Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 1005: Emperor Jun's army strikes

Qin Feng's heart was moved when he saw Hongyun's joyful appearance, and when he waved his hand, he summoned a red gourd with a whole body. . . .

That is the sacred artifact of Huoyun Patriarch's life - Jiu Jiu Hongyun Sanshou Gourd.

As soon as the soul-scattering gourd appeared, it let out a mournful cry...

It sensed that the ancestor of Huoyun had fallen!

At this time, Qin Feng pinched his fingers to release the imprisoned seal of the Soul Repellent Gourd.

That gourd was born with spirituality, and when he got out of trouble, he fled into the distance, and he wanted to escape just like that...

But when it passed by Hongyun, it couldn't help but stop...

The feeling that Hongyun gave it was extremely familiar, yet extremely unfamiliar.

The gourd seemed to be curious, and circled around the red cloud several times...

Hongyun sensed the red gourd, and also sent out curious thoughts...

The two sides have a natural sense of intimacy, and they communicated unconsciously. . . .

After a while, the red gourd let out a clear cry, bursting into the sky with aura.

Afterwards, the red gourd suddenly shrank, turned into the size of a peanut, and was thrown into Hongyun's body, echoing the aura on Hongyun's body...

That soul-scattering gourd actually took the initiative to recognize Hongyun as the master...

Seeing this scene, everyone showed envy.

"Tsk tsk! This little guy has not really been born yet, but he has his own sacred artifact, and he is born with his own luck!"

"Yeah! It's really enviable that I haven't had a holy weapon to accompany me until I have been cultivating...

Gong Gong and others are envious.

Xiao Hongjun had a calm expression on his face.

He has an accompanying holy artifact, which can grow with 467. In the future, it will not only open the top level, but naturally he will not be envious...

In the crowd, only Xiao Kunpeng's mouth twitched, a little unhappy.

He admits that his birth aptitude and future potential are no worse than Hongyun, but he is not favored by the holy artifact, so he is a little dissatisfied.

"Dad, this little guy is naturally lucky..."

"Well, then you have to cultivate well!"

"Hong'er knows!"

As soon as Hongjun waved his hand, he put the red cloud into the Chaos Pearl. It was his small space, and he was in control of all the laws.

It was at this moment that Star Master Ziwei and others flew out of the Huoyun Holy Land's lair...

After a moment, Star Master Ziwei and others came to the front.

"Your Majesty, the concubine has not been humiliated, and has already executed 3 million disciples of the Fire Cloud Holy Land, and another 7 million are willing to surrender and are waiting to sign a contract. Your Majesty, this jade bottle contains the energy of those 3 million children, Among them, there are thirty-six people at the God level..."

Star Master Ziwei presented a jade bottle with a happy face.

"Master, here is the energy of more than twenty half-step eternal powerhouses!""

Xiao Kunpeng also presented a jade bottle.

The phantom avatar waved casually, and threw a jade bottle to Qin Feng, where it contained the energy of the fire.

The battle was a complete victory, and it went very smoothly. . . .

"Well done! 9

Qin Feng nodded slightly, took the three jade bottles, and was in a good mood.

The energy contained in these three jade bottles, coupled with the (baeh) energy transformed by the ancestor of Huoyun, will definitely allow him to break through to the realm of God...

"Your Majesty, there are still seven million people in the Holy Land waiting to return to sign contracts!"

Star Master Ziwei reminds.

Fu Zhi also stepped forward: "Father, this Holy Fire Cloud Holy Land is extremely vast, and the seven million surrendered children are only the core children of the Holy Fire Cloud Holy Land, their peripheral children, plus the affiliated forces, add up to more than a hundred. 100 million…."

Zhenji also said: "If you count all the intelligent beings, there will be almost hundreds of billions of them. If these creatures all belong to His Majesty's command, it will greatly help His Majesty's strength..."

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "If you want to unify the Holy Land, you need to conquer all living beings. The deity ordered you to lead an army of 20 million to immediately conquer all beings in the Holy Land. amnesty!"

"I will obey!

The top brass shouted in unison. . . .

"Here is a pillar of 100,000 beliefs! You can take it!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and 100,000 pillars of faith flew out, and all the high-level officials put away...

"It seems calm now, but our SAARC is about to face a big crisis, that is, the crisis from Emperor Jun. You must quickly capture all the creatures in the Fire Cloud Holy Land to win more life for the SAARC!

