Bai Xuan's territory.

All the members looked at the muskets and artillery piled up in the open space.

There was joy on his face.

Xu Yuanhang stroked a cannon and said: "With these guys, we will definitely be able to look good to those little devils."

"Yes, there are also these blazing guns, which can scare them to death."

Then, someone else asked: "Leader, did you buy this from the dwarves? It costs a lot of money to buy so much, right?"

The league is desperately poor right now.

Every day, Bai Xuan only exchanged some meat cakes from the store to eat.

All the money was used to buy materials and build several high-quality ships.

It was also by relying on these sea ships that we could withstand the attacks of the fishmen and detect information.

Bai Xuan looked at everyone with excited faces and said, "These are all from Fang Hao on credit!"

Everyone who was playing with the firecrackers was stunned.

Fang Hao? Credit?

Didn't you buy it from the dwarves?

"Sister Xuan, what's going on?" Xu Yuanhang asked.

Bai Xuan immediately told everyone about the affairs in the Merchant Alliance in general.

In other words, these weapons were all obtained on credit from Fang Hao, and they would be paid back slowly with seafood in the future.

Bai Xuan continued: "After returning, we began to arrange for manpower to train guns and artillery. At the same time, we asked fishermen to salvage seafood in the offshore area and repay Fang Hao's debt."

"Okay, Sister Xuan." Everyone agreed.

In fact, this is nothing.

Being able to give them weapons in advance is already a great honor.

No one else would trust them so much.

Everyone nodded in agreement, received the weapons in batches, and went back to training and arranging manpower to go fishing in the sea.

"Really?" An Jia looked at him seriously.

"Of course it's true!" Fang Hao hugged An Jia's waist and continued: "At that time, Laurana also knew that she had made a mistake, and she said she was sorry for you, being so good to you, and even gave your parrot to you. Burned."

"Can she say that?" An Jia didn't believe it.

Fang Hao said seriously: "I wouldn't have believed it before, but haven't you noticed that Laurana has changed a lot? She didn't talk to anyone before, and now she still meets with the undead to draw design drawings and so on!"

"That's true."

"Now the Dragon Clan is eyeing us, and we still hope that she will be in charge of the main city. Then we will give 'Red General' some nutrition, and the bald spot will grow back in two days." He patted his waist gently, "You too The owner here, please let her order, okay?"

An Jia struggled, thought for a while and said, "Then we'll see what happens!"

In fact, Anjia is still very easy to coax.

If you get angry today, you may forget it in two days.

It's obviously relaxed a lot now.

"Yeah, we Anjia are the best behaved."

He held her in his arms and kissed her twice.

Anjia's already wheat-colored skin suddenly turned red.

The two of them made out for a while at the door.

An Jiacai stood up, happily entered the training ground, and followed the maids to continue training.

Return to the Lord's Mansion.

Fang Hao didn't see Laurana.

Just as he sat down beside him, the skeleton merchant Duo Jin walked in immediately.

"Lord!" 'Duo Jin' held the scepter in one hand and saluted slightly.

"Well, what's wrong with Duo Jin?"

Duo Jin stood in the middle of the hall with no intention of taking a seat.

He said directly: "Sir, I came here this time to deliver you the slave contract I received. I also want to ask you to increase the number of merchants."

With that said, he took two steps forward and handed the slave contract into Fang Hao's hand.

Slave contracts are actually not a rare thing.

But for a long time, the territory was not used and there was no storage.

Fang Hao took it and counted it. There were 4 contracts in total, and the remaining ones would be purchased.

"Are there not enough manpower now?" Fang Hao continued to look at Duojin.

"Yes, sir, the business of the Merchant Alliance is very good now. Even if we don't need a break, the manpower is not enough." Duo Jin replied.

Fang Hao nodded, "Okay, let's go, let's go directly to recruit people."

"Yes, sir."

The two of them left the lord's mansion together and headed to the merchant alliance building.

In the building, 505 skeleton merchants were recruited in one go and handed over to Duojin.

We also went to the living area of ​​the undead and built large buildings for daily rest.

Um..., rest is not the right word.

It should be said that it is used.

After dealing with the skeleton merchant.

Fang Hao walked directly towards the blood prison.

The blood prison was still damp and dim.

This place is guarded by the 'Blackthorn', and dozens of 'Nisbet' heroes are arranged to guard each cage.

Once a dragon tries to break free, send it to the west immediately.

Fang Hao walked slowly down the stone steps.

"Sir." Blackthorn and several Nisbets bowed slightly.

"Well, let me go in and take a look." Fang Hao said.

