Next, there are some blue drawings.

Fang Hao opened it and took a look.

[Classic Scale Armor Set] Level 3 defense.

[Effect: Physical defense +5%, magic defense +3%. 】

[Classic Halberd] is also a blue weapon.

It's a mediocre weapon, but it doesn't have much special features.

After reading several drawings, I included them in the Book of Lords.

Even though I got the orange architectural drawings, I still felt a little regretful.

This map is obviously related to the mammoth construct. Perhaps it is just like what the old man "Elro" said, the blueprint is sealed in the sarcophagus.

It just took too long, let alone a blueprint.

Even the armors and weapons of the mud servant guards were rotten.

Now, the only hope is to find a leather hand-drawn map in the sarcophagus. The traveler cannot include it, and I don't know much about this area yet.

The owner of the cemetery is buried in this area.

The location of the map should not exceed this range.

After all, there are boundaries between races, and it is actually very difficult to hide in someone else's territory.

Then let's see if anyone living here can determine the location on the map.

If it doesn't work, just issue the commission, I don't believe no one will know.

Sitting on a chair, I pondered for a while.

Fang Hao opened the Lord's Book again and opened the "Barracks Synthesis Drawing".

Now, there are three composite pictures of barracks left in my hand, and I just got another orange barracks today.

First synthesize one and get the camp out.

The design blueprint unfolded before my eyes, and familiar prompts also appeared.

[Please select the drawings that need to be combined into the barracks]

After thinking for a while, I directly chose the two barracks blueprints [Rock Mud Swamp] and [Wild Tomb].

Same as before.

After selecting the drawing, the attributes of the arms are also displayed.

[Mud Servant Guard (Tenth Level)] → [Unnamed] ← [Bone Giant (Tenth Level)]

[Faction: Elemental]→[Unconfirmed]←[Faction: Undead]

[Racial characteristics: elemental body, earth element body, construct concept, guard] → [Unconfirmed (up to five items)] ← [Racial characteristics: undead, hollow skeleton, light weakness, giant body, terrifying face. 】

[Skills: Slam, Straight Thrust, Regeneration, Law of Courage, Mud Swamp] → [Unconfirmed (maximum six)] ← [Skills: Iron Whip, Sky Collapse. 】

[Inherent skills:; Advanced Combat Mastery, Advanced Halberd Mastery, Advanced Heavy Armor Mastery, Advanced Earth Element Mastery. 】→【Unconfirmed】←【Advanced Combat Mastery, Advanced Iron Whip Mastery. 】

The attributes of clay servants are somewhat special.

Belonging to the elemental camp, it is not a living being, but belongs to the category of elemental bodies.

With the experience of the first two times, I will be more proficient this third time.

Start selecting directly

In terms of "camp", Fang Hao first chose the undead, and then chose the elemental body.

However, the two attributes are not compatible.

If you choose undead, you cannot choose elemental bodies. If you choose elements, you cannot choose hollow skeletons.

In other words, you can only choose one of these two.

[Elemental Body]: This unit is an elemental body and does not accept resurrection, sacrifice, blindness, hypnosis, disease, hunger and other status or magic effects.

[Earth Element Body]: No fatal weakness, immune to the negative status of the earth element, abundant earth element, all attributes +20%.

[Construct Concept]: Living construct structure, will not collapse, immune to terror, psychic, mental states or magic effects.

[Guard]: garrisoned state, attack power +15%,

After reading the characteristics of the clay servant, Fang Hao frowned.

How do you feel that this clay servant is a unit that was synthesized once?

"Elemental body" immunity

Blindness, hypnosis, disease, and hunger cannot take effect unless the state of the creature is affected.

Next, there is another "construct concept", which immunizes the mind and spirit effects.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like it has been artificially processed.

But in this way, it is actually no worse than the undead.

After understanding.

General Fang Hao chose the element directly.

[Faction: Element]

The moment you click in, the "element body" in the characteristics below is automatically added.

Then continue to select features, one can select five items.

Among the characteristics of the Bone Giant.

[Wild Giant]: Ancient wild giant, physical defense +35%, magic resistance +30%.

[Fearful Face]: A huge undead unit that has a chance of causing panic, confusion, and inability to move to living beings.

Elemental bodies and horrified faces cannot be added.

Therefore, the five characteristics are also a good choice.

[Racial characteristics: elemental body, earth elemental body, construct concept, guard, wild giant]

After selecting the characteristics, there are skills, of which you can choose six in total.

After a brief glance, he made his choice directly.

[Skills: Slam, Direct Stab, Regeneration, Law of Courage, Mud Swamp, Sky Collapse. 】

[Slam]: Slam the enemy, causing an additional 50% weapon damage.

[Direct Stab]: Quickly stab, causing an additional 75 piercing damage to the target enemy, accuracy +15%.

[Regeneration]: The earth element body can repair itself when conditions are met.

[Law of Courage]: Increases own attack and attack speed by 25%.

[Muddy Swamp]: An earth spell that can temporarily form a swamp in the target area, slowing down/restricting the target's movement.

[Celestial Collapse]: Strike the front area violently and cause an explosion.

