On the sea, the sky and water meet, and the sunset flows.

The seabirds circled the sea, looked at the giant ship approaching in the distance, cried a few times, turned around and fled into the distance.

The giant ship moved slowly on the sea, accompanied by pods of dolphins on both sides.

From time to time it jumped out of the sea and made a few crisp calls.

With the blessing of the Poseidon, the sailing speed is not only fast, but every sea area is escorted by sea beasts.

Riding the wind and waves all the way, smooth and smooth.

Fang Hao stood at the bow of the ship, still looking ahead, "This journey is quite peaceful. If you walk this far on land, you may not encounter a few waves of bandits."

The snake girl Beiyehu stood side by side and whispered: "There are also a lot of pirates. They will hang around the trade routes and it is difficult to meet them in other places."

The sea is vast and it is not on the shipping route. You may not meet other people during the first half of the voyage.

So it is normal not to meet pirates.

Of course, Biyahu thought it was a good thing not to encounter pirates, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Fang Hao expressed some pity.

I really want to meet a few pirate ships and have a chance to get some recruiting materials.

"I just hope that there will be more enemies at the destination." Fang Hao sighed.

Before setting off from the Sea Clan Port, Fang Hao also learned about the situation on Skull Island from the 'Sea King'.

According to Neptune, Skull Island still has some reputation.

To put it simply, it is a gathering place for pirates.

The sea is vast and naturally there are many pirates.

Humans, orcs, sea people, etc. all have pirates.

The supplies obtained by these pirates were difficult to sell through formal channels, so Skull Island was created.

Skull Island is where pirates sell their stolen goods.

Of course, if it can deter these pirates, Skull Island's own strength will not be too weak.

Biyehu smiled but did not respond.

As a lord, she couldn't figure out what she wanted to do, and she suddenly wanted to fight pirates.

I also hope that there won’t be too few people there.

I don’t understand….

Jingle Bell!

The copper bell was rung, and then a shout came from the observation deck, "Fleet found on the left front, hoist the pirate flag."

After becoming a god, all five senses are improved.

Looking to the front and left, I can still only see a small dot of Mo Lake.

Take out the binoculars and look again.

I saw a fleet of ships in the distance, a total of five ships, with uniform pirate flags hanging on their masts.

A python with red eyes on a black background.

On the deck of the pirate ship, dozens of orcs dressed as pirates escorted a slave with shackled hands and feet to the edge of the deck.

The sharp dagger cut the slave's throat, and the blood flowed into the sea water, dyeing it red.

As the pirates laughed, the corpse was thrown into the sea and eaten clean by sea monsters who smelled blood.

At this time, the people on the pirate ship also discovered the giant ship here.

He stopped killing the slaves and looked over here while shouting.

Put down the telescope.

Demitga, Beate and several other heroes were already standing aside.

Waiting for Fang Hao's next plan.

The others were okay, Beate was looking at him with big eyes, full of expectation.

Probably, it was the first time I met a pirate, so I was somewhat curious.


He coughed lightly and said: "Beate, take the bone dragon to destroy the pirate ship in the distance. The slaves on the ship are not in danger, so you don't need to kill them."

"Understood!" Beate shouted excitedly, turned around and ran towards the bottom of the deck.

Not long after, a gap opened in the side of the giant ship.

The beautiful and shiny silver dragon, along with the densely packed bone dragons, headed towards the left front in an overwhelming manner.

In the distance, after seeing groups of dragon-like creatures, the deck of the pirate ship fell into panic.

Some were running around, screaming loudly, and some were waving machetes in their hands, trying to give orders.

In the chaos, the ship turned around little by little, preparing to escape into the distance.



The howling wind sounded, and the silver-white dragon passed by. The huge dragon's mouth spit out silver-white dragon breath and swept along the hull.

Groups of bone dragons followed closely behind.

The dragon's breath poured on the deck over and over again. The pirates howled and fled, being swallowed up by the dragon's breath and turned into a pile of bones.

The ship burst into flames, and the smoke was like dark clouds, covering the sky.

The hull of the ship began to break gradually in the flames, and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

Under the sea, countless sea clan undead were hovering around the sunken ship.

The halberd in his hand pierced the struggling pirates who fell into the water.

The desert of the dead, the city of ashes.

In the dimly lit dungeon corridor, well-equipped undead guards strode in carrying meals.

With a clang, the cage was opened.

Place the dinner on the greasy table.

"Miss Clelando, the food is still hot. Eat it as soon as possible." After the undead said this, he turned around and left.

"Tomorrow?" Kerry Orlando said suddenly, his voice a little hoarse.

"To be precise, it's the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is your transformation ceremony. In fact, there are many time travelers who want to perform the ceremony. You can be more liberal." The undead's comfort was a bit stiff.

It is a strange thing in itself for the undead to comfort living beings not to be afraid of death.

Not only travelers, there are also many creatures who come to the Desert of the Dead every year through connections, seeking eternal life.

But there are many kinds of transformation.

There is a clear difference between the undead who have wealth and the hard workers who are oppressed.

Kerry Orlando, a sinner transformed into the undead, will apparently be the second.

By then, it’s hard to say whether the soul fire exists or not.

For eternity, he can only become a coolie skeleton working non-stop.

"Didn't my people come to see me?" Cle Orlando hesitated and asked in a low voice.

