Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 110 9 Dragons Sword

In an instant, Qin Feng's punch collided with Di Jun's palm...


Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

A loud bang!

Thousands of miles of void are all shattered!

A hot white light erupted between the fists...

Another terrifying black hole appeared within the white light...

The aftermath of the two people's head-to-head collision formed a mad energy storm, which instantly swept the entire holy land, stirring the sky into darkness, flying sand and rocks...

Countless creatures were terrified, looking up at the direction of the battle in astonishment...

But in the next second, something that shocked hundreds of millions of living beings happened.

Just listening to a muffled groan, that Di Jun, who is hundreds of millions of feet tall, just punched Qin Feng and flew nine days away...

"This... how is this possible!"

Di Jun's subordinates exclaimed, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"My God! Your Majesty blasted Di Jun away!"

"Haha! So good! This is so good!"

Everyone in the South Alliance was extremely excited, and all of them were flushed with excitement.

Before that, they had been worried for a long time...

At the same time, on the border of Fire Cloud Holy Land, somewhere in a very secret valley.

A group of mysterious people wearing capes and masks, looking at the sky in the distance.

At this moment, they were all completely shocked by the battle in the distance.

"Qin... Qin Feng actually repelled Di Jun! 35

These mysterious people looked at each other and saw the extreme shock in each other's eyes.

467 "This Qin Feng is too strong!"

"Yeah! We underestimated him by a lot!"

"Patriarch, now the entire God Realm's territory belongs to Nanmeng, and Qin Feng is so powerful, our clan might as well submit to him!

"This... Let's take a look! Di Jun is not so easy to be defeated, and there will be a good show to watch. Whether the SAARC can overcome this difficulty is hard to say. If they can get through this time. Difficulties, we can join SAARC....'

The old man at the head whispered something...

It turned out that this group of people was one of the hidden races of the God Realm.

Although Qin Feng unified the Great Wilderness God Realm and conquered hundreds of billions of beings, those did not represent all the beings in the God Realm.

In the God Realm, there are still many races, creatures, and some loose cultivators hidden in the dark, the number is no less than 10 billion, and there are many strange people.

These people do not want to be enemies with SAARC, nor join SAARC.

Of course, there are many races who are unwilling to join, and still have no confidence in Qin Feng's strength.

In particular, they were even more worried when they learned that Qin Feng and Di Jun had a falling out.

And Di Jun's attack today also alarmed these hidden ethnic groups, making them watch secretly one by one...

But they didn't expect that Qin Feng was the first to meet and repelled Di Jun...

This scene is deeply imprinted into the hearts of many hidden races, and this life is lingering...

Those lone cultivators were completely dumbfounded...

At this moment, Qin Feng's evaluation in their hearts increased rapidly....

At this moment, Di Jun's shocking roar sounded from nine days away.

"Damn boy! This deity wants you to look good!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

There was a sound of wind and thunder, and I saw that Di Jun flew back from nine days away in a fierce manner...

As soon as he appeared, the people in the Great Sun Heaven Realm showed joy.

Everyone in the South Alliance could not help but keep silent and dare not speak.

No one dares to offend the majesty of the Heavenly Sage.

"Boy, who are you?"

After Di Jun arrived, he did not rush forward to slaughter.

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "The Lord of the South Alliance - Qin Feng! 35

"So you are Qin Feng!

Di Jun was greatly surprised.

He didn't expect that Qin Feng in Huoyun's mouth was actually only the master of God.

Obviously, Huoyun is also full of him.

"Qin Feng, why are you in Huoyun Holy Land? Could it be that Huoyun has already been killed by you..."

"What do you say?" Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

Di Jun was sullen: "Boy! You don't have to be arrogant! You know that Huoyun and Green Robe died in your hands just after you used the jade shard of good fortune. If you didn't have the jade to help you, how could you be the deity's opponent?! 35

"Besides, do you think that only you have the treasure? Now let you see the true strength of this deity! 55

As soon as the voice fell, Di Jun waved his hand, and a divine sword engraved with nine dragon patterns appeared out of thin air...


Divine Sword Chanting!

The body of the sword trembled, and a phantom of the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon appeared, entwined with the Divine Sword, and the momentum was astonishing.

