Most people are just ordinary pirates.

Faced with the sudden thick dark clouds and the thunderous sound, everyone became a little uneasy.

All the pirates responsible for the defense looked at a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe and lilac skin not far away on the city wall.

An elegant dark elf.

At the same time, he is also the master of Skull Island, ‘Black Sharp Thorn-Hoyle’.

As the voice in the dark cloud fell, 'Hoyle's elegant standing posture suddenly froze.

There was also an expression of surprise and fear on his plain face.

The butler, who was also a dark elf, realized something was wrong and brought a chair over and placed it behind him.

"Island owner, do you have any questions?"

Hoyle sat directly on the chair, reaching out and grabbing his chest.

His lips became even more purple, and big beads of sweat were dripping down.

"It's okay, continue to form and organize defense..." Island owner Hoyle said through gritted teeth.

But the guards around him all noticed something was wrong.

In the dark clouds, the moment his name was called out, the island owner's condition changed.

Pirates never have any rules.

Immediately, there were some whispered discussions.

I wonder if the island owner was really affected by these words.

Hoyle turned a deaf ear and clutched his chest tightly, as if resisting something.

While the pirates were messing around and guessing.

The dark clouds overhead continued to ring with a deafening sound like thunder.

"The law and order hero 'Dreiser', your heart can't beat, the cargo statistics officer 'Thompson', you can't breathe, the Eye of Terror pirate group 'Lan Engir' your blood starts to burn, the black dragon pirate group 'Toyinbi'..." "


It was as if the God of Death was counting the roster. As the sound continued, the heroes named changed accordingly.

Some people fell to the ground clutching their chests, some people opened their mouths wide and tried to breathe, and some people spontaneously combusted.

Transformed into a burning man, wailing and charging around.

But this kind of flame burned from the body, and even if it got into the bucket, there was no sign of extinguishing.



The entire island has gradually turned from nervousness to panic.

The people who died were all the top heroes on the island.

Such a character would die just after his name was called, let alone ordinary pirates like them!

Wow! !

The pirates on the wall began to run down, while the pirates below the city rushed to their homes, planning to escape with their savings.

Everyone is a pirate, seeking wealth.

Who would wait here to die even though they know they can't beat him?

On the city wall, the island owner ‘Hoyle’ also looked extremely ugly.

The giant ship in the distance has no flag, and I have never heard of any force having such a giant ship.

He didn't know who his opponent was, but he knew that the opponent must be very powerful.

"Stop them and return to their positions. Anyone who tries to escape will be killed!" Hoyle said coldly, but his face became paler and his body became weaker.

He is a dark gold hero, and his physical strength will not make him die immediately.

But his physical fitness and condition are also declining rapidly.

If it continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long.

"Yes, Island Master..."

The attendant just answered.


Suddenly a whistling sound sounded, and threads of silk fell down from the thick dark clouds.

Like gray-black cotton, sprinkled downwards with sugar strands.

Some people were grabbing randomly, while others were waving their swords and slashing at the top of their heads.

But this thread is clearly visible but cannot be touched in any form.


The next second, the thread connecting the body tightened instantly.

Everyone's movements froze, like puppets, frozen in place, maintaining the movements of the previous second.

The only eyeballs that could move were filled with fear.


Thunder flashed in the clouds, and the thunder became louder and louder.

The entire city seemed to have stopped in time, and even the ostrich flapping its wings was frozen in mid-air.

When the thunder gets louder and more frequent.


Thunder snakes fell along the connecting threads.

There were no struggles or cries, and the entire island remained quiet.

Only the silver snake falling along the silk thread penetrated the pirate's body.

Slowly rising, there are curls of green smoke.


The thread broke instantly and was withdrawn into the sky.

The previously restrained pirate lost control of his body instantly and fell limply to the ground.

The whole city was still quiet.

A huge ship in the distance.

The heroes looked at the scene that suddenly appeared in front of them in surprise.

A fortress that was well-defended and armed to the teeth turned into an empty city in an instant.

The city walls were empty, there was no longer a defensive soldier.

If you look carefully, you can still see several corpses lying on the barrel.

"Is this... the end?" Beate's eyes widened and she said in disbelief.

Then he turned back sharply and looked at Fang Hao carefully.

She remembered that the man in front of her was not that powerful.

Why did he suddenly show such strong power?

"Yes." Fang Hao nodded, and then said behind him: "Draw into the port and enter the city. The island owner may not be dead, so be careful when searching."

"Yes!" Everyone responded and began to prepare.

This time, I am afraid it will be the fastest battle.

From the moment Fang Hao summons thunder clouds to the end of the battle.

I'm afraid it only lasts for more than ten minutes, which also includes confirming the name of the city's hero with the pirate prisoner from before.


The giant ship moved forward quickly, approaching the island.

