Otis's frame is also thick, but not the same as the meat fist.

Meat Fist is a troll undead, with a naturally tall frame.

Odis, on the other hand, has a human skeleton, not as tall as a physical fist, but mainly because of its thick bones.

"What a loud tone." Odis scolded.

With a kick of his feet, he jumped up high, and the giant sword in his hand was smashed towards the position of the fist.

Otis was wearing heavy armor and carrying a huge sword.

But the movement is very light and fast, but full of explosive power.

Meat Fist jumped to one side.


There was a loud bang.

The heavy sword struck the ground, leaving a deep crack.

The meat fist saw the right moment, and with a fist punch, he raised his hand and struck Odis in the face.

The moment the punch was punched, there was an explosion of thunder.

The giant sword in Otis's hand was horizontally placed, and with a bang, he blocked the oncoming punch.

The body staggered and took two steps back.

Listening to the pursuers getting closer and closer, Otis didn't hesitate at all.

He stopped retreating at his feet and attacked forcefully. He wanted to open the city gate and rush out with his men before the pursuers came.

The giant sword in his hand was swung out one after another, and the sword shadows formed a white barrier in front of him.

But Meiquan is also a melee hero and is proficient in fighting.

His body flashed quickly and he skillfully used the surrounding terrain to dodge all the opponent's moves.

The more this happened, the more anxious Odis became.

The sword in his hand danced faster and faster, but it was still unable to knock down the troll skeleton on the opposite side.

Seeing it, the pursuers were already coming.

Otis suddenly kicked the barricade into a fist, turned around and ran towards the city gate.

With a physical punch, he smashed the flying barricade into pieces with one punch. He rushed forward and blocked Odis in front of him again.

He punched out, forcing you Odis back.

Otis roared, and the giant sword in his hand was lifted up by his right arm and thrown towards the opponent.

The giant sword came out.

Odis instantly took out a scroll and tore it apart suddenly.


The giant flaming snake that had been winding rushed out of the scroll.

After leaping into the sky, he dived and smashed into the skeleton troll in front of him.

The power of this scroll is enough to reach level four magic.

He saw the giant sword flying towards him.

The body of the meat fist retreated laterally.


The flying giant sword rotated and inserted into the door panel of the city gate behind.

And the next second, the giant flaming snake fell from the sky.

It also hit the position next to the meat fist.


The fire snake exploded suddenly, and waves of fire that were half a man's height spread several meters around.

No matter whether it was the undead on either side or the rows of roadblocks, they were all submerged by the wave of fire.

When the flame disappears!

The only two people left in the audience were the meat fist and Otis who were covered in burnt flesh.

The densely packed roadblock equipment around him all disappeared.


The smoke from the fire had just cleared.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the flesh-fist figure burst closer again, and [charged punch] suddenly swung out, hitting his shoulder deeply.

The armor was dented and even his collarbone was broken.

Otis wanted to fight back, and punched again with his meat fist.

It broke his left collarbone again.

His body was firmly trampled to the ground by physical fists, and he lost the ability to continue to fight back.

At this time, the troops from behind quickly ran over.

Rubbing the blackened skull with his fist, "Take it back."

Enter the palace.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scenes around me.

It was like having a long, long dream.

In the past, when Amanda walked here, she would see smiling royal members and girls holding garlands.

You will see corpse witches in robes and ministers loudly praising the queen's glory.

It all seems like it happened yesterday.

At this time, the place was empty, everyone had disappeared, and only myself, who had immortal life, was left.

A casual wave.

The golden liquid flows out quickly.

Following her footsteps, it spread throughout the palace.

The skull chandelier is wrapped into a golden chandelier.

The skeleton sculptures on both sides turned into soldiers in golden armor.

Climb the white jade stone steps.

The Bone Throne turned golden.

The bone incense burner next to the throne turned into a golden crane with its head held high.

Holding the incense burner in his mouth, he concentrated on the incense, and the fragrance of birds wafted out.

Amanda, just sat down on the throne.

Laurana landed in front of the door, folded her wings, and strode in.

After looking around curiously, he slumped down on the chair with a look of weakness.

"No, the sun is coming out."

"You're not afraid of the sun." Amanda said.

"Don't be afraid of returning, don't be afraid. The traditions of the vampire clan must still be preserved." Laurana changed her posture and rested her long legs on the armrest again.

The war gradually ceased, and the smoke that filled the sky gradually dissipated.

The morning sun shines on the earth.

