See the system prompt.

Fang Hao's eyes widened instantly.

The prefix of Dragon Queen remains unchanged.

Normally, after existing gods become gods, their prefixes will change more intuitively.

For example, the God of Deception, the God of War, the God of Light, etc.

But the prefix of the Dragon Queen still continues from the previous 'Zenith Fierce Sun', which is not to say that it doesn't sound good.

That is, it is better to be called Dragon God or something majestic and domineering.

It doesn't matter, it's not hers anyway, so she can call it whatever she wants.

After reading the prefix, Fang Hao still focused on the introduction about the City of the Holy Spirit.

City of the Holy Spirit was his reward for winning the first place in the three rankings when the world rankings were announced.

It is a drawing of a wonder main city.

Apart from adding various attributes, I really didn’t find anything special at that time.

It turns out that the description of the palace where the gods live is really meant to be a residence for the gods.

In other words, even if the Dragon Queen and the others become gods, they will not be rejected by the world as long as they do not leave the main city.

Even if he goes out, his strength will only be compressed back to the peak of demigods.

In fact, if you think about it, it has no impact on them.

If you stay in the outer plane and use divinity to descend, the strength you can achieve is also the peak of demigods.

Moreover, using divine power in the state of divine descent consumes the life force of the descended believer.

If the battle lasts for an hour and a half, the believer will run out of life and die immediately.

Therefore, the effect provided by the City of the Holy Spirit is completely advantageous to our side.

As for the spread of gods’ beliefs in other planes.

Let’s talk about this kind of thing later.

Understand this plane first, and then consider other things.

The third tip is that the gods who join the City of the Holy Spirit will also unlock attributes.

Let’s wait and see what’s been added when we go back.

With the addition of a god, the effect will not be too bad.

Fang Hao is analyzing the data.

The Dragon Queen on the opposite side frowned.

Following his gaze, he lowered his head and looked at his open chest, revealing a large roundness and half a bright red.

He straightened his clothes naturally and covered all the exposed parts.

Then he said: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Fang Hao retracted his thoughts, looked at her and asked, "How do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything. I just feel more relaxed than before and seem to be much younger." The Dragon Queen raised her hand and looked at it carefully.

There is still a big difference between demigods and gods.

Demigods can be understood as the pinnacle of human beings, while gods have broken through the shackles of the body and achieved extraordinary things.

In addition to the improvement in strength, he also has an immortal physique.

Dragons have a long lifespan, but they are not immortal.

But now that she has become a god, she will not age due to time.

Unless outside intervention occurs, there will never be death.

"Don't you feel anything? You were on fire just now."

The Dragon Queen couldn't understand what he said, so she just asked: "So, I am a god now?"

She could feel the changes in her body herself.

But it was also the first time, and I was somewhat unsure.

Fang Hao nodded, "Well, congratulations, Ms. Tiralt, you have become a great god praised by all people."

The Dragon Queen rolled her eyes at him angrily, but her face still showed uncontrollable joy.

Finally became a god.

It turns out that demigods can really break through their shackles and achieve the status of god.

After being delighted for a while, when she saw the man opposite her looking at her with a smile on her face, she stopped smiling and turned back to the indifferent Dragon Queen.

He leaned back on the seat, raised his legs again, and asked calmly: "What's the next plan? You don't plan to let me live in this ruins, do you?"

There was nothing left in the land of deceit, it was just a bare place.

Even in the former Longding Mountain, there was at least a cave.

There isn't even a hair here.

I am used to living in Fang Hao's main city, but now it is difficult to accept the thought of living in this kind of environment in the future.

Before, she had thought about recreating a small main city in her own plane.

Looking at it now, it seems a bit difficult.

Fang Hao smiled and said quite confidently: "Don't worry, I have thought about it, can I let you be wronged?"

The Dragon Queen's eyes widened and she did not respond with anything to prevent you from being wronged. Instead, she said, "Then what are you going to do? At least give me a place to live."

Seeing that she took this matter seriously, Fang Hao said directly: "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Go home." Fang Hao looked at her with a smile.

The reason why she came to the 'Land of Deception' to devour the godhead was because she was afraid that she would be rejected by the world.

Now, the Holy Spirit City effect takes effect and is no longer excluded.

Naturally, I have to go back to live.

Fang Hao actually wanted to use this place and the 'Rainforest Maze' plane to grow food.

"Go back? Can I go back?" The Dragon Queen exclaimed.

Pulling her to his side, he took out the boundary stone, and the two of them disappeared in the next second.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the main city.

Smooth road, green trees, and the laughter of the maid not far away.

The only change is that the City of the Holy Spirit emits a faint halo from the top, wrapping the entire main city.

Like a transparent eggshell.

The Dragon Queen's eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

Doesn’t it mean that after becoming a god, you will not stay in this world?

Why are you back here again?

"Have I not become a god?" The Dragon Queen said subconsciously.