The pirate ships that were still holding on at sea no longer had any intention of continuing to resist, and began to turn around and just focus on escaping into the distance.

call! !

As the giant ship approached, Beate jumped off the deck first, transformed into a dragon form, and hovered over the island.

Checking the situation inside the entire island.

Demitga, the fishman high priest and other heroes, with a large number of skeleton infantry, opened the city gate and entered the city.

Start cleaning the battlefield and searching for loot.

Fang Hao, escorted by the black-armored sisters, also entered the city.

The skeleton warriors dragged the corpses and gradually piled up mountains of corpses.

Pirates are a profession.

Here you can see the corpses of any race, living creatures, undead, and even some species that you have never seen before, similar to insects.

I don’t know if it’s a race or some beast.

The threads were connected indiscriminately, and even the poultry and rats on the street were implicated.

Therefore, this kind of bug may not be a type of military force.

The buildings here are also very simple. There are no particularly formal mansions and castles. Most of them are buildings mixed with stone and wood.

Trash can be seen everywhere, wine barrels and glasses are everywhere, as well as some excrement.

Accompanied by the black-armored sisters, Fang Hao entered the central building.

The layout here is pretty good, like a noble mansion.

At the back of the hall, there is a black stone chair.

Fang Hao walked over and sat down.

The system prompt also appears immediately.

[Kerzburg has become your affiliated city. You can 'rename' the city here, and you can control all the resources of the city and affiliated villages. 】

In an instant, the information about occupying the city appeared directly.

The island is called Skull Island, but the city on the island is called Kerzburg.

It’s another convoluted city name, but it’s not called Skeleton City. Skeleton Castle is easy to remember.

After the system prompts.

View city information directly.


[City Level: Level 13 Aboriginal City]

[Attributes: Extra plunder +12%, Creature Reproduction +5%, Facility Strength +5%, Combat Power +2%, Collection/Processing +2%. 】

(Description: Description: A city with attributes can bring various benefits and accelerate the construction and development of the city.)

The level of construction of this pirate city is not low, reaching level 13.

When Fang Hao took over 'Lesis City', he was only at level 12.

But there are differences between the two.

Lysis was a city, but this was a fortress.

There is nothing to compare.

There are a lot of attributes attached to the city, but the bonuses are obviously not high.

Except for the 12% increase in extra loot, the rest are only 5% and 2%.

The bonus is pitiful.

With such a low attribute bonus, it can be converted into a traverser's territory, turning this place into a fortress.

It can also give giant ships a place to berth.

I probably thought about it for a while.

The system prompts again.

[Unlocking drawings: Shipwreck base construction drawings (blue), Shaking range construction drawings (blue), Barrier dock construction drawings (blue), Pirate shack construction drawings (green), Wind and Waves tavern construction drawings (green), Happy brothel Construction drawings (green). 】

There are not many blueprints to unlock.

But the quality is not very high, except for blue and green.

There is no way, a gathering place of pirates cannot really develop like a normal city.

There are so many building types, which is considered a good development.

Fang Hao began to check the drawings simply and quickly.

[Shipwreck Base] is the pirate’s barracks blueprint.

You can recruit fifth-level pirate sailors from inside.

They are of the same type as the 'orc sailors' captured before.

But the ones you recruit may not necessarily be orc sailors, but will be related to your own camp.

The human camp recruits human pirates and sailors, and the orcs recruit orc pirates.

The advantage of this type of military is that it is good at sea combat and also has strong water resistance.

[Shaking Range] can recruit level 6 pirate shooters.

The name is a bit weird, I don’t know what the relationship between Sagittarius and Shaking is.

The characteristics of the arms are that they are also good at sea combat, and they also master simple firearm repairs.

Like pirate sailors, they are the main arms of pirates.

[The Rampart Dockyard] is a place where ships are built and repaired.

In the hands of the time traveler, building a ship can only be completed with drawings, and the main thing is to repair it.

The construction adds a repair bonus and is considered a good building.

[Pirate Shack] is a transformed barracks.

Slaves and civilians can be directly trained into pirates.

to increase the number of pirates.

Type, more like a mercenary gathering place.

[Wind and Waves Tavern] is a tavern building.

The pirate camp has a pressure value. Even if there is no battle, the pressure value will increase after going to sea for a period of time.

When it reaches a certain level, it means running away, losing control, or even becoming insane.

Taverns can provide some stress relief.

It can be regarded as a functional building in the camp.

[Happy Whorehouse] also provides stress-reducing effects. Find Shuyuan www.zha

You can select suitable men and women from slaves, captives, and criminals and let them provide some services inside.

Come and decompress the pirates.

It's not surprising, not to mention pirates, there are prostitutes in many places.

As soon as he collected the drawings, Demitga walked out of the door.

"My lord, we found slaves and some islanders in the dungeons and chambers."



Where do the residents come from here?

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