, and the army he leads also belongs to the lord, but you are right about one thing, Amanda is the commander of the army, and this time too The War of Restoration.”

The corpse witches and funeral priests were digesting the information in this sentence.

In other words, in order to restore the country, the queen joined a lord and borrowed his military power to recapture the 'Kingdom of Anglian'.

Doesn't that mean that even if Black Horn City is captured, it will no longer be the kingdom it once was.

And became part of that lord's territory.

After a while, Yaerlin continued to ask: "Then you come in. Did the queen ask you to pick me up?"

"Looking for you is one of them. Of course we have other tasks." Rou Fist said.

Amanda could not confirm who of her old ministers was still alive, but what she could confirm was that Yaerlin, a corpse witch, must still be in the Organ Museum.

The Corpse Witch is indispensable to an undead force.

No matter how crazy Otis is, he will not kill a corpse witch.

Therefore, the first step in the physical fist is to find Yaerlin.

Yaerlin and the Corpse Witch behind him discussed in a low voice.

Then he turned around and asked, "What do we need to do?"

Rou Fist said: "First take out all the 'organ jars' in the museum."

"After the organ jar is taken out, the power of the army in the city will instantly fade away. At that time, Odis will immediately know that there is a problem here and send the army over. We will not be able to leave." Yaerlin said immediately.

"It doesn't matter. After taking it out, we will leave here and we will arrange a safe place for you then." Rou Fist said.

Yaerlin had no choice but to do what the troll skeleton in front of him said.

Even if he doesn't do it, the undead in front of him can still destroy this place directly and make the effect of the organ jar ineffective.

When he came to each miniature building, he stretched out his bone fingers and twisted them slightly.


The organ jars in the groove rose up one by one.

As the organ jar was taken out, the apertures quickly closed and returned to the organ jar.

At this moment, the organ jar effect on the soldiers in the cemetery disappeared.

Rou Fist saw that the other party was quite honest, so he said, "Let's go out."

They walked out of the gate with the corpse witch and the funeral priest holding the organ jar.

Hundreds of soldiers also came out of the hiding place on the side.

After a group of undead gathered.

Then he took these corpse witches back to the backyard of the palace and the entrance to the sewer.

Rou Fist said: "Yarlin, arrange for one person to lead the way for me. The rest of us will hide here and don't run around."

"Ah, okay." Yaerlin nodded and selected a funeral priest to lead the way.

Ya'erlin and others, holding the organ jars, followed the stairs and entered the sewer.

Wait until they go down.

Rou Quan waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the armory."

at the same time.

The south gate is also in chaos.

It was densely packed with many undead souls.

Large and small packages were blocked on the street, which was chaotic and crowded.

Some former undead officials could also be seen among the crowd.

Everyone knew that the enemies outside were about to break through the city, and the south city gate was their only way out.

He spent all his wealth and became an undead soul.

It is not meant to accompany Otis to death.

However, the city gate was closed tightly at this time, and the army was blocked in the middle of the road.

The city was guarded in a tight formation.

"Let's get out..."

"I am the palace minister, let me out now."

"Seeing that the city is broken, if you don't defend the city, what are you doing watching the city gate?"

"Damn it, I spent my entire life saving to become an undead. I haven't even lived for a few years before the city is about to be destroyed."

"Damn it, let's get out, who wants to be buried with Otis?"

"That's right, this city of yours is supported by my caravan, and now you're holding on to us if you want to die."

A group of undead cursed loudly, while the undead soldiers guarding the city gate.

He had already drawn the sword from his waist.

He looked like he would fight anyone who dared to come close.

"Fight them and rush out. Even if you die, you can't die in the city."

"Come on, grab their weapons, and let's get out of the city."

"Open the city gate."

There was a crash.

The people gathered at the south city gate rushed forward.

Fighting with the guards guarding the city.

The scene instantly became chaotic.

War zone.

The sound of artillery fire, musketry, and the sound of magic whizzing overhead still filled the battlefield.

The silver-white thunder spear pierced the sky again.

Thrown at enemies on the wall.

Thunder spears fell all over the sky, and bones were everywhere on the ground.

I don’t know how long the war has been going on.

The undead are tireless and naturally have no concept of resting in shifts.

It seems like the sun has risen from the sky.

But the smoke rising from the battlefield still obscured the sky, making it look like late night.

Outside the city wall.

The piles of broken bones formed a hill against the city wall.

More undead stepped on the pile of bones and continued to climb up.

The sky above the city.

Hundreds of bone dragons were constantly circling around.

Try to get close to the city and breathe a few breaths of dragon breath on the enemies below.

In the city, crossbows were missing one after another, and they kept shooting into the air.

Driving, the bone dragon approaches.

The airship was still pouring out artillery fire.

The solid city wall was full of cracks and was in tatters due to bombardment from the constant fire.

Skeletons in the city demolished the houses near the city walls.

Stones and timber were piled where they fell.

The city wall has been repaired as much as possible, but it is still dilapidated and may collapse at any time.

But the undead souls of the vampire clan are still nowhere to be seen.

As if they couldn't finish the killing, they continued to rush towards the city wall.

"Continue to defend and clear out the enemies who come up." Otis was still roaring loudly.

The undead defenders pushed down the skeletons on the city wall one by one.

Stop them from climbing the walls.


A howl like a cry sounded.

At the back of the city, an undead body with a coffin hanging in front of it entered the battlefield.

[Soul Coffin (ninth-level unit)]

They opened a gap in the coffin, and countless translucent ghosts flew out from inside.