Blackthorn nodded and entered the cage with several Nisbitts.

In the cage, the silver dragon 'Beate' was still tightly bound, but his face was paler and he looked weaker.

"Beate!" Fang Hao shouted.

Beate closed her eyes and did not respond or look at him.

Fang Hao continued: "Someone just told me that the injuries of several of the captured dragons are getting worse. If they continue, they will die soon."

Hearing these words, Beate's eyes suddenly opened and she glared at him angrily.

"What do you want?" Beate asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm also hesitating whether to save them or to continue the stalemate." Fang Hao said.

Beate took a deep breath and continued: "I'll stay, you can let them go!"

"Beate, do you think this is just playing house? You attacked my city and killed tens of thousands of my troops, and you want me to let them go directly!" Fang Hao's tone became much louder.

The blood prison was empty and silent, and the conversation between the two could be transmitted to every cage.

Both the dragon clan and Eregon, who was still imprisoned, could hear clearly.

"They are going to die. If you don't let them go, they will die." Beate shouted again heartbreakingly.

"Yes, I know." Fang Hao took a deep breath, "I can't let the enemy leave. For your sake, please discuss it. If you can make me feel that there is no danger, I will arrange for people to treat those who are seriously injured. , if it doesn’t work, then there’s nothing I can do.”

"You..." Beate was even more flustered, but couldn't say anything.

Fang Hao felt that these were enough and said, "Okay, you guys can discuss it. I will be here tomorrow morning."

After saying that, he exited the first cage directly.

Just wanted to leave.

From deep inside, Eregon's voice came.

"Mr. Fang Hao, when will you let me out? I don't pose any threat to you." Erigang said immediately.

It was cold and damp here, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Fang Hao glanced at the dark depths of the dungeon.

It was also impossible to see which cage Erigon was being held in.

"I will let you out when I need you."

"Mr. Fang Hao, Mr. Fang Hao, you have to provide food. I haven't had a meal since I was imprisoned." Eregon continued to shout.

Fang Hao paused.

He glanced at Black Thorn. The undead guards the blood prison. Didn't he give him food?

"Blackthorn, provide him with two meals a day."

"It's my lord." Black Jing nodded in agreement.

After explaining, he walked out, and Erigon's thanks came from behind.

Fang Hao did not directly choose the dragon contract.

In the case of strong will conflict, the contract cannot be completed.

Otherwise, anyone with a contract can catch slaves on the streets.

This is more like a contract. The contract is only completed if the other party agrees.

Fang Hao said so much to Beate because he wanted her to persuade those dragons not to resist if they could avoid death.

Night falls.

Return to the Lord's Mansion.

I met Laurana in her room.

It’s still the same blue dress from last night.

Seeing that the other party didn't object to him, he entered the room, sat down by the bed, and asked with a smile: "Why are you still angry? An Jia has a childish personality, but you don't have the same experience as her."

Laurana leaned on the bedside, crossed her legs, and looked at him, "What do you want to say?"

Fang Hao came forward, put her long legs on his knees, and said, "I told An Jia just now that she misunderstood you. General Hong accidentally bumped into her."

Laurana did not stop the other person's movements, and moved her leg back to his lap, saying, "What, An Jiaxin?"

"It's true! Why don't you believe it?"

"Huh! I believe it. You made it up, too." Laurana said as if I don't understand you yet.

Fang Hao did not deny it, "Okay, An Jia is not angry anymore, so don't worry about it. She is young and grew up in an orc tribe, so let her be."

"Well, I understand!" Laurana's cold face showed no expression.

Fang Hao was stunned.

Although the tone of her answer was dull, she agreed so readily.

It still surprised him.

It's a good thing to be able to coax her, and I don't want to say too much, lest I say something wrong and have to explain myself again.

He smiled slightly, took her hand, and pulled her into his arms.

At the same time, block the other person's mouth.

Laurana dodged twice, but was finally blocked.

The two kissed for a while.

Fang Hao blinked and went to Shuyuan and said, "I'll stay tonight!"

Laurana frowned slightly, and a look of hesitation appeared on her cold and beautiful face.

Looking at him carefully, he said, "Do you want me?"


Hearing these words, his cold face became a little more rosy.

I looked at the door and saw that there was no one there.

He turned over and sat up, pushed Fang Hao down on the bed, lifted up his skirt and sat directly on his waist.

Fang Hao was startled. Is it necessary to be so forceful about this kind of thing?

Under the hem of the skirt is the best-selling Yelan stockings, which are silky and soft when touched.

A slight twist of the waist only makes people feel warm and unspeakable.

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