In the central square, everyone held a celebration party for the Dragon Queen.

The city's heroes, maids, and craftsmen all attended to congratulate her on her ascension to the throne.

After the dinner, everyone sang and danced in the central square.

The entire main city echoed with laughter and laughter.

Although the Dragon Queen refused and went down to dance in circles with her, a smile appeared on her cold face.

It seems that we are much closer to the people in the city.

People are afraid of loneliness.

Otherwise, the Dragon Queen would not always go to a crowded pavilion to drink in the middle of the night.

Late at night, the celebration slowly came to an end.

The maids returned together, and the Dragon Queen also returned to her residence.

Continue to restore the mansion that he vacated.

It was silent outside the window and the lights in the room were bright.

Fang Hao took a sip of fruit tea, opened the Book of Lords, and checked the attributes of the Dragon Queen.

[Zenith Fierce Sun - Tiralt (Lower God)]

[Faction: Dragon Clan]

[Template: Lower God (Level 1)]

[Racial characteristics: creature, dragon scale armor, ancient dragon body, flying, dragon spellcasting, dual form. 】

[Characteristics of the godhead: golden sun, forged in fire, immortal essence, statue of gods. 】

[Legion Talent: Dragon Clan Leader, Evil Dragon Queen. 】

[Skills: Terrifying Majesty, Breath of the Sun, Flowing Flame Legion, Divinity Descends, Fiery Fighting Intent, Zenith Fierce Sun. 】

[Inherent skills: legendary combat mastery, legendary magic mastery, legendary light mastery, legendary fire mastery, legendary flying mastery, legendary physical skill mastery. 】

[Dragon Scale Armor]: Physical defense +75%, magic resistance +55%.

[Ancient Dragon Flesh]: Resistance to negative elements such as mental control, soul interference, curses, toxins, etc. +95%, resistance to negative elements such as burning, paralysis, corrosion, water poison, etc. +95%, long-range resistance +75%, physical body Recovery +60%.

[Flying]: This unit is good at flying.

[Dragon Spellcasting]: This unit is a natural light/fire spellcaster. It can cast light/fire spells such as [Concentrating Arrow] and [Flowing Flame Legion] without learning and proficiency. It also has strong Magic learning ability.

[Dual Form]: This unit can freely change between 'human form' and 'dragon form'.

[Golden Sun]: Light magic increases by +800%. Within 30 seconds after each light attribute skill, all attributes increase by 50%.

[Forged in Fire]: Immune to fire damage, fire magic increases by 550%.

[Immortal Essence]: No need to eat or sleep, life status will not be affected by time.

[Statue of Gods]: The force that sets up the statue of this ‘god’ will be blessed by the statue with attack power +10%, light attribute damage +8%, fire attribute damage +5%, and flight +5%.

(Directly affiliated forces do not need to build statues to take effect.)

[Dragon Leader]: This unit leads the dragon troops, with all attributes +55%, long-range resistance +50%, and magic resistance +35%.

[Dragon Queen]: For the army led by this unit, the enemy's morale is -35%, and the enemy is at a disadvantage, -10% every 5 minutes.

[Terrifying Majesty (Dragon Type)] (Passive): Nearby creatures have a 55% chance of being unable to move due to nervousness, and a 90% chance of causing a 15% morale drop.

[Sun Breath (Dragon Type)] (Active): The violent dragon's breath linearly covers a fixed area, and creatures in this area will be harmed by the dragon's breath.

[Floating Flame Legion] (Active): In the flowing flames generated by oneself, elemental troops are gathered to fight.

[Divinity Descends] (Active): The consciousness can be ‘descended’ into the body of any believer with ‘Loyalty 100’.

Not affected by distance, time, or plane.

[Fire Fighting Will (Human Form)] (Active): Enter peak state, all attributes +300%, lasts for 30 minutes, cools down for 24 hours.

[Zenith Fierce Sun (Human Form)] (Active): The golden sun rises, and the violent Fierce Sun will destroy everything within the range.

(Description: She is dazzling, she is powerful and dangerous.)

Looking at the attributes of the Dragon Queen, Fang Hao was still a little surprised.

Under the racial characteristics, there is actually a separate divine characteristic.

Provides extremely exaggerated numerical bonuses.


Is this going to destroy the earth?


There are many types of skills.

Previously, the Dragon Queen threw down a skill, the building disappeared, and the ground was filled with lava.

Fang Hao always thought that she had fire ability.

Now looking at the introduction, the attribute belongs to the light system.

Different from the light magic of the church, Dragon Queen's kind is called Fierce Sun.

It's probably the kind that happens under hot sun.

In short, various resistances, immunities, etc. can indeed reflect the power of the Dragon Queen.

Some are like a simplified version of the 'Hundred-Armed Giant'.

Even if it’s only level one.

But among the lower gods, it is considered a fierce fighting force.

While watching, Yi'er and Xiaobai came back together.

