Latest website: In the distance, the other pirate prisoners were all stunned.

I originally thought that my captain was going to kill the other party, but I didn't expect that he rushed over and knelt down.

He also slid down to his knees, looking at the two blood marks, he felt his knees hurt.

The orc captain suddenly raised his head.

The madness on his face was replaced by confusion and fear.

He didn't know what happened, he only knew that he couldn't control his legs and fell to his knees.

"You..., what did you do to me?"

Fang Hao no longer had the patience to talk nonsense with him, and said calmly: "Captain Orc, your heart will not be able to beat."


The orc fell directly to the ground, with a face full of horror, clutching his chest and dying little by little.

Among the prisoners behind him, there were two orcs who also covered their chests and fell to the ground dead.

It seems that someone was also implicated.

Fang Hao glanced at the orc who fell to the ground, and then his eyes fell on the captives behind him again.

These ferocious and slovenly pirates all showed fear at this time, dodge, and their bodies were shaking constantly.

They have seen many people and killed many people, but they have never seen anyone who can kill someone with just one word.

This is simply beyond their understanding.

"Perhaps, before you chose to become pirates, you had thought that there would be a few days when you would be able to accept death calmly."

Fang Hao's voice sounded calmly, mixed with the waves, and reached everyone's ears.

"However, no one wants to die. There will be a better life in the future. As long as any of you are willing to answer my questions, I can forgive you and give you a stable life."

Although the pirates did not discuss it, everyone kept looking at others around them.

His eyes were full of doubts.

With the blessing of various skill states, even if Fang Hao has not studied speech or psychology, his voice is very contagious.

What he said also made many people hesitate.

Fang Hao continued: "How many people are there on Skull Island?"

"There were thousands of people."

"There weren't many people, just a few hundred people."


One after another, three or four people spoke, hundreds, thousands, or how many people there were.

Fang Hao pointed at two of them and said, "You two are lying, and your heart will not be able to beat."


The two people who spoke immediately fell to the ground, clutching their hearts, and died immediately.

The eyes of the others widened a bit.

This is another way of talking that makes people die. How could there be such a way of killing people!

"You said, if you lie, the consequences should be clear..." Fang Hao continued.

The pirate nodded stiffly, and then said cautiously: "The number of people is uncertain. The number of fleets that dock is different every day. According to the rules, every pirate ship that docks must help defend Skull Island."

The truth!

"How many people do you estimate there can be?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"There are still five to six thousand people."

Are there only five or six thousand people on an island?

This number is actually not much.

Fang Hao continued to ask: "What powerful heroes are there on Skull Island? What are their names and what levels they have reached."

The pirate replied, "The owner of the island is 'Huo Yin'er', a dark gold level hero, and he also has an orange 'Dresser' who is responsible for security, and a purple hero 'Thompson' who is responsible for cargo statistics. If there is a large fleet, If we dock at the port, the captains’ levels will be quite high.”

Good guy, the person stationed on the island is actually a dark gold hero.

This answer is both reasonable and outrageous.

It is normal to be able to suppress these pirates without being surrounded by other surrounding forces. The island owner behind him is a dark gold hero.

But it feels a bit incredible. A dark gold hero can become a core hero in any top force.

But here he is a pirate leader.

I really don’t understand what the other party is thinking.

Next, Fang Hao asked some more questions about Skull Island.

The other side answered them one by one.

This pirate seems to have no feelings for the pirate group.

Whatever you ask, the answer will always be the truth.

According to the orc pirates, in addition to the fixed routes on Skull Island, there are various traps in other locations.

It is actually difficult to capture the island through naval battle.

You almost know everything you need to know.

Fang Hao said directly: "Kill everyone except him and throw them into the transformation field."

As soon as the voice fell, the nearby spirit-binding guards immediately attacked and killed him.

In a burst of wailing and begging for mercy, all the pirates were killed.

The blood dyed the deck red, dragging out bright red traces and throwing it into the transformation field.

The remaining pirate orcs were kneeling on the ground and their bodies were shaking.

The seat next to him was empty, and he was the only one left.

"Lock him up. If he behaves like escaping and destroying, kill him directly."

The spirit-binding guards took the order, pressed the pirates, and walked towards the cabin.

Waiting on the deck, silence fell again.

Open the Book of Lords, confirm the location of Skull Island, and continue moving forward.

Calculated according to the traveling speed of the giant ship.

We will arrive at Skull Island probably at noon tomorrow.


At this time, the sound of the sound-transmitting conch came from the Book of Lords.

When he opened it, he saw the news from Yin'er.

"Master, Miss Hilda and Miss Grizzly Bear, brought back information from the Desert of the Dead."

It looks like the ‘Kerry Orlando’ thing is coming to an end.

"Okay, I'll go back now." Fang Hao replied and put away the sound-transmitting conch.

After explaining to the 'Ancient Blood God', he continued to advance towards Skull Island and returned to the main city with a group of heroes.

Return to the main city.

It was getting very late.

As soon as they walked into the Lord's Mansion, they saw Xiaoyou and Grizzly Xiong sitting in the lobby, waiting.

Let the other heroes go to eat first, while he sat down directly aside.

"Is there any news?" Fang Hao asked.

Xiaoyou replied, "My lord, we have found Miss Clealando, but the dungeon where she is being held is very tightly guarded and there is no way to rescue her."