Letting out a wail of pain, he joined the battlefield.

[Soul Coffin] is a special unit in the camp.

His own combat effectiveness is close to the fifth level.

But among the skills, there is the ability to absorb the soul of living beings.

It can absorb the souls of living creatures in a certain surrounding area.

Absorbed into the coffin in front of him.

Transform into a ghost that you can control, and then return to the battlefield.

This type of unit often plays an obvious role in battles with living beings.

There is no shortage of soul absorption.

But when dealing with soldiers who are also undead, the advantage is much less.

This is why Otis only let the [Soul Coffin] come on stage after the battle has been going on until now.

The ghosts wailed, and their translucent bodies passed directly through the thick city wall and pounced on the undead outside the city.

The ghost itself has no entity, and its level is not high.

But when dealing with ordinary skeletons without intelligence, it still has the effect of being a troublemaker.

Luring the hordes of undead around, running around.

But what we are doing now is more like a final struggle.

The overall situation is still tilting towards the vampire side.

Another burst of intensive artillery fire fell.

Pieces of city walls collapsed.

The attacking skeletons stepped on the broken stone bricks, climbed directly onto the city wall, and fought with the undead defenders.

If the fight continues like this, the people in the city will die sooner or later.

The bone giant stood up again, swinging the chain in his hand.

Boom boom boom!

As if waiting for them, he just leaned out.

Countless cannonballs landed on the bone giant.

The bone giant's huge body fell backwards.

But the broken bones did not recover as before.

Otis was startled and quickly looked towards the battlefield.

But I saw a halo of light shrinking from the edge of the city towards the center.

The power of the organ jar disappeared...

"Yarlin, you damn thing." Otis cursed.

His first thought was not that someone had entered the city, but that the corpse witches from Yaerlin had taken out the organ jars at the critical moment.

Otis was furious.

These guys are really against themselves at every turn.

He called his personal guards and said loudly: "Take people to the Organ Museum, execute Yaerlin, let the other corpse witches put the organ jars back, and then put him in prison."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The personal guards took the order and rushed towards the Organ Museum amid the artillery fire.

Without the blessing of the organ jars, the combat power displayed by the soldiers in the city was reduced again.

Under the attack of thunder spears and artillery, patches of undead died.

Odis stood there.

Looking at the dead soldiers, the bone giant was severely damaged and was unable to stand up under the weight of the suppressed shells.

Boom boom boom!

Explosions sounded from within the city.

Odis suddenly turned around and saw a stream of firelights lighting up the city.

It's the direction of the armory.

Boom boom!

Another explosion sounded, it was the South City Gate.

Explosions and battles rang out in the city.

Countless undead souls rushed onto the streets, all running towards the south gate.

"Be careful with the bone dragon..." someone yelled again.

I saw hundreds of bone dragons, led by a giant mummified dragon, flying directly over the city.

The body was passing low in the sky, and the red and black light pillars swept across the city wall.

Clear out the undead defenders above.

After a quick sweep.

There was no one on the city wall.

And more bone dragons were spinning in circles, spitting out black beams of light, shrouding those bone giants.

The huge body began to decay, and the iron chains wrapped around it turned into orange-red molten iron, dripping downwards.

Finally, like ordinary undead, in the black light pillar.

Turned into ashes all over the ground.

East gate.

A huge black storm reached the sky and began to spin and spread in the city.

Wherever he passed, no matter the troops or houses, they were all turned into ashes and disappeared in the storm.

More and more undead, with red marks on their chests, attacked the city wall.

Like a flood, it covered the city wall and spread into the city.

The enemy launched the final general attack.

It’s over, I can’t hold on any longer.

"Your Majesty, we can't hold this place any longer. Let's retreat from the south gate first." A skeleton general pulled Odis down, who was a little sluggish.

"Okay, gather the troops and retreat with me." Odis suddenly realized and said loudly.

He rushed directly down the city wall and ran towards the south city gate.

Along the way, we met many soldiers who had fled.

Soon they gathered, approaching a thousand people.

The city wall that lost its command could no longer resist the army's attack.

The city gate opened instantly, and an army like a flood poured into the city gate.

Fight all the way to the palace in the center.

South city gate.

Odis, with nearly two thousand remaining defeated soldiers, rushed toward the south gate in a panic.

Behind him are enemies surging like a tsunami.

After running wildly, throwing away their helmets and armor, they finally saw the roadblock set up at the south city gate and the soldiers guarding it.

Odis was stunned.

The roadblocks and soldiers are all here. What was the explosion just now?

How did those who escaped get out?

Before he had time to think too much, he had already rushed to the roadblock.

He shouted loudly: "Quick, open the city gate and come out with me."

However, under the anxious gaze of Otis and other undead.

Several more roadblocks were added in front of him.

stood in front of them.

"What are you doing? Looking for Shuyuan Everyone is stupid, aren't they? Get out of here and open the city gate." Otis kicked the roadblock in front of him with an angry kick.

The soldiers around Otis didn't care so much anymore.

The pursuers were right behind, and they all stretched out their hands to move the roadblock by themselves.

"Are you Otis?" At this time, a tall skeleton walked out from the city gate.

Odis was startled and took off the giant sword from behind, staring at the opponent warily.

It can be confirmed that this troll skeleton is not from Noire City.

Then there is only one possibility, when the south city gate opens.

These enemies sneaked in.

"Who are you?" Odis asked looking directly at the other person.

"Obviously, your enemy."

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