Seeing Fang Hao sitting there, staring at the Book of Lords seriously, Yi'er asked curiously: "Master, what are you looking at? You are so serious."

"I'm afraid some of the master's admirers sent some photos!" Xiaobai also echoed.

The two sat down in front of the dressing table and began to take off their accessories.

Fang Hao closed the book of lords, stepped over the bench, sat down in the middle, and hugged the two of them on the left and right.

He said softly: "By the way, I just have something to ask you!"

"What's going on!" Yi'er let go of her long hair and twitched her ears slightly.

Fang Hao thought for a while and then asked: "What kind of gods do orcs usually worship?"

Upon hearing these words, their bodies froze.

With some hesitation and hesitation, Xiaobai whispered: "Master, can you tell me these things? Bachelor Nelson, you are not allowed to mention the names of gods until you tell me!"

"It's okay, just tell me quietly, we are here in Holy Spirit City, they can't hear us, just don't go out and talk nonsense," Fang Hao said directly.

"Oh!" Yi'er nodded and lowered his voice and said, "The orthodox god of the orcs is the god of war and the god of hunting."

Two gods?

"No, the God of Hunting is not orthodox. It's just the living habits of orcs. They generally worship the God of Hunting." Xiaobai immediately corrected him.

"Who said that? It must be the orc god!" Yi'er said.

"It's not really, it's just more suitable for orcs. As for which racial god it is, I'm not sure." Xiaobai insisted.

The two orcs had differences over their own gods.

One said that the God of Hunting belongs to the orthodoxy of orcs, and the other said that it is not orthodox, but is just suitable for orcs.

But neither of them could provide any concrete evidence.

Fang Hao listened, then interrupted the argument between the two, and asked: "What kind of blessing does this 'God of Hunting' give?"

Xiaobai stood up, put on his nightgown, and said, "Jungle sensing, tracking, hunting, etc."

The God of Hunting, as his name suggests, provides attributes that favor jungle hunting.

This is also consistent with the orcs' living habits of living in the jungle and focusing on hunting.

Among the believers, in addition to orcs, most are hunters, archers, or beasts that already have wisdom.

In short, in the jungle, those who want to track targets and hunt them basically believe in the God of Hunting.

After listening to it this way, it’s really hard to tell whether it’s orcish orthodoxy.

Yi'er, who was beside her, also put on her nightgown. A pair of small white hands gently placed on her shoulders, "Master, do you want to rest here tonight?"

"Well, live here!" Fang Hao nodded.

Yi'er looked back at Xiaobai, who nodded knowingly, knelt down beside the bed with a face filled with joy, and began to make the bed.

The action of bending down to adjust it made the hem of the short skirt lift up slightly, and the furry tail swayed from side to side.

Fang Hao picked up the teacup and took a sip, thinking about the God of Hunting.

Yi'er and Xiaobai are orcs in relatively remote areas. They may not be the same as normal orc areas, but the difference will not be too big.

Regardless of whether this God of Hunting is orthodox to the orcs, it still represents his important status among the orcs.

At worst, they are allies of the orc gods.

"Are there any other gods?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Yi'er thought for a while and then said: "Each tribe worships something different. The goddess of fertility, the god of killing, the god of poison and disease, and some gods that I don't even know exist."

"Why do you believe in poisons and diseases?" Fang Hao was stunned and asked immediately.

"No, this god protects people who are suffering from severe poisons and diseases." Yi'er explained.

Oh, that’s right too.

What the gods bestow is a positive effect.

When enshrined, it should increase toxin resistance.

"Master, the paving is done." Xiaobai's eyes flashed and he whispered, "How about we lie down and chat?"

"Okay, listen to Xiaobai."

The three of them leaned on the bed and continued chatting.

Fang Hao continued to look at Yi'er and asked, "Does the God of War and Hunting have names?"

Yi'er thought for a while, lowered her voice again, and said: "The god of war is called Alcott, and the god of hunting is called Mal."

Unconsciously, the morning light shone in through the partition window.

Yi'er helped him get dressed and then went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

As the first person to follow Fang Hao, she can also be regarded as the mistress of this lord's mansion.

No matter how big or small, Shuyuan will take care of it.

Therefore, Yi'er's work is still quite busy.

When Fang Hao got dressed and went downstairs.

Then he saw Xiaoyou, already sitting in the hall, with a closed Book of Lords beside him.

Seeing him coming down from upstairs, he immediately stood up and said, "Sir..."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Is it going well?"

Xiaoyou glanced up, then lowered his head, and said: "Sir, Miss Kelley Orlando's Book of Lords has been brought back. However, Black Thorn was seriously injured and has been sent to the Organ Museum for repair. The three accompanying A skeleton merchant and fifteen spirit-binding guards were all killed."

Hearing these words, Fang Hao frowned instantly.

Weren't you going to steal something? Why did so many people die?

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