"How is she doing?"

"The condition is pretty good, there is no abnormal reaction." Xiaoyou replied.

Fang Hao took the fruit wine brought by Grizzly Bear, took a sip and said, "Is there any way to save him?"

Being able to defeat the God of Deception was really thanks to the map provided by 'Kerry Orlando'.

Therefore, Fang Hao still didn't want to let her be killed like this.

"My lord, Miss Clelando will be transformed together with the other living slaves the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. If you want to save her, the best time is to be escorted to the transformation site." Xiaoyou drew on the table with her hands. A rough map.

In a realm ruled by the undead, a bone tax will be levied.

At a fixed time every year, a large number of living beings are transformed into the undead through rituals.

to fill the population vacancies in various cities.

Therefore, the venue for transformation is fixed.

Xiaoyou's idea was also to carry out rescue on the route from the dungeon to the transformation field.

Fang Hao listened carefully, nodded and said, "You can try the plan, but you still have to take the risks into account."

Rescue missions are still dangerous.

The undead can imprison the soul.

In other words, if you die in the city of the undead, you may not be able to be resurrected even at the Hero Altar.

In the early days, when Fang Hao was developing himself, he also took advantage of this and obtained a lot of transformed heroes.

Therefore, if you want to save people, you must also ensure your own safety.

A few people started discussing with the simple map.

The second day.

Early in the morning, Xiaoyou and Grizzly Bear made simple preparations.

Then he went to the Desert of the Dead again. There was only a little more than a day left before 'Clea Orlando' was transformed.

It would take a day to rush there, and the rest needed to confirm the terrain and simulate the plan to see if there were any dangers.

So, time is really tight.

There can't even be any delays along the way.

Near noon, Fang Hao also received news from the ship.

At this time, we are approaching Skull Island.

Fang Hao called a few heroes and went directly to the giant ship through teleportation.

After walking out of the light curtain, he appeared on the deck.

Looking around, pirate ships with different flags gathered around the giant ship. Missing arrows and marbles kept firing into the air, trying to attack the bone dragon hovering in the sky.

The bone dragon hovered in the air and breathed out death breath, killing the pirates on the deck.

The pirate ship sank little by little in the dazzling firelight.

The artillery still roared, but it was not the giant ship that was bombarded.

But it is the skeleton of the Haili Sea Clan.

Densely packed sea clan undead shuttled between the battlefield and the giant ship.

Transport all the corpses and dropped items and materials to the giant ship.

"Sir, since late last night, we have been fighting with the pirates non-stop." The ancient blood god's servant jumped onto the deck and said in a deep voice.

Even now, there are quite a few pirate ships.

But being a pirate is similar to a bandit. They look fierce and warlike, but in fact their level is not too high.

Pirates, sailors and shooters are only at the fifth or sixth level.

Some captains, long-established pirate leaders, may be able to reach the level of heroes.

Once a pirate ship enters the battlefield, it cannot get close to the giant ship, and it is difficult to retreat even if it wants to retreat.

Fang Hao ignored the pirate ship and asked, "Can you see Skull Island?"

"You can already see it, right in front." The Ancient Blood God Attendant pointed in a direction.

Fang Hao walked onto the bow of the ship and looked far ahead. However, the thick smoke rising from the pirate ship completely blocked his sight, and he did not find the location of Skull Island.

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the owl thunder spirit condensed.

He flew straight up and stood on the top of the mast.

Far away from the giant ship, in the middle of the vast sea, there is a small island.

The island is not big, but it is built like a fortress.

The walls built along the coast, and the huge cannons, point to the sea in the distance.

More pirate ships gathered at the port and seemed to be preparing to enter the battlefield to repel the sudden enemies.

"This is a fortress built on the island." Fang Hao murmured.

Fang Hao said directly: "We don't have time to waste time with them. We are approaching Skull Island. Everyone is ready to fight."

"Yes!" Everyone took action and prepared for battle.

The giant ship, like a huge moving island, directly hit the pirate ship in front of it and headed towards Skull Island.

As we move forward, Skull Island becomes bigger and bigger.

The pirate ships setting off from the pier, the pirates carrying cannonballs on the city walls, and the pirate leaders giving loud orders all became clearer and clearer.


Beate also jumped from the mast and landed on the deck with a thud.

"You can see Skull Island, I'll lead people to kill it!" Beate said directly.

Fang Hao touched her head and said, "There's no rush. Before the war begins, I want to test my strength first."

Beate's face turned red, she looked around carefully, slapped his hand away, glared and pointed, "If you touch my head again, don't blame me for being rude."

Fang Hao smiled and continued to look at the fortress ahead.

With a thought in his heart, he began to mobilize the power in his godhead.

Subconsciously he shouted: "Yunlai... Look for Shuyuan"


In an instant, the sky was filled with thick clouds, and there was a faint silvery white arc flashing in the dark clouds.

On the sea with clear skies, it seemed as if there was going to be a storm soon.

The dark clouds floated directly to the top of Skull Island, covering the entire island.

On the city wall, the pirates began to use oil skin to cover all the shells and artillery.

And more people controlled the artillery and began to change direction, pointing at the giant ship in the distance.


"Island owner 'Huo Yin'er', your heart cannot beat."

Like the wrath of the gods.

The sound, accompanied by thunder, spread into everyone's ears.

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