"Where are the others?" Amanda continued.

Laurana said: "They are following orders, taking care of the army, and protecting important buildings and resources. Everything is going smoothly."

"Yeah." Amanda nodded.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door.

Under the supervision of several spirit-binding guards, the Corpse Witch and the Funeral Priest walked in quickly.

When I saw Amanda sitting on the throne.

The corpse witches paused.

Then, he shouted: "Her Majesty the Queen..."

early morning.

The sun shines through the window, casting a golden glow.

Fang Hao opened his eyes and glanced at the watch on the bedside.


It’s already this time.

Turning over and sitting up, he first picked up the Book of Lords and took a look at it.

The battle status of ‘Odis Necropolis’ was not obtained.

However, when turning to the regional channel.

But I found that everyone was discussing the matter of the ‘Odis Necropolis’.

From time to time, two photos of Black Sky's battle were sent out from the channel.

Fang Hao was also curious about the fighting situation.

Then he opened it one by one and looked at it carefully.

The photo was taken at night, and if it weren’t for the good pixels of the Book of Lords, I probably wouldn’t have been able to capture anything.

The first photo was taken facing outside the city.

Densely packed skeleton soldiers were gathering to climb the city wall.

There are also two shots of Bone Dragon and fierce street fighting in the city.

Judging from the angle, he is a time traveler belonging to the Otis camp.

In the photo, there are dense crowds of undead.

It was a dark scene again, which was quite scary.

It can be seen from the photos.

Noire City had already entered the street fighting stage last night.

In other words, Black Point City should have been captured by this time.

Why hasn't Dong Jiayue sent him a message?

But Amanda is really awesome.

We arrived at Black Point City yesterday morning and captured the city in the evening.

Is this city from Zhihu?

Turn off the photo and continue watching other people's chats.

"This night has passed. How is the war on the undead side? It should be over, right?"

"Sieging a city can't be that fast. In ancient battles, it was normal for a city to take a year and a half."

"Your sister is normal. There were heroes with various abilities in ancient times. Were there bone dragons in ancient times? They opened their mouths and kept silent."

"Why don't those big brothers who posted the photos last night come out and post the photos? They won't be captured, right?"

"Yes, I didn't sleep well all night, just waiting to see the news this morning."

"Me too."

"What are you talking about? I missed something. Can anyone explain it to me?"

"It's very simple. There is a boss who lives in the undead area. Two undead parties are fighting over there. The densely packed undead are scary."

The regional channels are all discussing this matter.

But obviously, after the fierce battle last night.

There is no more news about the necropolis.

It seems that Noire City has entered the final stage of processing.

I looked at the World Channel again.

The chat was quickly reversed, and it seemed that no one mentioned anything about the undead and Otis.

Only the people on the regional channel continued to pay attention to this matter.

Still @the people who posted the photos last night were asked to confirm whether they were all slaughtered or subjected to some horrific sacrificial ritual.

When he didn't receive any news from Dong Jiayue, Fang Hao got up and washed up.

Start your own morning exercise routine.

The environment in the city is now very good, just like walking in a park.

There are already bunny girls training at the Black Rock Training Ground.

Hey, hey, hey, punches and kicks, it’s hard to comment on whether it’s powerful or not, but the visual effect is still very pleasing to the eye.

Had breakfast.

Finally received the information from Dong Jiayue.

"Brother Hao, Black Corner City has been captured. Amanda has officially taken over the city and is currently arranging some work in the city."

Fang Hao was actually not surprised by this news.

After all, pictures have been posted before.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "Thank you for your hard work, there are no heroes or casualties, right?"

Dong Jiayue replied, "Commander Meat Fist suffered some burns, but it has no impact. The rest of the people are fine. In the battle, it is mainly ordinary soldiers who rush forward."


But the problem is not big. Undead heroes can be repaired as long as there is no large-scale physical damage.

No one else was injured, which is good news.

"Well, that's good. Did Amanda tell you when to come back?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Dong Jiayue replied, "We just occupied the city, and Amanda is summoning her former ministers."

"Good guy, I summoned my old ministers, just like in the TV series." Fang Hao said.

"No, it's really similar to a TV show."

"Okay, when Amanda is done with it, let me know so that you can go over and add the cemetery to your territory." Fang Hao said.

After occupying a city, you still need to confirm the occupation through the city lord's throne or the king's throne.

Therefore, Fang Hao will have to go there by then.

