[Congratulations, lord, for becoming the first lord to establish a camp. 】

[Reward distribution: influence of all camps +2500, all-seeing territory sandbox (red), divine crown (dark gold), exclusive mint building drawings (orange), Divine Blessing Barracks synthetic drawings +2,, Tiger Talisman +550, flames of war Coin+2000.]

As the system sound stops, new rewards appear again.

The first reward actually reached the ‘red’ level.

The quality of this reward is not low.

[Comprehensive Territory Sandbox (Red)]

[Category: Sand table]

[Ability: Bind the territory to fully reveal the territory’s landforms and town buildings. 】

(Description: A sand table endowed with magical power, showing the entire territory at all times.)

It's said to be a sand table, but it's just a transparent glass bottle in your hand.

The transparent bottle body allows you to see the fine sand churning inside.

Just like the magnetic sand that was once popular on the Internet, it is constantly gathering and scattering.

"What the hell... is this a sand table?"

There is a sand table in the Lord's Mansion.

And he was not small, so every time he was assigned a task, he would be pushed to the middle of the hall.

But this thing in my hand is also a sandbox?

It's more like the sand that a child brings back from going to the beach.

Play around with it, Bo! With a sound, he uncorked the bottle.

Pour some of the boiling fine sand inside into the palm of your hand.

Just after pouring some of it, with a whoosh, the fine sand spread out instantly.

The seemingly small amount of fine sand spread out over a large area in an instant, and then mountains and rivers, as well as cities and affiliated villages and towns within the territory were condensed on the fine sand.

Fang Hao's eyes widened a bit when he saw the sand table that suddenly appeared.

His eyes fell on the 'City of Lysis', and he just wanted to see more clearly.

The entire sand table collapsed in an instant, and the separate 'City of Lysis' was reassembled.

The City Lord's Mansion, the Commercial Street, the Hall of Justice, the Magic Association, and the Alchemy Association are under construction.

Even among the soldiers and people walking on the street, there are also small people condensed in fine sand, moving on the street.

I thought about taking a closer look at the little walking figure.

The entire street was enlarged again, and the sandman's model became more refined. From the human outline of the model lake, the outline of armor and weapons appeared.

Good guy, this item is really powerful.

Fang Hao tried again to see if he could use the sand table to knock down the buildings in the city or build something.

But it was not successful. It seems that the role of the sand table is limited to showing the landforms of the territory.

Of course, it’s already amazing to see residents walking around.

If someone attacks the territory in the future, they can be discovered immediately through the sand table.

It can be considered a very practical treasure.

I was thinking about how to get the sand back.

The spread of fine sand returned to the glass bottle like water.

The operation of the sand table is completely controlled by thoughts.

No wonder, the rating reached red.

Just put the cork on the bottle.

Put it away carefully.

This sand table is a good thing.

The second item is a black crown.

I don’t know why this color feels so unlucky.

[Crown of God (dark gold)]

[Category: Crown]

[Effects: All attributes of the 'Kingdom of God' troops +25%, people's faith +10%, territory security +8%, divine blessing (must be in the royal city/main city to take effect). 】

[Divine Blessing]: The blessing effect of the gods is increased by 50%.

(Description: A suitable crown will make you more majestic.)

The effect of the crown is quite good.

Various attributes in the territory have been greatly increased.

The subsequent divine blessing also directly increases the effect of the divine blessing by 50%.

Of course, there are not many gods left in the territory now.

After reading the first two, the third is a drawing.

[Exclusive Mint: Hard Tough Wood 2200...,...Red Flame Essence 5, Magic Essence 2.]

(Description: Can produce camp-exclusive currency.)

It seems that the system rewards are all props and drawings for the camp.

But it’s exactly what’s needed now.

This drawing is of a currency foundry, a factory that made gold and silver coins.

Within the territory, there is also a mint that can produce undead and human currency.

Today's individual reward should be the currency of your own camp.

Exclusive camp currency, in fact, there is no rush.

Even if it is produced now, what is the use of our own currency?

Not many people in the market know it, and they may even mistake it for counterfeit money.

Therefore, mainstream currencies are still the main currency.

After reading the three rewards, the following ones are two 'barracks synthesis drawings' and 550 tiger charms.

Tiger Talisman was the name he gave to the recruitment materials.

It is completely different from the ancient Tiger Trooping Talisman. It is just a long gray-white stone.

The blueprints are collected, and the other rewards are also stored in the storage space.

It can be said that the harvest this time is really rich.

Not only did he solve the camp's problems, he also received so many rewards.

The overall strength of the entire territory has been improved.

Now, the camp problem is solved.

You can also continue to recruit troops through a hundredfold increase.

Just the amount of recruiting material….

Now, all the cities in the entire territory are very stable, and there is really no battle to obtain this kind of material.

