Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 1006: Fusion of Fortune Jade Plates

Three hours later, Di Jun took three supreme saints and thirty eternal realm powerhouses, and aggressively attacked the realm of the gods.

This has transferred nearly half of the upper levels of the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

Obviously, Di Jun was really angry...

At this moment, in the world of God, Qin Feng's double universe.

An earth-shattering aura rose from the Heavenly Palace Holy Land, and all the worlds were startled by it...

Countless SAARC members rushed out of the training place excitedly...

At the same time, inside the Heavenly Palace Holy Land.

Qin Feng opened his eyes excitedly.

Just now, he absorbed all the energy, broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, and finally broke through to the realm of God.

His combat power also skyrocketed to 75-0000 poles in one fell swoop.

Of course, this kind of combat power has not even touched the threshold of Tiansheng.

The threshold of Tiansheng's combat power is 100,000 poles.

That Emperor Jun is even more powerful at the peak of Tiansheng, with a combat power of 500,000 poles.

And Taiyi's strength is stronger, has surpassed this limit.

However, Qin Feng still has the fragments of the jade ultimatum, which can be borrowed from the power of the gods, and there is still hope to resist the attack of Emperor Jun...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took out the green robe and the fragments of the fire saint's jade ultimatum, and began to hurry up and refine...

He is in a critical situation now, and he dares not delay in the slightest...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Emperor Jun's army is only three days away from the realm of the gods...

The Great Sun Heaven Realm is very far away from the God Realm, and it took the three of them five days to arrive at the Fire Cloud Holy Land...

This time, Di Jun's speed will naturally be faster, but he has to take care of the speed of many subordinates, including the subordinates of Eternal First Realm, he has to slow down...

In the past three days, everyone in the South Alliance has completely conquered the Fire Cloud Holy Land, and nearly 100 billion creatures have signed contracts and received Qin Feng's command...

Not only that, in order to avenge the Xiang clan, Qin Feng did not hesitate to turn against Di Jun, and under the intentional manipulation of the Xiang clan, it gradually spread in the realm of the gods...

As soon as this news came out, hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the God Realm were greatly relieved and praised Qin Feng for being affectionate and righteous, and even some ethnic groups hidden in the corners of the God Realm appeared one after another and took the initiative to request to join the SAARC...

Of course, these ethnic groups that have emerged from the dark are only a few, and more of them are watching...

The realm of the gods is boundless and vast, and there are naturally more creatures than the surface...

Although many hidden ethnic groups and lone powerhouses have not yet appeared, they have been observing secretly for a long time. The recognition of Qin Feng by the secret forces is also improving step by step...

In short, Qin Feng has gained a lot of life value in the past three days, and his combat power has been increased to 79,300 poles in one fell swoop, and his strength has improved a lot....

Three days in the outside world, thirty years in the double universe.

However, on this day, Qin Feng finally refined the jade pieces of the green robe.

At this moment, inside the secret room.

He looked at the jade shard in his hand, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for refining the second jade shard and completely controlling the green robe holy land... The host can borrow the power of heaven and earth in the green robe holy land, and the multiplier is quadrupled...

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

His current combat power is 79,300 poles of power, a four-fold increase, which means that he can exert more than 300,000 poles of power in the Green Robe Holy Land.

This kind of combat power has completely reached the late stage of Tiansheng.

This also gave Qin Feng some confidence.

Speaking of which, the jade shard of the Ziqing Sword Saint was also quadrupled.

In other words, he can also use the jade in the Ziqing Holy Land to exert a power of more than 300,000 poles...

In short, he refined two pieces and completely controlled the Purple Sacred Land and the Green Robe. In these two areas, he was a late-stage Heavenly Saint...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took out the jade shards of the Fire Cloud Holy Land again and prepared to continue refining...

But at this moment, the system came to prompt again.

"Ding~! It is detected that the host has refined two pieces of good fortune jade ultimatum, the host can choose to let them fuse, and can get unexpected changes..."

"Huh! An unexpected change?"

Qin Feng was very curious and couldn't help but take out two jade shards...

Om~! Om~!

As soon as the two jade shards appeared, they were automatically lifted into the sky, bursting with dazzling aura...

In the next second, the two pieces of jade began to fuse in the air...

In just a moment, it merged into one, blooming even more dazzling aura... .

At the same time, the Green Robe Holy Land and the Purple Green Holy Land resonated at the same time.

The two holy places burst into light at the same time, shocking hundreds of millions of souls, all looking sideways...

After a while, the auras of the two holy places began to merge with each other and slowly merged into one.

The power of the two holy places is perfectly integrated!

The two holy places were merged into one, and it became a new holy place...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, the fusion of the two pieces of jade is completed to generate a new jade.... The green robe holy land and the purple and green holy land are combined into one, forming a new holy place... The host can borrow the power of heaven and earth in the new holy land. , the multiplier is six times...

·0 for flowers·



As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he summoned the new jade ultimatum...

He looked at the jade in his hand excitedly, punching bigger than the previous two pieces, but the meaning was different.

Based on this, he can obtain a six-fold increase in the Green Robe Holy Land and the Purple Green Holy Land, which means that his combat power is close to 480,000 poles.

With this combat power, doesn't it mean that he can resist Di Jun's attack!

"It turns out that these good fortune jade fragments can be automatically fused as long as they are refined, and the effect will be stronger after fusion!

This discovery made Qin Feng's eyes glow, and he was very excited.

There is also a stronger Fire Cloud Jade Shard in his hand.

If you refine this fragment again, will it have more magical effects?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took out the fragments of the fire cloud jade and prepared to refine...

But at this moment, the system prompt sounded again in his mind...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate Panzu achieved epiphany, broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, broke through to the first realm of eternity, and the host's combat power increased to 79,700 extremes of power... Gained 1,300 trillion lives ( 13 million exchange points)….”


Pan Zu broke through by himself!

Qin Feng is very pleased.

Pan Zu's talent is extremely high, he really didn't let him down!

Before Qin Feng could finish being happy, the system sent another reminder...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate Xiang Liu has refined Hong Shendan, breaking through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, breaking through to the first realm of eternity, and raising the host's combat power to 80,000 extremes of power... Received 12.7 million 100 million life value (12.7 million exchange points)….

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Xiang Liu also broke through!

That guy finally didn't live up to his magic pill, and he didn't live up to his intentions...

The continuous breakthrough of these two people also made his combat power reach 80,000 poles in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Qin Feng was in a good mood.

But at this moment, the system sent a prompt for the third time...

"Ding~! It is detected that the host's exchange points have accumulated to 1 billion points, and the hidden condition has been reached, and the mall upgrade will be automatically activated...  

"Ding~! The mall has been upgraded, and more advanced products have been released. The host can view it by himself..."

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

It's really a good thing!

The mall has been upgraded again, and more advanced treasures will appear in it, which is too timely for him...

At the moment, Qin Feng can't wait to open the mall interface... spoon

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