Half an hour later.

Laurana patted Fang Hao's back gently with her hand and turned her head to avoid him.

Said: "Quick, get up, someone is coming."


Fang Hao was stunned and was about to say, the maid is at the training ground, who can come now.

Laurana had already broken away from the embrace and sat on the chair opposite. She still held it, licking the water marks on her lips and pretending to read it seriously.


There was a dull collision, and the door was pushed open.

Then An Jia and several angry maids rushed in.

Before he could see the person clearly, he shouted loudly: "Who made my parrot look like this? Who...!"

This was followed by a series of chirps from the Red General.

Ah this...!

This is another complaint.

In this main city.

If we want to say who can cause the most trouble, it is An Jia.

When the undead saw it, they walked around.

The man who once overturned the 'Nelson' chessboard.

Although she didn't take much care of the 'Red General', it was still a bird she raised, and it just barely learned how to speak.

Can you not get angry when you see a beautiful parrot being burned into a bald vulture?

Follow the red general and fight all the way here.

After shouting, I saw the situation in the backyard clearly.

Fang Hao and Laurana were both sitting at the stone table.


"Who bullied you?" An Jia asked General Xiang Hong.

The red general flew into the air and shouted "chichi" twice at Laurana.

"Okay, Laurana, it's really you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure had already rushed out.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Laurana and punched her out.


There was a loud bang.

Laurana spread her bat wings and flew directly into the air.

But the chair under the table turned into crumbs under An Jia's punch, flying everywhere.

The other maids who followed An Jia to seek justice were also shocked.

"Anjia, don't push yourself too far!" Laurana's face also darkened.

On weekdays, Anjia was the only one willing to talk to Laurana. It was Anjia who told her about the playground.

"You bullied my parrot, and you said I was trying to push my limits!" An Jia kicked off her feet and stood up again.

He jumped several meters in height and punched Laurana again.

The latter flapped its wings violently, and a strong wind roared.

An Jia, who jumped into the sky, had little strength to begin with. When she encountered this strong wind, she fell directly downwards.

Fang Hao caught it from below, hugged An Jia who was about to go up, and said, "Don't be impulsive. The red general ran into it himself and burned off some of the hair. It will grow back in two days."

"Fart, General Red is so smart, how could he hit the fire!" An Jia didn't believe it at all.

"Really, I gave the flaming weapon I got from killing the demon last time to Laurana. When she was practicing her sword, the Red General took the food in his mouth and got burned." Fang Hao explained hurriedly, for fear that After speaking too slowly, Anjia rushed forward again.

If Laurana goes crazy too, it will be over.

Anjia saw Laurana rising to another height, but she couldn't fly anymore.

He hit Fang Hao on the chest hard, his voice full of grievance, "Just go to her and bully General Red into this."

After saying that, he turned around and left with the bald parrot in his arms.

The maids on the side also snorted coldly into the air and walked out.

"Anjia, no..." Fang Hao wanted to explain, but Anjia and the maids had already walked out of the backyard.

After the person left, he looked back at Laurana in the sky.

The latter also looked ugly and said in a cold voice: "Look at how you spoiled her."

After saying that, he flew away angrily.

Damn it!

Is it all my fault?

Fang Hao stood there, a little confused.

I am a mediator, but why did everyone end up complaining about me?

After the two girls left, the backyard became quiet.

Fang Hao cleaned up the gravel scattered around.

New stone tables and chairs were made to replace the original ones.

Then he went upstairs to see how the two girls were doing.

As expected, both of them had their doors closed.

After whispering a few words of advice at the door, I could only go back to my room to rest.

Before going to bed, I explained to Yin'er about General Hong and asked her to talk to An Jia tomorrow.

This is not that serious.

The next day.

Business Alliance Station No. 032, private room on the second floor of the tavern.

Fang Hao sat at the table, behind him was 'Nisbet' standing with an axe.

On both sides of the table, sat 'Ma Tianyi', his orc hero, and a young and heroic woman.

"Boss, this is the leader of the Straw Hat Navigation Group, Captain Bai Xuanbai." Ma Tianyi introduced with a smile.

Then, he introduced Bai Xuan, "Bai Xuan, this is our boss 'Fang Hao'. You should also know it, so I won't introduce it further."

This morning, had breakfast.

Then I received news from Ma Tianyi.

He said that Bai Xuan contacted him and wanted to get to know him through an introduction and talk about something.

In the morning, Fang Hao had just picked up ‘Spencer’.

I briefly talked to Spencer about the situation in the main city and assigned tasks.

So I brought two 'Nisbitts' to the Merchant Alliance to meet the female leader.

When Ma Tianyi finished his introduction.

Bai Xuan stood up immediately, "Old Fang Hao, I have admired you for a long time. I want to thank you for saving Xu Yuanhang last time."

Fang Hao also stood up. The two shook hands and sat down again.

After a few simple polite words.

Fang Hao asked directly: "Captain Bai Xuan, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Elder brother, just call me Bai Xuan."

Ma Tianyi's alliance was larger than Bai Xuan's, but he was also a subordinate city lord under Fang Hao.

To put it simply, he is a team leader.