I don’t know if there are still bandits around the cities now.

Exit the barracks area.

Then he saw the maids wearing thin vests running towards the outside of the city.

He must have just finished training, and there are still traces of sweat on his clothes and back.

Running playfully, waves of flesh rolling.

"What's wrong?" Fang Hao asked curiously.

The maid ran outside and shouted, "Anjia, there's a big monster riding outside. Let's go take a look."


It turns out to be a mammoth!

Anjia is almost a child.

Watching the maids running away, Fang Hao also walked out.

Check to see if there is any danger. With the size of a mammoth, be sure not to step on anyone.

Come to the playground outside the city.

At this time, there were already many people gathered, including not only maids, but also harpies, undead craftsmen, Beate, Milly and other heroes.

No wonder, the city feels empty. It turns out we are watching a show here.

I saw Anjia let the mammoth put down several maids, rolled up a few others with its trunk and put them on its back, and then started running around the artificial lake.

In the distance, you can still hear the excited screams of the maids.

Fang Hao looked at the mammoth for a while.

This huge construct is really a little different.

Even if you ride on your back and run along the road, your feet will avoid some objects on the road.

Especially people on the road will be careful to avoid them.

Seeing all the maids having so much fun with the mammoth, he even doubted whether this thing could fight.

The original intention of the design was to use camels for sightseeing?

Fang Hao didn't stay here too long. After seeing that there was no danger, he turned back to the Lord's Mansion.

The night wind brought warmth, and the luminous stones and the cold moonlight intertwined with the bright brilliance.

Fang Hao patted his lower back and came out of the maid's dormitory.

Walking casually in the city.

Without sleep, sometimes I really don’t know what to do.

Just wander around.

When we came to the industrial area, it was still the pavilion with the best location.

In the quiet pavilion, a tall woman was wearing a golden dress, with her plump breasts stretched out.

The golden dragon horns reflect the light, and under the hem of the skirt, black silk wraps her round and beautiful legs.

"Hello everyone at the playground, where did you get it?" the Dragon Queen asked after taking a sip of wine.

Sure enough, it caught the Dragon Queen's attention.

Fang Hao sat down aside, poured himself a glass of wine like last time, and said casually: "It seems to be an ancient structure obtained in an ancient tomb."

"It's quite beautiful."

"It's fake. I saw it. It's just a layer of gold plating, a layer of gold on the surface, and a layer of iron underneath!" Fang Hao glanced at Queen Long.

"Oh? Really! I don't think it's fake."

"Um..., when I have the drawings in the future, I will give you a real gold one." Fang Hao promised directly.

"Ha!" The Dragon Queen smiled and continued, "The subsequent troubles for the God of Deception are almost over. Do you have any other plans?"

Fang Hao took a sip of wine and took this opportunity to analyze the meaning of her words.

It seemed that she was about to return to Longding Mountain without any valid reason.

There is really nothing going on here.

"For the development of the territory, as I said last time, it will be steadily improved. The external situation will be targeted at some hostile demigods and gods to improve our own godhead." Fang Hao put down his wine glass and said directly.

"Enhance your godhood?" The Dragon Queen murmured, then she felt something was wrong and asked in surprise: "Do you still have hostile gods?"

"It's not really hostile, it's just that he tricked me when I was facing a crisis."


Fang Hao smiled and waved his hand, "Hey~! You can't talk about the names of gods randomly."

"You think you have a sense of humor?"

Fang Hao's face suddenly became serious, he looked directly into the other person's eyes and said, "Dragon Queen, we are considered friends of life and death. We have some foundation of trust in each other. Only by uniting us is the fastest way to improve our godhood."

The Dragon Queen frowned suddenly and avoided the other party's gaze.

After thinking for a moment, he relaxed his frown.

"Okay, I understand, let someone clean up this place."

After that, he stood up and left.

Fang Hao did not stand up, but picked up his wine glass and drank while reading the Book of Lords. Everyone in the channel was chatting and arguing.

Had breakfast.

Light flashed and a map was exchanged.

[Map: One-Eyed Skull Island]

Early in the morning, he started looking for targets in the World Channel.

Finally found a map that someone was selling. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

There is no way, the camp's problem has been solved, but the camp's recruitment materials still need to be obtained through battles.

He didn't want to destroy the peace around the territory, so he could only find some adventure maps on the traveler's side.

It doesn't matter what you fight, as long as you can get some recruiting materials.

After collecting the map, the location on the map will be revealed in the large map of the Book of Lords.

Ocean area, west of Rainbow Pearl Island.

A documented island.

After confirming the position, stand up directly.

After walking out of the Lord's Mansion, he said to Nisbitt at the door: "Let the four black-armored sisters, Demitga, Beate, and Beyahhu, bring their own equipment and prepare to go out to fight."

"Yes, sir."

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