The six skills are all pretty good and have their own functions.

The only thing not chosen is [Iron Whip]: The iron chain hits the target, causing an additional 50% critical damage.

Also weapon type damage.

The reason why I didn't choose this one is that the skill bar is full, and the second point is that swinging the iron whip requires a certain range.

For the human sea tactic, it may not be effective.

There is simply no choice.

The last "Intrinsic Skills" are not easy to choose from, so I added them all.

[Inherent skills: advanced combat proficiency, advanced halberd proficiency, advanced heavy armor proficiency, advanced earth element proficiency, advanced iron whip proficiency. 】

After selecting the skills, there is still one remaining step to name.

It’s no longer as confusing as the previous two times. The name is pretty much the same.

After thinking for a moment, he directly entered [Giant Servant Guard].

The blueprint flashed.

System prompts also appeared immediately.

[Combined unit: Giant mercenary guard (tenth level)]

[You create a new unit building]

[Unlock the blueprint: Construction blueprint of the giant mercenary guard camp]

Three prompts appear, indicating that the drawings were successfully synthesized.

It's still level ten.

I don’t know how to reach the level of myth.

The third drawing is completed.

This means that the camp task has been completed. As long as it is built, you can confirm that you have built your own camp.

This solves the problem of being unable to obtain recruitment materials.

Come to the military camp area.

Open the drawing and select Build directly.

While waiting anxiously, the orange light flashed, the construction was completed, and the system prompt appeared again.

[Barracks Building: Giant Mercenary Guards Barracks, construction completed. 】

[In your territory, build new buildings, and the recruitment will belong to the current camp. 】

[You are in a campless state, trigger

Faction tasks. 】

There was a slight pause for two seconds.

The next one comes up again.

[The camp mission is completed and you can build a new camp yourself. 】

[You can "name" the camp here. 】

At this point, the prompt has stopped.

The name should be simple and easy to remember, and the meaning should be better and more domineering.

Regarding the naming of the camp, we have actually discussed it with the heroes before.

But the names of the heroes are somewhat related to their own race.

It's nothing more than adding a few more words and changing the way of saying it.

In the end, Fang Hao decided directly to choose between "Celestial Dynasty" and "God's Kingdom".

The Celestial Dynasty was quite domineering even though it was influenced by the previous culture. The only difference was that it was somewhat similar to the "Holy Dynasty" of the lizard people.

Holy Dynasty and Heavenly Dynasty, to some extent, mean the same thing.

The name "Kingdom of Gods" has no origin, but the "Empire of the Gods" was mentioned in the archaeological history written by the elves.

Of course, "Empire of the Gods" is the name given by archaeologists, and they are the Empire of Giants.

Fang Hao's divine power, Laurana's divine power, and even his rapid improvement are all related to the giant gods.

[In view of the general environment,

After much thought, I still decided to choose "God's Kingdom".

There is another reason. Fang Hao has now become a god and is the only god left in the mortal world.

It makes sense that my country is called the Kingdom of God.

Start first, if it doesn’t work, change it later.

After thinking about it, he went to the "Kingdom of God" in the sky where he renamed it.

[The camp was named successfully, the current camp is "Kingdom of God". 】

[You can "name" the camp recruitment materials here. 】

Damn it, the recruitment materials still need to be named.

Fang Hao was too lazy to think about it.

Just name it "Tiger Talisman".

I remember that tiger talismans were used to mobilize troops in ancient times, but the functions of recruiting troops were actually similar.

So he named it Hu Fu directly.

[Faction recruitment materials, named successfully, current material name is "Tiger Talisman". 】

[The camp construction is completed, and the area it belongs to will automatically divide the camp range. 】


A ray of light rose from the entire main city.

The Book of Lords on his waist has also begun to change.

Previously, after being kicked out of the undead camp, the Book of Lords had turned into an ordinary brown cover.

Now the whole thing changes again.

The eyes on the surface tend to be dark purple, and some patterns such as thunder, flames, and water patterns also appear on the surface.

It has become more gorgeous and beautiful.

Turn to the first page.

[Exclusive camp: Kingdom of God]

[Faction attributes: Blessed land, where all races coexist. 】

[Blessed Land: The territory of this camp, population reproduction +35%, food/industry +20%, disaster probability -20%. 】

[Coexistence of all races: There are many races in this camp's territory, and it accepts and tolerates many races and beliefs. It can build "camp buildings" that have been added to the territory's camp. 】

New attributes have appeared.

Needless to say, Blessed Land has added various required attributes.

The second point is the coexistence of all races, which means that the races in our territory are relatively mixed.

Humans, look for Shuyuan Dwarves, trolls, orcs, undead, etc. all live here.

The benefit is that the race joins the territory.

Faction buildings will no longer be restricted.

That is to say, after I become the "Kingdom of God" camp, buildings of these races can be built.

For time travellers, this is really powerful.

No waiting for joy.


The prompt appears again.

[Congratulations, lord, for becoming the first lord of a self-created camp. Rewards are being distributed to you... 】

Damn it.

Will I not survive tomorrow?

What a good thing, they all came together.

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