Naturally, she was not qualified to act like a group leader.

Bai Xuan continued: "It's like this. Our alliance is in the coastal area and has had frequent conflicts with the Sea Tribe and the Japs recently. We want to buy some weapons and equipment from you."

Weapons and equipment for naval warfare?

Whatever I have, I put it on the store shelves.

There seems to be nothing that is needed in naval battles.

"Well, what do you need?" Fang Hao asked.

"Fireguns and artillery..."


Since Bai Xuan is talking about firecrackers, not rifles.

Then it's a blunderbuss for hitting marbles.

Fang Hao also sold white steel fire guns before, but the sales were not as good as crossbows.

"At sea, isn't black powder afraid of getting wet?" Fang Hao asked.

"We will pay attention to this, but artillery and muskets must be able to increase our firepower at sea." Bai Xuan said immediately.

It seems that when I watched Caribbean movies, it was all about artillery fire.

There should be no problem.

Fang Hao did not answer immediately, but began to think seriously.

There are rifles and revolvers in the territory.

Do you want to provide some to Bai Xuan?

I thought about it for a moment, but quickly rejected the idea.

Rifles and revolvers, once spread, are simply uncontrollable.

will be out of his control.

"How much do you need?" Fang Hao asked.

"Five hundred muskets and fifty artillery pieces." Bai Xuan replied.

Fang Hao nodded and thought about the price.

"How about a fire gun worth 80 war coins for you, and an ordinary field artillery worth 30,000 war coins!"

The dwarves' white steel muskets cost 100 war coins each.

Fang Hao selling her 80 yuan was actually a lot of face.

Bai Xuan still looked a little embarrassed when she heard the price.

"Elder Fang Hao, we don't have that much money..."


Ma Tianyi was also stunned.

All in all, I came here to have sex for free.

In this world, it is not easy for everyone to survive, and all items are clearly marked with a price.

In the channel, everyone was blushing while bargaining for a piece of equipment.

No one would give you equipment for free.

What's more, it's such a large quantity.

"Captain Bai Xuan, that's not how business works." Ma Tianyi spoke first.

If he had known that Bai Xuan planned to have sex for free, he would not have been the middleman.

Bai Xuan explained immediately and said, "Leader Ma, don't worry, listen to me first."

After pondering for a while, he looked at Fang Hao and said: "Brother Fang Hao, I have used all the money to build ships. I really don't have much money in hand, but I can pay with other things. The most commonly used method in the channel is, Isn’t it just an exchange?”

"For example? What can you come up with?"

"We can provide everything that coastal areas can provide, and the price is friendly, which is cheaper than them." Bai Xuan continued.

This reminded Fang Hao of seafood.

The hotpot restaurant in Silver Wing City has opened, and stores in other cities are also under planning.

The Danshui Lake on Fu Lei's side can no longer meet the store's supply.

As a result, several stores only sell seafood hotpot on certain days.

Before, I wanted to buy seafood from Haizu, but now it seems that I can consider cooperating with Bai Xuan.

While she was deep in thought, Bai Xuan waited at the side with a nervous expression.

She wouldn't make such a request if she didn't have to.

I really don’t have any money, but I don’t want to give up the location on the treasure map.

This is all we can do.

Just when she was thinking wildly and getting more and more nervous.

Fang Hao said: "Can you salvage seafood?"

"Ah? Oh, yes, most of the people in the territory are fishermen, so there is no problem at all." Bai Xuan immediately became happy.

Fang Hao nodded and said: "I will provide you with the corresponding firecrackers and artillery, but you must ensure that you provide me with seafood at the corresponding price, and I must ensure the quality."

"Okay, no problem at all." Bai Xuan agreed immediately.

The two of them then discussed the details in detail.

One of them includes the trading function of time travellers.

Fish cannot be traded using the Book of Lords when they are living creatures or corpses.

But as long as the system determines it as food, it can be traded.

After discussing this, the two decided that they could take advantage of it.

At that time, the problem of distance between territories will also be made up.

After discussing the details, the two reached a deal.

Everyone got what they wanted.

Return to territory.

Fang Hao immediately went to the warehouse and took a look at the eliminated white steel firecrackers and green forest firecrackers piled in the corner.

The quantity was counted.

Field artillery and shells were also made.

After adding Bai Xuan as a friend, they all traded.

Also, a time for seafood delivery was agreed upon.

Finished dealing with Bai Xuan's matter.

Fang Hao walked towards the lord's mansion. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Passing by the Blackstone Training Ground.

Then they saw An Jia sitting there glumly on the wooden chair at the door.

Fang Hao walked over, sat down beside her, and put his arm around her shoulder, "Why, are you still angry?"

An Jia shook off his hand and turned her head to the side.

Fang Hao moved forward again and said immediately: "Last night, before you came, I had a quarrel with Laurana."

"You fart, I went in and you two were sitting there!" An Jia turned around with disbelief on her face.

"No, I was the first one the Red General came to find. I had a big quarrel with Laurana at that time. What a parrot, I just burned my bald head. Is that what happened?" Fang Hao said seriously! He slapped his thigh and said angrily.

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