"As far as I know, I should have looked for it, but it obviously didn't work." The undead replied.


After sighing slightly, he stopped talking.

The undead locked the cage again, and the crisp footsteps gradually faded away.

Clylando was silent for a while, then swatted away the flies that had gathered on the table, picked up the tasteless food, put it to his mouth and ate it, while stuffing it into his mouth, big teardrops fell to the ground. Lose.

"Are you 'Kerry Orlando'?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind.

Clelando's body suddenly trembled, and the food in his hand, which he had not eaten even two bites of, fell directly to the ground.

The body quickly retreated to one side, leaned against the wall, and looked to the opposite side warily.

I saw that in the dark corner, the shadow began to twist and deform, and a slim woman wearing leather armor slowly walked out.

"You..., who are you?" Kerry Orlando asked nervously.

If she wasn't going to die the day after tomorrow, she might have yelled for someone to let the guards outside hear what was going on inside.

"Don't be nervous. I'm a hero under Lord Fang Hao. I'm here to find a way to rescue you." The woman in the shadow gave a brief introduction, and then sat down on the bed covered with thatch.

The woman who appeared in the shadow was naturally Xiaoyou who was responsible for the rescue mission.

However, finding someone was not smooth.

This city was unfamiliar to them, and there was more than one dungeon.

It wasn't until tonight that Xiaoyou hid in the shadow of the food delivery guard and entered the dungeon.

Also found ‘Kerry Orlando’.

Hearing the strange woman's words, 'Clea Orlando' was stunned for a moment, then he felt happy and exclaimed: "You said Mr. Fang Hao, let you come and save me..."

"If you speak louder, it might be more difficult to save you."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kerry Orlando realized his mistake and immediately apologized.

She has been locked up in this dark and damp dungeon for half a month.

I thought I could leave just by looking up and down.

But she didn't expect that the matter was more serious than she thought.

Just now, when she heard that she was going to die, she was already in despair.

I plan to become a dead ghost after eating enough.

But hope appeared again. Fang Hao, who had only two sides, arranged for someone to rescue her.

Xiaoyou looked at 'Kelly Orlando', whose tears were falling down, and continued: "The day after tomorrow, what time will you perform the transformation ceremony? Tell me the detailed route and location."

"Oh okay!" Kerry Orlando wiped away tears and began to speak softly.

The sky became darker and darker, and the ships lit up with bright flames.

At sea, the battle against the pirate fleet did not last long.

Whether it was Beate or a group of bone dragons, they completely formed an overwhelming advantage.

Densely packed sea clan undead were surrounding the sunken ship, hunting down the pirates who had fallen into the water.

Tear them to pieces.

Then, he kept going back and forth between the giant ship and the sea to salvage all the items.

"Sir, the spoils of war have been tallied up." Demitga strode back with one hand on the hilt of his sword.

"How was the harvest?" Fang Hao stepped off the bow of the ship.

"We captured four complete ships, more than 2,000 pieces of various armors and weapons, 15 boxes of monetary instruments, more than 300 gray and white stones, more than 200 prisoners, and more than 70 slaves." Dimitga continued.

"What are the identities of these slaves?"

"After interrogation, it turned out that a caravan's ship was hijacked and the people on board were made prisoners."

"What caravan?"

"We did find some cloth clothing and other items, but they were all destroyed by the fire, leaving nothing behind."

Fang Hao nodded, "Give them a sea ship and enough food, and let them go."

"Okay, sir." Demitga agreed and walked quickly.

When we came to the central deck, we saw hundreds of people kneeling.

Judging from the appearance, they are just like the pirates from before.

[Orc Pirate Archer (Level 6)]

[Orc Pirate Sailor (Level 5)]

[Orc Pirates…. 】

Fang Hao walked step by step, and finally stopped in front of an orc with a lowered head and red skin.

[Orc Pirate Captain (Level 9)]


Pirates and bandits should be similar.

They all belong to an unpopular faction, and the word "pirate" is added to the names of each unit.

"Raise your head!" Fang Hao looked at the orc.

The orc, who lowered his head to avoid his gaze, slowly raised his head.

An ugly scar on his face, and a pair of eyes full of hatred.

"Why is your fleet here?"

The orc looked directly and said coldly: "Should pirates appear on the bed? Just say whatever you want to ask."

"Skull Island, you should be clear about the garrison troops and who are the heroes?" Fang Hao said directly.

Hearing these words, all the pirates cast shocked looks.

The orc's expression also changed slightly, "You want to attack Skull Island?"

"It seems you know something." Fang Hao said with a smile.

Judging from the shocked expressions of these pirates, it can be determined that they are familiar with Skull Island.

"Well, I tell you... whatever you want to ask, I will tell you..." The orc captain said with a gurgling voice.

There was a crash. Find the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan.com

The metal shackles on his back fell off.

The orc's body was ejected directly into the air, and he rushed over with a ferocious and crazy look on his face.

As long as they catch the thin-skinned man in front of them, they can escape.

Maybe we can even capture this exaggerated giant ship.

Fang Hao watched the orcs getting closer with an unchanging expression.

When he was about to rush in front of him, he said calmly: "You, kneel down!"


The running orc bent his knees and suddenly fell to the ground.

The inertia caused him to slide forward a certain distance.

His knees rubbed against the deck, leaving two bloody marks.

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