"Your Majesty, I will definitely be able to take down all the creatures in the Fire Cloud Holy Land within three days!

Ziwei took the initiative to express her position.

The high-level officials also nodded.

"Okay! Let's fight quickly! 35

Leaving this sentence, Qin Feng dodged and disappeared out of thin air.

He wants to refine those energies and break through to the God Realm earlier so that he can deal with the next difficulties...

The phantom clones and other high-level officials also led their orders away and began to conquer all living beings in the Holy Land of Fire Cloud...

At the same time, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, there has been a sensation...

At this moment, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm, the sky above Tanggu...

Di Jun and Tai Yi were still watching the growth of the hibiscus root.

"Brother, the growth rate of this divine fusang tree is really slow!"

Tai Yi looked at the divine tree, a little anxious.

"Yeah! If you want it to mature as soon as possible, you can only count on the trip to the treasures of the ancient gods in decades. This time, we have the fragments of the jade ultimatum, and we have great hopes..."

Di Jun looked proud.

As soon as Jiuying got the jade shard, she sent him a message.

At this moment, he thought that the jade pieces of the green robe were still on Jiuying's body.

Taiyi also smiled and said: "With the jade shard in hand, our luck in the treasure of the ancient gods can at least double, and the chance of getting the treasure is much higher. By the way, brother, count the time, Jiuyingsan People should also convey our orders to Qin Feng, right?""

"Well! It should have been conveyed!"

"I wonder what Qin Feng will do? Will he obediently leave the Green Robe Holy Land?

The corners of Di Jun's mouth twitched slightly: "Forgive him and dare not disobey!

Taiyi also nodded with a smile: "Yeah! Qin Feng is just an extreme holy war power. In front of you and me, he is an ant. Unless his brain is broken, how can he fight against you and me!"

But just after these words fell, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air in the distance...

Di Jun and Tai Yi hurriedly followed the sound, and saw a white-haired old man hurriedly flying towards him...

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Something is wrong!"

The white-haired old man has not yet arrived, and the voice has already arrived, and his tone is full of panic...

Di Jun frowned and said displeasedly, "Shang Yang, why are you panicking?"9

"Your Majesty! Jiuying... Jiuying's soul card shattered!

Shang Yang is out of breath....

He is in charge of the Soul Card Pavilion.

In fact, there are not many people in the Soul Card Pavilion on weekdays, because there has been no war in the Great Sun Heaven Realm for a long time.

Therefore, it is only patrolled once a day, not always.

He went to patrol today, but was horrified to find that Jiuying's soul card shattered, and he didn't know when it happened.

He hurried up to report...

At this moment, Di Jun was shocked: "What?! Jiuying's soul card is broken? What about the ghost car and Qinyuan?"

"He...theirs are broken too!"

"Damn it! 35

Emperor Jun's body shook violently and was extremely shocked.

Taichi was also dumbfounded.

Immediately, Di Jun was furious: "How did the three of Jiuying fall? Who?! Who killed them!"

"Brother, quickly ask Huoyun, then Huoyun should know everything!"


Taiyi's reminder, Di Jun quickly took out the communication jade talisman and sent a message to Huoyun.

But after a while, his face became extremely ugly...

"Brother, how is it?

"Huoyun didn't reply! I'm afraid that something happened to Huoyun too!

Taiyi's expression changed slightly: "It seems that there are some changes in the God Realm that we don't know about! If something happened to Huoyun, the jade shard of the green robe would be lost..."

"No! The deity has to go to the realm of the gods in person!""

Di Jun's face was a little ugly.

He has only nine extremist subordinates in total.

This time, he lost three places in one fell swoop, and among them was the most powerful sage - Jiuying, how could this not make his heart hurt?

What made him more distressed was that he had not yet obtained the jade shards.

He can't lose his wife and lose his troops, lose his men, and still get nothing...

Such a loss-making business, he can't bear it!

"Brother, let me take someone down!"

"No! You just stay in the Great Sun Heaven Realm and protect the hibiscus tree. This is our future. For my brother, I want to go to the God Realm in person, but I want to see who killed the deity's subordinates!" "

"Forget it! Brother, be careful now!""

After the two said goodbye, Di Jun took Shang Yang and left Tanggu......

Three hours later, Di Jun brought three Supreme Saints and thirty Eternal Realm powerhouses to the God Realm aggressively.

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