Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 111: The upper hand in the battle, Kowloon screams

It didn't take long for screams to be heard from the fetal membranes of heaven and earth.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your phantom avatar succeeded in killing the powerhouse in the first realm of eternity... The host obtained 621 trillion karma (6.21 million exchange points)

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your phantom avatar succeeded in killing the powerhouse in the first realm of eternity... The host gained 673 trillion karma (6.73 million exchange points)

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host......"

As the screams continued, Qin Feng's mind also kept sending system prompts.

Those more than a dozen of the first and second realms of the Great Sun Heavenly Realm couldn't resist the attack of the phantom avatar at all, and inside the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, it was a one-sided killing...

This made Qin Feng overjoyed, and both eyes showed a bright light!

"Damn it! Damn it!

When Di Jun heard the screams of his subordinates, he was furious.

"Go away! 99

In the next second, he knocked Qin Feng back with a sword, and rushed towards the fetal membranes of heaven and earth.

He wants to rescue his subordinates.

Qin Feng naturally won't let him get his wish, he dodged and entangled again, and the sound of the two of them fighting again sounded in the air...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your phantom avatar succeeded in killing the powerhouse in the first realm of eternity... The host obtained 696 trillion karma (6.96 million exchange points)


Just after this delay, two shrill screams resounded in the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, and two more first realms fell.

Moreover, the strength of the fallen is stronger than one...

"Ah~! My hand...I...we are not his opponents! 35

"He... he's too strong! Run! Let's run!

"Oh my God! This... this wall membrane is too strong! It can't be broken at all!"

The fetal membranes of the heavens and the earth trembled violently, and from time to time a swollen lump swelled up, and there were constant screams and wailing sounds.

Those who are strong in the big sun and heaven want to escape, but they are blocked by the fetal membranes of heaven and earth.

But they couldn't break through the barrier of the fetal membranes at all, there was no way to escape, it was like being caught in the urn of the phantom clone...

This time, the strong men all panicked, screaming and begging for help one by one...

"Your Majesty! Help me! Help me!

"Your Majesty! We really can't take it anymore!

"Your Majesty! This man is too strong... ah!"

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your phantom avatar succeeded in killing the powerhouse in the first realm of eternity... The host gained 723 trillion karma (7.23 million exchange points)

With a shrill scream, another first realm powerhouse fell...

"Damn it! Damn it!

Di Jun roared anxiously.

He desperately broke through Qin Feng's block, but every time he rushed past, he was blocked by Qin Feng...

But after such a continuous delay, six subordinates have already fallen...

"Your Majesty, the situation is not good!"

Right at this moment, another cockroach roared from another battlefield...

Di Jun hurriedly followed the sound.

Seeing this, his face changed greatly...

I saw another battlefield, and the situation was also very bad.

The cockroach was completely beaten by Xiao Hongjun, and the situation was in jeopardy.

That cockroach is the pinnacle of the extreme sage, he is not the opponent of a second realm child...

Di Jun only wanted to vomit blood.

But when he looked at Fei Xian again, the dignified powerhouses in the early stage of extreme sages were beaten to a tie by the second realm peaks like Kunpeng, and there was even a tendency to fall behind.

Looking at the battle situation of the others, Ziwei, Fengdi, Qinglin, and Fuzhi all overwhelmed their opponents and gained the upper hand...

These four people have shown the combat power beyond the realm, and the same realm is not their opponent at all.

Especially Star Master Ziwei is completely slaughtering his opponent.

Di Jun naturally didn't know that Ziwei's spiritual power was the power of chaos, while Emperor Feng, Qinglin, and Fuzhi were all masters of the Great Thousand Worlds, and had additional bonuses.

The combat power of these four people is naturally unusual.

Di Jun couldn't understand how all Qin Feng's subordinates were so talented that they were able to fight beyond the ranks...

This guy is not only a freak himself, but even his subordinates are freaks!

As for the remaining Panzu, Gonggong, Jiuyin, Qin Baobao, Minghe, Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Shitie, and Xiangliu, they were all at odds with their opponents.

In short, the overall situation is that the Great Sun Heaven Realm has fallen behind.

At this moment, there was another scream in the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, and another first-level powerhouse fell...