This is Di Jun's original sacred weapon - the Nine Dragons Sword.

Having said that, the sacred artifact of Emperor Jun's younger brother Taiyi is the Eastern Emperor Bell, which is a sacred artifact of casting heaven, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Although this Nine-Dragon Sword is not comparable to the Eastern Emperor Bell, it is also of the highest quality in the Kaiding class, and its power is extremely powerful...


Kowloon Sword Qingming!

Aura is thrown into the body of Emperor Jun!

In the next second, the human and the machine are united, and Di Jun's momentum skyrockets in an instant...

"Boy! Take a sword from the deity!"

The Holy Artifact shot, Di Jun's confidence greatly increased!

In the next second (baeh), he slashed at Qin Feng with a sword...

呲~! 呲~! 呲~!

Wherever the sword wind passed, a crack opened in the sky, extremely terrifying...

Everyone in the SAARC widened their eyes in horror.

All over the God Realm, the various hidden races that were secretly observing, as well as the various solo cultivators, also held their breaths...

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on that sword...

"Just in time!"

Qin Feng smiled coldly, and directly met the sword...

Speaking of holy artifact, Qin Feng's Heaven Execution Sword was only one day away from refining.

However, Di Jun has arrived!

If Emperor Jun arrives a day later, Qin Feng will have the Heaven Punishing Sword in his hand, and his strength will be stronger...

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng and Di Jun collided again.


Another bang!

The sky is full of sword light!

With two muffled hums, Qin Feng was shocked by the sword and retreated 200 million miles in a row, but Di Jun retreated 203,000 miles in a row.

In this round, Qin Feng had the upper hand.

It's just that this advantage is extremely inconspicuous!

But this scene shocked everyone!

Oh my God!

Qin Feng actually repelled Di Jun again!

Those hidden races are shocked again!

The people of the Great Sun Heaven Realm were even more dumbfounded.

Even the SAARC people couldn't believe their eyes.

They did not know that Qin Feng obtained a new jade shard after fusing the three jade shards.

That new jade ultimatum's increase in combat power suddenly reached eight times.

Qin Feng's combat power is 90,000 poles, and this increase has reached 720,000 poles, so he can resist Di Jun's sword...

"Impossible! This is impossible!! How can you resist the sword of this deity?! Boy, let's come again!"

Di Jun was extremely angry.

He never imagined that he was the pinnacle of the Heavenly Sage, and with the help of the Nine Dragons Sword, he could not suppress a single God.

Of course he wasn't happy!

The next second, he swung the divine sword and pounced on Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng also directly greeted him. ,

The two sides are fighting together!

For a time, the heaven and the earth were torn apart, the earth shook and the mountains shook...

The two sides killed the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon were dark, and no one could do anything for a while...

Countless creatures were dumbfounded!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have fought for dozens of rounds, and the battle is still deadlocked...

"Go on!

At this moment, the phantom clone suddenly ordered.

In the next second, everyone in the South Alliance rushed to the masters of the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

Xiao Hongjun chose an extremely holy peak-level powerhouse.

That person's name is cockroach, and he is the power of the nine great sages in the Great Sun Heaven Realm, and his strength is also the top among them.

But as soon as the two sides played against each other, Xiao Hongjun had the upper hand.

Kunpeng chose an early stage super sage, who was named Fei Xian, the weakest being among the nine great sages.

As soon as the two sides played against each other, they were entangled, and the outcome was indistinguishable.

Afterwards, Ziwei, Qinglin, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, Gonggong, Jiuyin and other seven second-level powerhouses also found seven second-level opponents.

Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Qin Baobao, Ming He, He Tie, Xiang Liu and other six people found their opponents in the first realm.

As a result, there are still two second-level, fourteen first-level powerhouses in the Great Sun Heaven Realm, and no one will fight...

But at this moment, the phantom avatar summoned the book from the earth, and instantly turned into the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, wrapping the sixteen people in it...

The phantom avatar also drilled into it by itself....

In the next second, there was an extremely fierce fighting sound inside the fetal membranes...

But with the power of 30,000 poles of the phantom avatar, coupled with the peculiar power of Hongmeng, who can stop it?

It didn't take long for screams to be heard from the fetal membranes of heaven and earth.

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