Fang Hao looked at her, and after confirming that there was really no danger, he explained: "You have become a god. This is the ability of our city. You can continue to stay in the city, but as long as you leave the city, your strength will be destroyed." Restricted to the peak of demigods."

The Dragon Queen frowned, understanding the meaning of his words.

Even though she didn't know much about gods, she knew that there would be no gods left in this world.

Otherwise, the people in charge of each tribe now would not be demigods, but gods.

"You..., I..., is this also the ability of a time traveler?" The Dragon Queen was still a little confused.

Even the time travelers have shown many incredible abilities.

But the current situation has obviously broken some of the rules of the world.

"It's not a time traveler ability, but a kind of architectural effect. It may be left by the gods in the past. I can't explain it." Fang Hao continued to explain.

The Dragon Queen stood there and looked at him like this. After a while, she frowned and said, "Is my farewell, revenge, etc. all in vain?"

Saying goodbye to good friends and looking for enemies to fight.

He even held his daughter and gave her instructions for a long time.

In the end, there is no need to leave. What I did before is making people laugh!

When I thought of this, I suddenly became angry.

Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, Fang Hao immediately said: "It's okay. No one will know if you don't tell me. Just wait and find a reason later."

The Dragon Queen took a deep breath, turned around and left angrily.

Fang Hao shouted from behind: "How about I arrange a room for you in the Lord's Mansion."

The Dragon Queen suddenly turned back, and was about to answer but stopped abruptly. Her eyes hesitated for a moment before she said, "Is this how you talk to a mother?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards his residence.

Return to the Prince Regent's Courtyard.

With a crash, all the things packed in the storage space were poured out.

They piled up into a hill in an instant.

He lay down on the couch next to him again and thought about what happened just now.

Have you become a god now?

So simple?

The Dragon Queen left, and Fang Hao directly opened the Book of Lords and directly checked the attributes of the City of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s see what attributes the Dragon Queen has added when she becomes a god.

【City of the Holy Spirit】

[Building effects: Durability of all buildings +100%, food production +150%, production and mining +100%, recruitment and conversion speed of all arms +50%, public security +50%, reproduction +30%, and people's faith +30%. 】

[Resident God: Zenith Fierce Sun - Tiralt (lower god). 】

[Zenith Fierce Sun: Dragon type unit attack +20%, creature constitution +18%, flight speed +15%, skill recovery +15%, dragon faith +12%, mythical unit synthesis (dragon type) +8%. 】

Fang Hao looked at the attributes and felt a little surprised.

Every time a god is stationed, so many attributes can be increased.

It’s really good.

It seems that we need to continue cultivating the gods.

Orc area, Glory Highland City.

When the news came back that the demigod died and was not resurrected at the altar of heroes.

The entire city, and even the entire orc camp, fell into panic.

This proves that the enemies of the orcs have mastered the method to prevent the hero from being resurrected.

All heroes will face this danger.

It is even said that the demigods are no longer safe.

For a time, panic spread rapidly among the orcs.

In a tall and luxurious temple.

Two orcs were sitting there, and judging from their attire, they were both orc priests.

But the gods they serve are different.

A human traveler was kneeling below, his head lowered, as if he was in extreme cold, and his body was trembling.

"You said it was Fang Hao who attacked you?" The orc at the head made a deep voice.

Upon hearing the question, the time traveler's body trembled.

He immediately answered, "The other party has black hair and black eyes, riding a two-headed corpse dragon. The accompanying orc leader said he is Fang Hao."

The orc narrowed his eyes, glanced at the other two people beside him, and then continued: "Tell me what you know."

The time traveler raised his head and began to speak.

First the march was stopped, and then the opponent suddenly attacked.

He kept talking until he ran back and saw corpses all over the ground.

However, in the story they told, the number of enemies they saw ranged from a few people and a dragon by Fang Hao to thousands of troops.

They resisted desperately, but in the end they had no choice but to flee.

Moreover, I did not see how the other party attacked the demigods, causing the demigods to be unable to be resurrected.

After listening, the orc nodded slightly.

After pondering for a while, he said directly: "Pull it out and chop it, and ask the soul again what I just asked."


Two strong orcs walked in.

Drag the time traveler who begged for mercy loudly. Find Shuyuan

When the hall became quiet again, the leader of the orcs looked aside.

"Mar, I need you to kill this time traveler named Fang Hao," the orc said.

The orc priest named Mar opened his eyes at this moment and said: "What's the use of dealing with an ordinary human believer? You should find the god behind him."

"No, I feel that he is different. Just in case, I want to kill him first."

Mal pondered for a moment and then said: "Okay, find something that can identify him, and I will help you kill him."

"Okay, I'll give it to you in these two days."

After saying that, two rays of divine light disappeared from the two priests.

The priest once again saluted the statue in the main hall and walked backwards out of the temple.

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