"Damn it! You kill my subordinates, and the deity will kill your subordinates too!

At this moment, Di Jun has fallen into madness!


Divine Sword Chanting!

Nine Dragons Roar!

The Nine Dragon Sword suddenly burst into a dazzling white light!

This time, Di Jun did not hesitate to spend the source of the sacred weapon, and fully stimulated the power of the Nine Dragons Sword, and his momentum has skyrocketed by one point...

"Go away for this deity!


Emperor Jun knocked Qin Feng away with a single sword...

This time, he actually had the upper hand, and suddenly knocked Qin Feng back hundreds of millions of miles away...

Then, he turned around and headed towards the nearest Fuzhi Killer...

"Boy! Go to hell!

Di Jun roared, his eyes reddened.

He will take revenge now!

Several of his subordinates have died in a row, and he has to kill Qin Feng's subordinates. Only in this way can he calm the anger in his heart...

In the blink of an eye, Di Jun was killed in front of Fuzhi, the Nine Dragons Sword slashed the sky, and the sword might destroy the sky and destroy the earth...

Fu Zhi's eyes widened in horror, and a look of despair appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"not good!"

The South Alliance people shouted in a hurry.

With that sword down, Fu Zhi will definitely turn into powder...

At this extremely critical moment, the space in front of Fuzhi changed, and Qin Feng appeared out of thin air...

He directly met Di Jun's attack.


· 0 flowers....

Another loud bang!

Qin Feng and Di Jun groaned at the same time, each retreating tens of thousands of miles...

Qin Feng blocked the terrifying sword, and Fu Zhi was rescued.

"Damn! Why are you so fast?!

Di Jun was furious. ,

He finally knocked Qin Feng back hundreds of millions of miles with a sword, thinking that it would take a little time for Qin Feng to rush back again.

But he did not expect that Qin Feng had the space to summon and could appear beside his subordinates at any time.

With a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, he can reach it in a single thought with a single space call. How could Di Jun succeed...

"Damn! Damn! This deity wants to kill all your men!"

Di Jun didn't believe in evil at all, so he dodged again and rushed towards the nearest Qinglin on the other side.

But before he could arrive, Qin Feng arrived early and shook him back...

Di Jun shouted angrily and tried several times in a row, but was intercepted by Qin Feng.

Even, he killed the fetal membrane of heaven and earth twice, and wanted to cut the fetal membrane and rescue many subordinates, but he was summoned by Qin Feng with space and stopped in advance...

This made Di Jun powerful and nowhere to be used, and he felt extremely aggrieved in his heart!

His Nine-Dragon Sword has also been urged by him many times, and it has damaged a lot of origins, and the light has begun to dim, and its power has been reduced a little...

This makes Di Jun both distressed and anxious...

It was at this moment that there were two consecutive roars from the battlefield not far away...

The cockroach was actually cracked open by Xiao Hongjun's punch, blood spurted wildly, and the endless power of chaos penetrated directly into his body...

The cockroach roared in pain...

On the other side, Star Master Ziwei also blasted the opponent with one punch, killing that person to cry, making the situation even more critical...

At the same time, there were three screams in a row from the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, and three more people fell...

At this time, the masters of the Great Sun World have completely collapsed in their fighting spirit...

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I can't hold it! Everyone can't hold it anymore!"

Fei Nian wailed pessimistically.

"Ah~! I'm angry too!

Di Jun was about to explode with anger.

Woo~! Woo~!

But at this moment, the Nine Dragon Sword also sent out a mournful cry.

Di Jun looked down and saw that the light of the sword body was dim. Obviously, he used a forbidden method to make the divine sword consume too much of its source, and even the divine sword could hardly bear it, so he needed to hurry up...

If he persists, the quality of the divine sword will be affected, and it will decline...

"Ah~! Ah~! I am too angry! Withdraw! All are withdrawn for the deity!

Di Jun was so angry that he roared up to the sky and finally gave the order to retreat.

At the moment, the people of the Great Sun Heavenly Realm retreated one after another.

As for those powerhouses trapped in the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, they can only give up.

Speaking of which, those who are basically the strongest in the first realm are the weakest of the group of intruders, and now they can only be abandoned...

But how could the SAARC people let them evacuate so easily...

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