Moreover, rewards need to be given to those who participated in the battle to encourage time travelers to be willing to participate in the battle.

Otherwise, they will start to grow obscenely, just like themselves, wouldn't they all lie flat?

"I understand, Brother Hao."


Silver Wing City.

Hall of Justice Conference Room.

Leader-Dougherty, Archbishop-Milton, Magister Guild President-Geglia.

The three sat at a round table and discussed the recent border situation.

Dougherty said: "Now the border has gradually calmed down, and all the undead have returned to the border without any further testing."

"We still can't take it lightly. If the Blood Tribe's army fails, Odis is likely to gather forces to attack the border again. We can't withdraw our troops until we confirm who will lose and who will win in Black Point City," Milton said softly.

"Well, I know that too." Dougherty nodded.

Then he continued to ask: "Doesn't the church have any news about the 'necropolis'?"

Ever since Xu Haide's accident, the Federation has lost an important source of intelligence.

What happened to the undead has never been reported again.

This made the three of them feel a little regretful, and they also complained that the bishop on the front line was not doing well and could not even protect a saint.

Milton said: "Xu Haide has always been in contact with the undead, and the contact has been cut off when something happened to him."

But it seemed that the archbishop didn't feel too much disappointed.

"It's a pity Xu Haide." Dougherty sighed slightly, and then said: "It seems that we have to train another time traveler to complete the plan of unifying all the time travelers in the territory."

Grigoria spoke at this time, "Mage Li Rong is a good candidate. He has strong abilities and performed very well in this external battle."

"I've also heard of this Li Rong. He's the boss of Xianmeng Tower. He's really capable. If he can be trusted, he can be a candidate," Dougherty said.

Li Rong is somewhat famous because she often attends balls held by powerful people.

"Indeed, especially this time, the performance is no worse than that of the generals in other cities, but he can be trained." Geglia also strongly recommended it.

If nothing happened to Xu Haide, she would not mention Li Rong.

But now, Xu Haide is dead, and Li Rong is the only one participating in this war. She can also push her own people forward.

"We can do some inspection and see..." Dougherty just started.

The archbishop on the side gently put down his teacup and interrupted the two of them with a smile, "Xu Haide is not dead yet. I think Xu Haide is the more suitable candidate."

Both of them were shocked.

The news coming back from the front line clearly stated that Xu Haide was dead.

A huge scar was cut on his neck, and he was left alone for another night.

How could he not be dead yet?

Seeing the two people's confusion, Milton explained softly, "Of course I have a way to bring him back to life, but it will take some time. The matter of unifying the time-travelers should be carried out according to the original plan."

"Oh, is it so?"

But think about it.

It is actually not difficult to accept that the church spent some money to resurrect the dead.

Milton nodded, "There is something strange about Xu Haide's death. With the ability of the ghost, it is impossible to kill him silently. Don't reveal this matter to anyone yet. When Xu Haide is resurrected, will there be any new clues?"

The two of them were shocked.

What Milton meant was that someone in the Federation used the ghost sneak attack plan to kill Xu Haide.

This is no small thing.

"Uh..., that's fine." Dougherty didn't say much.

Since Xu Haide is fine, it's better to proceed as planned.

As for the killing of Xu Haide.

Neither the Hall of Justice nor the Mages Association said anything.

People who think they are definitely not themselves.

"Okay, then that's the plan. Let's discuss the withdrawal of troops from the front line!"

Blackhorn City.

In a temporary bedroom in the palace.

Amanda stood in front of the bronze mirror of equal height and looked at herself in the mirror.

The mask, crown, and golden armor all turned into golden liquid and penetrated into the space necklace around his neck.

When the whole body is naked, revealing skin like a mummy.

Amanda turned around and no longer looked at herself in the bronze mirror.

On the side, Yaerlin clapped his hands gently.

A row of funeral priests came in outside the door.

Everyone walked in with new masks, crowns, and costumes in their hands. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Start putting these on the queen's body.

Not long after.

After getting dressed, Amanda looked at herself in the mirror again.

The golden royal robe is embroidered with strange and noble undead patterns with fine purple threads.

The thin face, with its new golden mask, shape and lines, reflects the beauty of the woman.

Wearing a gold crown inlaid with precious stones, she holds a scepter in her hand that represents her status as queen.

After staring for a while, he turned around and walked out.

"Let's go and see our old friends."

"Yes, Queen."

A group of undead followed the queen and rushed towards the palace.

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